Fastest Way to a Free Flowing Golf Swing
Mar 10, 2025Transcript Summary-
If you’re looking to improve the consistency of your strike with your irons and driver — so you can hit them straighter and longer — I want to share with you some incredible insights I recently got from who I believe is the world’s number one coach, Pete Cowen. I’ve just come back from Dubai where Pete shared two major things with me that I think could really transform your game. He told me that great players do two things exceptionally well. First, they have a beautifully free-flowing golf club — they allow the gravity of the club to do the work, creating a smooth and effortless motion. Second, their bodies move in a way that supports that motion, allowing for consistent, powerful ball striking.
Now, the problem for a lot of amateur golfers is that their bodies tend to slide around or they flick their wrists at impact, which leads to inconsistent strikes. Pete shared a brilliant drill with me that I thought was good at the time, but now I think it’s absolutely genius. It helps you feel how to create that effortless motion and get your body working in sync with the club. So in this video, I’m going to break it down for you step-by-step so you can start perfecting your iron and driver strikes.
The first thing you need to feel is the free-flowing motion of the club. A great way to do this is to simply grab a golf club, hold it in front of you, and just let it swing like a pendulum back and forth. You’ll notice how the club naturally flows without you trying to control it. Most golfers, when they lose control of the ball, start adding tension in their arms and grip, trying to force control — but that’s the exact opposite of what you want. You need that club to swing freely and effortlessly. Think of it like a water skier behind a boat — as the boat turns, the skier gets catapulted. The same principle applies to your golf swing. We need the club to swing naturally on an arc, which creates speed and consistency.
The second step is getting your body to support that motion. So if the club is meant to swing up and over your trail shoulder, your body needs to move in a way that supports that. Pete explained that great players use what he calls “push and pull forces” in their body. The trail hip should work upwards and backwards, while your lead knee works down. This motion supports the club swinging on the correct arc without manipulation. Most amateurs either slide off the ball or turn and lift their arms, which causes inconsistent contact. But if you can get your trail leg to straighten slightly and your lead knee to work down, you’ll feel your body working naturally with the club.
Now here’s where it gets really interesting — the transition. This is where I personally struggled and where most amateurs fall apart. What Pete showed me was a drill using an alignment stick. You place the stick under your lead leg and across your trail leg. The goal is to stop your lower body from spinning out on the downswing. Instead of just turning your hips, which drags the club across the ball and causes pulls or slices, you want to feel like you’re pushing your lead knee back towards where it came from. This keeps your backside stable, stops you from getting stuck, and allows you to compress the golf ball. It’s subtle but it’s game-changing.
Once you’ve got that feeling, you can start adding speed. Most golfers think they need to force rotation to create power, but it’s actually the opposite. If you transition correctly and get pressure into your lead side, you can push off the ground and accelerate the club without manipulation. It’s like working pistons — your lead side pushes back, your trail side extends, and that naturally releases the club through impact. You don’t have to force anything.
So here’s what I recommend: start small. Hit a few shots just feeling that free-flowing club motion. Then, work on your body movement — get your trail hip working back, lead knee working down, and avoid sliding. Finally, practice that transition using the alignment stick drill. Once you get that pressure shift and learn to push off your lead side, you’ll be amazed at how much more effortless and powerful your strikes become.
If you found this helpful, give it a thumbs up and maybe share it with a friend who struggles with consistency. And if you haven’t seen my video with Pete Cowen, I’ll link it here — it’s definitely worth a watch. If you’re new to the channel, hit the subscribe button so you don’t miss any of my free weekly lessons. Until next time, have a great golfing week!
Full Transcript - So if you're looking to prove the consistency of your strike with your irons and your drivers so you can hit them a bit straighter hit them a bit longer I want to bring you in on some insights I've just got from who I believe is the world's number one coach Pete count just come back from Dubai where he basically shared with me two major things he said with great players they do two things Danny the first thing they do is is they always have like a beautifully free flowing Golf Club they allow the gravity of the golf club to work in a nice effortless way the second thing they do is is their bodies support that action they the bodies move in such a way to support this kind of beautifully flowing action the problem with a lot of amate he says he like you'll see their bodies kind of sliding all over the place or you'll see them impact like flicking the here or they're rolling their wrists now what he did was gave me a drill that I believe is ABS I thought it was really good at time I think it's absolutely brilliant now to help you feel how to create this kind of effortless motion so that you do get consistency with your ions and your driver in this video I want to share with you what that is and how you can step by step learn to start to perfect these two clubs particularly before I do that look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing at Le videos like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download or practice guide in that description box below so in order to help you hit your irons and your driver more consistently we're going to cover three things today we're going to show you first of all how how you can create like this effortless feeling golf s where the club is swinging beautifully freely that's the first stage second stage is is there's no point having a beautifully free flowing Golf Club if it's moving all over the place so I'm going to say stage two is is how can your body support this motion so it's repeatable time and time again and third and finally you want to hit it further I'm going to show you how you can quickly add some speed to this so you can gain some extra distance without losing any direction so the first stage is is to give you the feeling of a free flowing motion now if you were to grab a golf you could do this with me now and hold it above yourself like this and just let the put a swing this is like a pendulum motion right and it's a lovely thing to feel to start with a lot of people don't have this most people when they're swinging they're really wooden you when you lose control of the ball it's understandable that you kind of want to add some control to the club but you we don't add it like that we don't add it with lots of tension we still need this club to swing beautifully freely in an ideal world we would swing like this because it's the most free and it's the most accurate but unfortunately we also need to hit the ball a decent distance so we angle the club here and we do this because when the club now swings and it swings on an arc it's not dissimilar to like a speed but and a water skar if this ends the speed but and the water skar is the club head as the speed but comes downwards okay what's going to accelerate the club as a speedir turns to the left like this this way the skier water skier gets catapulted out to the right so this angular momentum we call it this is what gives you the acceleration right that's why we swing on our act so we need to in a sense we put a ball we put a spot where the ball's on the ground so we need a a movement when we're swinging this club head we just need to swing it up over a should Trail shoulder here and we need to allow it to swing back to the golf ball here and through so there's the first thing so to get a sensation here of allowing this head just to swing backwards and forwards over your Trail shoulder here and then over your lead shoulder here so get some momentum in this club right get a feeling of this it will feel out of control as you're doing that allow the club to brush the ground on the way back and on the way through so we're just adding some momentum to this golf club that's stage number one super simple isn't it right you'll need to kind of get rid of some of those tensions in the arms a lot of time when I'm uh doing this with people for the first time you know I want a nice firm grip but I don't want that grip to be adding those tension to the arms allow those arms to be lovely and soft so step two how do you think the body should now move to support if you now know the club should swing up and over your Trail shoulder how should the body help you do that naturally so here's what Pete talks about and this is the first part of the exercise he talks about forces push and pull now sometimes it can get quite confusing can it so I'm going to um kind of try and put it in a language it's hopefully a little bit simpler all I want to imagine this I want your body to uh move in such a way that is working at the same way the club wants to go so if the club wants to go up into this top trail trail Corner over my trail shoulder should the hips work around or should they work on some form of angle I'd say pretty if we work around will that support the club if the hips work around the club works around right so I want you to imagine now the body working in such a way where this Trail hip here Works upwards and backwards yeah everything's working look on almost like pistons on an angle my lead knee is working down here my trail leg is straightening here and everything's just working this way all it is is working to support the club up here simple as that that's the back swing so if you can do that most people don't most people what they're doing in reality they either sliding off the golf ball or what's happening is is they're turning off the golf ball and then they're try to lift their arms up to try and get it somewhere where it needs to go get the body working in such a way which naturally supports look that swinging club and all I'm really doing is is I'm straightening my trail leg a little bit I'm allowing my uh my pocket to move backwards a little bit and that's helping me just swing the club up here pretty straightforward right so that's part of the equation now the trickiest thing and this is the thing what for me um grab my alignment stick where where it's going there is hiding under my head cover this is where for me I struggled so this bit on the way back I absolutely got perfectly fine in my own swing the second bit is what I see not just me but a lot of players starting to struggle with in some capacities how to start the down swing so he gave me this really brilliant drill I thought it was good at the time but now I think it's just brilliant so you put it behind your lead leg like here and notice and I like this angle cuz this is Ultimate the line that the body is kind of working on now from here how do you start down now most people's Tendencies as is mine is to from here simply turn the hips now the problem now is this if I turn my hips what I'm really doing here is i' I've wound up here as I start to turn my hips I would spin out the shot here and I would drag the club across the line of the golf ball here I'd get stuck I'd hit pulls i' get very flicky the other thing would happen is is as I'd spun out I sometimes be behind the golf ball and now start to kind of reach for the golf ball to strike it what I see with worst players is is they get here they'll turn now those turn over the top they come over the top they start slicing across the golf ball so all that sounds really complicated doesn't it right so how can you learn to feel a really great down swing take a alignment uh uh stick or a golf club doesn't really matter put it under your lead leg and put it across your Trail leg now this is the only drill now you've kind of got your swinging club you know which direction you're moving look at this my trail legs looks um is ex is straightening I've now got that kind of motion here now this is really important I would do this what I'm doing now is this I am going to try and add more Flex onto this shaft leaving this alone I'm not letting this leg come in look at this Bang there it's almost like my legs are uh working apart now it looks subtle doesn't it and it really is this is what drills are about learning to feel how to start the down swing is not something I can tell you I can't tell you what I'm feeling because you won't benefit from that you need drills to give you the experience so that you know know how to transition because I tell I cannot tell you what this has done for my game I really hasn't not just this the iron but also my short game too so as I'm swinging here all I'm doing look is this I'm pushing that knee almost back to where it came from what this does is as opposed to me spinning now I am as I move it back here move it into position I am now in a sense moving that club back to where it come from from there I can now I've got a lot of pressure in this leg I am now going to push off that lead leg and accelerate that Golf Club very different subtly watch the difference here look now the problem is I'm spinning too much I'm starting to almost fall backwards so I would use all kinds of stuff to put pressure on the golf ball you don't always see it but it's really really subtle so let me show you how I've been working on this and how you could work on it too now you start off very very small and I would grab that alignment stick or even a golf club like this and I would alternate shot so I would hit two three shots where all I'm doing really subtly is is I'm I'm getting that club swinging freely and then I'm just going to go I'm going to try and snap the shaft and what I'm doing is here is I'm for me this is the key don't let this go don't let this go because he wants to it wants to do look what this do to my back side watch this from this angle it's a great angle so this is what I would normally do versus look at this makes sense very subtle I'm working now that subtle motion allows me to get into my left side here and now I'm in a place where I can just push off and I'll show you what I've been doing to kind of improve the impact and the distance in a second right so I get myself set started off really small and all I'm doing is is pushing back here tra leg naturally extends to swing the club up here and then all I'll do is I'll repeat I'll do one or two of these just get that sensation there now even when I do this I can still feel that my bum want to go this way leave it there there you go Bang there there right get that sensation and I've play some small shots initially with this get myself
set look at that beautifully straight and even on that one there I could feel my body wanting to just spin but what the great thing is is what the drill gives me is the feeling that I need to hit great shots and even that there which I think wasn't absolutely perfect it's so much closer to where I want to be which is why I'm going to be getting more consistency but I start really small to initially with this and then gradually build it up so I would go back to the drill and I would alternate like I said two or three shots just again get myself set wind it back here here and then this all I'm going to do now is this move there there this wants to do this no move it back there this stops the over the top slicers people show with ball striking this helps me get back to where I need to be here and now once I've got that pressure here we're going to go into the second the bonus steping how we add the power in a second but now what I'm going to do is as I'm onto this leg I'm going to push here that CS that side which allows me to release through the shot very very important let's have a look at this and then we'll go into the power in a
second I felt really nice really nice and solid there you go so speed starting to come up now and that's kind of in a sense where I started so started really small just start to feel this because these are very subtle motions so once you've got the swinging club head that's first thing you might just spend some time doing that second thing get the body working this way so that the club can swing here and then this is the important point how do you transition so you don't come over the top look at my back side if I which I do a little bit some people do a lot my bum would do this that would get as get me over this way no no what I'm doing here is if this stays alone boom here look there there see a difference there subtle isn't it but that is crucial that's how you start down then you can work on the final bit which was ultimately for me was generating the speed because once you've in a sense got this is the golf thing really here one two three so it's like one two three the final bit there that final punch is almost in a sense natural because as I'm letting this club swing beautifully freely what's going to accelerate it and the biggest problem I see with a loot of golfers from here when they're coming down they focus so much on getting rotation in the gwing I do not want you to turn turning is a natural byproduct of this watch this as I'm transferring here look one now I've got a lot of pressure in this foot here what gets that hip moving out the way clearing is not me actively trying to turn it I'm pushing here and that accelerates the club so I've got a pulling back of here I'm pushing this way and pulling it pushing like Pistons almost which fires the momentum of the this club through that impact area hugely hugely simple once you get it and it's natural I mean it's you know I'm talking about these motions and they can seem complicated do the exercises and you all will start to come together so free flowing motion back back into oh no almost did it there look there habit one feel that motion there feel it okay and then here we BR go right so get myself set you can see even it's in instinctive I've done it for so long one two
go good starting point like it all right so we start there initially right with a driver it's absolutely no different in fact if anything it really really helps see a lot of times if you're struggling with a driver what's tending to happen is notice what happens here first of all you can't generate any speed unless you kind of get this motion on the way back where we're creating this swinging Golf Club on an arc if you then do this you're coming down you're starting to chop down on the golf ball we want this club accelerating but under control well if I'm he look and I transition correctly don't let this pop out if I transition correctly here now I've got a lot of pressure on this leg what's going to happen that leg is in a position to straighten which pushes me hit back which then releases the driver which allows me to hit up on the shot and hey presser away we go so I'm going to go into a lot more detail in the driver in in another video but for now I want you to spend some time adding some momentum to this shot get a sensation of what starts that downswing use this drill he it's absolutely brilliant there keep that trail leg Alone look at this almost like I'm snapping that shaft back into impact back into impact subtly there there no no see the difference there you go that's how you start to start your dcing once you learn that feeling you can then start to add speed to it and you're going to be amazed at what this does to you ball striking hope you enjoy the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with your friends if you haven't seen that video with myself and P count check it out right here if you're new to the channel press subscribe button and the Bell but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.