Always Start With Your Left Arm In This Position
Mar 12, 2024Full Transcript- so over the last couple of weeks I've been sharing how I've been able to hit driver consistently over 300 yards now in this video I'm going to show you some of the things I've been doing but more importantly there's no point in generating lots of Club head speed and hitting the ball miles if you're hit any way offline a lot of people people have been asking me Danny how are you able to hit it so straight well I've been working with one of the best coaches in the world Pete Cowan and he's been sharing with me some real simple things predominantly with the right but also recently with the left arm and control rolling what this left arm does through the swing is vital in helping you hit your driver if at any golf club super super straight I'm going to share with you what that is because I just know it's going to help now before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel it's going your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I these videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so before we go into showing you how to gain some extra yards and Club a speed with your driver let me show you the first the really important thing about how to make great contact and hit it much straighter so what the best players are doing ultimately is controlling the balance of this club there's we want to increase your Club head speed right that's going to give you more power but You' got to keep this under control and you do this by controlling this end okay the balance of it so let me show you what I mean now what you'll see with the best players is simply this this club as it moves back here we're basically controlling the balance of this club poor players what they do is this they'll swing the club inside very very quickly now suddenly what's happened here is this the heads of the club's taken over the handles moved outwards here and they've lost control now the problem is the head's completely dominate the swing the club's not in balance from here what happens the club gets is out of balance it gets thrown from the top there's your slice all what happens is is it drops down here gets stuck inside handles way out here you get blocks and flip hooks okay the better players watch this they put a pressure pressure on this shaft look at the difference now when I push down where's the shaft now completely beautifully in line this is what they're doing all of the time this is what I've been working on with with Pete so ultimately here how do you get a sense of controlling the balance of this club so you can take the club beautifully back here from here you can work it back in and then beautifully back to square let me show you so a real simple drill to feel this and I look a lot of time you see things you think how how do these guys do this well what I'm going to do here look is this I've just wrapped up a a towel here and I'm going to stick this look over the end of my golf club and what this does is it adds a hell of a lot of weight to the end of your club now what I love about this is in order for me to kind of in a sense counterbalance this way I've got to do what put a force on this end of the golf club so it's great at getting you to feel what a great player feels is this pushing down look what I'm doing here I'm pushing pushing down with my hands downwards here to counter look the weight to this club from here I have to keep pushing down and keeping the counterbalance because that head wants to do what this this is what poor players do they've lost control then they're going to come and get over the top or underneath look at this push down now suddenly you'll see the better players they're working the club up they keeping pressure on this look now look even that club's completely imbalanced as we take it here the weight will start to drift and it'll start to fall a little bit this is where you see the best place almost shallowing the club from here what the best players are doing here they're simply going to work that club look this way back to the ball now notice here when I come back to the golf ball I haven't done this so here's the very first thing I want you to do to experience this literally put the tow in end of your Club push down really feel like you're having to push on this handle to keep that towel upwards like this now I love love to start with the ending mind I want you to do the same notice this my lead down is direct under my shoulder here now all I'm doing now is I'm going to feel how this lead side look is turning around it's pushing around here keeps rotating around so the lead elbow is fit basically sitting downwards like this now if you slice the chances are you'll see a chicken wing here look at the difference that is a very different motion you've lost complete control of the balance of the club you may hook the golf ball similar you're not chickening this way but now you're chickening it this way here so now your elbow's going up here you have to flip it notice this if my hand is here at impact and I'm pivoting here I have got complete control of the balance of the golf club and you will too so this is a really great way to feel it so I get myself set here pivot through here really sensing and look at this suddenly I've got complete control of the balance of that Golf Club okay this is what I want you to go to now now you know where to go you can then start to get a sense look of what this lead side is doing look in the swing so from he look I'm controlling the balance of the Swing I'm winding it up here this way and then all I'm doing is just unwinding it look see it's almost this motion here unwinding it back underneath me here continuing that motion all the way through what I am not doing with this lead side is losing control here that gets the club this way not there because then suddenly you have to do this and come over the top or if I get in here I might react to the club and go into that place so all I'm doing is I'm winding it up look at my arm it's rotating up to the top and from here and then rotating back underneath me as I'm rotating back I'm continuing that motion and that curvature of that lead down all the way back and all the way through now do the whole thing with the towel wind it up here look up to the top now the club wants to fall what am I going to do here I'm not reacted up from here I'm rotating back look not by flicking my wrists this structure stays and all I'm doing is moving the arm structure back to here this then throws that club beautifully back to where it came with momentum and look I've got beautifully straight club coming all the way through impact okay it's as simple as that so this is a wonderful way for you to feel what's going on in your golf swing so basically all you're doing with driver the answer that matter is this you're simply healer I'm controlling the balances club now it's a lot trickier isn't it with a driver cuz it's lighter right so all we're doing reality is this look we're winding the club up here and then all you're doing here look you're not doing anything with a hand that will happen naturally hands will naturally release all we're doing is unraveling this club so it's winding up I've got the balance of this club you'll see the best players here the club will almost drop a little bit here but then look from here they start to unravel that club and where's my hand going my lead hand it's going back underneath my body here this gives me that kind of Str straightness for impact here and then look I'm holding that balance and look where I'm finishing Back in Balance here this is super important so the sensation all the time is up unravel up unravel this is holding it here but what I'm not doing is this losing control here having to rroo it either underneath or here okay this is how you learn to hit driver super super straight so let's have a look at this in action so when I'm working on this personally you know taking my s with uh with Pete C which I'll I'll put a link up in this top right hand corner ultimately Pete talked about spinning the right arm down a lot of people didn't understand that but basically from my interpretation of this it's really simple when you're winding up here ultimately all I'm doing is unraveling my trail arm here my right arm is straightening here ultimately before I would drive all I'm doing now you see can you see the curve of this I'm working it up I've loaded the arm here and all I'm doing here look is working that back here and I'm working it back look underneath me and I'm holding the balance of this club I haven't let that balance come up and dropped it it's back in front of me here and then look I've still got balance on the way through and look as I turn through I'm in Balance here so this is just the most so I do it fairly quickly it really feels like all I'm doing is this bang really spinning that right arm down underneath me here and away we
go and you look at that there look 300 yards look at these numbers here look pretty zero zero path zero face everything is perfect it gets me hitting these beautifully straight shots now I want to show you here is this once I've got this sensation I want this club head speed up to really ramp up that power even further so let me show you now how I take this motion and I start to ramp up the speed so we can get way above 300 Ys so if you're a regular subscriber to the channel you've probably seen me use this before but what I'm going to show you now is this how I'm using it with the added directional component okay super important so let's start with this ultimately here you know one of the keys to poers is you'll see me I'm winding upwards what I was doing previously and I see this a lot of players is working around and around too much you've got to in order to kind of get this momentum going downwards towards the golf ball here you've got to have the work up and down as a dominant Force so the way we achieve this so you don't have to get too complicated is take your towel here okay grip it down just a simple bath towel wrapped up and what I did is I'm really winding up the towel here so that the the towel basically falling over my lead shoulder from here now this is the key thing I've got to get those hands nice and high but then what I'm doing is this as I'm up here wound up I'm unloading those arms this way as I snap I am not just randomly snapping like this I'm unloading those arms in this direction back underneath me look and imagining this circle with my arms the path of my arms are working back down in front of me here and then around this is the snap okay so I'm winding it up I might even pause and I'm really sensing up and firing it down and I'm really sensing this motion back I'm throwing the pressure back underneath my body here I'm under control I'm controlling the balance of the club I'm not letting that balance go here makes sense or throwing it this way I'm throwing it down back underneath me up down so you'll notice as I've done this and I've mentioned this a few times on the videos look I'm in my mid 40s now so one of the things I do is to really help me achieve this kind of up and down motion is I really am happy a lot of my people who follow this channel senior golfers I like to kind of wind up and maybe even let that left heel come up off the ground here to help me wind up because it gives me a real Essence when it's down naturally to put it down and and fire that down here underneath my body and then through and people worry about well Danny if you throw down won't you hit down we'll know the difference with driver look with the ball position is position here look yeah so when I throw down my pressure here this arm is slightly behind the ball this here when I throw it downwards if I throw it down here the club's going to come down bottom out before the ball bang and that gets me striking upwards so let's see if we can get that speed up I've been a lot more than 11 miles hour I can get that up to let's see 118 let's have a have a smash back it up up we go wind it up and then all I'm doing like wind it up here and I'm really in a sense from here this really sense that motion winding back underneath me here and you'll see with some of the best players what do you notice that almost the bums coming out why because this is helping me push force on that shaft let's give it a crack
so 115 mes to now Club spe I've jumped up that came a little bit look out of the neck of the golf club which is why it's only gone 300 yards but see my speed's up there but look how straight I am with this as well so what I'm going to do now is this I'm going to ramp it up even more but look at this I'm not losing any direction because I'm keeping the club in Balance what cost me direction there sorry a distance was hitting it off center but with my new paradigm AI spoke driver we can still hit the ball a decent distance so let's give it one more time I'm going to really really ramp up this motion here really feel I'm working look up down in front of me here Down Under Pressure underneath me and really fire that
look at that got almost to 118 320 yards in total but more importantly look at these numbers speeds up yes my club path my face to path unbelievably consistent because I'm controlling the balance of the club please please please get out of get a towel multiple purposes speed and direction go and check it out look if you enjoy this video give it a thumbs up maybe share it one of your friends and of course look if you'd like to see me actually get a lesson on how I generated this speed initially and got the got the towel idea check this video out right here and of course look I'll put a free download and practice guide in the description box below but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
Short Transcript-