80 Year Old Golfer Aims To Hit Driver 300 Yards

best driver tip driver live student lessons Oct 07, 2024

Transcript Summary- “Right, so in today’s video, we’re helping my dad add some distance to his driver and stop that nasty slice. The goal is to hit it straighter and gain more yards. First, we focused on getting his setup right—adding a bit of liveliness to his legs and making sure his clubface is hitting the back of the ball squarely. Once we sorted the setup, the power just started coming naturally.

We haven’t even tried to increase his swing speed yet, but already he’s added distance just by hitting the ball more cleanly. Then, we worked on storing more energy in his swing, so he can really smack it, and now he’s hitting straighter and further with minimal effort.

These simple adjustments—lively legs, better setup, and proper swing mechanics—make a huge difference. If you’re struggling to hit your driver straight or want more distance, give these tips a go. And if you want to improve your ball striking with your irons, check out the video I’ve linked next. See you next time!”

Full Transcript - right I'm with the old man and he wants to hit it 300 yards with a driver yes Dan so in this video we're going to show you how we can get Dad from stopping this horrible slice and help him gain a few extra yards with that would be fabulous yeah it would all right so before we do the look if you're new to the channel so your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing these videos like this one every single week to not just help my dad but help you too let's get stuck into this week's video okay d

no trying too hard yeah yeah I'm trying too hard D

[Music] it sounded a bit better yeah that was better done it yeah it sounded better as well yeah I think what we're seeing here quite a bit here is we have a look at these a couple of numbers here we'll go to second but right your swing Direction which you know often let's look at your swing circle is heading basically here left of Target so still swinging a little bit left of Target so if you think about um a really powerful shot right is where hoping to get well if a powerful shot is where the club face comes straight into the back of that golf ball right there right so so if you imagine all that metal going straight into the back yeah and that's how you're going to get the maximum amount out of your Club speed so before we start changing your Club speed and try to ramp the speed up try to to try and get your fur um well it's all about first of all you're getting a glancing blow on the ball right now so what's happening is your circle is heading left of the ball with your face slightly open and so a lot of energy that 68 mph for clubo Speed is heading across the ball giving you U all your energy going is glancing the ball if we take that 68 miles hour and help you hit straight into the back without changing anything about your in the speed of your swing you'll H it further once we've got you doing that M then we can then start look at thinking about right now we've got you into a swing that hits in the back of the golf ball we can then start to look at things to then increase your speed right I say all right yeah

yeah sounded

nice you see how consistent is here this number yes so it's like- 8.4 minus 8 you know it's kind of what what should that be really well I mean I mean if you can get this you know a closer to the zero number oh right I mean you've got eight de going energy basically going across the blind of the ball understand so you're not you're kind of like it's like you're just skimming across it when I'm down here I'm going this way yeah and and by the way the golf swing is a circle that goes around but you're going around basic if you imagine here as opposed to going bang bang bang bang bang bang bang smash there yeah you're catching the ball here really right so you're catching the ball on this side of the Ark yeah yeah too late you well you're glancing yeah too late you C you're glancing across that line the that's where the energy goes so um I'm just going to have a quick look the key thing for me now is to kind of figure out what one thing is probably going to make the biggest difference to this so that you can start smacking it in the middle yeah so I think we the first thing we do though right is just set up right now I think you're doing a pretty good job before I used to I call it hump the goat right I want you to get a little bit more bent over the ball so that you feel those legs are a bit more lively right now it's it's kind of like

this you follow a bit wooden a bit wooden with the legs they're not they're not in the game no so there's no point try to get them working unless if unless they're ready to work right is just hold the club out in front of you right that's it it's perfect nice and relaxed with your shoulders right now from here what I want you to do is this just lock your knees back like this okay tip you tip from the waist forward and then just soften those knees forward into the ball really sense that you're you're wating that balls of the feet there you're not doing this look you're not sitting back yeah but you're ready almost like a goalkeeper yeah ready have a goal yeah that's it so that's the first we've got to get the legs ready so you got some dynamism in there makes sense almost like you could almost jump a little bit if you wanted yeah you follow yeah so got a little bit of liveliness in those

legs that sounded better already right there you go look so we've just added wow 175 right just with a little bit of liveliness yes right so you know you don't have to do much and the swing pass it's going down a little bit it's still left yeah yeah yeah I mean that's we've only CH set up we we're giving you a chance now yeah but we've only but it's come down a little bit not nowhere near as much but the liveliness what look what's happened to your clet speed yes it's going about 3 miles an hour yeah just like that yeah with just you going huh right so we this is tip of the iceberg right at the moment right really really uh small changes yeah right

ni yeah two in a row right yeah so the Lively legs adding power right which is great but we're still not changing one of the things the glancing blow that you get on the golf B right so that's that's costing your distance definitely isn't it now if we look at impact what you're doing is is this lower body here is like say it's back here right so get yourself set I want to show you something yep okay now what I'm going to do now is this your left hip here is actually lower than your right hip can you feel that really and what that's doing there you go now think of this pause watch this watch this if we exaggerate this yes where would you swing yeah to the left out to the left to the left so if we did if we just push that left hip forward a little bit just a little bit right but stay with your Lively legs that's it that's it there right now if we just push that left hip just a little bit further for there you go right can you just play around with watch this do this with me just do that what would that do can you see what that does what's that done to the fist yeah can you see how that's turned it around this way this way so what what part of the ball you more like to hit now yeah now move the hips back the other way now what's what part the ball see that really turning is it you see the difference yeah big difference right so just slide them back again right there you go right now that there is where we want to be moving towards the impact impact can can you see can you see the shape of your whole body there yeah there go on so I need to sort of be here is this kind yeah yeah yeah but from I mean from the from the position I need to be yeah should I be sort of I thought I had to be more on your right side but what you're doing when you're doing it is this you're like this almost you're like this right right so your sh shape of your body now if if you move your shape this way you're going to be coming this way so what we're doing we drive it right is this look at this if I move more like this where am I moving I mean this now it's too much it's overdoing it yeah but if I do this I yeah I can visually see the difference and where and and look at it it's also weak going over there yes it looks really weak so so we've got Lively legs right and then what we're going to do just just imagine just going to push those hips a little bit further forward so your left hi but when you do this don't don't don't be don't really exaggerate it get your Lively legs right just and just go boom there it but notice when you do it what it's doing to the club link it all together yeah so it all kind of makes sense

yeah there we go a little bit further make sense yeah so we've just lowered it by a couple of degrees there not perfect there right but load it a little bit so let's just play around with that let's just I think we'll take a little bit of time just to kind of just get you in a sense where you've got more chance of swinging that golf Club yeah in this direction or more of a neutral Direction yeah so don't put your weight on your right foot just maybe fa that left side that's it that's it see your hands here PA get your hands just so the more watch this the more your hands yeah are behind the ball what's where's the first gone now it's G too far left and but if we put that behind the ball what part of the ball is you going to hit yeah you're going to hit where this side left yeah so we want to hit where so so if move the hands further and further forward what do we do we hit more and more of the what P the ball yeah the inside inside so if we did that that number would actually move to more a positive number yeah we don't want too much of that cuz you're lower Loft as well right but the more you get forward with handle yeah body Yeah the more you hit right in the back of that golf ball right got you the more the handle and the body get behind Yeah the more you hit the outside here and you're slicing it you got it

okay there you go what's just happened now look wow that's unbeliev yeah right now look at these numbers now right now we we you know we didn't quite strike it no but we've neutral so we've we've got you neutralizing those numbers by just changing the the setup the setup your orientation yeah to the ball by the way anybody most people are try really comp most people are trying really complicated things to hit a ball straight yeah and you really don't all you all you're doing is you look at that ball there right and where you're positioning your body yes will DET look if I'm if you're back over here and your hands are back here you're going to hit the wrong part of the ball yeah most of that by the way you know you sliced it a lot of times right most of it is cuz I don't want to slice it so you've you you've kind of done this to try and stop slicing it yeah made it worse made it worse yeah whereas when we do move the handle slightly further forward and look at my body as the body moves more this way I'm moving towards this side of the ball yes so St there yeah so you got Lifey legs sounds good yeah simple isn't it right oh yeah and then and then once you it's quite strange I feel as I'm really overdoing it so that's the way to start and then just turn it turn it down well no no well no no when we look back on camera you'll see that you're not over doing it right right it feels I mean that's the whole point most people don't change their golf swings cuz it feels weird yeah and I think about if you've been doing something for a long period of time it will feel weird but what you've seen there is I can't believe the dramatic yeah difference there yeah exactly right so so we just start start that first you know get life your legs first so you're not just yes you got those legs in position go through the routine and then just just look at the face and notice if you play around with the body motion yeah what that can do handle everything yeah everything

moving there you go much better much much better minus three is really inacceptable ranges now and now you're hitting it straighter with 173 yards W and 70.7 Club speed yeah and we haven't even we haven't even talked about really getting any speed yet oh no that's it you follow so that's it so notice how the handle's gone a little bit further forward you and and look and look now if you look at that there can you see subtly go to the ball so start from neutral so go posture go to neutral okay now as you do this the whole thing the whole body not just you hit the whole thing there's a unit notice what that look where that's facing now see how it's going this way yeah now with your hands back here and your body back there you now move and you your weight goes back there where are you going now you're moving to this part of the golf ball yeah the wrong part you follow yeah so take the don't watch this it's not this no it's the whole unit that you're move moving I right you that's


it there we go look at these numbers now yeah right yeah so we now we've got you into as we said before we need to get you hit in the middle of the ball so you hit it dead straight which you're starting to do right and only do we start do we do that do we then start to think right let's start ramping up the ball because there no point striking it terribly in the middle of the ball and then try to increase your speed from there yeah [Music] yeah look at that oh my God look at this now look you've now gone to a positive number so you're now moving closer to draw family right all from just uh setup in your gol swing yeah now now we're in here we're now in a place where you could really start to give it a good

smack look at that dead straight yeah 73 mil hour worth of Club head speed now 178 yards in total 179 in total right yeah right now people always ask me how do I get people hitting the ball further we' we've started the first thing right yeah well first of all we don't want a glancing blur on the ball right you're now starting to you get to stage where you're hitting into the back of the ball right yeah how much influence over the golf ball do you have once it's gone well no it's zero zero right so many people are are are are trying to follow through right yeah of course that's going to happen naturally right but I want you to imagine this a lot of times when people because they try to complete their follow-throughs and stuff are lunging at the ball I want you to now imagine this yeah you've set yourself up here yeah there's that ball turn around and just imagine a playing Force into the back of that golf ball anything that happens out your body's really just you're breaking that makes sense it's like bang and and this is all you're doing your follow through the follow through is just a breaking system for the entire go swing yeah all your energy into the back of that

ball now did you feel the force in the back of that ball yeah right 74.6 now yeah still swing Direction Beautiful onlyus Pi 184 in yardage wow Fuller how dude yeah yeah so we've now we're not an in straight we're now starting to ramp up the speed without losing control yeah yeah yeah cuz a lot of time when people try had power they're moving around all of the place all we're doing is something simple look we've got here we're planing a for something to come in I've got to sort of rather than sort of move well when we were kids right we and you had we had a rug in the lounge yeah and you used to hang that rug on the washing line do you remember yeah do right and what did you do with it with a cricet bar yeah yeah whack it you just beat it would you like this you won't go no you just you get like and go bang Bang Yeah after everything after does a matter no apply the force once you're in position straight into the back of that golf ball that's it setups live your legs that's it you're already looking better there Dad it's

brilliant how do that feel solid 187 look 187 fa is slightly open just that's all yeah faces uh Club face look slightly open on the way through again don't care too much about that at the moment right doesn't matter right you know that's one one out of about five last five or six balls you you it's SL offline yeah okay but this is real progress right what I love about it it's simple it's a real simple gol it

is look at that dead straight again but what I'm super impressed with is how perfect your numbers are now these numbers here attack and Le slightly on the way up swing circle now is more neutral you're writting it beautifully straight your speeds up 180 yard now in total right yes now we've got 120 yards to go to get to 300 so you got to start right so we got so yeah you're 120 yards off we can do this okay you silly sound so again body in position please to hey I'm just pleased to get the uh swing speed better and it is it well you've gone from 67 already now to 74 miles hour that's a you know a massive increase already

right sounding

nice now look at that again look how straight is that that's good and it's how consistent now yeah yeah now the thing is is this what we do is you now you're you're in the center of the ball right you've got all you can you can start to just bloody hit it harder yeah I mean that's basically all it is it's I mean people said to me all the time well I feel as all I'm swing harder than what I'm doing yeah no of course you can yeah the thing is but but before when You' have done that you would have sliced it yeah because there's no point swinging it hard or in the wrong direction exactly no that's right you know at the end of the day you know people there's people talk about Ground Force reactions and jumping and and doing under stretch up and do all those kind of things and all those things are useful right but the reality is if I had got you back in the garden with a rug on a line and I said right make sure smack more dust out of that rug right you won't be going well let me go and you know check out start jumping You' find a a r way really like that so exactly yeah you just smash it so the point is but the thing is this can can I can I do can I sort of really exaggerate anything do what you like you know at the end of the day get yourself into a position right you know I just do what you like yeah feel feel what it's like for

you you feel that you exaggerated that one not really not really no okay oh well you did I did didn't I 76 M hour 19 yard an hour in total yeah right so you trying to exaggerate it see the thing is this everybody knows how to hit something harder yeah but they make it complicated right once you once you're in position right yeah just like you say just hit it harder yeah you know get let you trust that your body knows how to do this cuz it does what stops people hitting it harder is this when you're swinging incorrectly absolutely if you start hit it harder you're going to make it worse yes but what once you start to look at that number yeah you're now swinging it beautifully in the back of the golf ball right now if you want if this is a wall right and you only swung to a you only have a certain amount of force would you yes right so I want you to imagine now making a move where you're going to have more energy stored so if you were to wind up go to and right hey you've stored more energy yeah follow yeah right so all right just go back to your flexible limit right don't push it any but just imagine storing more energy oh now look at this with this left side now look you've got more energy to go into the back of KNE haven't you yeah you follow right come back yeah yeah we got more you got the more energy to smack it with it makes sense but if you only if you only go to there go shorter if you only go to there how much energy you got now just there so you can no matter how hard you hit from here yeah you've only got so much yes right so if you wind it back now there you go that's that's it so in your own way don't don't make it more more comp than this just in your own way right

connect more energy if you're only here look of course I can hit it as hard as I like from there yeah and it's only going to go so far but if I just then just just just go that a little bit more to what to what I think is my flexible limit whatever that might be I've got more energy to then deliver that smack yeah yeah all

right that sounded nice it feel good

yeah get in there look at that 196 yards 76 mph worth a club head speed yeah yeah so and all that that extra just store more energy yeah right now we a few balls I don't I think we're going to stop there right I think that's a brilliant place to stop yeah right because I feel like um what you've done what you've done is this you've really got this close to zero that's now getting you straight in your shop right you now hit you can now hit driver straight right you then you super super happy with that well you've done it you've done it sting that set up then we went right just get in this position here and just sort of move in the hole Yeah there just turn that there that's it and then just getting this well first of all I'm not going to I'm not going to over stretch overdo just go me but let's take the three steps for a second set up yes then all we went intention to hit hard not follow through just the intent yeah down here yeah yeah and then the third thing was like okay well you had the intent brilliant nice e these are easy wins that will really increase your speed oh most definitely the third and final thing was say just I notice why I did I didn't say just swing longer I asked you one key question right swing to a place where you feel you've got energy more energy you feel you got more energy yeah ask yourself okay from yeah that feels like and that's why it translates immediately to the shot yeah all right gotta lovely that's great dny lovely lovely right that's great d i hope this helps you not just hit driver straight but gain a few extra yards you can see here just from looking at my dad here that just basic things in setup and understanding what part of the ball you're hitting can make a massive massive difference and then just power look add some intent to it then gradually increases that the length of that swing and you twoo will be hitting driver much straighter and much longer hope you enjoy the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with a friend and look if you're looking at maybe improving some of your ball striking with your ions check this video out right here thanks for Dad to and I'll see you next time.