Nov 05, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here welcome to another episode this week we're gonna discuss how to get an into out swing on the way through the shot now if you've clicked on the video the chances are maybe you're an out to win swinger and you want to know how to stop that and get swinging the club into well maybe you slice the golf ball and you would love to understand well you've heard that obviously hitting a draw reducing that slice you need to get the club more into out and you tried a few things and they're not really working and you want to know how to get this working more effectively well this in this week's training we're going to cover exactly that we're going to cover three things what I would classes all three most important things to start this process and get your swing in far more into out so let's get started with something really simple the number one thing I find when I take people on a golf course is alignment they get it wrong so many times like nine out of ten of my students they get it wrong they tend to way way too far to the right target here now think about it if you ask someone who swings across the line you're probably doing it because of poor alignment right now if you don't fix the alignment first you'll never swing into out because if we're aiming to the right and we swing into out we're going to hit the ball there right so we definitely don't want to be doing that step number one double-check your alignment nobody can start working the club into out if they're already aiming to the right hand side right you're going to always have to make those conversations a swing across the line to get anywhere near the fairway so a quick recap because I'm sure you guys understand this but quick recap on alignment you have a ball to target line here right which is where you're aiming and then you have a body line right the body line is parallel left of target our body line is never aimed at the target too often I see people's boy body line aimed at the target eye here and there and what they're doing is they're simply pushing the target line out of it to the right we need to be parallel left with a body line basic yes but you would not believe how many be but when I tell you on the golf course they're trying to stop coming over the top and maybe try and hit this draw and they just can't do it right so to get into out swing double check first of all that your alignment in shape second thing and here comes the tennis racket so have you started to learn to play tennis we should be really good fun but there's some real crossovers and that we can we can learn from other other sports now for those people who are trying to get an into out swing the chances are that you're probably cutting the golf ball you're coming out to win and you're cutting the golf ball so the very first thing you're gonna need to do you're gonna need to change the spin that you put on the ball right so the problem is to ask somebody who slices the ball to swing into out that for most people is just way too scary right all that's going to happen is you know if you're if you know that your troubles are over on the right hand side the last thing you're going to want to do is get the club swing in here even if you really want to subconsciously you're going to be like no that's the trouble over there right so what tends to happen is people kind of still swing over the top and they cannot get rid of it right so what really works if we can change your spin so that we can put a right-to-left spin on it first even if the ball sets off left the target and goes left it will give you the best opportunity first of all to get or give you more encouragement to start swinging into out so when I was letting play tennis and we when you obviously we need to put a lot of change the spin on it on that on the ball right when I first started I was trying to put topspin on like this rolling my hands over right and all that was happening was the pot was not going over there it was just literally I was playing top speed on but it's going into the net what I was then taught to do is I wanted to cut they said look if you want to get topspin on the ball and get over the net you need to brush up the back of the ball right brush up the back of the bar I thought that's really really interesting that's not dissimilar to hitting a driver right because what most people do when they're coming out to win is they're coming down on the golf ball if anything they're putting lots of backspin and slight cut spin on on the ball right so I thought well I wonder if this type of feeling would really help and it definitely does right so what you want to do if you want to start to learn to turn we get an interrupt swing path what you can start to do initially is take the club and start to just relax to start to get the head working up and start to get the sensation that it's actually rolling so you're working it up on the ball and the club head itself is almost rolling it's closing down just get that sensation up here roll it over roll it over right not dissimilar completely the opposite to somebody who is simply slicing across the golf ball so let's have a look at what that looks like so from here we're getting it will make you swim don't go for any Big Shot start off free then what I'm going to do is get yourself set and just practice swinging up and get the sensation of rolling the club as it's going upwards someone look at this nice is simple big hook there right really big hook which is great to start off with right because for most of you if you can't get the ball spinning from right to left you'll never have the encouragement to swing into out but imagine this if we start seeing the ball moving away from your trouble on this side it will give you far more confidence to start to swing in to out so let's start with that first and then we'll work on number three so you've looked at your alignment we've now started to get a sense that we're going to be brushing up the back of the golf ball-like just like a tennis shot and getting a sense that the clubface starting to close down but still if this isn't quite working then it can be down to the third factor which would hopefully kind of knit all this together if people are struggling naturally to let the clubface closed room packed and get this into out swing the chances are it's because they suffer from a lack of disassociation between the club head and the body what do I mean by this a lot of people who are swinging out to win and cutting across the golf ball they're desperately trying to close that face and stop that slice but what they're doing is they're doing it with their body right so look at this their body's actually closing down but they haven't been able to do you know the bodies not nothing that hits the golf ball right the club head is so what happens is as the body tries to close down it swings across the line in the golf ball and increases are likely that you're just going to cut across and slice it what we've got to do is disassociate from body and club so this what's the difference here here the clubhead swinging here there's no disassociation and the body is just moving right we want to stop the shoulder working and allow the club head itself to start to work up on the ball and let it close right see what notes I'm doing one hand this is the easiest way to feel disassociation because I'm allowing the club back to swing once you've got that motion then what you do again nice and small just get a practice with this and just start to practice this disassociation here you're brushing at the back of the golf ball here will not have to wonderful pure shots of stage we're trying to just simply alter the spin lack of that movement beautiful movement on the golf ball all because what I'm doing is simply just swinging the club head I'm brushing up the back of the golf ball here and I've got this really good disassociation look at the difference as I did this if I try to close the club face like this with my body no disassociation is always going to get the club swinging left to target and those are the three things that I'd like you to consider so let's summarize for a second we want you want probably to start to swing it into our likelihood is that's because you're swinging out to win with an open face and possibly slicing the golf ball if you want to learn to do this effectively please double check your alignment before we do anything else I you will not believe how many people get it wrong please check that first right once you check your alignment and you're you're happy that that's all absolutely spot-on then the next thing to consider is is a tennis analogy right what we want to do we drive it is you won't be brushing up the back of the the ball I want to get a sense of this just littered the club working and brushing up the back of the golf ball what do most people swing out to in do they come from this position they're coming actually down and across the ball producing lots of backspin and sidespin right we want to be coming up the back of the golf ball here with a rolling or get a sensation sensor that right we start small with it first of all we're not interested in in it ultimately beautiful strikes we are trying to alter the spin on the golf ball if you don't alter the spin first it is so difficult to encourage or I have the confidence to swing into out you imagine I'm suddenly 18th here at Canterbury there's out of bounds down the right-hand side and you've been slicing it do you think realistically you're going to have the real confidence to swing to the right when you've been slicing it maybe but it's highly unlikely right so if we can change your spin if you know that the ball is going to curve away from here then you'll have more confidence to swing there right so step one alignment step two we need to change the spin and we're gonna start to do that with a brushing up step three which kind of is interlinked with firm step two is we've got to learn to disassociate the club head and the body a lot of people who struggle with this Martian or I the clubface closing down is simply because they're trying to close it down with their shoulders and not letting the club head do the work instead right so here I am the club head swinging right backwards and forwards I'm not going trying to close it down with our body it looks when you watch on camera pretty obvious but you'd be amazed again how tricky this is sometimes to feel so that's why I suggest doing it one hand to start off with right so let's have another look at that so we've got ourselves a line correctly we're gonna try to brush up the back of the golf ball here to try and create that draw I'm going to make sure we're disassociating here the right shoulders not doing the work the club is all right let's have a quick look at this nice and small and there you go a nice loopy shape on the shot here completely opposite to what you're probably finding if you're coming out to win all right so I hope you really enjoyed this training I hope you did and if you did please share with your friends if they found any your friends are struggling with this into out swing path and of course if you're enjoying the content and you would like to receive it in your inbox every week don't forget to press the subscribe button and the bell if you have any questions at all on this subject don't hesitate to put them in the comments box below or head over to my Instagram channel that's them over there but until next week have a great golfing week