Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I am super excited to share with you the helicopter drill if you find that when you're playing golf you find that you've got some weak strikes maybe you're releasing the club a little bit early like this so you getting this horrible position here maybe again a little bit of a chicken wing maybe you're actually when you're coming down you're starting to feel like you're coming over here and you can't get a consistent swing that's going backwards and forwards on a very similar line to get consistency in your strike and your accuracy the helicopter drill which I shared with one of my clients Kevin this week Kevin was a beginner golfer so he was somebody who was very inconsistent all over the place and we gave him this drill five minutes into the drill you would not believe what we were seeing the consistency of his backswing coming back here and more importantly the dullness of perfection through impact I find with a lot of players who don't hit it very far they get very static with their legs here these don't move very much they get a bit flicky with their wrists and lose a lot of power what we wanted to create is it's lovely movement where the lower half moves here and the tosser actually stays behind we don't want that tosser coming over you want to stay it's we want it to stay behind the problem is how do we do those things right that's all right same me telling you just keep this behind rotate but you've probably found that it's quite difficult to feel it the helicopter drill will help you feel just that it'll help you get into the goo a perfect impact position and help you form a perfect line back and line through for much more consistency before we get into the drill if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first video - consider subscribing and release videos just like this one to help you improve your game so helicopter drill what is it and how can you start working right all I want you to do is very simply is this get yourself set up and your posture so tipping your body forward here and what we're going to do is I want your arms to come out like this okay and what we're going to is we're going to turn the arms back and what I want you to do as you turn them you're gonna turn them on a line that matches roughly your shaft angle okay so it's going to look something like this you don't wanna be like this all like this it's gonna match the club shaft on the ground what we're gonna do is going to pivot backwards right so you get the lead am now is pointing towards where the ball would be and your trail am it's straight back here teaches the field by opening up the body watch this all we do now is reverse that process on the way down and hey presto we got the helicopter drill we got a lead arm up here the trail arm here where the ball would be watch what happens to impact here such a great feeling you get yourself set tipping forward helicopter there's your backswing now watch this as I come into impact now bang this is back here my trail lines back here watch this look at that impact position absolutely perfect it's a great in the most simple way I find of teaching anybody to feel what's supposed to be like with Kevin specifically what I found was he was very static with his legs as soon as he did destroyer he said my god I can I feel now I'm this bits ahead while this bits trailing oh that's getting me oh that makes sense what we're all after is simplicity again I've used tennis drills in the past I'll put that up in this corner here but when you hit any shot the lower half moves and this comes in afterwards if you throw a ball this comes this goes forward this comes in afterwards but the problem is some of you out there and not right-handed people but you're playing golf right-handed right so sometimes throwing action is ten infections don't work this is just a simple way that any of you can go about making the move feeling a consistent line back here and then through let's have a look at this in action so you've got that sensation of what it's supposed to be like at impact no it's this I'm not doing this that's a big difference in Orca this no no we hold this back as this goes forward now watch this back I've got the feel of impact I come back here get myself set
real impact really nice strike same again so watch this and this works with irons and Driver because what we're trying to do we want a consistent we don't want loops in your swing yeah now when you've got a helicopter drill helicopter blades don't loop around all over the place it's one here two there you get a sensation look of this moving but the wonderful thing about it as well as is it gives you the sensation of what happens to the ribcage on your lead side and what should be happening with your trail side your trail side most people when they when they get here to want to do this right but here it's teaching you the feel of this trail side staying behind while the lead site our rib cages opens up move that lead down back and hey presto you've got your strike let's have another look at this with a driver and then I'll show you what it looks like with an iron as well so so look at this I've got that sensation of this motion here I come back get that feeling again and away we go let's have a look now we're with an item so same principle we get ourselves set here rehearse the drill don't just rush and start hitting loads of golf balls get the motion one to see what that's supposed to be like one two there we go one two get that sensation let's have a look at it from the reverse side so let's have a look from this reverse side here we've got the helicopter motion here where we're whipping it back here and as we come down I love this most people like I say come over the top get stuck inside all those kind of things notice here by keeping this helicopter intact here the trail shoulder stays behind and look at this motion you get this wonderful position here we see a lot of good players impact by letting the lead arm drift back here opens up the ribcage opens up the hips get that sensation perfectly then you bring it back now you've got the feeling of not only the shape of the swing but also that wonderful impact position here as well let's have a look at this in action here so we're making it back we've now got the feeling we're going to take it back here we're gonna open up here get that similar kind of feeling and let's tap to launch this driver down the middle of the fairway just on the right side but that's fine okay let's look at it with the iron no different whatsoever with the iron again iron shots what we're after it's compression out we want that getting sense club coming in at an angle it can't come in an angle if this becomes stationary we end up flicking the shot we want a good solid compression look at this keep the helicopter positioning in play hey presto you've got that motion back here open up and away you go so ever never look at this in action here
so in summary what have we done at well we said look we want something that gets you in a stronger position and impact here how do you do that well you've got to get the body working correctly through the impact area the the lower section has to rotate the torso has to feel like it's almost hanging back a fraction so that you get this natural angle of the shaft with your irons and then you get a lovely strong impact with your driver learning understanding that is one thing learning the feel of it is another get into the helicopter motion here helps you feel the trail side Lucky's hanging behind it pulls that lead side ahead hey presto you've got that Martian that is as simple as that alternate the drills do the drills get the feeling hit the balls two or three balls go back to the drill and away you go get to the driving range work on it it will really really work I promise using work is so well for many my clients and well it's fantastic sweets for Kevin so if you enjoyed the video maybe give it a thumbs up and share it with some friends who could need a little bit of a helping hand and of course if you earn you to channel press up subscribe button and the Bell and I look forward to seeing you next week