Driver Swing vs Iron Swing - HUGE difference
Feb 21, 2022Full Transcript -
how you have found that sometimes you drive awesome but then just don't hit the irons very good and then sometimes your iron's great but not your driver well liam came to a lesson with me a few weeks back turn your slice into a draw again quite a few yards and driver went to the best club in my bag and straightest but then what happened my irons were just so inconsistent they're going like seven hours were 160 then it went 130 going left it weren't right it was just and what did you learn in this lesson one backswings change unbelievably instantly with a funky little gadget i'll let these people watch it but yeah yeah there's two different swings there is and that's what you've got to realize there is a different swing between your irons and your driver come a look over my shoulder right now and see what we did because you know what i think it could really really help
left okay oh yeah big time okay so look at like 130 149 you know hooks it's just inconsistent isn't it yeah yeah so basically yeah basically so let's have a look at swing on camera so basically what you're doing if we have a quick look here is take a look at your back swings it's really normal you're very armsy on the way back look at that there look really armsy on the way back so what you're doing is the club's in a another kid may be positioned for driving away with the drive but not with your iron so what you've got is the loop right so i didn't look nice hot did it nice so am i right it think it's all it's hot yeah it's well it's strange right because you look at this club path you go that's into out so that's not over the top is it no no it's not a lot isn't it no it's not that bad so what we've got to figure out is well if that's not too bad why does it look like it's over the top i'll show you come look at this so what you're doing is i see this a lot people not understanding the difference between an iron swing and a driver's swing and there is a real difference so what you've got is is your club on your arms go very very low down here quite flat yeah now the problem is is we need to strike down on this ball with an iron the balls on the ground we need to strike down on it so what you do is you go basically off plane you're too low and then your body kind of smart enough right your decent player so that it goes i didn't hit down on it it then moves the club back into a position up here higher so that it can do what extract does try down on it so you end up having you can't strike down it from here because you're just fat and hit up on the ball too much so your body does this goes up to a position when it comes right down and does this the problem is is that movement that we're seeing here which is all about timing exactly so and that extra movement here becomes a real problem so we've got to remember that we are striking down on iron so therefore we have to have a backswing that represents easily represents that motion helps you to achieve it super simple we've got to get you swinging the club up straight back down again just up and down or just what you threw is up and down because you're so used to using this right okay now i know you giving you detailed motions and stuff is not a good thing right so we need to have we said i'm simple i don't want to be as simple as me we need to create things that are easily repeatable and pretty easy for you to visualize right so what we'll do is get yourself set here let's grab a maybe an old bag just jump in and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put a bag here okay get yourself set up to imagine an imaginary ball roughly here
now this is an obstacle right yep and what we're going to do is i want you to imagine this normally if you do this you'd normally hit it okay so what that video would have done you would i want you right so what we want to imagine if we want to imagine we want to keep the club swinging down on that golf ball so the club's going to go up it's got to go up so you're sending you've got to feel that club is for you probably very just up and down does it make sense yeah versus around a knob yeah right okay a good reference point that then
now when you get to here i want to imagine almost that that is almost feeling like it's a bit like this right so it's very top straight away in me i didn't yeah throw it up that's that's the sensation so ultimately if we continue this shaft down roughly it'd be point roughly four lines is it you're saying yeah pretty much yeah the because anything that whether anything where the ball is on the ground you need to strike down on it right yeah so if you if you're down here well how do you strike down i don't know what i've got to do you've got to do that yeah which is what you're doing yeah right so it's super simple we just need to picture a plane a swing arc that is much more up and down how you go about doing that i'll leave it up to you
already he looks simple that's it well i'm
you don't change your driver because again what you've got to keep remembering the driver is a different swing so there is two choices 100 just like in tennis you have top spin and backspin right so in top spinning tennis where do you swing we swing this way yeah right and if you want to play drop shot in tennis or a slideshow what do you do you swing this way yeah so it's all the game of tennis two different swings in with a driver we want to hit up off the tee so we have the topspin idea with an iron shot we want to hit the ball down we want to compress that ball so we have more of a backspin style shot right that's the sensor sensing and you think about you you know this your body knows hence it's been trying to come down on it but from the wrong place we want to get rid of those compensations by just visualizing a more up and down motion using an obstacle like that
i don't think i call that no yes okay but again doesn't it
nice neutral numbers almost zero right low point 5.6 inches after the golf ball that's really compressed okay i don't this number's going to prove right i don't care about this stage this is a new feeling right your body's got to come to terms with that new feeling yeah well that is your abs yeah and you're thinking about it's an obstacle you know stuff going on in your head right now it's just a kiss you learning the sensation
there we go getting there now yeah but more importantly again look at these numbers of gown nut they're starting now to be consistent low point after the golf ball 4.7 inches numbers up to 147 but more important what i'm wanting and so you're wanting consistent consistency
felt a little bit more solid a bit heavy because it seems very easy to swing all night does it good yeah look at this look at the difference here as we take this club back now and look as we come down look at how much more online that club is swinging there's no loop there yeah that makes sense yes or no but it's going to get more that's going to be consistent if you're doing the same backswing sure well more anything look the reality is you know when you're starting to get this you're all in summary there basically you were off plane and you're having to put it on plane well that's just wasted energy if you if you start to get this club on rails right and you get a feel of this line then eventually you can then start to give it some serious speed yeah and then we can start to think about increasing power including club head speed but whilst you have this well all your energy is being wasted by trying to get the club back onto the rail where it needs to be and that's just wasted yeah so once you groove this and you get a sense well more importantly you get it a sense of you know this is your backspin shot almost yeah yeah once you get a feel of it you can start to amplify that speed right so it's got serious so yeah i wanted a target but so clearly you're not going to have to like that here but let's just thought that you you want to play to a target let's test you out um on the golf course and it's just simplicity this is a great thing to do when you're out um you're practicing visualizing this out going up and down backwards and forwards same principles so it's 150 uphill is that right playing 160. yep yeah i've got my tag you know hold on
oh a little bit thin i think a little bit same but look look look hang on hang on hang on look at this we'll take it why we'll take that we'll take it okay it's a bit better if it's realistic yeah you've got a visual as well as this i think this is the point so one of the things i want you to do anyway so and this is super simple again we often miss it as golfers is that we spend so much time working on aspects of the swing but you squat like very very quickly picture a target so that now you've got okay you've got to relate this motion to where you're going yeah yeah and i think that's this is what you know the golf course really really does
oh fat a little bit fat yeah but straight away look how much straighter that is now look that's two in a row not more than two straight ones even though they've not gone left or right that's by the way because it's got simple yeah and then the whole thing about this is that power comes once you've got the idea of this you can feel of this you can amplify it yeah right it's strange i feel like i've got more exactly but it feels very easy yeah
okay again just a bit matter but it's getting there aren't it
unbelievable changing it that's pretty solid isn't it just from your how's it all feeling more easier easier yeah i feel like i'm getting a bit more comfortable to start trying to put a bit more on i'm learning now like you said just let it come then try and put the power on yeah so i'm trying to put the power on a bit later and later yep but it's good to this is not not bothered about this normal no perfect so i thought it'd be a really great idea now to show you liam actually hitting driver so you can see the difference between an iron swing and a driver's swing you'll see a slightly different way in he sets up ball position is going to be forward with the driver his body position is going to be a little bit back all with the intent to hit up on the ball with driver there was a difference with the iron the ball position was more central his body position was much more over the top all with the intention to hit down on the golf ball okay so that's what we're going to do notice those differences add those differences to your game and you'll be able to hit driver hopefully that lane with a lovely draw and your irons compressed he says coming back lesson where you've just got big win yeah so maybe have a few swings get a sense of what you want to do with driver get that intent in your mind visualize this [ __ ] we're doing this remember this is the shape i want you to visualize in your mind let your body start to react to that
that's lovely just like that so that won't work go gary oh beauty so you can see look awesome with driver works really really well but you've got to make those adjustments with your irons get that in your head yeah but i wasn't like people who can remember that people can relate to me where your driver swings great and then your irons go off because there's two different swings yeah he's just trying to do everything the same i think try and do everything the same you get one going really well you think you found the answer and you try and apply it to everything it doesn't work like that notice those differences it'll be a massive difference to the game so liam awesome thanks for joining us and by the way go and check out liam's channel love love his channel do some really humorous stuff on there so uh go and check it out i'll put a link in the description box below of course if you enjoyed this video you want to see more like this live lessons check out this video here and this video here and look come and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already love to see you next week but until next week have a great golfing week