Before Striking Your Irons Do this For 5 Seconds
Mar 12, 2024Full Transcript- so this week's video I'm going to show you how to strike your irons more effectively by giving you one of my students favorite exercises just something I get them to do for a few seconds before each and every single shot so if you've been struggling with any form of ball striking off the Fairway whether that's your Highbridge long ions ions you're going to absolutely love this video now before I get into the lesson look if you're new to the channel it's one your first videos of mine please consider subscribing I videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download a practice guide in the description box below so golf can sometimes feel very complicated can it and just like you my students sometimes feel like they're never going to get their game back sometimes they wonder how they get consistency in all their ball striking and one thing I do or get them to do is is something for just it takes a few seconds before each shot and that is to kind of appreciate the structure of the arms and the club head simple as that I'll show you what I mean by that you see a lot of players who struggle with kind of consistency of strike lack of distance what you'll find is is at the moment of impact their structure of their arms looks a little bit like this it could be the arms are all folded and bended they maybe get a few chicken wings you might see the wrists breaking down here but there's a multitude of things which is Paw structure great consistent ball Strikers have a wonderful structure which looks something like this the hand will be leaning forward here the arms are beautifully extended downwards underneath uh the body here and they're almost forming like this letter y shape at the moment of impact this is great structure so what I want to do in this video and this lesson is teach you one how you can form that structure first of all at the start of your swing but then how you can maintain it throughout because if you can do that you'll naturally become more consistent in your ball striking and therefore naturally hit the ball a little bit further so let's start with how you set up to this so what I'd love you to do is simply form the letter Y nothing nothing more than that get the uh the handle here put it over on your on your lead inside lead leg grip the golf club here put the uh both hands on the golf club and look at this we've just formed look the letter Y hold the club up now in front of you here this is super important this is what I get my players to do I'm going get them to look at the club face that stays make sure it's Square okay we've still got the letter Y forming here and I get them to just pushed keep my arms connected to my chest I'm pushing my arms outwards here I'll fairly f up my elbows are kind of pushing together why would I get people just feel like the elbows are getting pushed together well this is important look at this if my elbows are just gently pushed together two things are happening I'm able to create now a radius to a circle that we're just about to swing on a roughly about 45 degre Circle my arms are bent and then I and I start like this next to the golf ball and then suddenly during my swing my arms extend I've suddenly in a sense made the radius bigger and more like to fat into the golf ball okay so I've lost structure my structures changed changed so just literally allowing those arms gently just to extend out in front of you the other thing this does are too is this when you push your arms forward if you do this with me if you grab a golf club you'll feel this push your arms forward you'll notice they rotate inwards as they rotate inwards look this way this now is opening the door for me to turn look and create this angled Circle here if I let my arms start to fold inwards here can you see Tim the more I P pull my arms inwards the more if anything I'm closing that door and now how do I create a golf swing I can't but if I start to push my arms out and push them closer together now I've created a structure that's going to allow me to create one a circle that's roughly on a 45 degree angle but also I'm also creating the consistent radius to that Circle it's going to give you a chance to make consistent contact so start with that form the letter Y just push the arms out in front of you now you know what structure is you now need to figure out how to maintain main that structure through the entire swings I'm going to show you how to do that in a second let me hit a shot with you now though of me doing this so I form my structure here now all I'm doing is is once I've got that structure I'm look I'm maintaining it all the way back all the way down look and when I come and bring that structure back into impact here and I give it a crack okay so once my structure stays intact back here I can literally hit shot after strop pure as you like easy easy easy and that's what I want you to do but the problem is is is it easy well it is if you understand how okay how to do this now the way I want you to start doing it is this you need to know the destination that your Club is going to okay now your destination is going to be different to somebody else's and it's going to be different based on your level of flexibility I coach golfers from all ages and this is super super important so when you set up to a golf ball and you've created this structure here what I want you to do is simply move your arms okay and notice this my arms here this this uh my trail arm here the elbow is still fairly close together and he's sitting down now of all the people I coach everybody has the ability to do this but maybe not as much as me some players don't have the flexibility to keep their elbow down as much some people are slightly out here a recent student of mine Paul was very much like this but you make the best attempt at maintaining whatever structure you have okay but here's where the problem lies now what a lot of times people are doing is is they get to the top and what happens is in an attempt to complete your swing what you're doing is is you break down this structure to lengthen it okay now this could be flexibility issues it could be the fact that ultimately you're not really continuing your turn with your shoulders you're just doing it by uh collapsing your arms okay now it can be done a Manu of ways one's with the elbow I see recently um a student of mine tried to complete swing not with his elbow but with his hinging his wrist here to do this got the cing now the face is wide open now the problem is look at this if I move back down to impact now is that the structure we started with no so that is super hard to uh repeat this is the structure we started with we're getting back up here we want to maintain it as much as we possibly can so there's two things I want you to pay attention to I want you to pay attention to making sure those elbows are fairly close together but probably the most important bit okay and the one thing that I would see most golfers who struggle consistently with strike is your Club face so if you're a flicker or a slicer particularly I want you to do this watch see on my wrists here watch what I do with my wrists push away I'm almost getting my palm pushing away here I've kept the structure here this we see this I'm almost getting you I'm showing almost the label to you of the back of my hand I'm pushing my structure away this is vital why because look if I move back here look that's the Square Face a lot of times okay in an attempt to complete people are doing this they're opening the club face now the problem is is as you open the club face what you do unfortunely on the way down is is you don't close it by doing this and reforming your structure what you actually do most of the time is this and the elbow starts popping out and what's happened now the handle goes behind the club head and you start getting these flicky strikes with a chicken wing and it has nothing to do and then you then you someone's told you to keep your hands forward so you then start doing this now the face is wide open you start hitting them way out to the right when all you needed to do was keep the structure of pushing the palm of the trail hand look away here now look the face is ready you can from here look simply turn back down onto that golf ball Okay so so maintain that structure here right then when you get to the top feel the same structure here now the final bit okay you don't all do this all at once you need to know what's your destination the simplest thing I can possibly tell you is this once you know the destination here all I'm doing is simply this get your lead arm back underneath your lead shoulder so I'm taking this structure and I'm throwing that structure straight down so my lead arm is underneath my shoulder here as I as the structure goes under all I'm do is I continue that motion all the way through here this is what gives you the beautiful consistent strikes at no stage look am I losing this structure having to cause the hands to get active I haven't got an open face on the way down if I have I might have to do this the structure is there and I simply move it right underneath my body here so I can give it An Almighty smack and we can play with this now I'm going to jerk around now for a second so when I play this I'm not even going to set up I'm going to create this structure I'm going to walk this golf ball now and I'm going to take the structure and just just hit it so I'm not even going to set up I'm just going to watch bang because once you've got structure in your arms you can do silly things you can just simply walk up to this golf ball because and take the structure and throw it back down in front of you because I have got control of the face I've got control of my arms and I can start repeating this look at these numbers we move moving around all place club path face to path absolutely perfect why because once I've got structure I maintain it and I move it down and it's repeatable over and over again so do me a favor get that setup right feel the structure first then get that face ready I cannot tell you how important this is I might put a little kind of video here where a recent mind a less of M Casper Lee came to see me and one of the things he had a huge slice huge awful strikes all I did was change this horrible structure here to this that's all we did open face elbow pop out pushed him out here and he went from slices to drawers in 10 minutes okay try it out I promise you it's an absolute Game Changer look if you enjoy this video give it a thumbs up maybe share it to one of your friends and of course look if you are new to the channel you want to see videos like this one remember to press that subscribe button and the bell if you want to learn how this left arm works I give you a destination on the way down here if you want to learn more detail how this works check this video out right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
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