3 MUST DO'S WITH YOUR IRONS - so important for your ball striking
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I want to discuss your ball striking specifically your ball striking related to your ions how many times you find yourself in the middle of the fairway having just hit a brilliant drive only to mess that pro shop you strike it so poorly that you strike the ground behind the ball and the ball doesn't reach the green or you don't even strike the ground it's hot and you blade the ball along the ground with no height whatsoever it is so frustrating isn't it well we want to solve that for you I want to help you get rid of those this horrible shot seeing start striking your irons much much more consistently and you're gonna need one major fundamental that all great iron players have I'm gonna share with you what that is in this week's training plus three ways on how you can go about achieving it and I'm gonna share with you why I mean all right why don't I have any shoes on right now okay you're gonna learn all these things in this week training before we do that if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing if you press our little subscribe button and the Bell you get to receive videos just like this every single week so I can come and help you improve your game so straight out the back what one fundamental to all great ball strikers as our iron players have it's very simple all great iron players when they strike their irons the handle is ahead of the golf ball Paul ball strikers the handle is behind the golf ball why why is it important to have the handle ahead let me show you watch this when you when I put this club onto the golf ball here what I'm gonna exaggerate it just for illustration purposes but if I move the handle way behind I move the actual contact the actual iron face and move it away from the golf ball so how can we actually strike the face of the ball if the handles way behind you can so what we do is is by moving the by putting the face on the ball so now we can strike it in order do that what's happened the handles moved ahead so that's as simple as that the handle has to be ahead in order for you to strike the face of the ba face of the club question is how do you go about achieving it well the first exercise is this a lot of people don't have they handle ahead of the golfer because it feels weird they used to in a sense having this feeling of striking the ball with a handle completely level with a golf ball they this is weird for them so the first thing I want you doing and and goal number one is just make some swings by angling the handle forward and then practice swinging in an arc like this keeping the handle ahead all the time at that clubface at some stage yes the head will and it says go past the hands but not because I flicked it but because I'm literally holding it so you just want that first stages get used to the feeling of the handle being ahead not with any big shots just head to a driving range make a head a few shots handle a head small lot of shots light is just getting the sensation that the handle is ahead of the ball so hit a few shots like that nothing fancy just playing them down the fairway backwards and forwards so all I'm doing and I would spend a little bit of time here most people whenever I try this they very quickly get up to here we don't want any full swings you just need to get the sensation of the handle being ahead possibly for the first time yes it's mechanical yes it's exaggerated you need that an issue just to kind of get used to that's different it's a different feeling all right so handle ahead so once you've got the feeling of this kind of the sense of the handle being ahead you got to move on to step number two which is then how do you create it naturally I don't know if you're aware but actually all these motions that you know one invented the golf swing okay coaches came along after there were great players so a lot of these things were we're noticing one from the good players there if they did it naturally they weren't taught this so it's a natural Martian the question is how do you create it how do you create its natural motion well I don't imagine something if this was a whip and I was gonna crack it which is a similar to a golf swing we're gonna drag it back here as they drag it back there's a whip through as I do this I create this motion noise to my hand so the whip the hand is where either handles the head of what the final bit which is going to event crack you create that Martian how does that relate to govern how can you create it the probably most golfers is there way too static they play golf like this stuck to the ground swing with their hands and their arms like this with that Martian is almost impossible to in a sense and create or get that handle ahead what we need to remember is the swing starts from the ground up so in a sense the energy in this club on what goes on with this head is created by what we do with our feet so watch this as I step onto my left side here and I step back so go step onto my left side my lead side here and as I push off my knees move my hips move my tosser moves my shoulder and finally I'm dragging the club backwards here as they drag it back it's lagging almost behind it dragging back here and then watch as I then plant the foot back down here my knees me my hip move my chest moves and finally the club comes in but look by then the handle is naturally a head it's a very natural marchia hence they call it the drag and lag how do you go about achieving it well the first thing to realize is look don't hit loads of golf balls in this with this just simply spend some time getting used to this step here drag and lag step drag and lag feel experienced a club moving in space feel how it's reacting to the forces that you're putting on it it's just you don't have to keep your handle ahead then it will be natural so stepping we're dragging and we're lagging one two once you've got that a few times here you'll start to see this lovely fluid it's you'll feel natural then put a golf ball in play and get yourself set just hover the club above the ball initially just get soft settings go step on to your lead foot step back and then away we go now some of you out there might think if I start moving around like this I'll probably even miss the golf ball you may feel like you're moving a lot but you won't be you'll still be in balance this is why Bethy what's happening here is this I'm able to experience my toes gripping into the ground here as I drag back my right foot is gripping into the ground one of the biggest problems I think we golf shoes they allow you to do this and roll if you're in bare feet you're not going to do that so it's a great way to experience the real motion you start to feel your feet are really working so let's have a look at this again I'm stepping as a mood dragged back my right foot is gripping with my toes into the ground here and as I step back in I get this lagging effect naturally so again just do it one at a time get the sensation one drag and lag simple as that feel that Martian in time you'll start to see how the swing can be really really natural try and Beth you'll start to feel how the feet really really help you experience this natural swinging motion let's have a look at number three so drill number three involves just stick ahead cover it in the ground what we want to try and do is this by learning to miss the head cover on the way down it will encourage the handle to stay more ahead how does it do that so first of all I put the head cover probably a couple of feet behind the ball well how does it do that well watch this if I don't if I start to release the club from here if I start to release the club here and there release it too early I'm going to strike the head cover on the way down comfortably what I want to be able to do is this by missing the head cover I will naturally have to keep this Club shorter stays shorter because I haven't released I've shorter here the handle stays that little bit ahead one thing to watch out for however is this people try and miss the head cover by doing this pick it up and shop down I don't want you to visualize that okay what I want you to visualize want to imagine this I want to imagine an aircraft coming in like this and then it's coming in to land it doesn't come in a ball it comes in and it lands so I want you to land the aircraft once you've missed the head cover what do I mean by that and how can you kind of play attention to it ignore the balls to start with your miss head go on the way back you missed up the way down and as you're coming down here watch this the handle still ahead but I'm and in the airplane and now or it's happened I'm grazing the ground how does it happen well match the technically the shoulder starts to move up the handle moves up and I'm landing the plane if I'd stayed down here I just chop in and take a great big chunk cut the ground that would be Paul ball striking to all great iron players have a very shallow divot after the golf ball so let's have a look at this in action we're gonna miss the head cover on the way down on the way back on the way down we're gonna miss it but then we're gonna land the plane by creating this gliding or skimming effect watch this back and throw pretty good I probably hit down maybe a fraction too much on what I tried to demonstrate there but the strike was still pretty good so the margin of error is greater with it but your job you can do on a driving range I'll either here try to take almost the minimal divots to scrape the ground initially as long as you've got the handle ahead you will still be a great ball striker it's a myth that you have to strike good deep divots to get great ball striking you don't have to do that at all so we're going to miss the head cover on the way back on the way down to miss it handle head and then we're going to land the plane by gliding through not this the shoulder raises the handle raises through to land that plane down beautiful strike okay so that is it three things the main fundamental you need to have is get a handle a head at all times how do you do that the very first thing you do summary you've got to learn the feeling of what it feels like to have a handle head for some of you out there you probably I don't know it's gonna feel strange so he always likes gonna feel weird go with it hit some balls just in the Reg small little shots be aware that you do not want to be kind of innocent stood here like this hitting big long shots is the small shots handle a head get the feeling first of that sensation once you've done that then move on to the bare foot you when I say barefoot because I like to kind of feel the feet working in the ground the feet lead the like just as if you're kind of in a sense whipping this motion here there's a drag and there's a lag it creates the whipping effect how do you create it well you don't do this with through the torso you'd do it with the feet so you want to incense step onto your lead foot you step back here and as you do that you drag in the club back here and as you step back down look you'd actually drag it through the handle leads and then you create this flowing Martian is it easy it strike straight away not really but you'll certainly see you'll feel more rhythm you'll feel the natural motion and in time you'll start to get this natural lag and the handle will match you start to stay your head so it's stepping here step back and away we go and then the third and final one was simply put a head cover two feet behind the ball miss it on the way back miss it on the way through and when you come through land the plane land it by allowing the left shoulder and the handle to work upwards you do this three things or try one at a time you will start to see a massive improvement in your ball striking hope you enjoy the video if you do don't forget to give it a thumbs up and of course if you know somebody who's struggling with their ball striking please share this this could really really help and of course if you need to a channel and this was one of your first videos coming next week and subscribe and I'll get some content over you so I can come and help you improve your game but until next week everybody have a great golfing week