A Playing Lesson With Danny Maude & Special Guest
Mar 12, 2024Full Transcript- so in this video you're going to get to see me give pop Superstar NY horren a golf lesson actually out on the golf course you're going to get to see me first of all look at his iron play and his ball strike in his Direction then we're going to go to the green you know Nile is an incredibly Keen golfer probably just like you and he's desperate to improve now he absolutely loved the lesson he massive smile at the end so come and join me right now and hopefully it's going to help you too and hopefully just going to naturally enjoy this whole process what we got here now we've got we've got one 45 into and off the right off the right yeah part three what's your 145 club uh pitch wedge are in this win probably hit 9 iron okay big boy that's pretty good actually well I've got my uh my the new parades are just the best iron I've ever played with and uh you hit them a little bit further yeah I'm hitting them a club further at least um but it they're not the dispersion is a lot lower than anything I've used before just that how long have you been playing how long have I been playing I probably started playing really when I was about 13 started off with a normal handicap yeah very easy to get into golf when I was when it was my when I was young you know I had tiger on the Sunday night watch you know it wasn't a a bad way to get into the game and at the time there was a lot of great Irish golfers that were flying clarky and Harington how have you how have you learned the game I mean cuz I I A little birdie tells me that you learn the guitar from what watch ing kind of YouTube was it yeah really yeah I just I would sit on YouTube and just like see where their their hands went on the fretboard and paused the video so it wasn't instructional he was actually just watching the guys just watching yeah I a lot of the cords I play now I couldn't even tell you what I'm playing no way just cuz I just yeah I hear sounds and obviously then naturally had Rhythm thank god um Maybe not maybe not in the put but we'll find out later we'll find out later so what about golf how do you how you have you learned golf the same way have you had a lot of coaching and yeah no no I think I've um Obviously good friends with a couple of the lads and I've picked up a few tips but like I yeah I just watch watch a lot of golf watch a lot of videos like yourself and get an understanding that way um yeah and just I just naturally have some sort of an understanding on what I should be doing and is that through observing just golfers as opposed to listening to instruction is it more just observing like you did with the guitar a bit of a bit of both obviously depends on what the way my my brain works the creative side of my brain would would hear and see okay and I would a little bit Yeah if I but if I just say if I was to read a golf book yeah I wouldn't have a chance you would have a chance I have to be able to see it and and understand why this is this way and that's that way and all that quite visual yeah yeah I think so yeah I think so so 145 the wind's picked up a little bit prob STI n you have9 yep yep you do anything different is a standard standard 99 flight or would you play a bit lower uh I would definitely have I'd probably play this like my pitching wedge stance i' have it somewhere in the middle yeah um yeah and try and cut it off a little bit just to keep it down yeah just to try I mean I struggle with keeping the ball down so even when I do put it in the middle of my stand a lot of the time it'll still go up but that's just that's something I haven't learned we'll have a look at that at some stage yep
pull that one um yeah I have a habit of pulling um so you see my is a pull definitely you see that's kind of like almost a lot curve on there as well yeah okay so all you got to think about when the ball curves or B your club for a second yep very simply is this so ultimately okay I want you to imagine one's Club first and one's path y so if you look at this here the only way you've curved that ball which is what we try and figure out in maybe a lesson situation so your club path must have gone this way yeah and your face must be aiming this way okay that's only way it's the only way that you can create that curve mhm so what we do is is we we you know the first thing I always fix before we do anything we w't worry about path to start with what I would do is I want that face to start matching your path so maybe even you push it right okay so what I'd do is i' I'd start to look at maybe my club face setting that club face maybe a fraction open at the start that might give you a straight push but then once you've got the push then we can start to then work on changing the path it's very hard in a when that ball in a sense we need to get the path obviously more left don't we to hit it straighter but if you've got a face that's F old misses our left and you start try change your path we're in big trouble you you can go left going left yeah absolutely so get yourself set and just hit a shot maybe just set that face just a little bit more more open at the start we're not changing the path that that's there so we might hit this a bit right but once we've done that then we can worry about changing the uh the puff
letter make sense yep so look how much straight that is set up right at the flag I'll do nicely near little hold them one there near hoing one that will do just nice we're nearly all going to Vegas I got it so tell me tell me a little bit about um your this year you've got like a crazy schedule this year yeah no this year is going to be a great year I think um I've moved into the Arenas of the world and uh I haven't tored since 2018 wow planned on touring in planned planned on touring in 2020 obviously and then we had the the pic yeah something happened so I haven't toured like in five nearly four nearly five years um and I'm I'm just really excited to get out there and i' feel like I've created a really good show and the luckily enough the fans have uh never left me and have you know become even stronger around me and and have allowed me to play in these big Sports Arenas all over the place so I'm very excited you've been a little bit kind of playing it down a little bit because you've done a couple things you've sold that Madison Square Garden two days running MH um when you said you only thought you were going to sell out what ref and you're doing how many concerts this year I think we're up at 80 something um right now uh that may be added to I don't know but yeah no it's it's going to be a busy year there's a gig every other day that's um sometimes two in a row day off couple in a row day off one day off it's kind of probably you going to fit the golf oh yeah there's no doubt the clubs go more places than the guitar do but um yeah I always try and you know before sound check get out early in the morning especially you're going to different countries every day you know when I tore Europe I'm going to sleep in Spain waking up in Italy you know and there's an opportunity to play golf I'll always take it no no doubt yeah it's a great way to get the handicap down well we've almost got holding one you said uh your putting's been a bit of your weak point yes so let's now maybe have a look at this putting stroking that would be great thank you all right
buddy pull that one okay so before we go any further let's check let's just test your green reading okay so it's always for me stage one it's a great thing to do when you arrive on a golf course we'll do green reading there two or three things in ping you've got green reading you've got um strike are you striking at the middle of the face are you setting the ball off in line and you got pairs control y okay those are the kind of things that are key to potting right so we're going to test out your green reading first um I want you to Simply to find straight so when you arrive on a putting green the first thing to do is see if you can actually find a straight P okay and you're going to do it by your eye on this line or do you want me to move around anywhere you like anywh like you you've got to find what you feel is a straight P well imagine the lowest part here in the bowl has got a straight put somewhere look so this look stret you uh not straight feel straight is over here somewhere okay so this is just a really good kind of almost a mini test on see how your green reading is yeah I think this has definitely got a bit of right to left but a little bit of right to
left I pull that one but did he move right to left though a littleit a little didn't it tiny little bit a little bit right so so straight away off the bat your green reading looks pretty solid yeah okay if the balls turn right to left yeah which way do we move this way absolutely um so we're probably here somewhere I'd imagine then so the fact that you can now you're you're able to identify that it's a great start it shows that you really understand green reading pull that one again my fault but that was a straight straight you feel like so you've got this bit of a okay you said off camera didn't you that you like to feel quite tall in your in your posture okay now what I'm seeing in the way you stood to the ball at the moment if you get yourself set now if you're tall like this okay mhm can you see that what you're doing is your head's at this angle okay MH and your eyes are almost like this yeah yeah yeah yeah now when you're doing that you we've got what's called a secondary gaze okay now if I was to put my hand in front of your face and you did this okay your depth perception is nowhere near as good as if you then look straight at it with a so you're literally I was effectively looking out my periphery yes exactly so that makes it difficult in a sense to get that coordination so it's going to affect your strike it's going to affect your green reading as well when you're actually over the golf ball okay and it's really going to affect potential your pace control lots of things happening but the other thing it does is when you stand in a really tall position like this you're also sitting the shoulders back so the problem is is your shoulders now want to work too much in an AR okay you're trying to have a mini a you're doing is you're almost then manipulating that minat with your hands and arms so your hands and arms are want to do one thing and your body's wanting to do another thing so all I want you to do here is is what's really good is is when you set up to the golf ball we want to see the um the head the middle of the the chest and the putter kind of all beautifully lined up you do a really good job of that okay yes that's really really nice all we want to do now is is allow the head top upper part of the back just to drop down so that you're looking straight I have to say look pie yeah you've been pied in the face so jump in it's funny you say that because all are the best Putters in the world from Jack Jack Jack wasn't like this was he exactly exactly he was down here exactly I mean you when you're down here look the other thing when you're down here you can read the line look yeah as opposed to here again not only have you got periphery Vision here you kind of like yeah yeah it's all you know what in my head now all of my previous ideas of what to do are all making sense because I would feel like I'm a decent I can see the line yeah and then I get in and I match up and then I it doesn't look it disappears yeah I like I I always pick like a spot here so say try and line up to that and I know if I get it over there I'm off to a good start yeah um but now yeah it's all it's all starting to add up so let's just start with that so we're gonna um just get you into a a position that is gon to give you a better chance to make a more consistent struck okay it should feel more comfortable as well cuz your arms when the other thing when you when you drop down your arms are going to sit much naturally much closer to your body as well okay yeah all of a all of a sudden like the thing you hear about your biceps you know tuen into your ribs this and these you no one invented this right people say when they put well these feel like they're connected well they naturally connect when you drop your head yeah yeah of course yeah yeah
a little bit harder that was making
it nice right so now we' got you set up okay for me the next most important thing that you'll see with any grape putter is grape Putters you can see them a mile away they just look they like this has been blend into their hands it's just beautiful as it to see and and you there's something about when you watch them they they're going to hold this yeah right and then you've got the guys who don't look like that they might look technically brilliant but they they look like they've had they've been over coached really really technical they have days when it it works and then other days where it's just horrendous what's the difference hands and arms potentially but you're you're a musician right Rhythm Rhythm you know they've just got something about them you know you know you know what I want to see with yourself is is at the moment I'm seeing when you stood over the golf ball I'm seeing a lot it's quite static it's like there may be stuff a lot going on in your head almost like a checklist of stuff maybe yeah and what I want to see is I want to bring your music into your putting so I'd like to see some more Rhythm to uh to what you're doing and what I mean by that is is great Putters I just done that for a second so what you'll see with great Putters is is they're constantly on the Move they're looking at the hole most of the time when they're having their practice trucks they're walking in one two 3 go does that make sense Y and what they're doing is is there isn't that's that level of Rhythm in their stroke but the people who you kind of know going to
miss yeah it's already stiffened up yeah yeah I just want to continue to keep this whole thing flowing yeah yeah no static n at all it may feel a bit weird and a bit maybe rushed okay but just like a piece of music just keep it going all right all
see the
difference that is so subconscious yes and what do you notice out of all the puts you've done today where was that that was going past the ho when if it went for the flag it's going in yeah more importantly it's got what pace yeah why does it have Pace because it has Pace because suddenly You've Got Rhythm versus nursing it up there nursing it up there trying to hul it yeah yeah so there's a rhythm you imagine have have you ever been at a stage in your music where you've got a bit nervous at any stage yeah all the time yeah okay and how do you get over that what do you do just I just try and relax as much as possible like I I get I tend to get it on like live TV okay like you know the camera goes red 3 2 1 go yeah and all of a sudden I feel like I always say I feel like I've done and I can translate it now that we've spoken about this to this yeah like where I feel like I've performed my best a lot of the time in sound checks right yes there's no there's no pressure to it and it's the same with this like I've definitely played my worst golf when I playing prams so what could you do then so how do we so we' we've added flow to that so tell me then when when you do get nervous then how do you overcome it what tools do you use to overcome the nerves and maybe that some of that tension so that you do perform still well I always just like I always believe in my ability Y and if you you know you can do it yes so I'm literally saying that to myself in my head I don't I don't particularly you know I just try and I don't I don't try and overthink it if I get there and I I'm literally in my head with my eyes closed going no you you've done this a billion times why are you nervous why are you nervous yeah and and I'm as you asked me this I'm I'm translating now into my into my into my golf game cuz it's funny how if there was a three-foot put here and I walked up to it like that yeah I'd hold it you know like give me yeah but if I stood over it yes I went like that there's a good chance I'm missing that now there's a reason why the best players in the world all have routines and they do it because um we're human yeah and just and it's a despite how successful you've been you you know you know the Audi you get nervous right the best players in the world get nervous and that nerves if you let it could destroy performance but what you've done is is you've come up with routines haven't you to kind of naturally you know you say things to yourself you I've done it a thousand times and it's same with the putts when you walk up to putt just do this because it's so fast you're not allowing yourself to kind of contemplate those thoughts so what we do now is is we build this routine in right with this great posture so that you now add flow to the whole thing and you just commit to that yeah now confidence will come through practice first yeah so what you do is you in practice you can then go I've done this hundreds and hundreds of times you now can say that honestly it works and then you take it into tournament and really pressurized situations okay so a few more and then we'll work around the green through more difficult positions yeah
okay look at the paer there right awesome it's very rare I hit it past the hole that's what I will say and this is what I've seen earlier so what you whenever you're tentative and you don't have any flow you're guiding it and what I'm seeing now the put is allowed to FL okay so let's just do one other thing you mentioned short puts yeah being a bit nervous shorts so let's move to some of these two or three futters so what I'm going to do I'm going to we're going to put a couple of balls here and but here's the thing I want you to walk up tap it in no no set stance yep right so just have some fun with it I don't care what it goes in or not just literally walk up bang okay too confident good there go
this time as you're doing it okay as you're walking in now we're going to add a bit more feel to this right so you're going to walk in and I want you this time to imagine you can and again you have to do this Rush there could be a rhythm to this so even though I'm saying do it quickly I don't mean like this you find your Rhythm and I want you to imagine this is where feel comes in right I want you now as you're walking in just walking out to visualize the ball trickling just at a pace that's just going to go over the front lip Okay y
there you go feeler so here's what we're doing we're getting you out of the conscious thinking yeah where it gets all tight and we're getting you more sensory yeah so we're adding some flow and more sensory feel to everything that you're doing okay so move back up we'll go a little bit further now same thing walks his golf ball no setting up to it at all just imagine now this ball just trickling over the front lip y
there we go feel good yep okay funny this isn't it what do you know it's happening as you doing this it feels like the ball's going slowmo yeah like it doesn't feel like it I'm like trying to poke it in no it everything feel if if you were just if you were just look at the video in slowo I probably am doing same distance either side at the same Rhythm so notice this none of this matters yeah you're instinctively doing it yeah you're trusting your instincts to do it one foot in front of the other one foot in front of the other you don't go hang on a second how do I sing now you know you know do you know what I mean it's the thing is of course we can start to settle down but the thing is what we're training here we're training a sensory um experience so that what you'll find is is the best Putters have often talked about I hold the putter really lightly you know yeah they do but they don't think of that they don't got I mus whole putter lightly what they're doing is that lightness comes when you start to visualize the ball trickling over the front edge you everything softens yeah doesn't it yeah and naturally you could then start to visualize the ball ramming into the back H that's all that's fine too yeah but the point is is it's not that okay no understood yeah so I hope you enjoyed that video massive thank you for Nile for allowing me to share what we did with you guys and of course look if you if you kind of like these style of videos look check out this one here on the short game where we work on chip shots around the Green from very very difficult lies it's super super cool and of course look you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
Short Transcript-