EASY WAY TO HOLE MORE PUTTS - Putting tips to improve Technique, Distance Control & Confidence
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week we're talking puting how do you hole more putts around the green how do you judge distance contra how do you get this as control around the green how do you read green and more importantly how do you take all of that learning out onto the golf course so you could do it when it matters under a bit of pressure we're going to cover all of those points in this week's training before against the video that if you're new to Channel and this is one of your first videos online please consider subscribing press that little Bell button next to subscribe button and you're getting notified every time we released a video just like this one so puttting there's loads of conflicting advice about pudding one of the things I found through my experience of having lessons going to some of the best in the world I personally found that a lot of the things I was taught originally made my stroke very mechanical very wooden things like rock your shoulders firm wrists don't let that put a wave around you know all of that kind of made sense but it was made my stroke very wooden and I find that it's the same with a lot of people I see when I'm coaching that just don't have any feel or consistency in their strokes so let me show you how you can start to develop a really simple natural but consistent stroke the first thing we need to do in putting is we need to make sure that we have like decent posture so what we do is to get the ball position maybe just ahead of your Center try and get nice evenly balanced with your feet and then what we're trying to we want to keep two things still in putting you need your legs cut this section of your body your foundation completely still and you need your head completely still in between that however this bit here needs to be relaxed and flowing I find that when people try and stay still everything gets stiff so you've got foundation here solidness head solid not moving around and allowing the arms to swing we want this putter to be swinging flowingly like this if we move around the put is going to move around as well so watch this we make it we get yourself set up we let around hang naturally in front of our body this will tell us the distance from the ball we're hang over here my eyes by the way i roughly directly over the ball within reason okay then we get ourselves set so a nice solid base and we're trying to make a swing now we're ahead stay still our legs stay still and we allow the arms look just to flow this is very weird for some people who'd be missing parts they don't like this really they feel that's out of control no it cannot suppose it is it's a loud cut is flowing but the control elements are your head and your legs they're the things that keeping in your rounds need to be flowing otherwise there's just no rhythm there's no touch there's no color there's no control over where the ball goes so watch this we got a self set here legs are nice two steel heads nicer still and we allow the putter just to flow backwards and forwards by swinging the arms okay that's nice is still here swing the arms okay that's goal number one to enhance this certainly what I do to enhance this motion I have a couple of balance cushions and it's sometimes difficult to get the feel of this so what I do is I put a cold bank balance crushes down I'll put a link in the description they're super cheap just you can get them on Amazon super cheap and it's not important that whole putt see but what it does if you stick on the bounds push cushions here you'll get an idea of okay that's my boys moving around now how do I stay still now nice try and stay still here my muscles in my legs are gonna be activated they're gonna give me some great feedback as to what I should be feeling in order to keep those legs dead still okay so backwards and forwards okay not bad now what I do I would hit probably quite a few putts like that nice my body's willing to move around and my muscles are working there and they're working to keep my balance that sensation now I can move to the golf ball so now it's weird how stable my legs feel having jumped off then my sit now muscles are working I've got the same feeling and it's so much easier to keep those legs dead still the question is how do you keep this still as well because people try to do it but they struggle so this has got two exercises one is you don't need any training wait a do it than the other one you might so I've got a puting mirror here where again I put a link in the description of where you can buy it against super cheap on Amazon so you got a putting mirror here don't you to use I'm gonna give you something else just a couple of tea pegs to do this the same thing but I like the putting mirror because when we look down at the putty mirror we've got we can actually see where our eyes are relative to that golf ball so we've got a nice stable stance we've got we can see where I turn if I head moves around now we can actually see a head moving around so it gives us some a immediate feedback so now again I use this a lot because I find like my I sometimes get too far ahead of the golf ball I want to keep him more over the top and in line so I hit putts just from there keeping my head right over the top of that ball and away we go okay now that's it simple training it I use this a taste to it most tournament just as a little checkup two or three minutes and away I go so legs are still head still now cheaper drill you don't need to buy a training aid get a couple of tee pegs this really helps the concentration you get yourself set here this is a slightly left-to-right putt and what I do is I put tee pegs heck just either side of my putter just like this now the great thing about this is it not only just the sheer concentration of swinging the putter head through these tee pegs will encourage you to stay still because if you move around you're going to hit the tee pegs so it's a great way of staying still here keeping the head still and then away we go okay so great exercise Tiger Woods loves this exercise so try there's two things for balance it in the legs and the head now let's look at a point number two so you've got your legs stable your head stable and more importantly look from top to bottom you stable but in between you're relaxed and you're swinging these arms really well I feel comfortable if it feels a bit scary but now you're ready to move on to the point number two point number two is is once you've got that stability you've got some flow to your stroke you know I need to learn to set the ball off on the line now so one of the things I put in here put a couple of tee pegs about a foot and a half in front of my god ball no more on a golf course you could just imagine rolling over a spot but I picked my spot here which I want the ball to go through and what I'm doing is is I'm tracking and imagine I'm imagining a line going towards a left-to-right putt imagine a line going towards the hole now I don't want to be kind of concentrating up there somewhere because the problem is it's often too far away and it can and strange you to feel a little bit intimidating but because I'm playing the game of all I need to do is hit that ball a foot and a half in front of me over that gap it free that gap there and hopefully look at that the ball goes in now that's the advantage of literally having a spot no more than a foot and a half in front of you it's almost like spot putting or you can imagine a line think right there's my line hit it over that spot far far simple how many of you I don't know if you ought to say but how many of you are going like this you stood over the golf ball with a hundred and one things that you're thinking about at the post enough the simple act of pick your spot there and just practice hitting a ball through that little gate it will really really help let's move on to the next point right this is control this is one of my favorite exercises I do this every single tournament I play but let me just start by saying what isn't this is control and I before linty struck many times myself I'd go on to some golf courses in the past the greens were really very slick had knocked the first four miles by and then I'll be telling myself oh don't hit it as hard this time that is not distance control if you're having to tell yourself to hit it harder or softer you don't have the feel if I'm gonna throw a ball to you right now I'm not having to tell myself to go soft or hard there's a feel to this okay so what you need to do you to develop that feel before you go on a golf course but to give us a strange one and the simplest way of doing this is called the guessing game and all you do is I stand over this putt here and what I'm going to do it once I've got myself a nice and planted in position I do a few swings allowing the freedom of my arms here okay backwards and forwards now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna close my eyes and I'm gonna guess where this has gone it actually felt a little bit firm yes now I simply felt little bit firm what a probably should have said it it's firm I think it's gone maybe two feet off three feet past the hole now what I'm trying to do is I know that my feel is good when my guess is good what I mean by that well if I'd have said there it's gone too far by three feet and it's gone too far by three feet my guess is spot-on that matches my feel if the ball would have gone in the hole at the perfect pace and I thought it had gone three foot long my even that's gone in the hole my intuition is slightly out so we're developing this is so important developing now you've got your mechanics yes but you're developing feel through your senses I'm having to use my senses to develop that feel that's how we develop this is control the second thing which is really important here is this you cannot get this as control control if your stroke is wooden and isn't flowing freely imagine this I'm going to toss a ball to you right now if I toss a ball and go look and it's stiff and wooden I'm not gonna be it's gonna go all different paces so what we're trying to do here is is we're also creating as we said star a flow Martian I'm not guiding it I'm I'm allowing the putter to swing now when people do this for the first time they think the put is going to go all over the place it doesn't because you've got your head fixed you've got your foundation fixed therefore the putter will flow on a beautiful line and that's really important the more we get into this rhythm of the stroke what's going to happen is not too bad what's going to happen they're up the balls are going to start flowing into the hole so that's pace control let's move on to how you then take this and a bit of green reading out onto the golf course right how do you take all this out onto the golf course so you can literally allow yourself to hold more pots well clearly you're gonna have to put there a little bit of practicing first but then on the golf course it's a lot about allowing it to happen and for it to allow it to happen you've got to build a very very simple routine that allows stillness and that lovely flow so I'm going to give you my one two three routine really really simple can be live escapism because people love to hover over the golf ball ball have a look at this so what we don't I get myself this is my general warm routine so I've got my pace control now now it's just about developing a nice routine so what I do is I have to a freeze practice strokes and then get swinging backwards and forwards here I'm visualizing the ball going in the holes I'm picturing the ball going in the hole what I do now is this I walk to the golf ball I put the putter behind the ball I look move my head back and I go that is what I'm doing straightaway okay so I'm literally moving and building a system well then once I've done that I'll start to move around a hole this hole is set on a on a bit of slope so this helps my green reading because I'm having to kind of judge their pace and the curve on each one of these putts so I get myself set again every putt now you'll notice well I'm only using one boy I only ever use one ball I never stand here with two or three balls cutting away because you only get one chance in in the game of golf so I love the fact that we're not this is the only part I'm going to play from this position I get myself set planted head nice and still once I've done that notice I'm looking at that maybe that gate we've talked about earlier and I'm literally one two three get myself set look through the gate back to the ball hit the putt miss doesn't matter how you react to these also very very important okay I don't slice that panicking that I've missed a putt back in like that's life this this going to happen so get myself set again build my routine in I can see it's going to curve a little bit now here by the word in the summertime when the grass or the grounds a little bit firmer the brakes going to break a lot more in the winter with this where it's wet it's going to break a lot less so we get yourself set again and this is it backwards and forwards I'm looking at the line visualizing it and I'm literally putting through that little get imaginary gate that we've talked about earlier get to my ball we'll look at the gate back to the ball and then after we go and that is as simple as that when you're putting away and you're developing this stroke you're going to have to you're going to have to build a routine you if you don't have a routine you're going to succumb to the nervousness you're going to start moving your head what I love about the one-two-three technique is that when you go 1 2 3 it stops this extra 2 or 3 locks which adds the tension and really puts down into your stroke so what have we done in this potting training we've done a lot haven't we we started off with looking at the basic mechanics we said look you have to have stability in your legs stability in your head but everything else is flowing do this now get a sensation of just literally flowing people are worried that when it flows like this the putt is going to feel like it could go all over the place it doesn't because you've already got the stability here and here you've just got beautifully flowing putter which is going to help your distance control and accuracy we mentioned a couple of training aids remember the the cushions I'll put links in description below the mirror is another great example here of helping you to see what happen is happening to the head over the golf ball shows you where you eyes are - and if you just didn't want to you know push the mirror put a couple of tee pegs in again Tigers were Tigers favorite exercises that will help you just practice swinging through those tee pegs once you've got the basic mechanics in place that stillness then we said look just play the game you look you've got a target it's far easier to imagine if a target a foot and a half in front of you than it is a target that's away from you so put those 250 pegs in the ground and just ahead of you here and then imagine hitting through those tee pegs a four and a half in and what happens after that the ball take care of itself then we went onto pace control pace control number is intuitive it's a feel orientated action how do we develop it my favorite exercise is the guessing game close your eyes I guess when I did this on one one tournament I guess it was like really close the whole I looked it's like 10 feet past the hole I was 10 feet out these greens were lightning I didn't change I just kept swinging until eventually I got a guest so I guess incorrectly once you've got it I can walk up to any pot on any green look back go don't have to worry about distance control because I've in my gut I've got it in my intuition just as if I was gonna throw a ball to you now I don't think about it it's in my gut I know arrive in your hands and then finally you've got to get it and you're going to apply it to the golf course how do you do that well you need to build a solid routine get a hole move around it and build the routine which I like to say whoops it's my 1 2 3 routine where what you're going to do you get yourself set you visualize the gate the balls going through you visualize the hole and then you're going 1 to get rhythm pace control get yourself set 1 2 3 and away we go hope you really enjoy this training if you know somebody else who could benefit for some help with their planning please share it I'm sure they'll really appreciate it and of course to get your other video give it a thumbs up maybe come and join the community they're pressing up subscribe button and the bell if you aren't already but until next week have a great golfing week.