5 of the BEST GOLF DRILLS you can do at HOME
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny maude here thanks for joining us this week I want to question I've got a question for you how would you like to kind of continue to work on your gear nuts your pussing your chipping your swing increasing your speed and your coordination while we're all stuck at home well over the coming weeks I'm going to give you some training and this is kind of week number one where I'm gonna give you a little workout you've seen the workouts done for those are the guys who go to the gym and what I view this is a workout which will take you about 10 15 minutes it could be less could be more independent of how many balls you want to hit which is going to improve your putting your chipping your iron play your general feel of the golf swing before I get into the training notes you're new to channel it's one of your first videos online please come and join the community by pressing that subscribe button and the bell so you get notified every time I released a video just like this one so the first thing I want you to do if you're getting up in the morning brush your teeth have your breakfast and then come down set your stations up this is the putting station this is station number one so what we're doing in putting what do you need you need stillness in putting so stillness comes first of all with the with your legs and your head everything else needs to be free easier to say sometimes less is hard to do and it's sometimes difficult to feel so all I've done is I've rolled up a towel and as you can see here I've got my toe and my heel on either side on both feet now what I'm trying to do here is this the towels and my instep I want to try and keep an even pressure between my heels and my toes what I don't want is too much weight on my toes and my heels come off the towel and vice versa too much on my heels on both feet this will give me the feeling of what is straight if I start to twist around I'm gonna be out feeling very quickly so there's the first thing so we what we do initially we start hitting some golf balls and just trying to get that sensation of keeping that nice and still here and I just put a head cover nice and flat on the ground hold you finish and do you is your weight still nice and even across those feet to hit five balls doing that get a feel for that then I want you to introduce then just one second element to this to many golfers when they're kind of playing they tend to move their head this will affect the ability for you to set the ball off on line it will also affect your strike so we want to start to consistently strike the ball out in the middle of the face if if you want to get this as control when you leave and when it will mean finally get back into those golf courses so what I want you to do is is it's very difficult sometimes isn't it to not look where the balls going so I'm gonna give you permission to look but only look with your eyes so watch this I want your eyes here to kind of follow the ball yes but don't allow your head to follow the ball that's different so that's of a look at this in action so get myself feel my weight nice and evenly distribute across the toes and the heels get myself set I'm gonna allow my eyes to look watch this backwards and forwards and then go on all I'm doing here is staying nice and solid looking down the line with my eyes I finished hold my finish position and ask myself is my weight still even or haven't moved if I have great you've got wonderful feedback and then you can move on from there if you want to mend it the drill a bit tough I've got a head cover on the ground just turn the head cover around this way and that would be maybe progression moving on to maybe week number two but that's the first exercise now let's work on some chipping so now let's work about how you can develop your chipping action so one of the things you'll find is view find that you're a little bit inconsistent with the way you're striking it it's usually because you're a bit risky here and you're using your hands and and a little bit too much you want to learn yes T let the club work nice and freely but it needs to work freely and be coordinated with the body this simple exercise here where I've got greater an old garden can just grabbed it from the shed put it next to the grip here hold the club and what I'm going to do now is this I'm gonna make a swing and if I use my wrist too much like this through impact it's going to hit my hit my side what I want to do is I want to let the club swing through like there so I'm turning look how my body is forced to kind of naturally come through more in coordination with the hands and the golf club itself when you come through this where you also you want to watch out for this a lot of people when you start this exercise will tend to kind of do this whether the actual pole here or the garden cane is above the left hand watch want to come through notice it's below the left arm here this is what we're trying to get you do a few swings just try to get that feeling here if you you haven't you're not use this is going to feel quite strange my feel a bit wooden to start with what you want to do then he does feel wouldn't start to relax a little bit I start to add some rhythm with it backwards and forwards then start to try and work on some ground contact where you're skimming the ground as you're doing it then check the kind of way it's very difficult something hit golf balls like that and then bit by bit get the feel I know where we go that's it simple as that okay and now we just hit golf balls can I get a feel for that and then what I do is I'll introduce a little bit of a game let's have a look at a quick game you can play we're chipping so you've got a feel of the chipping action you're starting to strike it if you're not striking it don't worry don't move on to this stage yet just spend five minutes just developing that strike and then we'll work on some swing but if you're ready and what you want to take on the challenge you start strike it let's introduce a bit of a game so I just nicked the kid slide because it's got some ladders on there you could just Nick your ladders from the from the garden shed but all we're gonna do now is test this strike in our distance control we're going to try and move up the ladders as we go so let's have a look at a start and the bottom bottom step there we go this first one down move up to the second step or a bit too high keep going there we go second step and you can see we're working up now the challenges is you don't leave this station till you've got at least one the - there's got three steps on here until you've left or you've achieved all three steps achieve that and then you get to work on the next station so you've set up your post session you've gone through that you've done your chipping station but now you want to develop a feel for a really really great goal so you want to be nice to go back out on that golf course when we finally get out of this isolation back on that golf course with a really great feel for what is a good golf swing now if you slice the golf ball what are you doing you are swinging back here you're like to be coming over this way swinging in the wrong direction slicing across the golf ball I'm moving over there if you hook the golf ball you're going to be coming in see the opposite way you swing it out to the right and then flipping it around we don't want all these loops in our swings we've got to train a swing generally goes back in through on a similar arc like this okay now this tennis ball exercise will really really help you to feel it I didn't come out with it K it was actually Europeans number one tour coach pink cow and use it with a lot of his players great exercise to feel this Martian now all we need to do is you've got to get into a decent posture style if he gets up in a nice golfing posture here you get yourself set and what's going to happen is we swing back here we want this we want to throw the ball down underneath us here and we want the ability to catch it now imagine this if you come over you're gonna throw it over here you're never gonna be a catch it off the walls gonna fly over there you go in this side it's gonna hit the right side of wall and go over there so this is trickier than he actually looks so we do a gets off set I often put my left arm on to my right here get myself set and just simply just throw this ball on the ground backwards and forwards just like this now that's a typical fall in line I tend to get a little inside here throw it out to the right great I've got some feedback for myself so what I do I just keep on here this is a repeted repetition style of drill to really get the feel if you feel like it's strange when you do it feels like you're throwing it in different directions it feels a bit weird good that means that you're retraining it if you can catch that ball at wall you're gonna start to train a really really great feeling we want the boss and the body spiraling up spiraling back down again spiraling up spiral back down we don't want to have loops in it this will really really help again see if you can catch five balls in a row once you've done that you're ready to move on to the next station right my final exercise in your morning workout if you want to generate more power more accuracy in your golf swing you need to start to use the ground and coordinate your swing much much more what do I mean by that well the backswing it started with the ground upwards when you start the backswing you start with pressure on the ground followed by the toss on those followed by the arms followed by the club head on the way down again you need to use the ground use of pressure in the ground with your feet then you toss up then your arms and finally you deliver the head you try to think about all those things you have no chance so you need an exercise that can naturally help you feel them an experience the skating exercise will do just that watch this in action it will really really help so we start at the top bottom of the garden here what we're gonna do imagine a skater going like this backwards and forwards watch this feet look how that's working their feet are driving the backswing and the downs look can you see this the feet and what I'm planting them are really driving the backswing and the downswing really get that sense once you've done that and you can just slow to start off with then reverse it do six limbs to the gutter backwards and forwards and increase the speed each time so you're pushing harder into the ground you're getting backwards and forwards and then back up again one two three four five you can see the snap at the bottom as I'm coming backwards and forwards six limbs of the garden get a feel of it it might feel been coordinating a bit weird start with once you get a sense of this it will really help you kind of sense the coordination up body I hope you enjoyed this training Oh out of breath so let's summarize what have we done well the first thing you want to do tomorrow morning is to set up your potting station lay the towel along the ground stand on it with butter with your instep so basically your toes and your heels now are connected to the ground this will help you it quits they're nice and stable it should improve your consistency of point Tony hit five to ten balls doing this minimum then bring in the next exercise move the eyes follow the ball with your eyes not your head again five to ten balls doing that and then once you're ready move on to the next station next station was shipping wasn't it what do we do we grabbed a cane as simple as this develop a feel for what you're doing in the actual action develop that Martian once you've got the sensation of that keeping this down hit five to ten balls minimum we're just going to chip just to the end of your garden once you've done that what do we do we still like introduce a game again don't leave the next station the ladder game until you've got up ladder okay hugely important once you've made that game and you've achieved that step then moved to the tennis ball game we're gonna toss some balls against that wall basically this is really great to help you swing down on the right path as opposed to swinging into out for those of you who might hook the ball or out to inversion you might slice catch five balls on the wall doing it properly then you're ready to move on to one of my favorite sizes which is using the ground we said look what did you see we said working the back swing and the downswing stats from the ground up was too many people are starting the backswing with their hands of the poster using pressure six times up and down your garden really feeling that drive of the feet start in the backswing and the down swing it will really really help and then stand still for a moment get a sense of what you're doing and then see if you can start to input that into a normal girl swing do this on a daily basis and it will make some big differences to your game so I really hope you enjoy this journey if you did don't forget to give it a thumbs up and look if you've got some interesting exercises that you want to share head on over to my Instagram and tag me just put any more and tag me in them show me your your homework out some things that you actually do and I look I might include them in in next week's video but of course like you draw the video give it a thumbs up and I look forward to seeing you next week how do I go golfing week