How To Strike Your Irons Like a Tour Pro - one AMAZING DRILL no matter your age or ability
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us how often have you tried to cure that hitting the ground behind the ball horrible contact with your irons or maybe you know you've got a horrible curve with your clubs the irons or you're driving you're trying to cure it with many things but you just can't do it consistently a lot of the reasons for that is you just can't quite feel what's going on you kind of understand it sometimes but for some reason you just can't apply what you know you should be applying you know if it's ball striking you've probably played the game quite a bit you know that you're supposed to get the handle ahead and get a little bit lag and compress that ball but you still keep getting this kind of flicky position through here you know how to hit it straight or you should know how to straight but you just keep getting the bend why is that a lot of the time is a lot of questions that my students ask and i don't feel the same is that they hit a shot and they go did i do it right they're uncertain because they don't have anything to in a sense give them feedback measurement and they don't have anything to kind of show them what it's supposed to feel like so in this week's golf lesson i'm going to share with you a very very simple drill that can help you feel actually three things the takeaway motion the back swing and what it's supposed to feel like at the moment of impact that should really help your overall consistency in bold striking and if you build it up it is amazing my students absolutely love it when i'm not around it gives them some great feedback so they can actually teach themselves and that's my job is to help you coach yourself now before i get into the video and show you this exercise if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe button you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus there's a free practice guide in the description box below so if you like the video you don't have to remember a thing just pop in the description i'll put in the top comment as well just download it completely for free so what are we supposed to you want to improve your ball striking right or you want to improve how accurately you hit your shots well one of the things we want to do is we want to improve the feel of that so here's some faults i see and then i'll show you how to correct them so inaccurately inaccuracy in terms of curvature generally comes when the club face here is kind of it's just moving around too much yeah we want to add some more coordination to that club face but how do you do that ball striking we know that we've got to get the ball hit the ball first we don't hit the ground and in order to get real power you'll see with the best players they have this angle ahead of the golf ball a lot of people know that they try and do it they still end up in this flicky position so what are we supposed to do now i've got an alignment stick here i want you could grab an old garden cane you could put something at the end of your club it doesn't really matter i'm going to use an alignment stick and this is the drill i want you to work on now very very simple start with a takeaway first and then we'll build it up now watch i'm going to show you some numbers for a second here so i've got trackman on and i've got three numbers we've got club path we've got face to path we've got attack angle let's start initially just with the first two which is club path and face to path people who get very risky and allow us this allow this alignment stick to come away from their body as opposed to watch this in this exercise i want you to keep it connected to your body look at this so when i'm i've put it here look grip to normal grip put it on me trails at my lead side i'm literally just going to move it away and i'm keeping it connected so i move my arms to about my trail leg here and it stays connected it's not this watch what happens to the actual inconsistencies now these numbers here if you don't understand trackman we want those numbers to be around zero to two and that's pretty good but if you start to get any higher than that we're going to increase your inconsistencies so if i start to do this let's see what happens
get very risky and rolly let's have a look at these numbers look at that club path is 9.6 the face was so bad he didn't even pick it up and the attack angle is one a positive number attack angle means that i'm hitting up on the ball we don't want to hit up on the ball we want to hit naturally down on that golf ball so watch this now all i'm gonna do is get into a three-step process we're gonna keep this takeaway here phone one and then what we're gonna do to understand what happens next we're going to then point the alignment stick at the ball line and then from here um all i'm going to do is turn and allow the alignment stick to miss my lead side here watch this this is important watch if you come down here and you flick which i see a lot of people get slicky position this alignment sits going to hit your side watch this as i come down now i'm going to simply avoid my side this naturally forces my body to move in a way rotating away that naturally look at this it holds the leg without me trying to hold it it naturally does it and away i go so let's see what we can do now with the numbers so all i'm going to do nice and slowly and we'll build it up so we're going to one two nice and slow three now i flicked my side a little bit i would expect the face to turn in there you go look i flicked my side and the path was okay but look at that number minus 8.8 so what do i have to do well i now need to make sure that when i'm doing this i'm holding this a little bit better so it doesn't flick my side and let's see what happens so i've got take away again point it ball i'm going to start very very small with this to start with one two
let's have a look at this one there we go and look at the difference now zero in the uh what minus 1.4 much better look at the attack angle minus 4.2 that minus 4.2 very simply means i'm hitting down on the golf ball but these two numbers that start they're the accuracy they're the things that are going to help you hit it straight i'm controlling the face i'm controlling the the path that the club swings on very very naturally now what you do with this and how you transfer this to actually a fuller swing is you just start to build it up you go one increase the speed of how you do this so what we're going to do is this we're going to rather than just kind of pause and stop what we might do is shorten that pause down so it goes one two three
let's have a look at those again minus four paths brilliant just closing my face just a fraction but again attack angle still nice and negative nice and down so what we do is i want to keep those numbers going until i increase my speed but all i'm doing right now is just getting this working backwards and forwards feeling this motion one two three
look at that look how consistent those numbers are now i'll do it very simply is you build this up and you go right okay let's see if i can do this without a without the stick and you go same principle one two
three look at those numbers much much better much much better all within the vicinity and it's as simple as that so all you're doing in reality is you're developing a feel for some control you've got the stickers a great guy to give you some feedback you're setting the position here then you're coming through three things are wonderful for accuracy ball striking you name it let's show you how you can apply this now to driver so let's have a look at this we drive we're doing exactly the same thing again we're trying to get some control over the past and control over the face and we do the same principle so we get ourselves set up put the alignment stick in play here and then all we're going to do nice and easily is we're going to take that alignment stick back keep it connected here we're going to then set it up in position here make a move and then come down and all we're going to do to come down here is we're going to allow that to miss nothing more complicated now i'm not going for any real big shot here so it's one two three let's have a look at those numbers club path perfect club face is closing a little bit again but path was much much better so what and i could feel it i could feel when i did that this just hitting my side so i can feel the club face turning over so i've got feedback now as to why i'll be doing this which is great that's what you need if you don't have the feedback you're always guessing this is what a drill like this does now once you've done that a few times then all you do is you get yourself set and you start to again just like we did do with the irons i would mix it up i then start to kind of practice it one by one alternate between the alignment stick and your club and again nice and small no big ones initially so we're going to go one connected here into ball line and then from here we're going to go through i probably felt a little bit out there for action let's have a look at the path not bad but look at the difference now look look at those motions we're getting now much much more accuracy because i'm developing this feel now all i do is i will alternate between this and the alignment stick and then i then start to can transfer that after a while clearly we'll then start to kind of build this up so it's not a stop start but you know what you learn a language you learn a word first you learn to pronounce that word then you'll learn another then another and you're going to join them together get a feel for what you're doing and it can really make a difference so let's summary summarize if you are wanting to strike your irons better we've got to get that lovely compressed strike through the impact area to help feel this look what this creates if you lose your alignment stick here suddenly if you flick you're going to get feedback as to why you're doing it so what happens is the body now look trains you to go through the shot just be careful it is not this we're not trying to do that we're trying to naturally turn and as your body kind of clears space naturally that thinking you start to get compression the second thing which is often where the accuracy and the path comes from so if you start swinging the club all around different lines because you're flicking here you're gonna have lots of curvature so what this does now this really helps the path so now you've got the line here you point that club i would say at the ball line here or just inside borderline is a kind of nice feel and then from there then you work on that impact position so we're getting ourselves set i haven't recalibrated the machine so we're going to set this up here one two into ball line and then through and you're going to start to see much much more accuracy there all the way back and all the way through so very very simple drill gives you a wonderful theme if you enjoyed the drill give it a thumbs up maybe share it with somebody you know could benefit because maybe struggling over complicating it um go and share it'll be it'd be very fantastic for them and of course look if you're new to the channel this is one of your first videos of mine consider subscribing press that little bell button and the subscribe button i could see you next week and don't forget there's a free practice plan and a guide don't have to remember a thing in the description box below and in the top comments but until next week have a great golfing week