Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us how do you hold the golf club why is it even important well look the purpose of a grip is to basically help you generate speed if you don't have the correct grip it's very hard to generate power it's also designed obviously to put pressure on this golf ball and more importantly to control where this club face is if you're finding that you've got lots of curvature on your golf ball you know what a simple change in your grip could make a huge difference to your accuracy and your power now i know that a group change isn't gonna affect everybody and massively transform everybody's game but you know what i've certainly found that on the lesson t simple changes to people's grip makes a huge difference to their game now in this week's god verse i'm going to share with you exactly how i recommend you holding the golf club so it's consistent powerful and a certain type of grip pressure that really helps you swing nice and effortlessly as well so that's what we're going to cover in this week's goal first now before i do if you're new to the channel it's one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe button you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus you do not have to remember a thing i'll put a downloadable completely free practice plan in the description box below showing you step by step exactly how to do this so let's get started the very first thing you're gonna need to learn before we even hold on to the golf club is have you got the club face straight in the first place i see this as number one fault initially people hold the golf club they work it's so hard on the grip meanwhile this club face is kind of aimed over here and they go yeah i've got a good grip and then without realizing they're setting up and the club is angled in the wrong place right so the first thing you want to do is put the club nice and straight and there's a few things i'm used to this so i i get this right pretty much most of the time i use pretty standard grips but if straightness or accuracies in lining up is difficult for you what you can do is you can get yourself some grips that actually have alignment aids on them look at this is the callaway wedge that i use that has a little line here now that line if that line is pointing on top of the grip that shows me that that club face is completely straight if i turn that line and point it over here i know without even looking at the club face that that club face is pointed incorrectly again if it's pointing over here i know that the club face is pointing incorrectly so having alignment aids on the grip is a great place to start if lining up the club face for you is a little bit tricky all right that is step number one once you've done that we're going to get straight into putting those hands on the golf club so it gets going to power we want power to get power on the golf club you need to make sure that you've got hold of that golf club here's the number one thing i see with golfers they have a grip that is way too palmy the club the club is too high up in the palm of the other hand here it needs to be in the fingers why if it's in the fingers of the hand here i have got hold of it that means when i'm generating a lot of speed i'm going to be able to hold on to this golf club and generate that power up here i'm not going to be able to the other thing is this when your grip's too high in your palm it provides you have to hold on to it much much tighter because you don't really have hold of the club that creates tension in the arm is going to lose a lot of speed so i put a guideline here as to where the club needs to go in the crooks of the index finger here and it runs up to the base of the little finger here right so it's in this position here that's where we want to run it now let me show you show you now exactly how you go about doing this and putting it on the club each and every single time so simple way to start with you can simply let your arms hang down naturally and your arms here will just hang naturally inwards if you put the club down on the ground where the ball position would be angle the club so it's opposite inside left thigh and then simply bring the hand in very naturally from the side here when you do that you'll have a natural angle of that hand and it's likely to be in that great position there that's a simple way of doing it do not make this mistake which i see a hell of a lot golfers go oh daddy says i've got to put it in this on this line here so then what they do they twist the hand put it on the line like this then they grip it what do you notice about that hand now it's angled over this side if i open that hand up what's happened to it it's facing almost you isn't it right we want that hand naturally here so what you want to do is you want to get the feel of where this hand goes not by looking at it but by feeling it bring it in from the side feel that crux so another great way to do this is to put the club in your index finger of your left hand here or your lead hand and notice there's two pads rest the club you should be able to hold the club up in this index finger and the bottom pad here not the top pad you should be able to do that if you can do that then close your hand here like this you'll know you'll have a perfect grip with your lead hand your check point here is is that when you you're between the thumb and the forefinger it forms like i see this little line i've got here that line here wants to point towards your trail shoulder if you have a weak grip and the and the club is too much in the palm and it's around here look the line's over here somewhere it's pointing towards our lead shoulder this is the weak position we call it weak because it leads to weak shots and often a weak slice get that line there pointing towards that trail shoulder once you've done that another angle here look you can see here that that line here would point towards the shoulder this one would point to that shoulder get it into those fingers wrapped around there right double check your face once you've done that now simply put the bottom hand on really really simply so take your bottom hand nice and relaxed again you could if you want you could just simply bring it in from the side again check points here it wants to be in your fingers along the line of your fingers here just bring it in from the side don't make the mistake i see what some people do making they angle the hand put it in the fingers then they grip it what do you notice the palm is facing where upwards it should naturally face slightly downwards in the fingers there and you'll notice there again it's in the crux look of my index finger here wrapped around and it's forming another line which points towards my trail shoulder nothing more complicated than that question is you've probably seen people join their hands now before we get into that you may be doing this and thinking this feels a bit uncomfortable it really is sometimes sometimes you can hold a club and it just feels awkward particularly if you've been playing the game quite a while you got used to your grip so bear in mind just grab a club sometimes sit on your couch hold it get used to it just play around with it get comfortable within a few hours it will start to feel much much more normal now looking at the other side of the grip here you'll see i use what's called an overlap grip where basically you have a few alternatives you can bring the hands together and literally have it more baseball here uh baseball grip baseball baseball grip here where they simply just go like this or you can join them together i sometimes piggyback or do an overlap grip when my little finger sits over the top of my index finger you have an interlock grip where the little finger interlocks with the index finger of the top hand you can do whatever you choose to do it doesn't really matter as long as you start to feel comfortable some people love the baseball some people love the overlap some people love intellect i don't mind as long as you have the club hands on that golf club in a nice neutral fashion you're set up to win right so one little trick here that sometimes people miss you've got your grip set up but you slice it a little bit right still watch this make sure when you're doing it this trail arm here is just angled inwards you want to put pressure on this ball so many people who are slicing it are doing this this arm is in this position right watch this angle it this way this way here when you're putting on so the top hand is still is angled over the top but the arm itself is slightly angled underneath this really helps you look square that face straighten that face put pressure on that golf ball and really get a strong impact very different to this so watch out for that that little tweak there really really helps and finally grip pressure how hard should you grip the golf club big big question we've used analogies before like imagine you're holding a young bird in your hands these are all really good because you don't want to crush the bird but you just want to kind of look after it another one would be like holding a tube of toothpaste hold it firm enough that the toothpaste just kind of comes out but doesn't flood out well all of these analogies are really about learning to kind of let go of the club head but you don't want to be like mr spaghetti so you just find a pressure that allows you to swing freely but at the same time give yourself a little bit of control on the golf club so let's just summarize what we've done there nice and simply you want to get the club face straight to start with you want to make sure that you're in a powerful position your arms are kind of turned inwards here you've got to get in the fingers why because the fingers are where you're going to be holding this golf club so that you can deliver power into the back of that golf ball check points for this we said line here pointing towards his trail shoulder you should be able to see at least two to three knuckles i put a few dots on here on the top of my hand to give myself this guide right that's your bottom hand different ways to doing it you can draw a line across your fingers here from the crooks of that finger into the base to hold it you can then use this exercise here where you've got your top party bottom hard just simply use the bottom pad here you should be able to lift the entire golf club up here and hold it if you do you're away in that lead hand trail bottom hand simply just put it along the finger line here wrap it around and away you go grip pressure allow it to flow if you're gripping on for dear life and you can do when you start it's because obviously it feels new just start to kind of relax it a little bit not that the club's moving around all over in your hands but you're allowing those wrists to move so you can start to generate some nice amount of space and when you're ready just start with a few nice easy shots just tap them out there up onto the green so i really hope you help this helps if it does make sure you give it a thumbs up maybe share it with some of your friends who could do with a bit of help with their grip and of course look if you're new to the channel consider subscribing by pressing that subscribe button and the bell and remember you do not have to remember a thing there's a free practice guide in the description box below so until next week have a great golfing week