Create Effortless Power By Slowing Down Your Golf Swing

effortless golf swing stirke irons Sep 06, 2024

Transcript Summary-

Hey everyone, in this video, I’m going to show you how to create effortless power in your golf swing with accuracy. A lot of people ask how I hit the ball so far with my feet together, so today I’ll share some tips I give my students that will help you generate more power without sacrificing control.

First, we’re going to focus on a simple hand and arm action. Keep the butt steady, let your trail hand hinge, and get the shaft pointing over your trail shoulder. This helps preset the backswing. On the way down, your trail elbow folds in, the club pitches forward, and your swing becomes more harmonized. Practicing with your feet together helps you naturally pivot and keeps everything in sync.

Once you’ve mastered the hand and arm action, step two is to focus on ball striking. Scratch a line on the grass and practice striking just ahead of the ball, which ensures consistent contact. Keep the same hand and arm action but pay attention to where you’re hitting the ground.

Finally, step three is to work on your tempo. Start with slow swings, then gradually speed up while maintaining control. Build three tempos—slow, medium, and fast—and find the one that works best for you. As you progress, you can move your feet apart and bring this movement to the course.

Remember to subscribe if you’re new to the channel, and check the link in the description for a free practice guide. Happy golfing!

Full Transcript- So recently I did a video where I put my feet together and people said Danny how are you hitting the ball so far with your feet together with what appears like an effortless golf swing in this video I'm going to share with you some of the little tricks I I share with many of my students to help them generate effortless power but with power you still want accuracy and all the best players have a beautiful harmony with their goal in which I want to share with you how they are doing it because anybody can benefit from a few extra yards if they're under control now before I get into the video look if you new to your channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I relase videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box

below so look really look feet together nice effortless motion I want to teach you that I'm just using a 79 here that's got what 170 yards with my feet together hopefully looking really really simple so how we create this kind of effortless power so the very first thing I want you to do and you're going to be amazed at how simple this really really is I promise you now keeping the butt level like this don't move the butt all I want you to do is let your Trail hand just hinge in such a way that the shaft starts to point over your Trail shoulder like this okay so the hands are here shaft pointing over here this is the start almost of you producing the back swing I'll come tight in the second now on the way through this is your follow through now what we're going to do same principle keeping the the butt down here we're just going to hinge the wrists so the shaft now hinges over the lead shoulder just practice that a few times get a sense of where this is going now I get students just to hit shots like this but watch why this is super super valuable you get this hinging correctly here you've already preset almost the swing your Trail elbow now will fold downwards and inwards you're Now setting the club Lo beauti to work all you do from here look at this if we were just turning at the same time you have got the perfect backing where the trail hand here is just beautifully folded and you're in the perfect spot at the top on the way down the reverse happens as I'm coming down now we're going to be coming back into impact and now look watch we're going to the hand action the arm action is going to work like this and this elbow now is going to sit downwards and the club's going to be pitched over here this now look look at look at this this becomes look your release what you know where's my elbow is it stuck out here no it's naturally in here where's the club pitched over this way so what we're creating look here is the elbows pitching in here the club's pitching beautiy out here we're coming down the the club releases and hey Presto you are starting to create the most beautiful harmonized hand and arm action that is going to be hugely effortless so let's show you how this works now on the ground so what we're going to do I want you to do the same is get us a feeling and before I go into actually let me give credit here to gra Walker one of my mentors who kind of gave me this drill it's just brilliant he's coached to Tommy Fleetwood um so from here just get that sens sensation of this the the hinge here hinging upwards notice I'm keeping the butts constant and then from there look I'm just going to blend in the body motion so the body is simply pivoting backwards and forwards why I love the feet together with this is it just naturally gets your body doing perfect things when your feet are apart to start with you can sway around when your body's together your body's going to naturally want to kind of beautifully pivot on the spot well if you then match the look at this this kind of hinging motion in here you've got this beautifully harmonized back swing and then look on the way through look we're going to practice this motion so now look we're going to let the club naturally look release this elbows folded in the club's released over and hey prester we've got this beautiful harmonized golf swing and if I start to sway around a little bit here which will make it not harmonized I'm going to feel it straight away yeah so let's have a look at this in action so when you're over the ball you might be asking well you know how do you initiate this movement well you know two students I gave this drill to and they came up with different visuals one of them John just said look this just makes so much sense he did one or two of these bang and then just went on and hit it he just got that feeling of back swing and down swing whereas you know another one Jamie he basically swung back and he said Danny this feels like a halfway back position and this feels like a halfway through position and it is right so he just visualized swinging halfway back here and then halfway through here show you from this angle here where look elbows folding down clubs pitching over here this automatically got him beautifully getting the harmonized arm and hand action to match his body so let's have a look let's me hit a shot doing this so I personally like this kind of sensation just one two get a rhythm of that motion and away we go nice and simple I could do that all day long it feels effortless it's going to go beautifully straight low 172 yards and don't about you I can play off like that okay so let's move on to step two you've developed now this beautiful hand and arm action right you've got a feeling of what's going on you've got to link it more to actually strike so the feet together exercise is great because what it does is it helps you return the club back down onto the ground in the correct spot right this is really important but as your feet move apart you might start to move around a little bit okay but let's start to do this now so get yourself set and what we're going to do is we're going to move our feet apart so that the ball is in line a club width inside your lead heel this is the ball position that you want for every club uh with your irons all your hybrids all your iron shots okay now what I want you to do is scratch a line in the grass here and here all right and what we're going to do is we're going to make some swings doing this beautiful hand and arm action here making sure now that you're striking the turf just ahead of the golf ball yeah now this is super important this is what's going to give you that ball tur strike it's what gives you consistent contact now I've notice this I'm not changing my hand and arm action to do this I am continuing this beautifully hand hand and arm action I'm just paying attention to where I'm striking it if I start striking a little bit behind the ball I just trust my body to naturally get used to it do a two or three swings and then when you're ready you go okay so this is a great routine for the golf course you get yourself set you visualize the scratch line here scratch line there you walk into the shot you do a few little practice wi like this one two get the strike and then walk up to the sh and then again way we go just clip a few away super super simple dead straight 170 it's like shelling peas right very very simple or is it well you and I both know it's not always that simple isn't it taking like things like this to a golf course can be quite tricky which brings me on to step number three which is tempo and routine I'm going to show you now how you can take this to a golf course it becomes again more effortless Tempo is basically speed I want you to develop three different tempos slow medium and fast okay now this is going to help you learn this movement incredibly quickly but also take it to the golf course so this is my Tempo number one and you'd be surprised at how far this still goes Tempo number one we're developing this motion look one two Tempo number one yeah you'll notice it's a bit slower than the last ones watch how far it goes even just almost like a basic clip down the Fairway look we've got 151 yards we can play golf like that yeah really really simply yeah and that's Tempo number one now if I start to struggle and I lose this I just go down the tempo so this is tempo number one if I find that this is going really well I can now switch gears right so now what I'm going to do is I've this looks pretty good I'm now going to move to what feels like Tempo number two which is a little bit faster yeah backwards and forward so let's move to Tempo number two again I'm still putting my feet together as well on this right so back here

didn't feel much faster than Tempo number one but it's still gone look 160 yards yeah so I might find that I've just lost a little bit of accuracy there so I might for now look think you know what I'm going to stick at 160 until I start ripping that beautiful St there's no point kind of going any further than that now having practicing these three tempers that is going to help you take what we're doing now and take it to a golf course very very simply yeah I wouldn't if I was doing this I wouldn't jump up to Tempo number three at all at the stage I would simply keep it at this pace and this is what I want to want you to do yeah if I want to ramp it up to maybe Tempo number three it look something more like this a little bit faster and yes it's going to go another probably another 10 or 15 yards further there look so having that at your disposal is super super uh it's brilliant actually for you when you take it to the golf course so step number one build this simple arm action hand and arm action that's your back swing halfway back that's your F through halfway through blending the body with your feet together step number two make sure you start striking the ground in the same spot every time just after that golf ball and build the tempo in slow so you can learn it in a slow fashion first then gradually get it bigger and of course start to move those feet apart when you start building that coordination in it is the most effortless way to swing in a golf club and you'll learn it much much faster so I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with a friend and look this will only work if you have a great the basics in place so a great grip and a great setup in terms of ball position check this video out for that really really important I probably watch this straight afterwards and then come to this one all right hope you enjoy the video until next week have a wonderful golfing week.