Nov 05, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here head professional at Canterbury golf club in Kent I got a question for this week have you wanted to know how to get those huge calories that you see some of you Polly's get in you know the ones that you get the ball carrying view to free up into the sky and try running so much farther down the fairway but also keeping it straight I asked this question because recently I've had a lot of clients struggling to get the ball airborne but it's really struggling to get the curry and they do some fundamental things wrong with driver specifically driver that I'd like to share with you because if you could solve these things it will make it can make a massive difference to your flight and your accuracy with your driver so let me explain what's happening so first things first what are we supposed to do with driver how do we get those long straight shots well the first thing that we need to realize is that with a driver compared to an iron we need to hit up on the driver right we need to get an ascending blow not a descending blow so with an iron we catch the ball on the way down with a driver we must catch the ball on the way up and one of the best ways to explain this is this imagine a pendulum the pendulum swings backwards and forwards right so if you look at it here as this curve it's like a smile isn't it up you know and I smile it's going backwards and forwards like this and there's going to be a low point to this right and the low point is someone here the low point of this arc is there and then it starts to rise well what we want to do to hit a driver is we want to make sure that we hit the ball on the on the rise so if you look at where the top of the pendulum is here we need the top of the pendulum to be behind the golf ball all right behind the golf ball is different to an iron so in our case as the golfer the top of the pendulum is going to be our head and our sternum right so we want our head and our sternum behind the golf ball at the moment we strike it if I had an a sternum are over golf ball this way then unfortunately the top of the pendulum now is directly there and the low point is going to be right at the bottom we don't want that we want the low point of the arc to be around about here okay that's the first thing we're going to put in place we're very very important at this understanding about how to launch those shots so we want to catch the ball on the way up so we then let's look at the center what do we need to do in the setup to do that well you've probably heard this before we need to get the ball forward because the low point is here push the ball forward that gives us an increased chance but this is what I then don't see we want the club in position we want the hand of the golf club slightly behind the ball and we also want our head slightly behind the handle so if I was exaggerating this it would kind of look like this not quite as bad as that but I'm exaggerating just realist raishin okay so we're slightly behind the ball now just be careful I when I often go for this it's not this I'm not sitting down to this side what it is the body's like a counterbalance so the hips move a fraction forward and we move a fraction back so it looks a little bit like this so I'm sitting back into position here perfect now everything is behind now what we want to be I do now is you want to naturally stay in that position here backwards and forwards okay staying behind the ball I'll show it from this angle so from here what I'm doing is I'm tilting it back and I'm staying behind the ball the reason what I want to show you here as well is the other thing I find with people with driver specifically here's unlike an iron where we get the shoulders we get tipped into position here and our shoulder blades and our shoulders a sense more over the ball on it's a lot easier to get the club working up into position what we do a little bit with the with the driver with its long golf that we tend to sit back a little bit so we tend to work the club too much around the body and if it's working too much around can you see any awkward motion you can't can you it's very around the body we want or do we say earlier we want to try the best we can to create almost a pendulum now there's no such thing as a clock go straight up and straight down we know that but just for visual purposes you want to create this up down a pendulum style action so the more we get our shoulders over here and tipping forward the more we can load that club up into position here and we can throw it down to the golf ball and then it can come up right so let's just summarize just that little bit I've thrown a little bit out you there so we want to hit up on the ball we set your body behind the golf ball because we want to hit the ball after the low point of the AK what we must have in the setup is a setup that encourages a feeling of almost this pendulum style action right we need to have that sensation if our body sit backwards we can never have that because of it works too much around the body and then what we get what's called a drag across what we want to create is an up and a down Martian so when the core when we throw the club down here it bottoms out behind the ball and then strikes upwards have a look at this so we want a club that works up here we slow it down very important throw it down behind the ball and then it fires upwards what you will see with some of the bigger hitters on tar you may even see some of you check them out online you may have seen sort of an almost jumping out of the way you'll see them almost doing this and part of the reason for that is what they're doing is is when the set up here they're swinging up they're throwing the club down and now as they stroke down their body then comes upwards alright so let's go through this so a round set up ball forward hands behind body behind and all I'm going to do now is work the club up and you got a beautiful flight up in the air sometimes big carry all right so that's really it we driver so we just wanted to work on some basics then how do you get that ball launching up in the air we want to get that ball forward we want it we want to strike it on there after the low point of the arc watch out for the common mistakes with golfers here is that when they get to the top here they move forward then they're too much above the golf ball they're in real trouble there they cannot hit upon the ball and that's when you start here there's low Niki shots often with a cut and the other problem obviously with the setup if they sit their shoulders backwards again they can't hit up on the ball they tend to take the club to flat around their body they drag it across here and then they just hit these Mickey low not particularly very nice strikes we want to get over so we can swing the club up swing it down and gradually get that Club swinging back up to launch that ball up in the air as always everyone if you've got any questions on this leave them in the comments box below I'll do my best to answer them over the coming weeks and if you think anyone else could benefit please share this I'm sure they enjoy it and until next week have a great golfing week.