Golfer Discovers How to Hit the Ball Then the Turf with Your Irons in LIVE GOLF LESSON
Feb 21, 2022Full Transcript -
in this video you're gonna see laura generate loads more clubhead speed learn the feelings of how to strike orions really really sorry really compress them and hit them much much straighter and you're gonna see it completely live now look i know that could potentially help laura's a beginner golfer but you know what something like this can help every single golfer because what we're working on is what all good players do so look over my shoulder right now and watch the whole thing i'm sure you're going to really enjoy it
okay so speed's pretty good um you know the moments carry 65 yards with seven nine um 76 yards in total but what i want to look at is there's a couple of areas you need to be to improving right so we might get rid of these for a second club path face to path right this is the slice territory that you're in at the moment right so what i mean that minus 10 means that what you're doing is you're swinging that way yeah so across the line this face position which is your club face means that your club face is open to that path so you're creating this kind of in a sense although it's not showing much on trackman you're gliding across the ball it means that it's a weak shot so you're not getting the full metal going into the back of the ball which is going to give you the power you're glancing across the ball this way yeah which is why that you're not getting loads of distance okay combine that with your low point which is 1.8 b which basically means that what you're doing is not only you're coming across a line but you're hitting the ball when the club grounds behind the ball then it comes up versus hitting it on the way down okay all right so what we're gonna do is try to get your swing in a position right the ultimate aim here to get some serious power and improve that strike is to try and get you when you're coming down to strike the ball then the ground all right now to do that we're going to go enhance those step exercises yeah yeah so right now what's what we're doing is this you're swinging back and you're hitting from the back foot when you hit from the back foot this encourages the body to go up and up and come across the line and literally do this slice across it right yeah what we want to do is get somehow help you get back onto the front foot so now look we attack more from this space we come down the line more metal boat go through the ball and you're going to hit it further okay all right so let's do a few little simple it's just a simple things right so let's start with some basic um exercises where we do the club along the chest so just put the club along the shoulders and put your feet together okay and what we're gonna do is we're gonna get those shoulders turned towards the target first okay now you're gonna get the shift and turn so you're gonna shift then we're going to turn right and as you're turning back we're going to shift towards the target shift that's it then turn right okay yeah here's what's happening at the moment is to put your feet together shift back you're doing this and then what happens when you shift forward now shift forward you're going together right okay so what you're doing is you're throwing your body towards the target you follow yeah okay so just uh so you get that sensation of literally going turn that's it shift then turn shift then turn yeah you feel that yeah okay do it so it's even do that bit more rhythmically
shift then turn shift then turn okay brilliant okay now one other thing we can play around with is just to enhance the feel if i grab the club for a second okay we said look we need to get you improving this club path so we can get you more power yeah just on that for a second so you're starting to organize this motion when i'm shifting healer we want you in this space when we're coming down so we can yeah drive through right now you're in which space
this face and down and across right so let me give you a bit of a fun exercise you probably love doing this um you stand there for a second you can do it to me in a minute right so i'm going to give you a simple feeling exercise so hold my hands okay and this is like a bit of a tug of war right so what i'm going to do here is i am going to imagine throwing you towards the screen oh you'd love that what i'm going to do is look i'm going to walk this way then i'm gonna throw you you feel that yeah right now the idea is what am i doing here my body is leading yeah yeah and then throwing so set me up so you're gonna walk you're gonna keep pull me that way keep going now don't pull me with your arms so you're gonna have to you're there you try to do this try to walk you're literally gonna like win the tug away you're gonna try and move your body this way get some momentum going then three okay
so what backwards that's it yeah you go yeah
almost okay now one thing that's probably just stopping this uh working just a little bit right is just your grip and just maybe allowing this club to flow yeah yeah because if this if this is rock solid and your arms are rock solid then you've got nothing to throw if i throw a ball like this and i'm doing everything is telling you you're doing everything i tell you to do it's like it never work so at some stage this has got to be thrown okay right so get yourself set
let's hold that club just there for a second holding both hands and just let the club for a second get the wrists working a bit more right okay yeah so when you're swinging
that's it good okay right awesome so we're getting momentum now i like that the one thing that we're not quite getting on the way through this is all great here and then on the way through it's still a bit like this yeah so we know that's the toughest bit that's what's going to make the biggest difference to our path and our power right yeah so this is all good you're starting to get some speed now with the club body's starting to work much better here you're working this base but somehow we've got to help you feel this rather than that okay so keep working on this for a second because this is the import so we'll do what we'll do we'll do a step exercise so what we'll do make this motion again where you're letting the club swing you're moving your body and then what you're going to do is when you swing your back you're going to take a step forward then swing this is that imagine you're throwing me you're going step through versus this so when do i do the step sorry always before you throw so so could you do it again for me yeah so what we're going to do is watch we get the club swinging like this got the momentum you're moving the body then look at this we're going to step right okay yeah yeah
yes see that there yeah there's a lovely delays and there's a rhythm to that motion yeah when you see people doing a swing you don't see them doing all this stepping motion so why is that is that because they suddenly feel it in there well it's a really good question so the thing is is why do people why is why do we do steps well steps give you a real grand almost over exaggerated feeling of what you're supposed to do if you don't do steps and i say shift pressure you can't feel it's too subtle right so like doing these silly exercises where i kind of you know do this by making it really big and grand and kind of like over-exaggerated the idea is that your body goes oh i get it and then over time if you do a few of these exercises you can then make it more subtle so like here when i'm throwing you can see here as i'm going look what i'm reading i stan i'm stopping and then at some stage that platform allows me to throw versus that nothing's happening and it's all this eventually if i did that stepping eventually i wouldn't need to do that stuff anymore because i don't know how i how it's meant to feel yeah okay exactly exactly so that's why we don't hit loads of golf balls stuff with right hand got loads of golf balls you're just going to react to the ball yeah your job at the moment is i'm looking for this picture i'm looking for this swing i'm looking for helping you learn the feelings of the correct swing and i know that once i start to see that pattern i don't care about all these numbers these numbers will automatically improve your shots will automatically improve and all i'm looking for is that lovely pattern where you're landing and you're throwing yeah so start off again let the club just swing backwards and forwards get some rhythm right good go into your yeah that's it that's it now get your back to forward toward there there you go now yeah okay good yes still different yeah okay so play around with that now it's not perfect for any stretch of imagination but i can see you want to hit some balls so let's get some balls to see if i've approved yeah yeah well exactly right but so it's so you just play around with that as much effect you've got the feelings just think of the golf balls as the distraction that it can distract you from working on the swing and getting a sense of what you need to do because you hit a bad shot hit a good shot and it's kind of it's distraction your job is just to keep sensing that momentum thinking how can i amplify danny's on the other end of that and i'm gonna throw him yeah all right have a go
not quite so if we look at those numbers there still a minus 10 so still on minus 10 on in terms of path club first is uh still open distance has come up a little bit club at speed certainly come out and what we have improved by the way because of this exercise now look 2.4 inches after the golf ball yeah so we've we've increased the speed we've increased your distance and that's because you started to add some speed here right and because you're starting to step you're organizing it a little bit so you're now striking to start straight down on the golf which is great what you're doing though is is we haven't quite got the tug of war motion so what you're doing is you're swinging up here and when you then step it's this way which is why you still pass over there we've got to get learn that sensation it's really normal for people who slice it and struggle with distance is to get you more over here because now if i trans if i when i transition my way over here if i'm still here where am i now i'm gonna be hitting it much more that way yeah that way yeah yeah okay
and where's it gonna take you where you're throwing where you're throwing me over this way okay this way still a bit over there yeah
that's it
that's it yes it makes it feel that yeah so it's your body that's throwing me this you could you can throw me this way that's gonna give you that numbers and you can also throw me this way yeah okay got it yeah okay
see over there yeah it's not even thinking of you over there yeah it's all right it's all right oh that's all right don't worry you look you're trying you're trying and it doesn't matter if you were standing over there i would think yeah so you try to yeah no no and i think like like a lot of us when we're trying to improve the path or the direction you try to put it there yeah yeah you don't need to do that so and it's not everyone does it start with right the aid is look you're swinging so let's do this together and we'll help each other right so just bring the club backwards and forwards and get the body swinging the club back and forth right now swing the club this way so the wrong way out there and across with your body backwards and forward there you go right now swinging this way
that's it so swing yeah get the wrists work a bit more that's it in this direction keep going yeah okay good now how can the body help you swing even more that way how can you shift your weight that way that's it yeah good now start moving over here there you go see how quickly you can start to change the direction of your swing right so when you're making these motions that's what i want to want you to imagine is that you're in control of this and you can simply just move around just the key is not to put it in position just literally allow the club to keep swinging organizing it backwards and forwards and just moving it in those different directions so you're in control and this path will automatically change okay
look at that yeah now look at the difference sounded nicer as well look at this look look at your clubhead speed there look 58 miles an hour your club pass now has gone from minus 10 to minus two so now you're not nowhere near as much this way yeah face to path now more under control carried it 86 yards my best it's amazing yeah amazing it might be 100 yards in total with a 7.9 yeah right and again so this is the area we need to play around with yeah just getting your sense of literally get momentum first of all in the club yeah backwards and forwards then once you've got that let the body then direct it by shifting and turning yeah and just play around with these lines and and with all of that you've got this lovely effortless motion and out of interest where would you want me to where would you want me to be with the seven iron i think with your potential with what i'm starting to see i reckon i we could get you comfortably because i like to work on carries more than total i reckon i'd love to get you up to a hundred and twenty hundred thirty ironing carry carry yeah right that's that's the goal right not in this session but that's certainly the girl
well look at that i know that felt good as well yeah look at the numbers are starting to creep down like look at your clubhead speed now look yeah up to almost 60 miles an hour club path now is loads less than it was for a start minus 10. still need to keep improving this error but you're getting there carrying out up to 90. total this is 103 yards you're still striking it after the golf ball there so we're starting bit by bit with this martian and it's just you this is just you now exploring this and being patient and just getting a sense of where it comes from and like you said before with just time and a bit of practice you'll get it yeah and the great thing is is you own it this yeah it makes sense you're generating a feel that you own and you want you can take to a golf course without a lot of stuff to remember yeah yeah brilliant if you enjoy videos just like this one watch more live golf lessons right here and look if you're new to the channel consider subscribing so i can help you again for the rest of the year by clicking right here