EFFORTLESS GOLF SWING - Start the downswing like a tour pro with this AMAZING DRILL!
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us i've literally just come off the lesson t and i just have to share this so david comes to see me and he's been trying to add more distance to his irons and his driver but every single time he did all that would happen was he'd increase the pinned on his slice his slice would get worse and his ball striking with his irons would be just just get worse they would really compromise it now he wasn't he'd fall into trap of not doing two things two things that all top players do specifically in their downswing now i gave him a drill to help him feel what these two things were and he absolutely loved it so much so that by the end of the session he realized i could actually take this straight to the golf course now i'm gonna share with you what these two things are because they are i would say probably one of the number one faults i see with amateur golfers if you're looking at generating more power and more accuracy you've got to put these in so before i get into the golf lesson if you're new to channel this is one of our first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe button you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus if you do enjoy the golf lesson there's a free practice plan a free guide in the description box below just download it take it to the drive range or even just take it to the golf course so you don't have to remember a thing so what do great players do that i saw dave not doing i see so many amateurs do so we want to generate accuracy yes so let's talk about accuracy first and then we'll talk about speed so accuracy is very simple if i put my hand out here okay we play this sport side on if i put my hand out here and i simply go back and through on an arc it's very easy to keep my hand in that position here the other thing about this is if i put my hand out here and i simply rotate back and through on an arc it's also quite consistent isn't it it's repeatable i also because because there's a rotational aspect we can generate some speed from there as well but watch this if my arm is here now in a vertical position this is like throwing a ball under arm this is not as powerful is it yeah now what i see with a lot of golfers is this when they come down they don't have the club we want to keep this club at an ark like this you want to keep on an act but what i see with a lot of amateurs when they start their downswing they don't keep this club at this angle they pitch it up here now what happens is what keeping at this angle helps us to work on an arc consistency and maintain club face naturally and because we're on an arc coming for when the clubs come from behind we get a slinging action or a catapulting action that catapulting action will completely disappear if your club on the downswing starts to get here and it does follow eighty percent of golfers i see they get to the top their right shoulder trail shoulder comes out it pushes the shaft up here they get steep now what do you do from here well you're gonna have to make conversations and those conversations can vary from golfer to gopher but the compensations are going to lose you power and you're going to get flicky strikes look at this here i see this a lot people push it up here they get into this position they get flicky this was happening to david he was a massively inconsistent he wasn't rotating and we were getting ball flights all over the place particularly when he tried to hit it harder so we needed to help david keep this angle he's great angle on the way back but he needed to maintain it on the way through whilst maintaining or getting some speed so this is the drill i gave him to help him feel what it is we got the club and we got into a split hand exercise okay where you put your top hand on the club like this you put a hand underneath just like it would be on a golf on a golf club anymore but split them hands maybe four or five inches apart now to help him feel keeping this trail shoulder back here because he was always moving forward i said make a swing and what i want to do is this and you've got to do this firm and quick i want you to literally throw or straighten your trailer arm here whilst keeping this back so we're not doing this we're going to throw it this way there and we're gonna throw it so the head feels like it's going this way whilst you're maintaining this trail shoulder back that motion there this was a very different feeling because what he would do all the time would simply rotate towards the target but that's common sense isn't it of course you want to rotate the wall to target the tag is there why would you go this way when the tag is over here well if i said to you you do two things here and this is the speed generator we're keeping the accuracy here by keeping this shoulder back but what you're doing simultaneously here is this as you've fired and you throw this down here what you're doing is you're rotating this left side of the body here my lead side is rotating towards the target whilst this bit is staying back here and you need to feel this it's like a little stretch some people have called it an x factor stress all kinds of stuff but this stretch here creates the speed it creates the power so what you're doing look at this we're swinging it back and i'm throwing this over here throwing it behind me whilst rotating here now this is in look at this position from here i'm simply now in a wonderful place look to drive through and hit this ball straight now you can't do this slowly this is this we want to be you want to be able to experience the centrifugal force the natural motion of the body when you do this so watch this as i'm throwing this this way literally this right arm here my trail arm is getting straighter it is not casting this would be casting by the way look at this it's not casting that's still solid i'm throwing this right hammer it's still still got its lovely angle but i'm throwing this here now from here i'm going to literally throw and i'm rotating here as this is going so they're working opposite directions learn to feel that stretch here one down up down and around and then through yeah so we're going up down it's going down here throwing it this way and around and the round bit here comes in let's have a look at this in action so immediately go straight into the shot i'm gonna imagine now throwing the club towards you this way keeping this back whilst rotating this section towards the target this is what creates this natural slingshot let's have a look at this in action here i felt pretty good how close can we get to the hole not bad not bad not bad for a star okay so this is one of those exercises that you need to do quickly because this is not what you want to do you need to experience the centrifugal force that is happening this is only where you can it's just it's just so natural when you take other sports like a discus you know you've got part of your body going the lead pack going this way while this part is going that way it's going out that way initially isn't it yeah your the forces are working against each other it's what creates a slingshot when you do this when you throw out that away and that stays behind we create this slingshot going through what we don't want to do look is do this now just one thing to watch out for one of my personal faults and it tends to be a good place for people to hook the golf ball watch this it's not this don't throw it and slide this if you throw it this way and gets into a tilt position you get stuck underneath you're going to hook it so notice what i'm doing i am throwing this back keeping this back whilst rotating towards my target throw it back rotate towards i get that sensation and then away i go that then look creates the slingshot that's required to play this shot be patient with it once you get the feel it's just absolutely lovely so here look i'm throwing it towards you maintaining this shoulder back there and then around so it goes up down and around okay
a little bit right it's gonna come back a little bit a little draw a little bit right on that one okay so the two things that all top players do is this trail shoulder is always hanging back it does not go forward it doesn't pitch the the sh this shaft here is always attacking on this angle to create an arc through the shot how do the guys do it very simply they keep their right shoulder back that helps this motion with that shoulder back they then generate speed how does it generate speed they don't pull down here with the handle they extend this arm gets extended they throw the club this way out towards you while simultaneously turning the lead side towards their target as they're doing this it's just a natural slinging motion that you do if you're throwing a ball too many golfers are eager to get at the golf ball we need to create these pressure the centrifugal force throw it out here not throw it this way throw it out get that sensation so it becomes an up throw almost this way and then around you go and that is as simple as that now what i love about this is when you do it it might sound some sometimes a little bit complicated but actually once you get the feel of this it's so so natural you'll relate it to throwing but but whilst at the same time being able to kind of feel where that shoulder is looking after it and rotate my leash all this way throwing that that way and then away we go
a little bit right but i'm happy that nice bit of speed okay so i really really hope you enjoyed this exercise it's an absolute beauty if you struggle to feel it with an iron not a problem grab a driver do the same thing here feel it there look throwing that head down into that position and then around you go if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with some of your friends that you think could benefit from this training of course look if you're new to channel it's one of your first videos of mine come and join the community by pressing that subscribe button and the bell remember there's a free practice plan a free guide in the description box below go and pick it up until next week have a great golfing week