Before Hitting Your Driver Do This For 5 Seconds - Live Golf Lesson
Nov 21, 2023Full Transcript- in this video you're going to get to see a student live step by step basically go from hitting it nowhere at all to adding an unbelievable amount of distance actually on the golf course does that feel good yeah it's so different isn't it look at my face
now I give Adam who flew in from the US just something to do before each shot that only takes a few seconds and well I don't give too much away the distance was incredible and I know it can benefit any golfer Adams a senior golfer and just watch just watch you can absolutely love it come and check out the video right now and enjoy together that's a normal pretty normal shot that's a normal shot didn't exactly go for the three but yep
it wasn't necessarily a good strike
same exact thing yep
okay so what we're going to do is your Club at speed right there is about 65 miles an hour yeah so you need to get a little bit more of this lever into this shot so what so what we're going to do is we're going to do something that a lot of people in it's a in the social media World often get you not to do which is I want to use your hands on your hands okay because you know great players yes they'll focus on a lot of body movement but they've already got lots of Hands-On movement right I want to get your wrists and your arms creating Wowzer wow a bit of that can you hear that yeah right so you see these wrists get those wrists and those arms just for a second is it a risk are you risk cocking or just whatever it takes yes whatever it's definitely risk cocking yes definitely so what we're doing is we're going to create a little bit of zip in there so if you want to feel this first of all the best thing to do is just to hold the club in your fingers yes you feel like oh boom feel that now notice this notice how little you're having to do it just go again there you go wow wow sir right now with your right hand now just hold it now go from just Tipsy fingers to now hold it in your a bit more in the fingers like this okay so we're gonna hold it in fingers and this time see if you can get a little bit more
keep going
good good start this time let it even get a bit more okay yeah and then feel the momentum again what made the sound hear that sound yeah I could definitely made the sound there you go oh yeah now we're crying yes
there you go hear that yeah right now now hold it in your left hand just left just left hand now same thing just with your fingers just feel the same thing again like this you can hold it a little bit more just the idea with holding in the fingers is so that the club head yeah you can feel a little bit that first of all yeah just just initially yeah see this is this is I'm a little this is gonna be hard coordinated yeah yeah no and that's fine this is going to take a bit of time because it's not you're not left-handed right so correct and then just let it cook oh okay there's no more just that and then let it drop oh yeah so it's coming more see I tend to come this way yeah which gives me nothing this away yeah you talked about the circle that's not a circle round up there isn't it no the circle has to go all the way around here and then from here look we're going to catapult it around here okay but we'll come to the body in a second without this here it doesn't matter what it is you've got nothing right yeah so look if I hold my stiff like this and I use lots of body I'm still not going to do anything great that's why my drive only went there yeah exactly well your last Drive traveled only carried 96 yards that's pathetic so we want to carry that up a little bit more yeah and this is what we're going to do right we're going to create there you go is there a hesitation or a lag or I just let it do whatever you're doing whatever I'm just doing it I don't know hold it hold it on both hands now and see if you can get the same type of feeling
wowza now if I could only hit the ball so you've now got the feeling of the Catapult yeah yeah you've now got a bit of a feeling here we're going to extend the Catapult just a little bit and here's what we're gonna do get yourself set again so this is the next drill keep it there swing the club forward let it go forward first and then right here now then cancel it back yes so swing it forward and then catapult it back there we go
right you feel that yeah so here's what we do now we're going to go to the golf ball right and whenever you go to a golf ball for the first time I remember um you know my old coach saying to me when were we developing loads of speed you need to spend time okay hitting it bad so not being caring where the ball goes because getting the club head speed going like you're doing now is the fastest way to getting you to swing really properly once you've got you striking and increasing that speed then we can tweak the swing but there's no point tweaking a swing right that has a foundation of this because there's nowhere to go from there you know of course you're going to hit it straight because you don't hit it far enough to get into trouble yeah right makes sense right so what we want to do is if we want to get you to so you're hitting it another 50 yards so you can get into trouble and then once you're into trouble now we'll kind of straighten you up yeah okay so let's go better
how did that one feel Wowzer
so you've just jumped your Club head speed get this are you ready from 65 miles an hour to 73 miles an hour just by doing that one thing just in one ball wow right your carry has gone up to 102.8 yards in total more yeah okay it's a little bit more but more but the way we're going to get the karaoke is by eventually improving some of the Dynamics of the Swing but to jump to give you an idea if you jump somebody's Club head speed up by a mile an hour it's it's equivalent to two to three yards So in theory you know we've potentially going to add their 8 16 to 20 to 8 16 to 24 yards just by doing that one thing wow yeah and you didn't do it properly there you did half of it right so should we try one more
what is that uh that was a hook that was how does that feel though not so hard okay you've just increased your Club at speed now from the start to 75 miles an hour from 65 that's 10. you've just carried that ball now 124 yards I felt that was a mishit this is the thing this is what club XP does right it increases your distance so in you've just hit that total distance let me just have a look at this here you've just now hit that 170 yards right and that was a Miss hit it was a Miss hit there you go amazing okay can you see it can you see a difference right so can you so and we we're only two balls in and you're already 10 mile an hour faster than Club at speed wow right so we haven't started yet wow wow wow all right so this is going to come more confidence to get with this we're going to increase this further and further
so continue to take Adam around the golf course and we managed to get two or three holes in and the yardage just got bigger and bigger and bigger we actually got him up to 35 yards extra in Carrie alone and then the heavens opened up but there was still more work to be done I wanted I knew we could get him up to his Idol yet I knew we could get him close to 200 yards but he needed to do one more thing let me show you what that thing is because it made a massive difference the great thing is it's uh what's added power so far is you're now starting to crack the whip right Adam catapult for you to get those extra 10 miles an hour if you want to get you from 75 to 80 another five miles an hour it should be still amazing right and get your above 80 miles an hour we've got to increase the length of your circle okay so so if you were to lift this driver up here right lift it over your head use now imagine this you you'd use your body here to throw it down wouldn't you right you'd use that body right what we want to do now is again imagine you're going to throw this out into the field right use your core imagine throwing yes yes but when you're doing it right don't just use your arm from here look get that body wind the body up and imagine all your that core throwing that club as far as you can out into the field
so no control of this if it goes everywhere I don't care I really throw that out into the thrill like a hammer
that was my best shot of the day best shot of the day best shot of the day 78 miles an hour you just hit now look at this you've just carried that ball 149 yards to 550 that's a 58 increase in carry you nailed to 180 . we'll get can we do 200. I I don't know Danny but whatever it is we're way ahead we are way ahead of the game we are Miles Ahead so get us sentence again right now before you hit another shot we need to we need to Prime yourself I gotta get this so don't hit the ball yet Prime so remind it's a primary I have a practice swing prying that body what do you need to do your Hammer thrower right use that call it back and boom right when did I get for me swim back right
use this car okay right there's your Hammer the Olympic Hammer is right there you're not using just these right you're using all of that body you're gonna throw it look I'm going to throw it at you yeah but you don't you won't go well you've got it buddy use it rip it out there yeah throw that hammer use that core throw it out into this into the distance
that one I didn't hit clean you just slipped enough you just slipped a bit there but you're comfortable in our uh 76 uh 76 miles an hour on clubhouse speed we got this we can count we can get our break come on
all right same thing so different how's that feel good
185.6 yards so we're now just 15 yards off the magic
you're confident but but whatever it is I am I am light years ahead of where I was at eight o'clock this morning light years so does it feel good it feels great yeah it doesn't feel easy get it everyone is easier yeah yeah everyone is easier let's finish off because I don't want to hit too many balls it's hot day we're hitting a lot of energy balls here right they're sapping a lot of energy we'll finish off by just maybe two balls okay and what we're going to do is you're doing really really good right I'm really happy um you're getting some zip I just what I'd like you to do is just keep I want to give let you go and remind yourself of the tension and uh body the body the core but you've got my backswing where I wanted it to be so that a major major accomplishment is better than this and I knew this was bad if you whenever I see Gophers they never they never move this pocket if you don't move your pocket you can't move move that towards the target so once you're here then it's like this feel the strength yeah if I've got I've got my car I've got my arms I'm going to use that look to then toss this out as far as I can on the Range but if I've only got here I can only use arm strength correct but if I'm here I'm using the legs the core and I'm loading and then I can let me try one more this is the 200 yard swing remember this yeah right this is gonna be just all your money back here different instead of doing that I'm going to do this
I said love it love it yeah instead
77 I think that was the best one of the day it is yeah oh 190 yards I'm done let's go we're done we're done that's like 156.5 yards in pure carry that's 60 yards more than your first drive yeah and 56 55 yards longer than normal I mean I mean I I think I think that that that's I think we should end we shouldn't I think so so if you enjoyed this live lesson remember to give it a thumbs up let me share it with one of your friends and of course look if you like this style of lesson I have a full playlist of live lessons covering short game iron player driving you name it right here remember it's completely free to subscribe do so by pressing right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
Transcript Summary-