Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this we have got incredible exercise for you that can improve pretty much any aspect of your golf swing in a very natural and easy way if you've been trying to improve your take away move in fact you know what let's just keep reading with the cracking of the video because do you know what it improves take away move it improves rotation for impart improve transference away improve your ability to square out the clock folks it pretty much improves everything so before we get into the video though if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos with me consider subscribing if you press that little Bell bot and next to subscribe you get to see videos like this every single week from me so I can come and help you improve your game so what is it well I kind of create videos for quite a while now when I've actually used your natural action so what most people don't realize is that they have a natural ability to play this game I often show people film people throwing golf balls and their bodies and the way their bodies move are just incredible completely different to when they swing a golf club and I will my job as a golf coach is to bring that out of you as much as I possibly can and I wanted to develop a throwing action into something that was actually hitting golf balls a lot more seamlessly so I came up with this so what I want you to do very simply is this I want you here to start hit some golf balls one-handed bare with me okay it can notice that most people in starts just start thinking you know there's no way I could do this but I'm gonna show you some videos of ladies doing this senior golfers doing this everybody doing this and it is amazing how they do it they swing so much better and they strike it so much better it's just incredible right but I'm gonna show you just one thing so we'll get yourself set here in position and all we're gonna do we start to practice swinging and hitting the golf ball 100 why would I do this why would I even create it well one here's the thing it naturally helps your body move better why is that well I've taken your strength away see the thing is when you see a child playing golf they just seem to learn right they seem to learn and they always seem to have great good-looking golfing's very quick early on but they don't start like that when these first start I've got three kids they've got twin boys at four and 8:06 and the swings are looking great already and I haven't told them a thing right now what's happening let me start off and they're heading it along the ground all over the place with awful swings the thing is is they the number one objective is to hit the ball as far as they can at all they're interested in right now as they're doing this their bodies are working out naturally how to do this then naturally working out the answer now the difference between a child and an adult is you have strength they don't so here's your problem you can make a bad swing work just purely because of strength you can stand like this you can swing like this you can muscle a golf ball and actually get a result a child can they don't have your strength so you can get away with poor mechanics and because you can you develop Palmer Kennex so I want to under undeveloped and I want to get you learning like a child again so if I take your strength away and get your swinging one handed you have what I'm forcing you to swing we great mechanics naturally now when people start with this do you think they just hit the ball great straight where no just like a child they'll hit terrible shots but the difference now is you will naturally develop good mechanics so for those of you who maybe struggle with a takeaway move watch this if I'm if my number one objective is to bring that clubface back to square do you think it makes any sense for me to do this just feels weird to do that but you know what when the left hands in there and I've got strength I can feel I can get away with it so get myself set here the take away move natural ease better here I'm in a much stronger position here and then what always happens with people in this situation here is this if you traditionally poor ball strikers stay very static through the impact area they don't move their legs you do that with one hand and the club here because your body stops the club's just going to simply wrap through and hood the face and hook it miles left for right-handers so let's have a look at that enactus if I don't move my body which I kind of won't it it's just gonna whip straight over at left because I can't control it but the problem is there's an adult and you've got the strength well you can guide that ball now and start to push it down the fairway and get away with it so here's what happens because that just feels weird and awkward one-handed you gotta try this to kind of kind of feel it because it feels weird watch this suddenly my body works so much better but don't just take my word for it have a look at some of these images here of people that have done from awkward motions to incredible impositions using one hand
so it's amazing isn't it the difference is that this is such an amazing exercise you need patience so the reason what I'm still going to be in a job because most of people most people are most golfers they just won't like hearing bad shots so they won't have the patience to do this but if you do you will naturally develop some incredible mechanics it and you'll learn the sensation of the golf swing so let's set a few shots and I'll show you how you can break this down and then practice it
absolutely dead straight and this here's the other thing here's the feelings I get from this I'm turning here my body turns I'm keeping naturally by the way this feels like a more angle in my wrist here because that's the only way I can keep the clubface square if I just let this go I'm gonna hood it all the way to the left do you know what nobody slices with this nobody comes over the top everyone gets the right secret cuz you know what this just feels strange you just wouldn't do it right so how does it work and can it work with things like driver it can indeed have a look at this
can it work with a shotgun
it's a Stefan weight from Stefan Swiss this whistling play bunkers areas with 100 pocket ah like that pops it out beautifully it works with everything it's just brilliant it will give you so much feel for the golf swing it is just untrue yes you're gonna struggle with it sometimes at the start but I've had guys who have literally come up and almost started hit ripping it straight away let me grab driver for you and show you how it works your driver so you grab driver people that my god drivers gonna be like super difficult with this do you know what it's just the same swing back swing through and all I'm going to do here is nicest move hand be on the back back here through to here
and what's fascinating about I actually hit that one to the right ruining why I got incredible feedback from that what I did why did I go to the right there I could feel my hips slide into this position here and head it out to the right do you know what with two hands I may have recovered that I don't want to have a swing that is recovering this the swings like that are inconsistent this will train you to swing fantastically well once you've got the sensation of stuff like this all you're going to do then is build up the practice with this so if you kind of in a sense you can make some swings here just feel like you're finishing nice and short first feel that Martian here don't be trying to swing all the way through that just gets the arm being very very active this is all about helping you feel and control this Martian so you get yourself set feel a lot motion here maybe stopping almost there putting then the lead hand in and maybe just hitting a few shots now
kind of getting that sensation so what you're doing with this is the one-handed exercise simply helps you develop a swing without your manipulation because he just takes you strength away so be a child again get that one handed out start to hit some golf balls one-handed gradually build it up let's summarize briefly what is it nothing complicated you're simply playing golf 100 it works for every shot you can chip with this you can putt with this you can play bunkers with this you can do everything with this once you got to feel this when you swing back you can actually feel well where would I put my take away fit was one-handed well I put it there I wouldn't put run here then you could put this hand on and go wow that is a very different position where am i swinging through to work on the halfway position here well that's very different because normally I'm here or here so straightaway all these feelings become different let the one-handed swing be your coach it's so so important I hope you enjoyed the training if you did and do you know what please recommend this to as many people as you can it's such a simple way of getting people to play really really good golf I haven't released it today I kind of kept it to myself but I just want to share this with the world this is so it works so so well it really really does so if you use the channel low press up subscribe button so I can send more videos like this every single week but until next week have a great golfing week