Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I was teaching a few senior golfers and they were all looking for a bit of extra power in their game unfortunately cited the fact that they had a lack of flexibility and some injuries as to why they were unable to complete their turn in their backswing and therefore why they couldn't generate enough power what we found by the end of the training was that you know what we could where they could complete much much more of their backswing and therefore generate much much more power the problem is is they had fall into a very common misconception of how to turn and what we're gonna do in this week train is we're going to show you what that misconception is and how it might be affecting your ability to turn and your ability to generate effortless power so let me explain before we do that if you're new to channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing I released content like this every single week to help you improve your game so what did we do and what were they doing very miss concept in a misconception they knew that in order to generate power they need to turn but they felt that because they were lacking flexibility they were really struggling to make a full shoulder turn and you know what they were because they were going about it incorrectly what they were doing is they were really trying to get the body turning around here and then around but the problem is we don't want to turn around it's not a turning golf all right it's a misconception the Gulf turn on the bottle swing is more of a tilt and a turn it's a combination the two things working together what we want to be able to do is want to get the club working much more up here in a turn and a tilt but most golfers are working too much around and around and it has two major factors huge lots of power and a major impact on strike and accuracy let me show you if you hold the call up here and grant it their clubs here yes you can turn around and you can turn around all that makes sense because your target is there but in golf our targets down down there right so what we've got to do is remember that when we tilt when we now turn now well now suddenly the club is work much much more on an axis and working upwards now if I straightened up now they'd be down here and that would be okay that's me turning but watch I'm not I'm down here so we need to make sure the sensation that we're after in golf is less of a turn for most of you it's likely they're going to be that you're going to strike to work the club much much more up and down towards the golf ball as a poster around and around let me show you something if I ask you to put your left hand here okay now shooter gave me golfing posture and slap your left hand what would be the most efficient way for you to do that would you do this wouldn't make more sense would it it would be far more powerful just to go up down up down and that is what we want to simply create in the golf swing far more pitiable far more accurate and far more powerful so how do you go about achieving it so when you get the club up here you're going to get the takeaway working correctly now I'm going to put I card in the top left hand corner on exactly how you do that in detail I cover it here but here so the basics here but indeed put it in detail in this top left hand corner what you want to try and do here is you want to get the club working very important straight back so there's at this stage you'll notice there's no lever working here this is one lever and the butt here is working very close to my leg and he's working straight back and in that top left-hand corner was a drill that she was exactly how to do that but that's what we try and do straight back here most people use this club too early and you get the club working around partly because I think they're trying to make a turn when actually we simply want to get the club working straight back and then up alright so as you've got this club working back here straight back here then all we do is get the club working up and the club head up up including our arms now you might find even that you get here and you're left down start to disconnect from the body a little bit not a problem that is what we need to maybe complete the level of turn two Gophers a trance they're too connected and that working around here it's just not possible look what happens when the club works nice and high here few things you've got if the club goes high you're now using gravitational forces for power with that big heavy weight of there now we can generate a force going straight back down into the into the ground we're using the big lump of metal to to fall to the golf ball very different to the people that are swinging around here what are they going to do if you swing around here you're gotta use all your brute force to get to the golf ball whereas if the clubs up here now we can use gravitational forces to let fall down to the ground so let's have a look at that in action so if I swing around I've got to force that but if I allow the clubs simply to swing back here let the club head go up here and let the gravitation will fall down it's gonna be a lot easier for me to generate effortless power because I've got this lump of metal forcing downwards but look what else is happening when you swing in here if the club is up here isn't it going to be more accurate if their clubs coming more direct to the golf ball rather than around here because this is exactly what's happening to one of the guys Steven was finding he was slicing the ball a lot he'll be very low with Drive and not really in any any distance whatsoever the sound was pretty poor and the reason being he was coming around the corner we've then loop around this way and simply slice across the golf ball but we were able to them when we got the club working more up here he just simply worked direct to the golf ball here and was able to strike the ball so much straighter and so much sweeter because of it because just so much more efficient so what's the main benefit with this and it's exactly what most of the top players are doing so how do you go about doing this we've said look get the takeaway working here then from this position simply just get the club working up here but once you've done that you will feel a bit strange I feel like compared to it you've been doing before if you're if you're a cent if you're a big Turner you'll feel like you're not turning at all but have a look at my shoulders when I do this am i turning absolutely I am look at that Martian their left shoulders there Rachel's behind not a problem at all so there's more than enough turn one thing and one final thing to to watch out for some of the people when they were doing this they got this big working really well but at that stage that the business end here right at the bottom you've gotta let this gravity now fall to the ground if you don't let the gravity fall then you're wasted all the energy up there if you're hanging on to the club too much you get it here and these end leaders turn across the golf ball you slide across it lose all your power so once you've got the energy start at the top you then must let that energy go so watch this we're going to swing up store the energy let it energy fall down to the ground here so up and fall down when it falls down we get a lovely flight and lovely power and because of the direction it's coming in it's so much straighter it doesn't come with all that site spin so let's have a look and summary at this what do we do we had seen the golfers come over to us we're struggling with air power they cited a lack of flexibility some injuries as to why they weren't able to make their turn and therefore they were struggle with the power we found that that's just not true for most of the people that were coming to see me they were going about it incorrectly and hopefully you're you might be doing this too and you can benefit so they were going around here to make a turn we don't want to go around we could remember we want to go from here upwards from there we then come straight downwards how do we do it check out this drill in the left hand corner to get more detailed information out of it the takeaway working correctly it's really really useful once you've got that bit working here as a poster around the corner then there you simply just get the sensation of the wrists just setting a little bit of hint ending up as you go up here don't be frightened if you find that your left down here or Li down is coming off the chest a little bit here you're gonna need that to get the club up there that's how you're gonna store the energy from there you've got the letter get trust the energy to fall down to the golf ball many golfers won't like that for you initially because it feels a little bit out of control when you let that Club fall down if your saw isn't going to strike the ball how am I going to hit it straight but you know what she wear and sip of this first take on camera so I use this drill a lot so let the club come up here I want to allow the club to fall down this is using now the energy of the golf club here back first actually the first one but I've just I basically got this lump of metal I was thrown it down towards the ground allowing gravitational forces to do that and that's probably got about 140 yards and I am not massive so I hope you enjoyed this training if you do and you know some of your friends who are struggling with a bit of power might benefit please share it of course it really really helps and if you join the training and you want to receive your inbox every single week don't forget to press the subscribe button and the bell but until next week have a great golfing week