Hit Every Club Longer By Swinging Slower (Let me explain)
Mar 12, 2024Full Transcript- so had some wonderful students this week all of them wanted to basically increase distance with every single Club in the bag but in doing so all they did really was put more and more effort in didn't hit the ball further and if anything start to lose control of the of their strike and obviously their Direction the reason being every single one of them was falling for the same fall I see over and over again good players don't do this good players getting to a position in their downswing that makes hitting the ball longer easy but more importantly effortless all I did with every one of them was help them get into this place so that they too could rapidly increase their distance with what they felt at the end was a much slower and more effortless swing I'm going to share with you exactly what we did cuz I just know is going to help you now before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I release videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download of practice guide in the description box below so what I'm about to share with you works with every single Club in your golf bag and is the most important thing to create effortless power with what feels like a really slow golfing so we're going to start with the IR then we're going to move up to driver so I want you to remember where do you play golf you play golf with a ball out in front of you here right now that's really important to be aware of because look if we played golf with a ball in between our legs your swing to create an efficient shot would have to go straight up like this straight down and straight up again the circle of the Swing would look very very vertical okay if we played baseball where we're not here anymore but we're actually out in front for you to create the most efficient and effortless movement you would your circle would look much more like this much more around the body that's how you're going to generate the most efficient amount of power and consist consistency okay but golf we don't play the ball with here we don't play in between our legs we play it out in front of us now if you look at roughly the shaft angle here now I want you to imagine roughly about a 45° Circle it's not a 45 it can vary can be 50 but this is just a kind of outline the best players the players that make the goal swing look effortless and this is really key is this when they swing down okay when they're swinging down this club here is at a roughly 45° angle look where my hands are here my hands are here and the club is behind my hands okay what this allows them to do is it allows the body to beautifully simply just turn down onto this golf ball here all together and work the club effortlessly and naturally through the impact area okay there's no compensations it's the simplest and easiest thing in the world to do okay but nearly every single amateur that comes to see me for golf lessons never achieves this instead what happens is this the club isn't attach attacking like this the the club is much much more like this as it's coming down it's too steep now the problem is now is this can your body beautifully rotate well it could but now when it rotates it's going to send the club way left this gets the you're hitting the golf ball and you create these chicken wings to try and stop the ball going left so everything starts to look awkward you then get the players who realize they don't want to go left and they you know slightly better players then they'll try to re-root it back to somewhere here but sudden now the body's working really hard to get it back into this position then they're trying to hit it from there again it's not effortless it's really inconsistent and it's not what we want right so I want to show you now how you can start to get this position on the way down effortlessly and easily every single time so there are just three steps I would love you to follow to try and achieve this every single time so the first fall I'm seeing involves the back swing okay and I seen this I would say at 8 or n out of 10 golf as like coach do this so the chances of you doing it are pretty High okay and it's simply this look at where my hands are here my hands are here in the club is what we call outside the hands now what I see all of the time with golfers is this they quickly roll their forearms inward so the club now goes very quickly behind you the problem now is this what do you notice about the shaft it's very very horizontal it's no longer on this kind of like 45 degree angle gets very horizontal early now if it's horizontal early are we playing baseball no we're not we're playing with a ball that's on the ground so the problem now you create a pattern that looks like this gets horizontal early and then right towards the top maybe this elbow starts to stick out you start to steepen uh on the way down we then start to chop there's your chicken wing okay not effortless at all or what happens with some players they realize that's wrong so now they start to move their body in a place to try and get back on the rails as such and again you might hit some good ones very inconsistent but it's certainly not effortless all right so instead we want we don't want this pattern where we go shallow to steep or in another way looking it would be Club Ed inside then outside what we want to create for you is this I want you to create a club that stays outside on the way back and then starts to move inside okay now the simplest way to do this is to stop rolling early on try to get the club in a sense working more like this now I've got two drills for you to achieve this and they're both incredibly simple so what I'll do is I'll grab you know I give not every drill works for everyone so start with this one first it's pretty simple put a ball behind the target ball here and all I want you to do is this if you roll your wrists what's going to happen as you do this you're going to roll it and the ball will go behind you here okay this is you when you're rolling it too early what I want you to do instead is get that ball rolling straight back here so you get yourself set and all I'm going to do I'm going to hit a golf ball I'm going to get the ball look roll rolling straight back okay now as you're doing this you can see here look my hands are staying here on this line while the club is there so what if anything what you're doing the club will go if anything steeper on the way back as an exaggeration to allow you to get shallower and more on the rails on the way down so it's the reverse of what you're doing one this is wrong this would be an opposite and would be much more desirable to get you into the effortless position but it's too difficult to think about so you get yourself set just grab another ball and all I'm going to do is put a ball straight behind this one here let's hit a shot and all I'm going to do is focus on pushing that ball straight back here another exercise I've seen I've heard Jack Nichols talk about many many years ago because he had this problem is Imagine almost like you've got a razor blade fence here if you allow the AR forearms to roll what do you notice about my hands they're rolling into the razor blade fence okay here raise the blade fence avoid it as much as you can why do people do this because it keeps the club outside the hands it gets you steeper if anything on the way back allowing the pattern to naturally do this on the way down Okay so let's have a look at this in
action okay nice and simple and that's going to give me look effortless speed look how far that's gone 164 yards with the N time 87.5 and terms of Club speed so this here all we're trying to change with the back s motion is simply changing your pattern if you roll early you've already set the pattern to go steep almost impossible to get rid of that okay we've got to if anything keep the clubit outside their hand so you have a steeper pattern on the way back here so I don't necessar want you to try and mess about doing all fancy stuff here it just increases the likelihood that now you're going to be shallower okay really really important so let's on start start with that do nothing more just really improve the quality of that move away and that already will start to get you into a better place at the top then what we do is we work on the downswing phase so my students absolutely love this phase because it feels so effortless and so so natural so here's how we get them into it so once they've kind of got established in the back swing they've got a much better pattern on the way back we only then by the way do we then start working on phase number two which is ultimately well what is it supposed to feel like how do you get into that position naturally on the way down so here's what I want you to do if you do this with me now it be absolutely brilliant hold a c out in front of you here and I want you to imagine just for a second we are going to play a bit of baseball okay so what I'm going to do is I want to put the hands like this so the trail elbow is underneath the lead arm like this okay now this is a position a kind of a look that you'll see which is required to create look this kind of pattern if look the trail arm is level or on top look what this does to the shaft it steepens it now we're in trouble right so all I want you to do is is just basically hold the club out in front of you put the trail elbow naturally below your lead elbow and you know what just imagine this is what you would do if you were just look tossing this club out out into the field out into the distance okay you wouldn't go like this you will simply toss it through now I want you first of all to make some movements just doing that you'll notice when I do this by the way way my clo face is wide open I'm going to come to that in a second cuz it's really really vital but just for now I want you to develop the feel of an effortless motion as if you're tossing this club look out into the field with the trail elbow is underneath look I'm not out here like this I'm tossing it I'm just simply tossing it through here when you do this what do you notice about my body there it's underneath my body natur naturally Works forward I'm getting all the things that create the effortless move that allows you to swing smoothly and coordinately that's all I want you to do set it up here feel it here first yeah one two then move it down underneath make some swings okay now get that sensation it's super super simple and it is completely and utterly effortless but there's one thing if you try to hit a golf ball like that right now now it's not going to work okay and this is people have been given the throwing ball exercise for years and they haven't been able to make it work and this is the reason why watch this if we just do this and I do this where's my club face it's completely and utterly wide open do you know what if you're playing baseball that's probably fine why because you got a round backat but in golf we need to somehow learn how to square this face so here's how we're going to develop This Together hold the club out in front of you here set it so the trail elbows underneath now we're going to educate you here how to square the face it is unbelievably simple but it's brilliant make some turns okay from here feel that motion turn back here not just with your arms we're going to turn back and we're going to fire through now all I'm going to do here is this I'm not going to flick my wrists to square it like this is weak all I'm going to do can you see what I do here what have I done to square the face can you see this all I've done is allowed my forearms to turn back down here in front of me this is all I'm doing yeah now what do you notice about my trail arm my trail arm now is more on top my left arm is more underneath because I'm now moving into this phase of the Swing where the trail arm goes over the top and the left arm now works underneath does that make sense yeah so here now we're doing this we're working back and over okay so it looks like this we're here we're under and now what we're going to practice is look we're we're going to practice how you're going to simply just turn or what I like to call tip the club down back into impact here makes sense so we're throw there's your throw so you practice fuel like that it's absolutely fine to practice this with a wide open fist get that sensation then start to bit by bit look that's if you did all you did just phase one and two ignoring the face for now this would be brilliant for you I promise you it would train so much um better body movements the final piece of course in The Jig saw is Club face Club face is King now all we're going to do is we're going to work at how do we Square the fist do we do this no of course we don't all we do is we take the structure look and all I'm doing is turning it down so my arms are working back into my was my body here my arms are now no longer in this Under and Over then are leveling up and then look my left arm's sitting down my right arm is now moving on top it's super super simple work it Square the face up I'm under online I can just turn beautifully look onto that shot this creates the effortless
move okay simple as that you start off look how consistent that is you start off little bit at a time nail the pattern first understand nearly every single person's pattern is a roll in and over you're going to change that in the back swing by really exaggerate even if you have to exaggerate steepness here again your body's not going to want to stay there so what's he going to do it's going to want to shallow later here giving you a chance to get into this place okay this 45° Arc once you've done that then just imagine throwing okay you might be um left-handed playing go right-handed use a frisbee to do the same type of principle here it doesn't matter the key is look learn the sensation underneath throw feel the faces Open start with I don't care that's absolutely fine but then learn to then turn it down turning it down to the golf ball to square look not a flick I'm turning the whole forearms back down to that golf ball in this motion that's how you swing slower create effortless power and I promise you just just natural it's just really natural and this is exactly the feedback that I got from my students but nail step one first really important without step one the other two don't work whatsoever so do me a favor if you enjoyed this video remember to give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the Bell so you don't get don't miss any future videos and I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below if you need more help understanding how to square this face up efficiently by the way check this video out right here it's a belter until next time have a great golfing week.
Short Transcript-