Nov 04, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us if you've seen this video you've probably seen the tile the three death moves well in this week's training we're gonna tackle the three most common problems when people hit driver we're going to give you some exercises to do we're going to show you some of the problems on those exercises and how you can overcome them and by the end of it hopefully you're gonna hit your driver so much straighter so much longer and have something really clear to work on over the next few weeks so let's get cracking we've definitely number one so number one the first move I see when people check the club back is this the club generally comes inside this is comes around the corner alright the face of the cops that's the family comes inside here now two things are happening here the left arm is becoming disconnected from the body and the club itself the head is going behind the body where should it be well we actually want the head much much more in line here with a left arm connected so let me give you a little simple exercise you can do to start improving this straightaway so first thing we do really simple gravity peg stick it in the end of your driver like this and then when you move back or we're going to do here is we're going to move keep this left bicep nice and tight to the chest we're going to move the arms over the right knee here so as soon as the right and the both hands are over the right knee the T peg should be pointing just inside your right hip in between your belt buckle and your right hip here and your notes of clubs on line watch the difference here if I allowed my hands to come in or the club's I talked about to come in where the T pointing it's now starting to point over here and that often is a disconnection here so this isn't by the way when some people work on this they've they've heard this before when they try and get the club on line what they're doing is is they're doing it in a very disconnected way where the arms are becoming the left hands moving away from their body keep it nice and connected all the time that helps to coordinate the turn as well as keeping the club on line real simple exercise works really really well alright def move number two def move number two involves people or golfers over swinging with their driver forcing the right elbow to come out here and the club shaft to go across the line with the tea pit that we put in pointing in that direction now there's a couple of reasons I think people do this one of the reasons is there's an assumption that in order to complete your backswing the club should be parallel but for a lot of golfers out there they're not flexible enough to to swing to a parallel position the top so what they do is they make common sessions they get to a point here in the backs that's they get a little bit tight and their arms do the rest of the work here and that causes the rounds the right elbow to start to fly and swing across the line the other aspect is some people are flexible enough the problem is it feels easier to complete the backswing with an arm movement so what happens is is the get to a point here they get to a little bit it's a little bit tight and it's just far easier to bring the arms back now this causes it's probably the self with the arm drifting around their body here so how do we get rid of this one it's a real simple one we've got the tee peg here which we kept from the first step move we're going to keep the arms over the right knee here but then when we swing back what we're going to do is going to wind it back here keeping this left bicep nice and connected and we're going to work on pointing the tee peg at the end of the alignment stick that I put on the ground here so watch this when I'm winding back here I'm going to point that tee peg at the end of the alignment stick there big difference because if I allow this to go now where's my light where's the tipping point way over here so this really restricts your amount of turn but it keeps you nice and connected here and puts it's a really good position at the top of the backswing the other thing it's doing obviously here it's keeping the club in front of the body here it's not letting drift back too far behind when it drifts back behind here that causes palms in itself the club falls behind we often react and come over the top some people who stay there I come this way end up slicing it are blocking it to the right so it's just summary here when you swing back we're going to go over the right knee hold this in position here then we're going to simply point the tee peg at the top are the end of the alignment shaft there and that sets you up in a really good position at the top of the backswing up to your flexible limit def move number three is a common one and that involves people golfers hitting down on the golf ball as opposed to hitting up on the ball now signs that you're doing this skyed t-shirts balls that are flying too high up in the air marks on the top of your driver a sure signal or even very very low shots where you're capturing your deal off to the driver too much and the boss is heading off way too low now here's what we want to do with driver we want to make sure that when we're striking a driver we're actually striking up on the shot so the low point of the arc here is slightly behind the golf ball and the club is on its way up now there's a few things we can do in the setup to make this happen the ball position needs to make sure it's inside your left heel your head needs to be slightly behind the ball and your hands also need to be slightly behind the golf ball we want to shoulder tilt here so the right shoulders fractionally lower and then what you're doing is this angle you're creating is naturally creating an upward strike so there's some interesting things on basic things we need to put into the setup that will really really encourage and up a strike but they don't guarantee it because as you know during a golf swing those things can potentially change so what can we do to help you when you swing in here to come through the shot and actually strike up on this driver now one very very simple exercise you can do is take your golf ball here I've got a tie list and what I'm going to do I'm going to put the tightest logo I'm going to tilt it slightly downwards just so I can barely stressed about see the logo below them what I can do the fighting out my head over here I actually can't see the tightest logo but if I just tilt fractionally back now I can just about see it and what I want to be able to do here as I'm swinging here I want to make a swing and as I'm something backwards and forwards I want to make sure that the Titleist stays in my view
just like that so in summary guys we've got three death moves death move number one we want the hands over the right knee use the T peg here pointed just inside your right hip in between your belt buckle and your right hip that stops the quad coming from inside when you're doing it make sure you keep this left hand connected really important because it pulls the body around as you do it this is disconnected we definitely don't want that from next from the next position here from this position here we're going to make a backswing and we're going to point this T peg over to the end of the alignment stick which we put parallel in line with a golf ball here and again what that does is it carriages you to keep a much more controlled backswing one that it's a bigger movement here where the old flying right elbow or the ABS being dragged around it keeps the arms in front of the body nice and tight here and the third and final thing was obviously we didn't want to come down on the golf ball when you straight up on the golf ball what are we done there we've chained your set up slightly see a sit and a little bit more behind to encourage them up with striking and just an in swing thing here to really really help you is just tilt the logo slightly downwards so you can actually see it and you stretch up on that driver maintaining your eyes on the back of that logo there to really encourage an upward strike I hope you really really enjoyed this video as normal guys if you know any of your friends that could really benefit from this training particularly if they're struggling with their driver please share it really already helps and as normal if you like really lucky the content you like to see more this every single week please subscribe to the channel I'd really appreciate it leave your comments in the comments box below if you've got any questions and until next week have a great golfing week.