Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I want to try and help you increase your club at speed whilst at the same time in keeping your accuracy no point here now absolute mile if you're hitting it all over the place well this week's Friday I'm going to give you three it's very very simple things that you can do right away to improve both of those factors before we do that if you're new to channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing if you press a little Bell button s's to the subscribe button you get to receive videos just like this one every week so I can come help you improve your game so how do you generate speed whilst maintaining accuracy tip number one very very straightforward give this I see a lot of golfers for getting that Golf is a sport a sport I designed to be played with athleticism no matter what age you're at so many golfers stand - a golf ball wanting to hit longer but they stand kind of like this with no energy in what they're doing and if all you took from this one video was this one thing it would already immediately increase your power so what do I mean by this now on the other side of this camera is you I want you to imagine now for a second we're gonna have a little game right and I'm gonna come running out here and you're gonna try and stop me you're gonna grab me right I want you to imagine if I'm gonna come running at you here if you're stood like this I'm just gonna flatten you I want you to imagine you're gonna stop me as best as you possibly can to feel the energy that you'd have in your legs your body if I actually did that there'll be something there wouldn't it now this has two things when you do this you activate your entire body and with that there you activate energy you activate your power you activate the power from the floor but the other thing that you're doing also is you immediately improve your overall balance balance is one of the factors not only does it lead to clearly power and how you use use it but the other thing about balance is it helps you to make sure that you swing the club actually on a consistent arc if my balance is all over the club's gonna be all over the place so stage number one just very simply nothing complicated just feel like you've gotta hit the ball a mile with kids these days go in the days where we tell the clothes to kiss to be steady be easy now what we're telling them to do is look little Johnny hit the ball as far as you possibly can one ruler stay in balance this encourages an a much more athletic approach to the game no matter your age everyone consensus so that is tip number one get ready to play the sport that is actually golf let's now look at tip number two so tip number two involve something that you do already very naturally if you want to generate more speed and naturally fluidity and accuracy to what you're doing you need to get this body separation or what is body separation well you've grabbed a ball here and you throw a ball you all everyone does it they actually do this when they move forward with their lead foot their arm goes backwards so you create this stretch upper body goes one way lower body goes another way when you see somebody in a sense playing baseball you get this motion here where the lower body starting and then other bodies going back saying we the top players in the world in terms of golf there as they get into the top of the backswing here they keep moving back as the lower party starts to go down way too complex for you to think about those things in real time on a golf course but it'd be very handy to learn the feel of them because if you can learn the feel of them you get oh I get the idea of this you'll be able to link it to many other things that you've done whether it's playing tennis where it's throwing a ball and then go R and now I get it and it links to tech than one because it needs a level of dynamism without having athleticism in your golf swing no matter your age it's difficult to get these things happening so what do you need to do well the first thing to do is I've just got an 8-iron here and I said yes you start with a small club with this initially and head out to the driving range swing to a roundabout how halfway here and then all you're gonna do is very simple you're gonna get the sensation you're gonna turn towards your target here by pushing down on your lead foot and as you do this did you push down at simultaneously you go backwards with the upper part so you're moving in opposite directions you're simply getting that step that's intercession well I'm Percy feeling here is I feel like I'm pushing down whilst at the same time turning and rotating toward my target when you're watching here it is so subtle or when I hit a golf ball you'll probably won't notice any on very little difference between the two and it's not about that it's the feeling that you're getting it's so tiny but it's enough to stretch and then snap okay let's have a look at this and actually start very small most people when they start this when I'm coaching they rush through this process so take your time with it get yourself set swing back to about halfway do feel it and then go half way
then go
good now let's go to number three good one tip number three involves how you start your downswing now what I'm going to teach you you already do very very naturally when you throw you've got to look at keeping this energy stored in the in the swing for as long as you possibly can and then we're learning to release at the precise moment to generate maximum speed let me show you something when you throw a ball your hand stays up here and then as you come through it's then released at the opportune moment to generate speed what do most people do in a golf swing they get to this position here to the top of the swing and what they do is a look at the book here they pull the book down very very quickly what that does is it as the book goes this way remember this is almost like a lever you pull the book here it fires the club this way so the the fastest point in the golf club is at the top so your energy is it going there when we need the energy down here so what we want to try and do as best as we can is we want to keep this club here and the book there for as long as we can to generate that extra bit of whip through the impacts area now look at this if you got to the top of your backswing and threw your arm nothing's gonna work with your body and does that look natural it doesn't but imagine this grab a few balls get a feel for this and throw them down towards the ground and notice how your hand always stays up until the last moment when eventually it's released so how can you learn to feel this in your golf swing well you get yourself set and what I wanted to do is just simply swing the club to the top of the backswing and first of all feel what you what most people do pull the handle down and feel how the head of the golf club wants to flow out that way let me show you from here if I pull the handle down now notice the head or want to throw it want to code go quickly there so watch this if I now imagine the head stays back a little bit here but the handle takes let's call it more of a scenic route it goes this way on this arc and wider ACK away that's gonna hold the head back until eventually look it gets flung it sounds complicated but you won't feel complex if you grab a club right now and just get the feel of this energy going to early and now we're creating this circle here where the club the head holds back for as long as possible and then we get that lovely whip through impact so let's have a look at this in action so I like to in a sense get the feel of doing it wrong first you get your body loves a bit of contrast so get the sensation of swinging it back pull the handle down so you feel the head going too fast here then get the handle going on a more scenic road so it's going away from you here and the head is staying behind you see then you feel it yeah I'll keep rotating look I then get that lovely whip through impact so have a look at this we're going to swing it back rotate and away we go and that's one thing also to add with this final tip here is this when you throw a ball you're always rotating through the impact area you're not just going down towards the ground neither are you just rotating there's a downward motion and a rotation and one of the things that this does is it kind of helps you to do both those things you've got rotation you're leaving you you handle up there a little bit and then you're throwing it at the final moment let's have a look at one more of those so swing it back here was turning through and then we're whipping through the impact area so three things you've done today guys firstly how do you do it more speed and accuracy you've got to get yourself ready you've got to get those legs completely ready primed get some energy in that swing simple as that if all you took from this one video is that one thing it would make a massive difference remember you're playing a sport you need to get ready to play this spot and generate that speed it gives you balance as well which will also give you the accuracy tip number two was learning to separate the upper and lower body when you swing backwards and forwards you know you do it naturally when you throw one part your body the lower part goes one way while the upper part is still going back this creates that stretch which secretes a snap start slow with it it's definitely a range thing this swing - about half way feel that mush you can just do this indoors feel that separation downward motion upward motion and then hit a couple of shots and third a final thing take the scenic route with the club and the butt here don't throw the handle straight down because that will throw the club speed from there just get rotation coming through and holding that head just to back a little bit and then feeling the opportune moment to generate that speed through the impact area have fun with this just let go with it it's really really natural when you do it so hope you enjoy those three points and if you did maybe some of your friends could benefit from some try noise please share this video and of course luck it's one of your first video so come and join me next week by pressing that subscribe button and the bell but until next week have a great golfing week