Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week have an incredible drill for you that will have you feeling their type of feeling is that the best players in the world feel in the takeaway at the top of the backswing through the impact area and through into the follow-through one of the problems that you probably find whenever you're trying to learn the swing is you probably try to work on the takeaway and when you whenever you have done it you put yourself on camera or someone's had a look you're not improving fast enough or you're still in the same old position you were before and you want to know why that is on the same impact maybe you've struggled with an impact position where basically you're trying to get that compressed you're trying to get that lovely consistent strike but actually you keep making the same mistakes and again you want to know why well one of the keys to these factors is to learn feelings that are required for a perfect impact the feelings that are required for a perfect backswing and drills and this specific drill drills really help you to achieve that all right and that's what we're going to share in this week's training so before we do if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing on this content like this every single week to try and help you improve your game so what is it's drill before we go into the drill let me tell you why drills are so important as a coach we're always trying to help people improve their swings with it so take away where it's their backswing when it's our impact position now you can see as many images as you like about what you're trying to do etc the problem is the body doesn't follow instructions very very well right so what we've got to do is we have to speak the body's language the body's language loves to get M it leads to learn feelings and what it's supposed to feel like it impact what it's supposed to feel like at the top of the backswing and unfortunately and I can't share you really my feelings because they're personal to me and I like here when you feel an impact position you know it's going to be very different for you as well so what we use is said is this we can both use the same drill to achieve a great backswing to achieve a great impact but that drill will provide us with our own unique feelings that we can then use to take that improvement out onto the golf course so this is what drills is so important I'm going to share with you now and drill I didn't personally create but it's part of its come out the Pete Cowen school the golf I've seen him using it with a number of his clients and it's absolutely fantastic so now you certainly what I want you to do is this I want you to get yourself into posture position some what we're gonna try to do here is this good strong posture so we're tipping from the hip bone here getting ourselves nice and balanced and what I want you to do is I want you to simply just put your palms face down to the ground here and I want to do is this I want to move the palms up with a fingers upwards here now when you do this you'll feel like a a strain in your forearms now what I'm going to do now is this all I want to do from this position here you're pushing down and from here your better sleep pulling those fingers up and all you're gonna do with your biceps nice and connected you're just gonna start to work this backwards like this okay keeping that pressure on pushing down feel the strain your forearms it feel a bit uncomfortable start off with and actually doing this then all we're gonna do now is from here we're gonna move the palms to the sky move the palms to the sky now this then forms a wonderful top of the backs in position okay then from here we're gonna move it back down and then through into impact now this is producing a number of wonderful feelings we'll get we'll get it go into them one by one and how it can improve your take away your backswing and your impact and you follow through so from here let's do it from this angle so see one more time so we get yourself set tip before the hip hole nice and balanced palms facing down just a little straighten the forearms work it away together this is the takeaway motion and this is the best we're gonna wouldn't you get two back just past the back there just past your hips we're going to move and put the palms up to the sky here great position at the top from here we're going to throw them excuse me throw them back underneath the body here so right over the top of the golf ball the right shoulder here is in line with the right knee and that is impact so what do we learn so far there's basic free feelings that we have the feeling of the takeaway this is what the top players are going to feel we're the feeling we're supposed to feel like at the top the tightness here the shoulders being nice and solid and we all the feeling and what was supposed to feel right here and the moment of impact so let's go through them one by one so how does it relate then to the golf swing well so many players have had a couple clients doing exactly this week so many players struggle with a takeaway so when they get set here what they do is they tend to in a sense do this rather than keep the pressure on here as opposed to doing this they might do this the pressures off they get limp the club does this whereas my hands now my hands are out here in the clubs in here the big gap here well that doesn't exist when you are pushing back here look at the difference look how easy it is to keep that Club online I'm not trying to keep online it's just a byproduct of this Martian so we don't have to try and keep the club online and trump up the head in position all the time we can just go through this exercise get a feel of what is the perfect take away pushing down here fill the string their arms by sits nice and connected just push down and work the club back I makes no sense I can't do this I can't move my hands away from my body because I'm pushing down into this position that then sorts out the takeaway and it will give you the feeling of what you're supposed to feel from there to get in some place every time from there we want to go what do we do after that well what do we do we work we got you to here and then what we do so right now put the palms to the sky put the palms to the sky so we've moved into this position here got a feel of that do a few of then palms to the sky palms to the sky now you're not then trying to put the club in position what you're trying to do is you use in this it drill this exercise to feel the takeaway first then you're trying to feel what you should be like at the top Sione from there you're simply joining the doctor you're learning your own personal feelings the drills teaching you that and then we'll start to get into the position you need to get to at the top of the swing the question is what do we do from this position from there we're gonna work the club back down underneath the body now what do you see well a lot of players including sometimes one of my personal problems is I get to here and Afton slide well that's not a great position compared to because the drill wants to do this up high and we're rotating back into impact rotating back palms when my fingers now pointing towards you now I'm basically right under your chest as opposed to here what are a lot of players do who maybe slice the ball they get here to do this so they're in this position they're coming across the ball well that is completely different feeling to working on this so if you look if it's a downswing thing an impact position you want it to work on use this exercise only for that get yourself set and then work on moving the itself so you over the top of the golf ball here I'm feeling the pressure now he'll look out close with my hands out to my body they're not out here they're not out here they're right there well if you wanted to stop coming over the topic won't it be great to learn the feelings of what is required for that this does this as well so let's have a look at this in action so what we're gonna do we'd only probably work on one thing at a time so I'm gonna sit let's say we're gonna work on an issue the takeaway what I suggest you do is you get to the driving range and a real practice session now 50 balls 100 balls we need to do at least four or five exercises before each ball to generate the field so we're going to let's work on each one in turn so let's say you're wanting to work on a takeaway I'd get you to do a few exercises like this to feel this motion okay get that feeling what that feels like and then what I do it's it okay okay that's what I've got to work on let's see if I can create that feeling now with the golf club that's all I'm going to work on and then go now I'm not interested in strike at the stage I'm working on what the feeling of improving my take away so I said I'm gonna work on so get yourself feel the pressure here and away we go
okay so that's it so that's take away so then that might be an entire session where basically you put the club down we do you remind yourself of this feeling and that is something that I see enough of golf when they try and prove their swing they once they've had a few good shots I think they've got it but remember you need to speak the body's language you keep trigger doesn't understand the instructions very well so you teach it with feelings get it to feel what's supposed to do then hit some shots met the practitioner quality so from that let's say you take words pretty good and you want to improve the top of your backs in position well ready we then go do this we're gonna go here we know pounce of scary go right okay that's interesting parents let's guy that what feeling was I feel like okay right we've done that then we go right okay back pounds this guy trying to recreate that same feeling back that's all I'm focusing on don't care where the ball goes it stayed I'm gonna try to recreate same feeling I know where we go number two that might be a practice session in itself then we work on impact position and what are we supposed to do for impact well from here what are we supposed to see we're gonna get the club pants the sky and when we want to throw them back here just look at this him with my fingers are pointing this way and then they rotate under the body here fingers this way they look the point in towards you know we're rotating back underneath is here and then through into impact so again five or six exercises what does that feel like for you for me it really feels like right the butt of the club is staying quite close to me here my tendency is to get the cut away from me so I have to feel like the but staying quite close but that's personal to me that's what the drill creates so working in here trying to create this Martian right over the top of the ball that's where we're trying to work on now let's get a feel for that back push back and through now I hit that a little left why the feeling I got wasn't the drill I got a bit here though which is one of my faults I need to get much more over the top of the golf ball there I didn't do one now and fantastic I felt it when I do back to the drill work on it backwards and forwards and let's try to get that sensation so let's summarize this drill is absolutely fantastic and it really would like it's winter here and this is a great drill for the offseason you can work on it at home but one of the things that we're all trying to do is this is we all want to improve our swings the question is how do you do it how do you do it consistently I cannot tell you what to feel but I can give you tools to help you learn the best swing the best takeaway the best top of the Backson position how you getting to impact I can give you all of those things now this drill helps you to create it let's go through it again you'll get yourself stood here tipping forward nice and balanced pushing down with four rounds directly underneath your chest pull the palms up when you do this you'll feel a strain now when you do this for the first time you are going to feel uncomfortable when you stretch here and you move this marshal you're going to feel some stretch across your shoulders it will feel a bit uncomfortable this is a stretch that we're working on it's very very important explodes the body and gets the body working very effectively so you can wind it up to the top of the batting here and you move those palms to the sky from here a bit slow motion we're gonna basically trying to get the club firing down to the terms of the directly unders how do we get there comes up as we're coming down as you notice here my my fingers are pointing this way but when I turn I'm rotating now back underneath me here in this position you're looking at me right shoulder over there right hip over the right knee back in here that's we want to be pressure straight on top of the golf ball and then we're going to rotate through to this position here do those exercises and you learn the feelings have what some of the best players are feeling from all different positions in their golfing and then start to join them all together and you'll start to find that you're gonna get a really really nice solid golf swing that gives you much more consistency in terms of strike let's finish off with one more let's have a look at this and there we go so like I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did share it with a friend who's struggling and particularly in the offseason share it with somebody who needs to do a bit of practice okay really really helps and of course if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos don't forget to press subscribe on and the bell until next week have a great golfing week