Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us it this week had Peter come to see me really really confused he'd been watching a lot of YouTube videos and was getting lost into how to make the backswing correct how to bring it down at the club down into impact how to square the club up consistently he just found himself so confused with so much conflicting advice and he came to me and said look Danny do you have a simple exercise that I can work on that could even potentially improve my backswing and my downswing see like you didn't have a lot of time he said like I work really really hard but if you can give me something that I can do at home or maybe you know simple exercise I can take to a driving range I'd really really appreciate well this week I have that exercise I have a very very simple exercise that will help you simply improve your backswing here and you're down to me to make you much much more consistent that is what we're gonna do in this week's training before we get into it though if you are new to the channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing I release videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game so what's this simple exercise well let me preface it by saying like the simple exercise I saw a Pete Cowen student demonstrating it's really really really good and like I say you can do on a range or you can actually do it at home as well so here's a problem most people when they take in the club back they tend to take it with their hands and their arms and it all becomes disjointed right so if you couldn't in a sense work we want to create a much much wider swing and a much more solid swing but at the same time you obviously want to take control of the clubface so imagine if we can if we could create a backswing that has width in it but at the same time we can able to control the face then we're on to a potential winner so how do we go about achieving them well what I want you to do is get yourself set put your arms out in front of your biceps nice and connected to your chest where your thumbs up here and what we're gonna do now is this using your trail shoulder what I want you to do is this we're gonna pull the trail shoulder behind us here we're going to draw this club back now most people when they take the club back they take it back with their hands what we're going to do is going to pull them to about hip height here now you'll notice this in this situation here my thumb's are pointing here and there parallel to my spine angle here from there what we're going to do is we're going to simply just [ __ ] the the thumbs up words here and the thumbs now a point it will and angle around about 45 degrees from this position all we're going to do is we're going to start from the ground we're gonna bring those thumbs back to square this is obviously controlling now the face right from that how do you take it back from there well what we do now simply bring a golf club in hand we take ourselves set up with with a left hand put the right hand in now thumb up here and again same principle what we're gonna do now is this we're going to simply move it back we're going to repeat the exercise here so we're going to draw the right shoulder back keep this together here completely parallel to the spine let me show you from this angle here so I'm pulling it back here the club face look ease power to my spine the thumbs are also parallel to my spine here and then what we're going to do is we're gonna then [ __ ] the wrists here so the thumbs are looking at pointing around about 45 degrees and then we're pretty much set from here we're going to drive down and move the thumbs back to square again from here with a face on this position here cut to 45 and then from this position drive it back down to square here now all we do put this two hands on move the cams back into position here just where they were before cocking to 45 and again driving back into impact so you're using your thumbs as a guide to where square is so let's have a look at this in action another way you start with this start with it really slow remember look you're going to teach your body this and try and do this really quick he's going to be very tricky so start off pretty slow we Peter I suggested let's do it home just do exercises at home and learn the feel of it then add a ball in a little bit later so here's how we do with this but you get a self set we might break it down into something like this we're gonna work it to here we're going to cut the wrister here and then very slowly bring a start with the ground I move back to here and I'm break it down just like that I often relate the Gaussian sometimes like learning a language you don't learn a sentence straight away when you're learning a language you learn individual words first you learn to pronounce those words and then eventually you learn to join those words together well here's the first word we're gonna get the thumbs parallel here to the spine we're then gonna second word is then we're gonna feel that then we're going to feel the cocking wrist here and then we're simply going to feel the transition back into impact so the thumbs now are pointing directly at you and a nice and square let's have a look at this again actually nice and slow 1 2 3
ok not my finest strike in the world but it's not about that it's about learning the sensation I felt that was possibly a little bit too quick initially as well so let's have a look at that in slow motion
and the drill is as simple as that if you wanted to try and if you want something you're struggling with time and you want something that you can practice at home and get a feel of what the Backson supposed to feel like and impact this drill works really really well let's summarize what it is it what do we try and do what are the common problems here a lot of players like you said they take about with their hands they're lifting out a position here the club's rolling around they come over the top there's loads of things going on this exercise works to try and help improve that completely so let's have a look at this what do we what do we start with we start with our thumb is pointing towards you we get them this way this way parallel to the spine we then cut them look at a 45-degree angle here and then we bring them back to square here here back to square build up to the golf club 1 1 2 3 bring in the club 1 2 3 and then slowly bring in the golf ball break it down 1 2 3 and gradually introduce the swing and it's as simple as that what a treat for Peter give me something really simple to work on and the great thing by doing in slow motion he could also measure it himself as well I hope you really enjoy the training if you do and you know someone else would like a simple tip like this please share it and obviously if you liked it give it a thumbs up as well and if you haven't done also already maybe consider subscribing to the channel so I can give you some more great videos next week until next week have a great golfing way