BEGINNER GOLFER improves strike and gains 30+ yards in LIVE GOLF LESSON
Jan 25, 2022Full Transcript
In this golf lesson you're going to see a lesson that i gave my wife laura a beginner golfer on how to strike horizons much better you're going to see the whole process on how we got to feel what strike was like how you achieve strike then how you then start amplifying that strike so you can hit the ball further i think we managed to gain about 30 plus yards but come and look over my shoulder right now and see how we go through a process because you know what i think it could help you no matter your age ability or standard let's have a look
okay it's a good solid start isn't it that didn't even register it has been a while
okay that felt a bit better a little bit better there's you can see there's some inconsistencies though isn't it right so let's start to look at some basics on and helping you work through a bit more consistency in your swing right so the first thing i'm noticing in the way you're moving is there's quite a lot of moving parts right so when you're swinging here there's a lot of maybe up and down motion when you're coming through we can see that a lot of it is torso generated i see this for a lot of golfers who struggle with a lot of distance when they get to the top of the backswing here the torso's really starting to kind of try and hit the ball very very hard they're not really organizing it like you would do through throwing a ball where you start with the lower ground then your torso would come in then the arm would come in we'd get that lovely throwing action so what i think we should work through is trying to just get some simplicity into the swing yeah so we start to get becomes a bit more repeatable and then if we've got time once we start to get more something more repeatable then we'll start to kind of look at how we can amplify that a little bit all right so goal number one all we're going to do is first is give you a couple of different exercises so just done for a side so what i'm seeing like i say is there's quite a lot of moving parts so the first thing i want to recognize here your posture looks pretty good okay but what i want to imagine is is when we're swinging we don't want to see the head moving up and down too much when you're swinging right we don't want to see it going up and down here you want to somehow be able to keep the angles so when we're swinging back you'll notice here my back side stays back okay it doesn't for instance do this starts to get close to the ball because if you get close to the golf ball which you see a lot without players you don't have then a lot of room and then from because you don't have a lot of room you end up throwing these angles away yeah and what we want to be able to do through impact we want to be able to get that club so that schaffline look is ahead of that golf ball impact consistently right to be able to do that your body is going to have to rotate effectively through impact yeah if you're moving around a lot it's gonna be very difficult okay so let me give you just one simple exercise to start with which is going to help you with some simple feels of how to get that lovely compression so just throw the club down for a minute okay so all i want to do is take your right hand okay and literally put an arch in it so you're going to fit that since it's going to go upwards like this okay now what you're doing a lot of you've got this feeling of this risky this motion yeah okay so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to give you a feeling of what impact supposed to be like yeah rough idea of what it's supposed to be like that gives you a destination to go for right so if you just move your right wrist back okay now with your left hand okay i want you to put it on the back of that wrist so it looks you can either do that way yeah or turn it around it's intact you now what you feel when you're doing this that you're when this is back and this is hands on top you're going to put a pressure against it right pressure on the bottom hand with the bottom hand it's going upward you feel like it's pushing against this top hand yeah now all i want to do now is this make a backswing for me just about halfway feel that pressure always now as you come down into impact keep feeling that pressure on that top hand as you come through pause that good hold that there now from this is a position that you don't generally get into what do you feel there i feel more movement in my lower body absolutely now what happens when you've got that pressure that lower body is going to want to work a lot more the problem is is watch when you get here if you've already thrown those angles away your lower body doesn't have to do anything yeah so that's what we're going to start with initially just giving you that sensation of what impact roughly is what kind of feelings you might want to experience roughly experienced okay if you wanted you could imagine almost like you imagine a tennis racket here okay and what you're doing in reality is you're simply rather than doing this you're holding it back like this all the way yeah that's another way of looking at it hold it in attention in your lead hand put the palm here in a way that's easier as well because you haven't got this long yes you could try it exactly same kind of thing any things that hold it in your left hand and then put your palm on this bit here okay that's it from there just let the left arm extend okay that's it there and then just from here just really turns like that kind of there that's there feel different there yeah that's it
the temptation would be to do this yeah wouldn't it yeah yeah back are you feeling like there's that resistance there okay good
awesome got it okay cool
oh that helped me better yeah
good okay now look at this here look so you see the low point there look so the 1.2 inches after the golf ball so what you've done there is you've struck the ball then the ground so we haven't obviously we're nowhere near getting speed up at this stage but you're just starting to experience bit by bit this motion yeah now what i would do is intermingle this yeah with a few exercises again so that you put the club down it's what you do on a practice ground put the club down just put the panel up there again do a couple of exercises just again same principles just starting to experience this motion because we have it all the time me included you know we start hitting a few decent shots we get a bit carried away and then we start to hit hit after hit and then we lose the feeling yeah so just keep reminding yourself so maybe just pause for a second now put the club down on the ground rehearse that motion
feel the pressure on that top hand keep that pressure on that top hand keep that pressure on that top hand keep that pressure brilliant now you'll notice i keep putting the club here yeah well what just by me putting your the club just on this side of your head what it's kind of hopefully helping you do is you're not doing this because you know sometimes we've seen with your swing in the past that you want to try and hit from the top so you've noticed there that when that club's there it almost gets you to use the lower body a lot more than the whole thing working like a block yeah yeah all right cool okay half swing or full swing you're tempted to go full lighter half soon for now
okay cool
oh that felt better different sound yes wasn't it yeah yeah yeah now look at how effortless that is right naturally your number's nice and straight still a fresh and beyond the ball no nothing as it was before carrie's starting to creep up a little bit now yeah and again distance at this stage none of that's important because if you get your strike yeah if we nail this and you get the feel of this all you do is what yeah you just go longer you got hard ratter yeah all right
sorry i tried to whack it there i couldn't help myself there's a time in the place the timer flips
nice that felt nice yeah
got it yeah okay cool right see i i think are you starting to get the feel of this kind of motion coming through yeah cool so you've probably found that at the moment there's probably not enough speed with that right because you just try to sense impact at the moment so the way you then start to build that and add a bit of speed so you can add some power is is to actually shut the club down for a second okay and what i'm going to get to do if you stand there for a moment you need to start to get your whole body starting to work to help you generate power now if you throw a ball yeah you'll always throw it and the lower ground will always lead followed by your torso followed by arm followed by the hands but it's not always easy to feel it yeah so well sometimes just doing some simple exercises where a medicine ball will be better because it's heavier okay but i'm going to add a bit of resistance to this if you grab a ball and all we're going to do is this you know we've got to keep these angles we can just fit a sense of it through impact but if you grab a ball like this and you could if you don't if there's not a second person here you could just add a shelf just simply place the ball on the shelf here so notice how this i've turned and faced i haven't done this and this i've simply turned over here now from there i'm going to add a bit of resist i'm going to hold on to this ball and you're going to kind of pull against me here but then what you're going to do is you're then just simply going to go and throw it against the screen right okay now you'll notice if you do this just remember to get yourself set so all you're going to do here is just imagine placing the ball on on a shelf right there yeah okay now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a little bit of resistance get your arms a bit closer to your body there you go that way you've got more control yeah you follow yeah yes you know you can use a parry body now i'm gonna if i was holding on to this and you with your lower body we're gonna resist and go in the opposite direction what would you do right now from here throw against the throat against there you got it yeah okay now the temptation here is to throw this way see if you can throw it under under a little bit more so you're underneath here okay so same again put it on the shelf okay keep your arms nice and connected there for a second okay i'm going to add a bit resistance now with that resistance you're going to use the lower body to move to back to the target right okay off you go right in the back and now throw it against the screen ready beautiful you feel that yes i definitely feel in my side yeah hit which side awesome so yeah so what you're doing here is look you're using that there so you're kind of getting ready forming a platform to throw this will again stops all this kind of flickiness because if you didn't do that you just go here it makes sense definitely yeah keep going and i want some impulse with this okay so a lot of times when we're playing golf it all looks sometimes when people start to do this it's because what they're doing is they don't have any kind of impulse when you throw a ball you don't throw it like this what do you do right so when you're here and you've got imagine that ball is quite heavy arms are there move and feel like feet like pulling someone's resisting and then right here look right that's better make sense and put the club handle on the shelf fantastic so you're going to even turn turn and face a little bit more here now from this position now again imagine you're not going to pull down your arms you're going to re-center and then throw the club like from the ball got it okay awesome and again
okay one more time when this time when you do it okay don't throw it with your torso look at this here throw it and even if you have to stop sure there snappier yeah yeah yeah so you don't when you threw that ball there you didn't go yeah what do you do feel like you're almost going to stop because when you stop your body has to put on the brakes to throw that there you go can you feel your call working a bit more there
better isn't it i thought you wouldn't carry there 2.2 inches after the golf ball it's better right speed's creeping up a little bit as well so just take your time right with this rehearse it put it on the shelf just feel just get a sense of that re-centering here fire and it's a very short fire yeah like a real good impulse
get in there isn't it yeah yeah the nice thing is is you're what you're doing is is your low point here 4.1 inches after the golf ball you're starting to get the compression that we wanted yeah it's not exactly where we need to be speed look at the club speed there up to 60 miles an hour now yeah yeah starting to ramp up we've lost a little bit of direction at the moment that's all right we're just we're in that kind of like um stage where you're kind of amplifying possibly a bit early but it doesn't matter i think this is good i think you in your own way now you've got an idea you're you're playing around with the speed i'd stick with exactly the more that i practiced more consistency yeah and you can always always the thing about all this you can always go back and return to the drill where you feel this remind yourself of impact that sensation is compression you can't play golf like that as such because it's too wooden yeah so then somehow you've got to then start to add some rhythm and paste to that motion and naturally that will that won't be as good as it was initially throw the ball to do that put it on the shelf throw it with that throw it's not this is it from here my backside's on the wall the left butt cheek comes back onto the wall that's me re-centering but i'm not doing this i'm recently getting myself ready to fire and it's those legs using those legs to fire this and throw this as hard as i can but i'm not doing this yeah okay come on
there you go 85-yard carry yeah so we've lost a little bit of direction that's okay so what you're doing here now is is you're getting familiar with speed where speed is going to come from and now it's a case of just starting to dial that in in terms of accuracy and with a bit of practice you're going to be able to do that so let's hit a couple more and just simply go for the go for the same process feel what it's like there to throw that club there you go okay
that's just a different sound altogether look at the difference that way so you're 89 yards in carry if we added the total on to that um on trackman there you go so you've got like 103 yards now okay yep and the speed speeds coming up right look at the actual speed there so you're 60 miles an hour pretty much the speed now what was brilliant about that you really had the impulse there wasn't this long motion flowing motion it was like yeah that's where that snaps going to come in so what we'll do is just see if we can get that little bit more snap into this motion see if we can get that carry up a little bit more so all you're doing is you're on you need to imagine that you're stopping here to a certain degree
yeah can hear that sound can't wait so this spit direction's going to be miles off 91 yards 150 yeah yeah yeah yeah right so we're getting some space okay we've got some speed now all right so the power we need to dial it in good keep going you might be not getting the right data that's not going in the right direction but look this is good you know it's a seven iron for you so um so same principles just keep winding it back you can always rehearse by the way
that's nice and straight isn't it okay so what we want to play around with just to kind of finish off so i think in summary there you can see that the process that we're going through here started off feeling impact so you've got this kind of like backward hinge on the hand you feel what that's like yeah second stage it's like how do you amplify that well you can't just go and start smashing it if anything we'll try to rush through this process out because i know we got to pick the kids up but grabbing that football start in some small shots and then just practicing throwing it so notice this if i grab that ball wherever it is grab a thing here when that's there you're kind of really getting the force here you're not go you're going into sleep side then you throw yeah getting that sensation and combining that by the way with a snap yeah so i don't know where that balls disappear pulls right behind me and popping here combining that so that we aren't just doing this but instead we're actually going
snap so you almost feel like you're stopping shot that gives you that speed and that's when you start to ramp up the power yeah but we're doing stages all right awesome thanks so much for joining us okay so i really hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with somebody else who you think could benefit and of course look if you're new to channel come and join the community by pressing that subscribe button down there and look this video right up here compliments this one really well we've got these live lessons going seem to be really enjoying if you if you're enjoying make sure you give it a thumbs up but until next week have a great golfing week