Nov 05, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I have a take away fix for you with a slight twist it comes to the bonus of a release fix as well I found I was coaching a couple of clients this week one of them was an Inc his name wasn't and he was really struggling with his backswing he was really taking it around the corner and we were able to not only fix this with a very simple exercise it made a massive difference also toys release I'm gonna share with you this week exactly what we did and how we did it before we do if you're new to the channel lean you haven't seen any of my content before consider subscribing we were these simple tips and drills every single week to help your game so let's have a look so what am was doing it was when he take the club back he would basically take the club way inside right so he would come around the corner he would then loop the club around so he had a poor take away and a as a bipod to poor release now I see this all the time when I'm coaching very strange looking swings with loops and chops and you name it but when I ask people to throw things and throw balls they don't do that right so if I huge the throw ball do you think you'd do this if I asked you to throw ball standing the golf stands to make it kind of similar to that to the game if I ask you to stand like this and I actually to throw ball would you do this look weird wouldn't it right and nobody does so what I want to do is I what I did without it's right come on now let's just pick a target out just in front of you I wanted to take your golf stance as you would do normally throw the club in your right hand and what I want you to do is simply just that to practice swinging now would you throw a ball like this no where's the target out there right so there's not a natural movement just imagine you're throwing a ball to the target here okay backwards and forwards and you're throwing a ball to the target would you notice about my hand puff would it make any sense to take that hand around here not really what do you make any sense to take it out there and do this type of loop it wouldn't want it right so with that in mind I said right what is you know what's going on so we said like let's take your club now just in your right hand what any golf balls yet we need to perfect this takeaway and we want to keep it really really simple so go down the grip and you with your right hand do exactly the same thing I want to now make a swing and start to let the club head act as AAM's let your hand and you're simply throwing the weight of the club back up here and through you're throwing it towards a target here now ants first response was this field the stranger you grip told to there for dear life the golf club here and he really wasn't swinging the club in now now it is just one long movement here if you look at this person here the arm was swinging backwards and forwards and that's not what we really after what is said was when you throw a ball your wrists are passive yeah you don't hold it stiff you don't hold it tight there's a softness to what you're doing right and the risks are passes and they react to the swinging of the arm and I want that to continue when you do the one-handed swing with the golf club so what I want you to do is you're going to allow the wrists now to swing passive that allows the head to swing backwards and forwards on the line that you want to swing right so we started with that so we don't sit okay now let's let's scale up right let's scale it up and let's start to hit some ball just one-handed just there letting the club swing backwards and forwards towards the target right and we started to do that now occasionally and found this other route tricky in a sense that this was perfect now but on the way through he'd grab hold and he was nervous he was concerned about whether he's gonna strike it or not don't worry about that one of the key things this if you throw a ball do you suddenly go grab you don't right there's a softness to what you're doing right and that's one of the this if you can let that club and the risk be passive here allow it to swing backwards and forward and that to throw it in this direction then suddenly you'll get a very natural release of the club through the impact area also as I'm doing this what do you notice about my body is my body staying dead still absolutely not why because he wouldn't do that if we were throwing the ball you don't throw a ball at this okay you throw it towards a target and that brings me now to the second thing I want to bring bring to attention the throwing action here helps the backswing yes but what's leading this the body and our actions are led and being informed by what we're trying to do out there right we out stood here now thinking of a million things in a house swinging a golf club backwards and forwards what we're doing is we've picked a target out and we're allowing the target to inform our body action we want to go in that direction so we swing you back this direction if we're going to go in that direction do we want do this it makes no sense does it but I see that all the time when people are swinging I don't if you're the same so I wonder why that is if you're stood up at the golf ball here thinking of a million things and that target becomes a distant memory it's no surprise that weird stuff like this happens because this target is no longer leading your swing so let's go back to it so we're swinging the club now right we're letting the target help us I'm we're swinging this club backwards and forwards towards our target then what's the look on that let's get the second hand in there right and all we're gonna do now is allow the club to swing backwards and forward and we're going to throw the club towards a target here still no big shots just getting a sense of what we're doing just throwing it down there nothing more complicated than that okay
taking a swing backwards and forwards and just throw in the head towards where we want it to go so let's summarize what have we done we said look if you are struggling to consistently get the back swing on the line that you want and you want something that you could probably take to a golf course pretty quickly then this is going to be really really effective if you take a golf ball in your right hand and just imagine throwing it get a feel for that pick a tire that go in your garden just get a feel for what you're doing right then take a club in your right hand don't rush take golf balls to start off with just take your club in your right hand and just imagine again throwing the club head just allow it to swing nice and freely towards your target when she got a feel for that same thing okay now take a golf ball say get yourself set and start to let the club swing through impact look at my balance finish position here the clubs flowing through impact nicely my hips have gone through all because I'm trying to release through to the target watch out for this there's a couple things you need to be aware of if you get tight none of this will work just as you will be a throw a ball if you have stiff wristed keep in mind what's what's creating this motion what is it what's happening the target is in forming my body I'm not stood there with a million swing thoughts thinking about how I'm going to hit this golf ball the target is getting me to swing and turn my body through impact for those of you standing over a golf ball with a million-one swing thoughts you'll often find you with this ball and striking the ball becomes the most important thing and it in the end the target is a distant memory or tensed up and then if you tend to be static over the golf ball looking like this we don't want that that's what that least a poor rhythm poor follow-through is poor strike what what do we want instead we want a swing that collects the golf ball on the way very similar to throwing right that when you throw a ball you only have one target when you play golf we have two we have a ball and a target we collect this one while we move to our primary target here okay so in real quick summary what have we done we said look if you want to improve your takeaway and your release we've got to get into a situation where basically you you keep this natural we swing the club back and we swing it through we start to get the club swinging back here and releasing through the impact area you start off by just throwing a ball initially get a feel for that so we're going to take a ball throw it forward get a feel for what you're doing then just simply take the club in your right hand do the same thing again get a release yeah feel that release going through then be brave take on hitting a golf ball right when you first start you might find that you're holding a little bit tighten you're a bit chubby and a grabby don't really go with it you might not strike it start off with be patient with it right it's not easy initially but really go with it once you're ready bring two hands on don't rush to a full swing at this stage the same principle all we're gonna do here is keep it small and just allow that club to to swing through once you're ready and you've hit a few of them again don't rush into this then start to extend it just a little bit more continuing to allow that throw martien okay and you should find as we did with ana Ned this week you should find that you start to increase the quality of your backswing the effortless in terms of how much power you're getting and it's so much fun so much easier to play so if you enjoyed this training and you think someone else might enjoy it too don't forget to share it and I've cost look if you're not receiving this in your inbox every week consider heading over to over to my personal website Dany more calm and register up there and you'll get this training in your inbox every single week and of course if you're on YouTube and you're watching it here don't forget to press the subscribe button and the bell but until next week have a great golfing week