Don't Turn Your Shoulders for a Driver Golf Swing
Nov 01, 2023
Full Transcript- hey everyone here thanks for joining us now if you're like most golfers I'm sure you'd love to get in a few extra yards like your driver as long as they go nice and straight well the quality of your rotation in your backswing and your downswing could be actually the thing that's compromising the distance that you hit the drive and your accuracy students came to see me this week all of them were misinterpreting rotation okay and that misinterpretation was really costing them so today what I do is I want to share with you a simple word that no matter your age or ability you can really get a decent amount of turn which is going to store enough energy which is then going to generate a speed through the impacts area the second thing is once you start that energy you need to know how to rotate effectively in the downswing again it's super simple which is going to help you generate more power now I'm not going to promise 20 30 40 50 yards we all know that's all false right but what I am going to do is this you will improve the quality of your strike and as a by-product you'll naturally increase your distance all right so let's get into the video now before we do that if you're new to the channels from your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing are these videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you'll never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download or practice guide in that description box below so let's start by showing you how to kind of store energy in the backswing before we actually go into then how to release that kind of rotation in the downswing so with any good player they make it look easy don't they they've got a very simple looking swings but what you'll see with the Simplicity with most of the top players at your Club as well and certainly students I I coach they create a consistent circle with the golf club around their body with poor players it's completely different they have loads of loops and all kinds of stuff going on in their golf swing and this is one of the things why they're really inconsistent so the first thing I want you to do is just kind of Let's help you create a consistent circle around your body so that it's repeatable yeah so the best way of looking at this is if we played golf up here yeah which we don't but if I go over here I always simply swinging around here and back around and this would create a very consistent Arc very very easy but we don't play golf though we play golf tilted towards the ground yeah so because of that we have to have a golf swing that has a kind of circle around about a 45 degree angle yeah back around here back around and then through for you to be able to do this every single time you need to understand first of all how those shoulders need to work now what needs to happen is this I want you to grab this with this what I give to a recent student of mine who's really really struggling with consistency with his driver got himself sir put him across the shoulders like this now when I'm swinging here there's two things I'm looking for is the person staying fairly centered so this would this is one facet to a nice consistent Circle and in golf is it till is he is he turning on a slight angle yeah because what I'm seeing with the inconsistent people who are creating kind of all these different kind of weird movements in their swing they have two things when their idea of turning their shoulder is to turn their shoulders what have I done now I have moved way off the ball now what does this also do from this angle when I turn my shoulders what do you notice now they're at this level they're not angled towards the ground yeah now that's okay if you're playing here but as you've said golf please play down there so the first thing I want to do is help you turn your shoulders in a consistent Circle to create more consistent into the strike and accuracy so all I'm going to do this is what I give Richard the other day I got him set up and I said Rich all I'm going to do is just hold this there imagine you're staying fairly centered make a turn okay and just simply feel like you're turning here at a slight angle here right now as he's doing this I want to say what I want you to notice is to notice where your lead shoulder is moving to I said okay it's moving to here great so then all I did really simply was this I got him to visualize the century shoulders here simply pivoting so his lead shoulder went to this position here so he made a move turn his lead shoulder to here and then went okay that feels very very different it's because before he was just simply moving his arms and turning his shoulders like this now he had a simple destination I need to move my leech holder to here done nothing more than that now a main mistake in the past of doing this and getting people to hit full shots I didn't do that with Richard I made sure that I got him to feel this by hitting some small shots movies lead shoulder to here and then hit a shot nothing more complicated than visualizing the center of the shoulders moving in a circle okay so it kind of looked like this to start with no big shots just literally turn through small little shots just punted down the Fairway okay now once you've done that and he's got a feel of this I noticed something that was restricting him which is kind of brings us into kind of Point number two in that if you want to move your shoulders in a circle you better make sure that every other part of the body is unlocked now if you are a senior golfer this is what I see all of the time you've got to make sure if your lower body's not working or moving freely you can't move your torso and therefore you won't move your shoulders and then therefore you'll move excessively your hands and your arms your office inconsistency so all I did with Richard was two things from the ground up I unlocked everything and I want you to do the same have a look at what you're doing so with his feet I've got all the feet I've Got My Lead Foot turned out 20 30 degrees I've got my trail foot turned out maybe 15 degrees nothing more complicated than that this frees up the the movement of the hips then I got him hit to make sure that his tailbone look was just simply moving more towards a Target now something that's going to do that's freeing up his torso which then frees up the ability to make this uh turn finally unlocking these things I said look you know you're keeping your head dead still it's okay to tilt your head I have to kind of said to people joking they said just imagine you're pouring water out of your left ear Your Leader here just imagine when you're here look just pouring water out there and this tilt here allows you to create the circle around the body look at this here if I kind of unlock everything it's a lot easier to create that continue look creating this circle but if I was to have my head here and start locking everything I am now stuck yeah but unlock everything look how easy it's like I've there we go so I'm now starting to look at the ball in the corner of my eye just by pouring water out that ear so create that motion of movement here to unlock this Arc and therefore the circle all right so simple things get yourself set work on your setup to do that and once you've done that I've spent with Rich I spent five ten balls doing this then what we did we said right now you've got a rough idea of where you're going to let's show you now how you start to release this through the actual shot.
Transcript Summary-
Hey there, fellow golfers. Thanks for joining me today. I'm sure many of you are eager to add some extra yards to your driver while maintaining accuracy. The key to achieving this lies in the quality of your rotation during both the backswing and the downswing. Many of my students have struggled with rotation, and it's been holding them back. Today, I'm going to share a simple concept that can help golfers of all ages and skill levels increase their rotation, leading to improved energy storage and greater power in your shots.
But before we dive into that, I want to remind you that I release videos like this every week, aimed at helping you enhance your game. You can find free practice guides and downloads in the description box below. Now, let's get started by discussing how to store energy in the backswing and effectively release that rotation in the downswing.
When you watch top golfers, their swings look effortless and simple. What sets them apart is the consistency of their swing, particularly in creating a circle around their body. In contrast, less experienced players tend to have all sorts of loops and inconsistencies in their swings, leading to accuracy and distance problems.
To create a consistent circle, imagine playing golf on an inclined plane, which we do. The key is to swing around your body in a circular motion, maintaining about a 45-degree angle to the ground. This concept is crucial for repeatable and consistent swings.
Now, let's focus on your shoulder turn, a critical part of achieving this consistent circle. I recently worked with a student named Richard who was struggling with driver consistency. I had him place a stick across his shoulders and guided him to keep his center fairly stable while turning his lead shoulder on a slight angle.
This was a game-changer for Richard, as he'd been primarily moving his arms and shoulders without a clear destination. By visualizing this shoulder movement, he began to improve his consistency. It's essential to make sure your shoulders are turning in a circular motion.
Another critical aspect of the swing is ensuring your entire body is unlocked. This is especially important for senior golfers, as I often see restrictions in their lower body movement. You can free up your hip movement by turning your lead foot out around 20-30 degrees and your trail foot out around 15 degrees. This will allow your hips to move more freely.
Next, pay attention to your tailbone's position. Make sure it's moving toward the target during your swing. This helps free up your torso, allowing for a smoother rotation.
Unlocking your body also means allowing a slight tilt of your head. Imagine you're pouring water out of your left ear. This tilt will enable you to create a more consistent and efficient circular motion around your body. With everything unlocked, the golf swing becomes easier, and you'll find it more natural to create that consistent circle.
To practice these concepts, start with small shots to get a feel for the motion. After working on your setup and rotation, you'll be well on your way to improving the quality of your strike and, as a result, naturally increasing your distance. While I can't promise 20, 30, 40, or 50 extra yards, these improvements can significantly enhance your golf game.
So, remember to work on your setup, shoulder turn, unlocking your lower body, and allowing a head tilt. These simple adjustments can lead to a more powerful and accurate golf swing. Keep practicing, and you'll see positive changes in your game.