Nov 05, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I've got something super excited to share with you I have three must dues with driver I want to share with you how this week alone we managed to add so much distance and accuracy to a couple of clients games and you know what we did it with a bit of card and a few T pegs and then this way I want to show you exactly how we did it let's have a look so here it is this is the exercise a bit of cardboard and some tees basically propping it up at roughly about a 45 degree angle that is it can this exercise really help your game it can it really help your driving accuracy and your power yes it can this week we had two clients come to see me with really bad slices that had plenty of slices for many years and in one session we were able to turn their slice into a draw with this one exercise so before I go into explaining how we did it let me show you how to set it up went basically got T's on the outside of the card and I've got T's on the inside and the kind of angled this way simply to prop the card up at an angle that is it nothing more complicated than that so what did we den do with this car to kind of turn these slices into drawers and get some accuracy well the first thing is we're going to give you now three must do's with the driver so what we did with the first client was when he was swinging he was generally going out to the golf ball so he we had to change initially his mindset and his focus so many golfers when they're struggling with any particular golf club make the golf ball the target right and it should never be the tie you should always be the intermediate target so if you're staring at the golf pointer and you desperately tried to strike it well often what it does is it creates a swing that goes at the golf ball right now we don't want that with any golfer for that matter we want to be always going through the shot right so we needed a first thing to change his mindset as to how he was going to hit the each club and so we got him to actually start to focus on where he was going out into the target here and down the fairway and got the golf ball to more be more of his secondary target so primary target was the target out there the secretary target was the golf ball so in nutshell what this encourages golf swing to do is rather than go swing down towards the ball it got him to swing through towards the target subtle changing mindset but a big change in the actual swing itself right now did that one change in mindset complete transform of course it didn't but it needed to be in place first so just as summarize briefly there start to make the tag out there more important than the golf ball so that your swing moves towards the target doesn't move just towards the golf ball right that's a very very first thing the second thing is then once we've got that in place we're going to a few shots doing that initially without this exercise then the exercise comes in what we did was you know like a lot of drivers who are struggling with distance and accuracy particularly if you've got a slice the angle of attack was very steep it was coming down this way look at the shaft angle here right it's coming down very steep now one of the keys to long drives is to get that ball launched up into the sky you know I'll put a link to my iron swing versus driver swing video which has a bit more detail on the difference in irons and woods up in the top corner here but one of the key things about drivers you must hit up on the shot right we don't want to be hitting down on the shot but the problem is it's easier said than done isn't it right so there's a lot of techniques out there and things that you may have to think about and it can get very complicated when you're out at the golf course to think of all this things so an exercise like this initially is a great exercise because it helps you to naturally make a golf swing without overcomplicating it let me show you how it works so when we swing one of the things what we want to try and do is we don't want to come down steep and look at this you come down steep on here what's going to happen you're going to hit the car bud right what we want to do is make a golf swing that swings underneath the cowboy now look at the difference in my swing when I swing underneath the car board the club is forced to swing on a flatter lower plane on the way down and because it swings lower where's he going to go now it's going to swing more upwards if I was to come down and across I'm going to immediately hit the cardboard and do you know what it changed to my clients wings in one ball because they were so fearful of hitting this thing they immediately got underneath right it is as simple as that so all we're gonna do is you're gonna lay this cowboy down and start to make some swings and all we're going to do is simply make sure that we swing underneath the cardboard nothing will come together than that simple as that now you can imagine when this slice disappeared in one or two balls my client was thinking he's lucky they're thinking nah that can't be right it's too easy way too easy yep it is very very easy but that is it but we need to go to the third must do in order for this to really work long term we need to transfer this to the golf course right so one of the things that did happen was we needed to kind of in a sense learn how to practice this so what we then did is I gave him a routine for the practice ground what I did was sin look what you now need to feel is what you do when you do it wrong and now you can feel the new thing for when you do it when you do it right so what we going to do then is working on exercise where he swung swung back here and we did one swing while we swung underneath the cardboard we then did a second thing where we swung over and hit on would look like he was going to hit the cowboy just so you could feel the difference then we'd go in and hit underneath the cab board right so that way he got a sensation of that's how we do it that's how we don't do it and this is how we do it so it's a wonderful way to get the feeling of that's over and that's under and the wonderful thing about it is is that instead of having all this stuff running through your head about I've got a flat on my swing here I've got a swing up on the ball by having something to avoid just simply swing as natural as you can do just avoiding the cardboard and me you're gonna it's going to force you to go underneath that is how quick it was it was really really quick right so super simple now what we then did is we took the cardboard away and we started to do something similar sort we then did to tell the cab by the way and we make we'd make a few swings backwards and forwards and what we'd end up doing is then we'd go right that is over this is under so we start to repeat the whole process again here so we get here to get us off set up okay let me go up aha quickly so we'll get ourselves set up here and we'd go right we'll try and repeat the whole process so we'd go feel under feel over and then finally feel under again yep so that way now it was great about that is he could then go oh yeah got that that's the cab board there that's underneath the cab board this is so different all right to have lots of conscious thoughts running through your head it immediately provided feedback and immediate started working so slot the car boarding play get it in play it's very very easy to set up slowly at this angle here you can take it in and out work on it backwards and forwards until you start to get this right it really is that simple and that quick the hardest thing with all of this is then when you how you transfer it to the golf course is the third must do we talked about which is how you then kind of move from here and how you practice it okay so in summary what have we done what are the three must do's first must do pick a target out visualize that target visualize where you're going right make that the primary target this the secretary target second must do you've got to make sure that you shallow the club out and hit up on the up on the ball coming down on the right path set the carbide up this will really help you do that third thing you need take this to the Gulf Coast how do you take it to the Gulf Coast you need to practice efficiently what did we do right we basically said right swing under the cat board majus wing it and hit in the cardboard learn the feeling of that and then go and hit a shot by swinging underneath then once you've done that a few times put the cardboard aside peg up a ball and this becomes your routine for the cost swing under swing over and then hit the golf ball and swing under it was as simple as that I know sometimes these things can be seen almost unbelievable but they're really really true enjoy it practice it let me know in the comments box below how you get on if you've got any questions of course head over to my Instagram channel Twitter channel and Facebook ask them over there and if you're enjoying the content and you want to receive a new boss every week don't forget to subscribe and press the bell and if you have a friend that could benefit from something like this then please share it it really helps and until next week have a great golfing week