Before Hitting Your Irons & Woods Do This For 5 Seconds
Sep 06, 2024Transcript Summary- Hey, everyone! In this video, I’m going to share a simple system I give my students to help them consistently hit better shots from various lies on the course—whether it’s an upslope, downslope, or the ball’s below or above your feet. Without these adjustments, even a great swing can lead to inconsistent strikes. So, if you’re looking to hit your irons, hybrids, and fairway woods more solidly off the ground, this is for you.
Now, before we dive in, if you’re new here, consider subscribing for weekly videos to improve your game. I also provide free downloads or practice guides in the description box, so you don’t have to remember everything.
Let’s start with a flat lie. The ball position is standard—about one club width inside the lead heel—and the weight and shoulders are level. That’s your baseline setup. But if the ball lands on an upslope or downslope, or if it’s below or above your feet, things change.
Here’s the key: “Ball favors the higher foot, weight favors the lower foot.” For an upslope, move the ball slightly forward and adjust your spine angle to match the slope. Remember, you’re adding loft, so you might need a lower lofted club, and swing with the slope, not against it.
For a downslope, it’s the opposite. Move the ball forward, get your spine perpendicular to the slope, and choose a higher lofted club since you’ll be de-lofting your shot. Visualize a lower trajectory, and swing down the slope without trying to help the ball up in the air.
When the ball is above or below your feet, adjust your stance. For the ball above, grip down to compensate for the shorter distance to the ball. For the ball below, widen your stance and take an extra club so you can swing more controlled.
It sounds tricky, but with a little practice, these adjustments become second nature. By paying attention to these subtle changes, you’ll strike the ball more consistently, no matter the lie. Hope this helps! If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs up, share it with a friend, and check out the free practice guide in the description. Happy golfing!
Full Transcript- Take a look around what do you see loads of humps and hollers up slopes down slops side slops in this video I'm going to get you to do something that I get my students to do before every single shot it only takes them a few seconds but without doing it it almost guarantees that they'll strike or certainly be very very inconsistent with the way they hit the irons hybrids and fairwoods off the ground so in this video we're going to help you become more consistent with every single Club off the ground now before I get into less look if you're new to the channel your first videos of mine please consider subscribing videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download or practice guide in the description box below so you've just hit a drive down the middle of the Fairway how often do you ever find a perfectly flat light most of the time your ball's on an up slop like this or you're on a down slop or the ball's below your feet or it's above your feet now if you're not adjusting to these lies it doesn't matter how good a golf swing you have have the chances of you making solid contact time and time again is almost impossible so what I thought I'd do is in this video I'm going to show you what I give my shoo give them a little system that they can follow every time they're on a fairway with whatever the club are hitting irons hybrids or Fairy Woods that they can follow to adjust all these lights to really increase the chances of them striking it consistently well so let's start with the flat light here so standard I've got an Aon in my hands here standard uh position here ball is one Club width get myself lined up one Club width inside my lead heel the only thing that changes with the longer clubs you gradually get longer here so it look bold looks worth forward but it's just inside the lead heel simple right shoulder alignment is ultimately here fairly level Trail shoulders a little bit low it's not like this and it's not like this it's pretty level weight distribution again very very even there's nothing more complicated than that now that's setup right problem is if your ball lands just a few feet further forward you've now found an UPS slope and if you don't adjust to this the chances of you're making solid contact regardless of how good a go swing you put on it are really really Slim so let me give you the system that I get my players to kind of follow over and over again so the first thing I get them to do look is this they're on up slop we get the ball position the same to start with I get them into the standard ball position first of all and I get them to feel like they're in a standard setup then what I do is I get them to uh to follow the simple rule ball favors higher foot weight favors lower foot so what I'm going to do now is this I've the ball position at the moment is one Club width just on a standard line ball favors higher I'm going to move the ball one ball further forward I'm going to get my uh my my spine angle here perpendicular to the slope why would I do this well if this is the slope and this is your spine angle I always want the spine angle looking like this so as the slope changes you change what's that going to do to your weight it's going to favor look slightly the lower foot what else do you think is going to have to change you've changed ball position you've change body position what's going to happen to the loft of this golf club do you think you're going to increase it so I'm using a0 here from 155 yards I'm going to move to a 79 in order to kind of reach that green why because as I'm swinging up here I'm adding more Loft to the golf shot the fourth and final thing that you need to do is you need to change what you're seeing visually when you're hitting this shot I'm now visualizing a much much first of all a much much higher ball flight that's the first thing and the other thing is is I'm also feeling because there's a lot of weight here I'm really feeling a swing that's swinging down and up the slope it's going down the slope and up the slope I'm not swinging as I would be normally like this right so these are things you need to adjust to so let's start with the upper line then we'll gradually move to the down line show you what you need to do there so I'm setting myself up and all I'm doing now is visualizing a much kind of sweeping blow up this
slope beautiful caught it a little clean but actually you know what on the green absolutely perfect this is the advantage of adjusting to your lie so here's a really interesting one now we've gone from upper lie we're going to move the ball for a second you've landed the ball your ball's finished on a down slop but not just a down slop here you're on a down slop and the ball is slightly above my feet here so we've got two things we need to take into consideration and this is normal this is real life is it you face this all of the time so what adjustments do you make so let's start with the first adjustment which is simply the down slop so what we're going to do we're going to follow the same rule right we're going to set up normally ball a club width inside our lead heel try and get the weight nice and even start with shoulders nice and level then what we're going to do is is what the ball what the ball favors the higher foot the weight favors the lower foot so what we're going to do we're going to move look one ball towards our Target so Ball's moved slightly towards the higher foot we're going to get a spine angle look here perpendicular now to the slope what's that done to my weight now it's moved my weight forward what's it done to the loft of the golf club if if we're swinging now this way and the weight's forward my eight iron now has turned into a seven iron what's going to happen the ball's going to go low it's probably going to go too fast so what do you do with Club selection on a downhill L you do the opposite we M we move from 89 now to 99 and then hit the shot right so you've gone ball position body position Club selection and finally swing what do we need to do with a golf swing well it's the opposite and this is the one that most people struggle with when they're leaning in on the down slop they know the ball feels it's going to go very very low so they try to help it up in the air you have to trust this very important you've set yourself up swing up the slop now and down the slop and I'm really following this slop here this time I'm going to visualize complete opposite the ball I'm going to visualize a much lower trajectory uh finish I'm going to finish a lot lower on this one here whereas I finished high on the previous one I'm now going to finish low on the previous one uh this one these are things you need to pay attention to when you're on these sloping lies but there's also one other spanner in the works with this shot because it's not just on a down slop it's also slightly above my stance so we've got our setup right so we've got our setup here we' moved that ball forward got our weight forward body in position what I'm going to do now is this when the balls above my stance is closer to me what I'm going to do look is I'm going to go down the grip to counter the fact that the Earth the ground is closer to me if I kept it at this height here the chances of me striking the fat are increased but also the L angle of the golf club is affected as well so I'm basically going down the grip now to cater for that these are things it sound complicated that but you got to pay attention to them so I'm in my setup position now got my weight forward I'm now going to kind of visualize a much lower trajectory shot swinging up the slope down the slope staying down through the shot not tempted to lift it up down through the shot before we move on the next
L and you can see there low trajectory flight comes in a little bit hotter nice compressed shot this is all these small little adjustments you need to make in order to kind of get used to these upill and down lies let's move on to one tricky one now right ball below feet this one is a very tricky one for people to kind of adjust to now again let's follow the same system now here we don't have to adjust this is fairly flat lie but the ball's actually below our feet so ball position Remains the Same our spine angle Remains the Same but the ball's further away from so what we're going to do now is is we're going to slightly widen our stance widening our stance simply gets us lower to the ground we're going to make sure now rather than going down the grip we're going to make sure that we're right to the top of that grip here now as I'm making a swing here the the key thing is this I am really swinging I feel I've always felt on downhill lies I swing at 34s because I'm swing at three quarters what do you think I probably need to do to my Club selection I probably need to go up so if I'm using an eight in I'm going to move to a seven in what it does is it allows me to swing easy I find when when I'm a balls below my feet I share this with my students if I'm trying to hit too hard here I lose my balance and I lose my strike I don't want you to do that so go up a club you're going to go up to the top of the grip you're going to widen your stance to reach the golf ball everything else remains same the same and you're going to swing what it feels like very much free quarters so that you can stay in balance and you don't do what your body really wants to do which is what stand up because it feels like it's a long way down all right so swing nice and steady trust your instincts and away we
go beautiful just clipped it off beautifully then you can see here my look at my finish it was very very short okay this is what you're going to have to do when you're on a downhill lie like this or sorry A B below the the feet Li so when you're on the Fairway please please please spend a few seconds adjusting to these lies I promise you all the hard work that you do in practice and improving your golf swing will come to fruition if you make the subtle adjustments to all the lies around the golf course so I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and if look if you want to have a um some lessons on your driver do check this one uh video out right here I'll put a free download a practice guide with all of this in the description box below I might even put like a PDF that you can take away with you uh so you'd have to remember a lot of this stuff and of course if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the Bell but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.