How to Hit the Ball Then the Turf with Your Irons - Simple Golf Tip
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I wasn't sure whether I should be producing a golf video for you felt a little bit trivial with all the things that are going on in the world right now with the Big C it didn't feel quite right to kind of talk about how to improve your game or when actually there's so many bigger and more important issues that are affecting us all right now but I thought look you probably still plan about golf and and maybe you need a bit of light relief so I'm gonna keep producing the videos until you tell me not so so I hope you enjoy this video I'm still getting clients were being safe and our Nick this week was no different at Nick come and see me really struggling to strike his irons properly he was striking the ground quite a bit of a distance behind the golf ball he'd lost 20 30 hours designed actually I'm particularly driving he lost a lot more by the end of the session we had really improved the quality of his iron played I had some serious distance to it his driving was amazing I could keep the smile of his face he was certainly that far and I'm gonna share with you exactly what we did because it was super simple in fact I gave him an auditory drill which I completely forgotten about and it was almost instant we try to cover all the drills earlier but they didn't really work and this will come in and I was like oh my god that's just unbelievable so I'm gonna share with you because I think it could benefit you particularly if you're the kind of person who's losing differs striking the ground behind a gulfport and like Nick had a bit of a cup with his driver so before I get into training though if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos of mine come and join the community by pressing that subscribe button and the bell it's completely free and you get notified every time I release a video just like this one so what was Nick doing and what could you possibly be doing if you are losing power with your iron striking the ground behind etc so Nick was really doing this when he got anywhere through the impact area here he was getting the wrists into this kind of almost flicky position so the club head is passing their hands to strike a beautiful shot we need them we need to catch the ball first and in order to do that we need the handle needs to be a head of the golf club that's how we get the strike what you want to imagine here look at this if that handle is not a head of the golf club at some stage that club now is going to go up and it's going to start to lift it and flick the ball up in the air weak shot we need handle ahead so that the club naturally comes down on top of the golf ball and compresses it and strikes it that's the goal question is how do you go about doing it well Nick had just one major problem when he was coming through impact here he was hitting too much from the top of the swing he wasn't getting his weight forward enough into his lee side therefore he couldn't get the body ahead of the golf boy couldn't get a handle ahead of the golf ball in order to strike his body was always too far behind the golf ball here if your body's too far behind the golf ball particularly the iron you're simply gonna flick look just as I said if the handles too far behind the head it's gonna flick that's what was happening so we needed to get that body ahead of this golf ball here so he could eventually naturally increase the likelihood of creating more natural flex on that shaft and all we did was give this simple auditory cue he'd came up with it initials of the actual words but he sound I don't know why can't with his words they don't really make any sense to me but the note says to him so there's three words in this I've done this something before and he went boom and boom boom and boom now the magic in the words are this he was using an auditory cue to help regulate the speed and timing of his golf swing he didn't realize this at the time but you might benefit from this too before because he got he was rushing the downswing way too much when he got to the top of the swing here he rushed it and therefore his body didn't have a chance to get ahead of that golf ball to naturally keep that angle so he was rushing it down and immediately his body would be handed he couldn't stop flicking it losing power when he went boom and boom watched little it's slow motion boom the end because you have to get ending and a loud time for his body to naturally get forward and then the room gave him the sense of timing and release watch this sing action boom and boom there we go can you see that so that's what's happening a beat and then suddenly it's like almost like magic the whole rhythm of his swing and it's a little bit like think about when people learn to dance there's a reason why they use things like 1 & 2 1 & 2 these are helping you can a sense orchestrate the movement of your swing again without too much kind of complications and this was instant literally once we did this it was like Donna you know it was this incredible so he was going wrong and voom now if he rushed it and went boom and he got a nice and he said and boom here he knew he rushed her down something he would be it would be a poor strike he just kept going with it so I sits on the battery boom and boom
can you hear the timing of that that is a wonderful way to one get the smoothness in the backswing and then the and get you to onto that front side and then the voom on the way down gives you the natural sense of timing and releasing and you know what that is all we did to really start to get his striking going you can see here I've used the orange whip a few times before watch this if you bought that body stalls behind the golf ball here you can see here that's going to flick but watch this when we go boom and boom it's gonna flick a lot later boom and boom it comes in all later and then therefore naturally look you're gonna create this angle here through the impact area and the whip and the strike comes after it's very different to when you rush it here the body doesn't have a chance to get forward and you end up leading to that flicking action we didn't finish there we said look he cut really nervous it was going so so well that I don't remember all this and you know we'll I can't be able to keep it as I said look yes just don't make this a mechanical thought it's a sensory the voom in the room is connected boom and boom they're not the words themselves aren't magic is about how they relate to the whole sense of that that golf swing so we said look build this into a little bit of a routine - so the got a golf shot as you're aware stats not here is stats here so what you're doing is is so right now we're going to build this boom and boom into a little pre shot routine so we pick a spot just behind the golf ball here and we go in visualize where we're going to go boom and they'll be one or two practice swings walk your way in boom and boom and away we go how simple is that could it be that simple do you know what for Nick it really was and what was really interesting with is when he started to ramp this up it would he could really increase the power cause he got the timing boom and boom he then the start to go boom boom boom and he really said to really get that timing so cuz suddenly now it wasn't it artificial brute force adding the power he could feel the speed and where it was coming from and with that hugely increased he added to so I really really hope this helps just in summary with it what are you gonna have to do initially though you're gonna have to make sure your arms are nice and soft and Vic had this one he came a lot of people you won't be I'll do this if you're stiffer the board track control this club you've got to let the arms swing nice and freely that head has to swing freely so then you're doing this then boom and boom start to add those words in boom and boom notice where the end is its boom the and gives you time to get into impact and then the boom allows you to fire through don't make it too mechanical it doesn't need to be just get that sense of when you ready gradually build it up I really really hope this trip air video helps you a game and it like if you know someone else is out on the golf course finding some isolation maybe share it with their of course look enjoy the video give it a thumbs up and maybe come and join the community already by pressing up subscribe one and the bell but until next week stay safe have a great golfing week