How to STOP Hitting Bad Iron Shots - 2 Simple Ways
Oct 31, 2023
okay yeah so they're going that a bit hooded isn't it a bit fat yes unlike not a draw it's like a pull in it it's a pull yeah yeah okay so let's have a look at this divot for a second actually okay divot wise good yeah path path is good okay but what's happening a little bit you were not quite getting the compression on that shot right all right so what's tended to happen a little bit here is is that your with that one there is a bit of this kind of flicking here going on right as opposed to what we want to get is his ball then Turf so I'm plucking me on just kind of flick it it's a net it's kind of a lot of slices do this right so what you find with a lot of slices is they're trying to close in the face and they close it incorrectly tend to close it with their shoulder makes sense sometimes you like my driving one no it was yeah as opposed during a sense this shoulder naturally stays back and we get some compression you lose compression when you throw the muscle around here and then yes you get the club first Clause but you send it left and going left yeah makes sense yeah so what we want to do is get you the sense of you know yes get the club fit for you feel like your Club face is closing down but get that compression so it's real simple exercise super simple okay is setup's looking good so you've got to keep working on setup like we did in that last video but what I'm going to do is get the sensation here see the tur yeah throw it into the ground behind you like this for a second just as a drill right and then what I want to do is get that sensation and then from here look push up right right so we're going to throw the tour into the ground so you get that sensation where it's like there yeah yep then throw it up okay and then from here when you actually go to where the ball is you've got to get the sensation here look again that that sensation being ahead throw the toe into the ground there which is very different to you because you are throwing the club this way makes sense all right watching it does actually when I'm watching it makes sense yeah so just get a feeling of throwing the tour into the ground behind you for a second so remember you wouldn't be able to throw the Leading Edge into the ground because of this flipping around yeah so just get just throw the Leading Edge of the toe of the club I say the toe because you're used to leaving the face open right so if you imagine for this is only for people that leave the face open and that's what I'm doing yeah so what you need to do is throw that toe into the ground okay there and you've now got that sensation of that see that there yeah and then from there push up yeah right I really feel like you're launching up just throw Instagram first harder no now look at this I've gone there I have I'm glad you've done that yeah you've thrown the heel in yeah yeah and as a which is what that means your face is obviously because I'm looking now his face is open and this is what happens to a lot of people who predominantly sliced they've tried to get ball Turf yeah but they do it like this with the first wide open they wonder why they they even shank it or stuff I'm glad you've done that I've done that drill wrong because it's like right alarm bells to me yeah so literally just throw it now when you do it go keep going here look yeah there really throw almost feel like you it's almost like you're getting that's it that's it now from there do it again yep so it's a toe into the ground that's it no now see the difference look at the face open yeah yeah throw the toe in and then keep the hands ahead and what it's doing look is this you're not used to you're not familiar with this look you're familiar with this or this with an open face you're not familiar with that motion no that's the most obvious because the practice I'm exactly naturally like wrong kind of yeah so so when you throw it hard this is weird for you so it's white I love the drill right I think you know a great coach called Mike Bender actually originally came up with this and did a brilliant job and so I think and it works so so well if you slice all right so do a few more until we get it right harder bad let's get that toe in okay ready okay keep going yeah yeah so get yourself set up to this one now okay and just get that sensation here that you're gonna when the ball's there you're gonna almost repeat that sensation yeah I know we're through it behind us but that sensation there throw that to
keep that compression
Jesus look at that Dan look at that can we zoom in because I know that's near the PIN and you you were worried where you had reach the green have you zoomed in there boss see what I mean and look at the look at the compression you ready yeah can I be really honest yeah I felt the smallest smallest bit heavy as well yeah and it still went like a out of that little draw on it didn't it where did it sit off this timer I feel like just round side of the pin I would think when I got my line here I've got it but just the edge of the bunker left exactly and you know what's awesome what do you notice about the flight a little penetrating on the train so you're starting I know there's just one ball that means compressions obviously yeah we're not there yet obviously no no no no feeling starting to get towards that proper ball striking yeah yeah oh that felt really good though same again drill same again just do it do it do it exercise first always so when you're doing these motions a lot of times people overthink it right yeah so what you've got to do is always just rehearse it a little bit there at the top throw it into the ground behind yeah now you know where you're going yeah right as opposed to look very different I can't throw the toe in at this angle either Leading Edge in if I'm doing this no you can't I'm gonna throw the bouncing up yeah so that that's that sensation and then you bring that sensation then to that golf ball okay I likely still because it's on the course exactly you know what I mean exactly
now look at pause pause there coming in just a little bit here was it yeah get almost that sensation in all right makes sense yeah yep so just just pay attention to it so when you're doing this right when you're an exercise really pay attention to the I almost feel what part of that club the toe all the heels coming in makes sense yeah just take your time get a feel for it I don't know do it quick they do it quick there that would definitely better yeah I could feel that it twisted my hands I don't know if you saw some camera you don't throw it here is that how I did it yes right so notice this you've got to get the senses what a lot of slicers will do if we're in the try and compress you threw this in no it's this what how much is this moving to get that toe down a lot I know but how much of this is this moving not much none yeah it's not tore down this notice this look at Mike look where I am just looks solid there and compact doesn't it that way it's not I'm going to try and do this toe down yeah so for you the hardest thing is getting sensation of that all right so when you're doing this moving back so don't throw that in yeah keep that behind yeah yeah no I got you got you got you got you got you that way it needs to be close right okay that's it that's it there you go drive it down and through yeah okay so we have a goal have fun
that's it take your time so setup is always going to be key for you remember yep
now did you hear that did you hear that get on the green that has gone back to you know I guess that serious yeah and that's it so I didn't catch that first that was solid I couldn't help that any better man and tell me how straight did that go Dad the smallest bit of draw smallest smallest smallest yeah but the noise had everything then didn't it and how many balls [Applause] I've hit one and the old swing then two your drills I've only hit two but I've done the drill on yeah so the thing about it is it's super super simple this yeah you've got to first of all feel it yeah well at first I was doing the drill there then it clicked here here so obviously it probably makes a lot of sense when you're doing a drill make sure you're doing that drill right you've got to pay attention to the drill and I got it wrong to drill at first I'd imagine I just but when you got me hands and went here claw Surya I could feel the drill better then because I found it easier to it and that's a secret on the floor and so if you if you slice it and you struggle yeah in any shape or form you struggle with compression do it in stages the drill the first thing you've got to do is if you look at my shoulder here get this this is the action you're not used to you're not used to closing the face this way you're used to trying to close it this way which is why you're struggling right so you get the sensation of that first just get Sensation that tar then what you do a wire throw it behind is so that you can feel the shuffling so now you've got to sense of this you throw it there now the Temptation like I say will still want to be to do this so that's always staying this way look what that does straight away to my elbow how many top players you see in there now oh all the time that's how they kick but I have a different backswing but that's how they all come yeah I don't care what people's batteries look like half the time you get right impact okay everything becomes easy yeah throw that toe in there like this okay get that set off on in in on the right direction you can see that's what you're gonna get oh bottom of that awesome thank you sir well done so if you enjoyed this video and you'd love to see what we did with a driver check this one out right here and don't forget to come and join this guy on his channel golf mates right here you'll have a lot of fun I do look and watch you on the course because we've done the nine hole match we have indeed it's all you know listen if you like Danny you want to see him on the course you can see him in action Pamela enjoy.
Hey there, we just wrapped up a fantastic golf match with Liam. He's been making some great progress with his driving since our last lesson, which you can check out here. We've been working on turning his slice into a draw, and while it's been going well, he's been struggling with his iron strikes, occasionally hitting the ground too heavily.
Today, we're at Shortenham Golf Club with a 175-yard shot into the wind. I suggested a 6-iron for this one. However, during his swing, he was experiencing a bit of a fat shot, more like a pull rather than a draw. Upon examining the divot, I noticed that the path was good, but he wasn't achieving the necessary compression.
To help him understand the proper technique, I introduced a simple drill. I asked him to focus on throwing the toe of the club into the ground and then pushing up through the swing. This motion was new for him, as he was used to throwing the club with an open face, leading to a slice. By practicing this new motion, he started to feel the difference and noticed a change in his ball flight.
We continued with the drill, emphasizing the importance of keeping the toe down and the hands ahead. As he practiced, he began to get the hang of it, although it took some time to get used to the new sensation. He was pleased to see the results as his shots became more solid and penetrating, resulting in better ball striking and a slight draw.
Overall, the key takeaway was to focus on the sensation of throwing the toe into the ground behind him, keeping the hands ahead, and maintaining proper setup. By practicing this technique, he was able to improve his iron strikes and achieve better ball compression.
If you enjoyed this summary, you can check out more golf tips and videos on my channel or join me for some on-course action. Feel free to watch my previous lessons and matches with Liam as well.