How to Hit the Ball Then the Turf with Your Irons - Amazing drill
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week how would you like to stop hitting the ground before the golf ball basically how would you like to get ball first contact so so important isn't it now i wasn't going to share this video with you today because i've done a few of these on my channel but i've just finished a lesson just this morning with a lovely client of mine rick from germany who um was striking the ground consistently behind the golf ball clearly frustrating hitting the ball on the ground he was in a driver okay but there was just no real power going in there and i was in the studio here last night with my wife laura who's a beginner golfer and she was doing exactly the same thing hitting this ground behind the golf ball the balls dribbling along the surface now i gave them both the same drill and it worked for both of them and if it were but i thought do you know what i've got to share it with you too because i think it could help you so that's what we're going to do in this week's trend i'm going to give you this three-step process to this drill to help you basically strike your irons better plus this particular bonus with this it can also be enhanced to improve your driving so stay tuned to the end of the video because i'm going to share with you an extra little tip for your drivers so before i get into the video though if you're new to channel this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press that little bell button next subscribe button you get notified every time i release a video just like this one plus down in the description box below just below the like button is a full practice plan summary of this lesson that you can download for free so you don't have to remember a single thing go and download it's completely free enjoy now striking the ground behind the golf ball oh so frustrating isn't it so what's actually happening first let's show you what's happening if you're striking the ground clearly the club is hitting the ground but what's the angles what's happening with the body well the body position usually when people are striking the ground behind the golf ball is behind the ball the hand position is flicky it's behind the ball too so we're in this fit position so we're often weights back hands are back here and we're in this position so you can see here it's not going to be very powerful because you're not getting through the shot and the club is at the wrong angle so what do you need and then how do you go about doing it well if you want to be powerful let's talk about power first and we'll talk about strike if you want to be powerful you need to be forward because you're putting pressure you want to put pressure on the back of the golf ball that's where the power is going to come from if it's back here you it's you're like i'm trying to put power but i can't so you've got to get forward that's the first thing so that's that's where power's going to come from then how do you then combine that with the strike well you're going to need to make sure we if the ball is on the ground you need to get it up off the ground well how do you do that well you need to use the loft of your iron so if you're back here you've moved the loft away from the golf ball so you can't get it off the ground so we need to move the loft towards the golf ball so if the loft of the club hits the ball the ball will go up now notice this if i move the loft to the golf ball look at the angle of the shaft he's angled this way isn't it so that's so not only do we need to be here if we're going to put power in the shot we also need to make sure that we've got the angle of this club coming into the ball to generate the strike two but there's one final thing all this is well and good but if you're you've got your weight on your lead foot here and you've got your angle aren't you just kind of just gonna throw the club into the ground absolutely so you need the third and final thing which watch you need to make sure that you've got some space through the impact area which is look look at my hip here it's out of the way so that i've now got space to come through the shot and at the same time hold all these angles hold the weight here and away we go so how do you go about achieving all of that so you don't have to think about it stage number one and this surprise rig literally takes minutes by the way so the first thing i said to rick was this watch this rick when you're swinging right now what you're doing is simply this you are swinging to the top of your backswing and all your way and laura's doing exactly the same as well all your weight at the top of your swing is on your back foot now the problem is a swing generally takes about a second to complete three quarters a second for your backswing a quarter of a second for your downswing if your weight is all on the back foot you have so much to do to try to get it back there onto onto this forward position what most people do and if you slice the golf ball or find that you're coming over the top this is what tends to happen you're on the back foot here your inclination in a quarter seconds clearly to hit that ball so what happens is you throw the club now the problem is where are we we are still on our back foot we're behind the golf ball and we end up look in this position why do we sometimes slice it well if you throw from here you've created all this space around here to come across the ball we slice our drivers we thin our irons etc right so what's the answer well you want to make sure that at the top of your swing your weight is stacked over your lead side now you may have heard many times well i thought i've got to make a backswing and transfer my weight to my back foot you do but this is what generally happens with the best players i'm going to simplify this they swing back to their back foot here and just before they've got to the top of the swing they're already starting to transfer now at this stage it's too complicated so how do you simplify it all i did with this was ricks and rick you do this naturally do you toss the ball watch this as you're going back at the top of your swing where's your weight it's going forward yeah so all these things are happening so the stage we're in this process and all i did this is the first step there's two more steps i said just toss a few balls and get the sensation that watch this you are planting that lead foot and that lead foot is the power generator to watch this catapult this arm if your weight's back here how do i catapult i can't there's no power so feel the weight on the front foot catapult the arm feel the weight on the lead foot and then watch this catapult the arm so we tossed a few balls catapult the arm then i said look we're going to watch the golf ball just initially stage number one big big picture and i want you to get the sensation that you're pushing that weight putting the weight into that leaf foot and then hitting the shot he had gone from this careful position here to now look at this pushing the weight catapult the shot pushing the weight catapulting the shot remember we're getting forward now we're getting into that position where we can get compression on that golf ball so let's have a look so we do a few exercises and away we go so i've got that feeling now in i go
and away we go so really got aggressive into that shot there not a bad first shot of the day so so he did a few of them i went through that process with him initially and i filmed him and he what he couldn't believe is how these his body angles were just looking so much better would and he wasn't thinking i said because you've been throwing balls for years so this is natural get into that lead side bang and away you got and feel that pressure second step okay was we said look you're gonna need to maybe initially if this doesn't if that's too a little bit too out there for you you might want to do some smaller shots where you don't transfer your weight at all in fact a lot of top players you'll see with their eyes particularly they'll often feel like they're a lot of weight stays on their lead side so they're getting here they're stacked over the golf ball i don't have to do very much so this is another drill where you find you keep your weight on your lead side keep it there don't move so much and then literally practice hitting a golf ball maintaining that weight on the lead side now there's one little thing here which you we need to work on when your weights on that lead side just get the sensation you need to create some room of your hip being pushed backwards to create space if it creates space you can now come through watch this if i'm here and i'm literally just not moving i'm going to come into the ground you won't like that so you'll flick so watch this weight on the lead side push back wait on the lead side push back very different to asking you to turn your hips i do not like the idea of turning it your hips look will move out of the way turn very naturally if you just work on pushing back if you'd missed my video on rotation rotation how to rotate i'll put it in this top right hand corner here go and check it out so watch this drill nice small drill might not get to the green with this one all i'm going to do is just swing back here weight on the lead side just small that swings and from here all i'm going to do keep it there and then push my bum back here that's all i'm gonna do small swing i might just rehearse move it around push push
yeah so let look at that happy with that one yes some small little shots simple motions just to get that compression in the golf ball okay so say simple chill feel the weight use this left leg or my lead leg as an anchor that is your power source now that's going to help you keep that angle forward here and then you're going to maintain angle by pushing it back pushing it back pushing it back if you don't push it back there won't be any room even when you wait on that lead foot here you'll create room by standing up and flicking so create room by pushing back which then moves us on to how you can expand this drill to driver so let's now have a look at how all this links to the driver too let's have a look right driver time so what can how does this link to driver well look what i see with so many golfers is when you want more yardage clearly with your driver so how can this this little iron drill which is all about striking your eyes help your driver well all of the best players when they're striking their driver on the way down you'll see it they're stacking their weight on their lead side now you think well i thought you're supposed to hit up and drive and hit it a long way yes you do want to hit up on the driver but you don't hit up on the driver by having your weight back here and trying to hit up because where's the power there's none what you'll find is look we want the weight stacked here because watch this when the weight's stacked we are going to push backwards off this foot to launch this driver up in the air so when your weight's there you can do that but imagine swinging driver back here where's the push off now you can which is why when people get back here because they want to hit driver a long way there's no legs your legs are out bounce you throw from the top you hit these slices you'll lose loads and loads of power but it's scary when the ball is teed up going down doesn't make a lot of sense initially until you get the sensation look of this you're pushing back and watch this that pushing back then catapults this driver through as you push back this goes forward you generate the speed and the uplift now just let the irons do this in stages get the sensation maybe initially just keep it simple stepping forward hitting get the feel that you're pushing into that front foot and then launching the driver pushing in and launching the driver don't over complicate this i've seen when i i've given this before people are going to do this too mechanical just get a feel for it and then away you go so a couple practices may be doing that get a feel for it that looks pretty tight down there doesn't it quite a famous hole this one i think it's a 12 that went with let's have a look at this in action so back here back
bit blocky bit out to the right come back it's going to hit the fairway let's come back a little bit nice little draw okay not my finest strike in the world but not too bad hit the fairway so let's just summarize and how you can work on this so you start off just like before maybe just feeling that there don't make it complicated you might even want to hit some drivers where you do some small shots like this where you you're stacking the weight here and then from here just push back the hip create space that the more you create the space the more it's easier to keep the strength impact remember strength but if you don't create the space you don't push back you're going to end up flicking by the way this is not about turning your hips if you turn your hips i haven't created any room it's the pushing back that will give you the illusion that i've cleared or turned my hips through the impact area here so let's summarize let's just grab my iron
so to strike your irons we now know we need this we need the weight powerful we need the weight forward that's where power is going to come from we need the angle of the club why because the balls on the ground you need the loft to hit the golf ball third and finally we need to create space so that you can hold this angle through impact to keep that ball on the face if you don't create the space you're going to have to create space another way which your body will react by standing up properly leaning back and flicking how do you create all those things simple first one is just you do it automatically when you throw the key is is you putting the weight forward very quickly in the downswing that then weight gives you a platform to push back from pushes the hip out the way and enables you to hold this angle on the way through how do you feel it just throw some balls get the sensation of planting that front foot throw planting that front foot flow if you're left handed playing golf right headed just grab the frisbee plant the front foot throw plant the front foot throw these are key elements into really getting this sensation helps you then get the catapult and hold that motion we said look at the drill you might want to start the drill where you stay more over this side small small swings to start with just playing so it looks a little bit more like this you kind of small swings feel the weight stacked on that lead side push back so small motions just stacking the weight here move it back and away we go small little motions initially and then we said look this exact drill can be used for driver too so do follow the same process it will really really help you strengthen that strike and get more distance out of your big stick get some catapult on there and if you did if you haven't seen my catapult video it's a big one watch that in that top right hand corner so i really really hope you enjoyed this golf lesson please give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends who could benefit from a video like this one and of course look if you're new to channel this was one of your first videos of mine thanks for taking the time to watch this and if you want press the subscribe button and the belt's completely free and you can get notified every time i release a video just like this one and remember there's a free practice plan in the description box below you can download you don't have to remember a thing so until next week everybody have a great golfing week