Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week we're talking short game and i bring you to the 17th here at canterbury you've just missed the green you've got a basic shot and you'll duff it in front of your nose or you thin it over the back of the green it is so frustrating isn't it so how do you play simple shots like this but also how do you play more difficult shots what club should we be using how do you get rid of some anxiety some of that tension that is what i'm going to cover in this week's training i love the shogi but i know it's so frustrating so that's what we're going to cover before i do that look if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button and next subscribe and you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus there's a free practice guide so if you do enjoy this video and you want to kind of you don't have to remember a thing just go into the description box uh below download the free practice plan so you can take it out onto the practice ground hope you enjoy great so let's get stuck into the basic stuff first and then we'll start to make it more advanced as the video goes on i've got something really quite cool to share with you a little bit later so um chipping we're going to start with the big big aha moment certainly for me over the last five six years focusing on improving your ground contact not you're in contact with the golf ball yes you heard that right we're gonna focus on how we connect the club with the ground first not the golf ball so i was always taught i don't read the same i was always taught to focus on improving my contact with the ball so what i would do is i'd get my hands the ball fairly back in my stance i'd get my hands angled forward here and i try and hit the ball i truly try and improve that contact and do you know what it works so many good players still use that but it requires a lot of precision it means that you have to hit the ball perfectly so this is i've got a 52 degree wedge here i've got the ball back in my stance i've got my hands forward and i'm going to try and hit the ball first and look it works i can do that right almost holds it so it works and there's nothing wrong with that the problem is i don't know about you but i'd like to have some of a technique that is more forgiving he's more you know if i if i'm nervous or i've got that anxiety that you know i sometimes get some my students get i want to be able to kind of cope with that so now what we're doing is we're not focusing on striking the ball we're actually straight uh trying to focus on how how we interact the golf club with the ground itself now what we're trying to do here is is we want to try and get the bounds the flat bit of the golf club gliding through the ground as a poster when the ball was back and the hands are forward this flat bit here look is off the ground and we're striking it like this now the problem is when that flat bit's off the ground we have this kind of i call it a butter knife or knife if that strikes the ground now behind the golf ball you will fat it and that is when you leave that ball look well i didn't hit it there look at that i couldn't even hit the golf ball because the leading edge gets stuck in the ground now watch the difference here i can catch this ball fat now but use the ground i caught that probably an inch behind and look at that a bad shot ie a bad a fat shot using the base of the club will create more consistent shots for you than if you have this angle right so what i'm going to do now is show you exactly how you can start to set yourself up for this so you can make it happen actually out on the course so the first stage in this process is you have to change your mindset most most of you certainly i was at one stage and many of my students were most of you are focused on trying to improve your ball contact when you're still still over there this will have an impact on there for your action if you're trying to hit that ball first just trying to focus on improving your contact you may chop down on the ball you may have your hands way too far ahead here getting that chopping action um you may be trying to lift the ball up in there because again it's the ball or the ball trying to lift or scoop the ball up in the air but if you change that for a second and look at chipping as all about ground contact then all we're going to do is this i want to grab a wedge if you've got wedge close to hand just grab a wedge and just feel the bottom part of the club the flat bit okay and what i want you to do is this flat bit we're simply just going to place look on the ground when we place it on the ground you'll notice the shaft as you look at it here is quite vertical slightly angled forward but slight vertical this is the position we want the club to return to when it strikes the ground okay now i might strike the ball first i might strike the ground a little bit behind the ball the great thing about this is the margin of error is massive so that's the intention we're going to strike the ground we're going to get the shaft returning to this position here and we're going to make a few swing just for now just see if you can feel that flat bit hitting the ground or bruising the ground then what i'm going to do is i want you to then angle the club way forward completely opposite so you can feel the opposite feel how the leading edge gets stuck into the ground so you've now got a bit of contrast a bit of feeling of what's wrong and then what's right do that a couple of times so you can get a sense of how your club is interacting if you get too flicky like this you can get away with it sometimes but the difference is you'll only be hitting this bit of the golf club here so just play around with just interacting the bass or the bounce with that turf let's have a look at this in action so we'll go to the setup in a second so i've got myself set and nice and easy no mark just bruising that turf comfortably you can see here there's no divot in any shape or form i'm not sticking it into the ground so in terms of setup how do we make this a little bit more accurate and and more consistent well nice and simple your ball position can change depending on flight we won't go into that too much yet so we're going to keep it nice and central basically if you move the ball forward the ball goes a bit higher if you move the ball back the ball goes a bit lower but just for now we're going to keep it nice and central then what we're going to do is we're going to grip down the golf club and a few things in setup the basic your low point of the club is under your armpit here under your lead arm and that is where you're going to imagine this club bruising that ground from here the next thing you want to imagine is that your setup here isn't out of line a lot of people have this lead shoulder quite high i want to feel like you're dropping it low so you're trying to line the entire body up so you imagine almost three dots here one dot on the top of your sternum another dot in the middle the lower part of your sternum and then a dot on the ground you want to try and get those lined up because if they're not it's going to start to create a very risky style action so we're going to get all those lined up here so we can improve the consistency of where this base or the bound statute brews into the ground so let's have another look at this so it's there all my dots are starting to line up and i'm all i'm focusing on here my intention by the way is to strike the ground i'm not trying to strike the golf ball in any shape or form here
really really crisp nice motions here i could you know and if i showed you now as we do this i'm going to show you uh me hitting a fat shot okay so let's have a look at this faction i'm going to strike your classic traditionally fat i'm going to strike the ground look way behind here let's have a look at the difference when i do this
so i purposely look struck that i probably struck that look a good three or four inches behind the golf ball and i'm still up there yeah so yes i wouldn't advise that but look it means that your bad shots are so much more forgiving if i did that with that leaning edge coming down i'm probably going to leave it in front of my nose so that's the first thing so we've we've taught the intention to strike the ground the second thing is getting your setup completely lined up and then it's a case of look there are so many different actions on tour you've got um some people using a lot of wrists and they're swinging through some people aren't using wrists at all doesn't matter because you can do it in any style that you want the key is is that the intention here is always to get that bounds working look can i use the bounce using lots of wrist yeah no problem at all i like that method i use that on the golf course could i be more like a steve stricker where i don't use any wrists at all do the same thing absolutely right i'm using a lot more body in this motion that's fine too the key though is is the principle of chipping which is to get the balance working always holds firm so what would i advise most people or people when they when they're struggling keeping it really simple i personally love this motion here where any time i get someone shipping one-handed they always chip better all wish it better literally if you haven't tried it go and ship one-handed initially as a drill you'll be amazed at how simple chipping is one-handed it's one of the simplest ways of getting this bounce working every single time because when the lead hand isn't on the golf club you can't drive that handle forward when this trailer hand is doing a lot more of the work you can see here look the shaft now is giving a lot more vertical through the impact area so certainly try that if you can it could make a massive difference let's have another look at this in action
so i want you to look at now this finished position here so that you can work on how you then start to transfer this motion into two hands look at how i finished here look at where the butt is and look at where the club is the club has comfortably passed this butt end what it hasn't done which i see with so many golfers trying to chip keeping their hands ahead the more you start to try and create this type of motion the more that leading edge is going to dig in yeah and we're not really then focusing on the ground so look at this if i'm trying to glide that club i'm going to return that shaft to a nice neutral position here nice and vertical here then what happens after that i'm just allowing the club look to flow through towards my target just as if look if i was grabbing a ball here and throwing a ball look what i'm doing here i'm allowing this just to go backwards and forwards just throwing this ball same here look look at this throwing motion just literally allowing it to go now look at the variance as we've just mentioned with the different swings you see some of the players who like to get backspin on their on their chip shots they'll allow a lot more wrist hinge because when they unleash those wrists it creates more speed and therefore more spin but obviously that can be quite risky sometimes because it means in order to time this motion ie uh getting this club shaft to neutral for some people that can feel like too much so then you've got the guys who actually like a scent they don't like they're happy to have a little bit less spin but have a bit more control with this motion but the principle remains the same they are still allowing this club to naturally release through and ground through that shot now left hand on my lead hand comes on the golf club here and sometimes we then have problems why because again it can drive it can get it going through so you've got to start to educate what this lead hand does and for me what i would do is just start to practice this lead hand just staying quite close to the lead leg as it's coming through just see i almost let the trail hand here guide where this li hat lead hand needs to finish so just imagine you're throwing it through stop put your lead hand in feel where it needs to be and then away we go and look at this here look my lead hand right in my pocket and i've done this before i've often said to some of my students imagine swinging with the butt pocket to pocket is sometimes a really really nice image to focus on and that's how we transfer this whole motion but let's have a look just to finish off with a slightly more difficult lie and see how we can then expand this right come and take a look at this light so what i've done here is i've really buried us in the in here um so what alterations do you need to make when you're in a lie like this or on the edges of the green you still want to get up and down well look the first thing i do is look i've chosen a 56 degree sandwich here all i would say is look when you're in the rough maybe take some loft you need loft to get it out that's the first thing but you know what the second thing is is we're then going to focus on what type of ground contact do we need again not ball contact ground contact and what we're going to do is the ground contact that we need here is going to be slightly different whereas we could glide on on a good light when you're on slightly dodgy lies you now need to go more into the ground so notice this but i'm still going to go into the ground with the bounce so because what i want to get look is this as opposed to this glide which would then catch all the rough behind we're going to get the bounce going into the ground so it creates more of a v-shaped swing so the club goes bounce and starts to pop the ball more vertically that's the intention but we need to be prepared to set up slightly differently for that we're going to push the ball a little bit further forward understand maybe again just off our our far left heel or lead heel here and then the other thing i'm going to do when you ever want more elevation we can't have the shaft too vertical so we're going to lower the shaft down i said you at the start don't know there's you have to add variety when you want to make lofty um when you want to have different shots around the green this is the variety so we've got the ball for the forward we've got the shaft further down and we've chosen more loft now all i'm then going to do is i'm going to set my intention to strike the ground behind the golf ball with the bounce in a more duff way like i'm trying to create as opposed to gliding it i'm going to go into the turf a bit more now it won't be fat why because i'm not going into the turf with the leading edge i'm going into with a blunt bit so watch this so i'm going to lower the shaft down a little bit this is it helps me to add a little bit of loft and my intention is to come more into the ground now we said earlier well what technique how do i do that what technique do i use well do we use a no-wrist motion if you use a no-wrist motion you might feel less fine you can do that too you might have to put more weight on your lead side to create an action that goes more up and down yeah because that's what you're going to need if you are somebody who likes the feeling of maybe using a bit more wrist well you probably won't need as much lean forward you can start to get the club working more vertically up and more vertically down it doesn't matter which way you do it because the intention is still the same there's many ways to skin a cat as they say the end of the day all we're going to try and do is as long as the intention is to strike the ground behind the golf ball that is all you're focusing on so that's all i'm doing here so get myself set i'm just going to pop this one up onto the green
hey presto gears must just run away a little bit but out of that light is pretty good just gives me a nice upper put for par and you see how the ball popped up in the air look at the mark that i've created this is no glide now this is actually a shot where i've actually gone into the turf to pop the ball up in the air the contact by the way can feel a little bit fat and that's just something we have to get used to we're so used to trying to get pure contact with the ball that a lot of these shots around the green can feel a bit what you call strange because they're not ooh they're not always attractive because we're not actually directly striking the golf ball so look that is it for now there's lots more in the short game i'll put a playlist actually of all the different short game lessons that i've done on youtube down in the description box below so i've added more to this but just for now let's summarize stage number one do not make the mistake of making the golf ball your target start to work on how your club interacts with the ground how to interact on good lies well just interact with a gliding effect on bad lies maybe go for a bit more of the thud effect going into the turf a little bit more with the flat base of your golf club then in terms of setup how do we make this a little bit easier well you can get the sensor nice and narrow you could make sure that your posture here all is directly in line we're not out out a line here so you won't imagine there's a your sternum here top of your sternum and the bottom sternum are all lined up down towards the ground they're not creating this curve so nice simple motions the second thing here remember the low point under your lead armpit here that's the low point of this club here if that moves around you're gonna move around it's gonna be hard to repeat this on a regular basis okay what technique do you use do you use a wristy motion do you have no wrist you know what whatever you feel comfortable doing like i said one of my favorite exercises is the one-handed exercise here you could imagine just throwing balls onto the green here and this is not the best of lies but i'm gonna do here look at this here one-handed motion just literally throw it onto the green get the feel of this working you'll be amazed at how simple this is look at that there it's just so so accurate once you've done that once or twice what you can do is you can then start to educate yourself well if i did that one-handed where would my lead hand be now okay then start to add the lead hand in very very lightly until you start to get it and really it's just as simple as that you know work on these motions yes it's tricky the anxiety by the way will start to disappear once you realize you know what you can hit the ground remember that shot that i hit where i hit miles behind the ball it was i wasn't the best of ship shots but you know what it was still 89 feet away which gives the chance rather than leaving in front of my nose so i really really hope you enjoyed this training remember you don't have to remember a thing there's a practice guide in the description box below but until next week everybody if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the bell so i can give you some more content next week maybe give it a thumbs up and share it with one of your friends but until next week have a wonderful golfing week