Hit Your Irons Further Using This Shorter Golf Swing
Mar 08, 2024Full Transcript- so I've just come up an awesome conversation with many of my members on Danny mod.com they were basically saying Danny I want to be more consistent with my ball striking I feel like I've lost a lot of distance so I said to them look well just send me your swings let me have a look at what you're doing and every single one of them had pretty much the same St type of fault different looking swings but the same fault what we did was I gave them a simple visual to kind of correct it it was amazing the second thing I gave them was something to help them enhance their speed but I did this without lengthening their swing and this was a surprise to them every one of them were trying to lengthen their swing to our distance we managed it at 20 30 yards without any increase in boxing whatsoever so let me jump into this video right now and show you what we did but before I do if you're new to the channel when your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I release videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember thing I'll always put a free download or practice guide in the description box below so if you're wanting to improve your ball ball strike and maybe hit the ball further without necessarily increasing the length of your swing what you've got to do is basically one of two things the first thing is you've got to have a very very consistent Circle in your golf swing now the group that's just joined my membership site they didn't have that what they were doing is is they were breaking the circle so if you look at me here I'm creating a very consistent Circle but what they were doing some on the back swing they were breaking that Circle by the the trail elbow bending inside very quickly here this Trail elbow starting to Bend they've lost all the radius of that Circle that would make it incredibly difficult to get that club consistently back to the golf ball players who had a pretty good Circle here on this side kind of then ruined it on the way through they get kind of Bendy here and flicky on the way through so neither one of uh one is ever going to help you get your ball striking so we need to help you create that consistent Circle the second thing which um is going to help is this if you look at the club here when it sits on the ground you'll notice the handles always slightly ahead of the club fights this is your true Loft now what all of the guys are doing this is why they're losing distance and and uh spoiling their strike is what would happen was they would add Loft through the impact area Okay this does two things it's going to lose your distance but you start to get this flicky weak kind of impact position here so you lose distance as well okay as well as strike okay so how do we get them getting a feel of this strike first before we then start to add distance well I gave him a tip that I shared um a couple of weeks ago actually on my channel uh but I'll give it to you here I've kind of adapted it a little bit more just some from from some uh feedback from the members which is simply this so I've got the bag and I put the bag on the inside of my kind of my lead foot here now what you've got to feel is this you've got to give you've got to have an idea of how to kind of come into the golf ball now most of the guys who are getting this breaking Circle here what they were doing is they're throwing the head at the ball so the tip of the golf club here the golf club head is hitting the in a sense the bag way before the actual handle I want you to get the sensation what I give them I want you get the sensation of the full bat kind of hitting the bag at exactly the same time all this does is it makes sure that when you're here look you're presenting look you start with in a sense this amount of Loft and this amount of shaoling when you then come back into the bag and you're trying to hit the bag with the shaft in the club at the same time you've got the same Loft on the golf club it's going to hugely help your power and it's going to hugely help your consistency okay so I got them to kind of feel this once or twice just smacking an object does have to be a bag it could be just a box something to give themsel this kind of sensation of the shaft and the head meeting the club at exactly the same time now as they practice this something really cool started to happen each one of them started to get a different feeling and do you know what they're feeling they described they said Danny this feels like a push it does doesn't it it feels like I'm really pushing that's such I'm pulling all the time and this really feels like I'm pushing through absolutely so what we did next was huge let me show you so once they kind of got that sensation of what they felt was a push it was a game changer because watch if you're dragging the club or you're kind of flicking the club that's not a push they're start to push it with the pad of their Trail hand here they're pushing through so now look this push maintains the The Loft on the club look pushing this way if it's flicked you lose a lot you get the flicky strike the second thing they're getting here look they're now controlling the radius of their swing look and they swing circle on the way through why because they're pushing down here and through this is the first element right so I said to them right now before you rush about going do big swings take that sensation of that hitting the bat and or the shaft at the same time with the club head take that sensation of push and hit me some shots that are just small just here look push it through so watch this get myself set push push it through really really small little shots just to get that sensation first no big shots now for many of them this was incredibly simple and worked brilliantly now for a few however the particular people who were used to dragging the club in here and breaking the circle on the way back they had to make sure that they also felt look a push in the back swing because again they were used to pulling the club back pulling it behind them and I want you to kind of sense this it's a push away away my this Trail arm is working in it for me working a clockwise Direction I'm pushing away this way this is what gives me this rotation I am not pulling inside this push now we started again with those guys really small just kind of push here push away push here cuz then look from here now you push there we're going to keep that push down look and we're going to push through the shot this way that's what we so really small getting a sense of push here feel the pad pushing and then now you know your destination we're going to push through look through here push that club through Square just really really really small slow swings and they absolutely loved it now once they understood this what do you think they wanted to do probably just like you they said Danny how do I then take that small swing and add more power well we didn't add any increase I said that we're not going to increase your lengthier of Swing we're going to add more power with make this current swing super super efficient so I'm going to share with you what we did in a second but look before I get into that look these members are are a wonderful community and I would love for you to get on board with them we have a huge range of people from senior golfers to beginner golfers and advanced golfers and what I love about it is is you know you've probably got questions on this video well I can answer your questions directly not just with a simple comment but with videos and small little clips and that's kind of the way it works so little bit bit by bit we're kind of working together as a basic Collective Community to try and enjoy the game improve the game together I absolutely love it and look the feedback has been amazing so I'd love for you to jump on board I'll leave a link in the description box below I might even put a link above here but it's Danny more.com go and sign up it's be I'd love to see you there okay but look let's get back into the video look this I'm going to share you this this is a private video I sent all the members on distance go and check it out it's only a short video something like three or four minutes long but it's how you then scale this to incredible power let's get inside here's a great exercise that I I give many many my students in fact I give it to a recent student Adam who gained 50 ads in no time at all with this sensation okay all I want you to do is hold a golf club up like this okay so when you do this just let the club just swing backwards and forwards backwards and forwards now at this stage it's working at a pretty constant Pace but if I find a rhythm with this rhythm's quite common uh I keep talking about rhythm in terms of distance it's super important I've got a rhythm them and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to add a martian see I'm moving the handle upwards yeah I'm going up and what happens to the club it travels that extra little bit faster can you see that so I'm timing this and I want you just to do this yourself just hold the club up there and really get a sense of this because once you start to feel okay if I move the club upwards I can generate effortlessly more speed so what does that look like in your golf swing well the thing is this again we're keeping the swing uh short we've talked about what we're doing is we're trying to add some ball speed if we swing to position orientated and it all becomes too methodical like this you're going to apply a certain Force to the ball but if we start to imagine a little bit of impulse with this here that adds immediately more power and notice this we haven't lost any form and structure we haven't thrown The Club at the ball and lost all control here we've still got a beautiful strike but all I want you to do is give yourself permission for your lower legs your legs to work okay so what I mean by that is this we've got a strip we're pushing stri this is the strip feel the pad of your Trail hand pushing downwards to on that ball here right now from here as you swing through the trail side look as that right Trail arm extends the trail side is going to push through impact this is going to give you much straighter arms but as you are pushing those Trail through what's happening to my body it's can see how it's extending almost upwards I am not doing this yeah so give yourself permission look at this as I square that face onto that ball pushing down here my body this section of my body as I push down my right side here my trail side my left side comes upwards this upwards motion look creates what I like to call is the catapult if I stayed too still here and didn't move I can't create that but as I fire my trail side down into the golf ball here my lead side here really fires upwards this gives me the springloaded power and catapult that again without increasing the length of your swing will generate extra power for you whilst again maintaining control so have a look at this in action get myself set smaller swing I'm going to fire that trail side look here down into that golf ball here Bang and watch that TR lead side here just naturally pop up as a byproduct beautiful absolute rocket straight down the middle fire through let that lead side come up you two will start to add more speed to this okay but before we finish here remember all of this with the right mindset about having visualizing the ball coming off faster with faster speed visualize some input as you fire this down you don't have to think about this coming up it will want to do that okay the thing is if you do feel it coming up realizes it's not a bad thing it's absolutely fine allow that dynamism in in the lower ground and you'll start adding some effortless power to all of your clubs not just your eyes so hope you enjoyed this video look if you want to kind of interact with me directly head on over to Danny more.com and join the community what does it how does it differ to YouTube very simply I can basically create bespoke content to answer your questions so it's super super valuable I'd love to see you there but in the meantime look if you enjoy this video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and look if you like I said if you want to continue hitting a little bit further check this video out right here where we just start to extend the swing just a little bit more to add a few extra yards enjoy.
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