How to strike your irons pure every time - Student gains 28 yards with a 7 Iron and you could too
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I had Richard come and see me really struggling with confidence he lost his confidence he lost a lot of yardage with his clubs but by the end of this session it was fantastic to see his face we added twenty nine yards to a 7-iron 7-iron I'm gonna share with you exactly what we did in this training because look you might not add twenty nine yards you're close but I'm sure you'd like an extra five years maybe ten yards on any club in the bag well in this week's training I'm gonna share with you step-by-step what we do we Richard because I think you know what it might help you to before I do that if you're new to channel this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing press up little bell but Annette subscribe button you get notified every time or at least a video just like this one Plus like a subscriber just down below you get a full practice plan of this video full summary that you can take download for complete for free take it out to the driving range and go home work on these things so let's get started so look at the track men numbers from riches to start with so he was hitting a reasonable distance but not very far really for and for a 7-iron for him and the reason being is if you took out the before and after look at the difference between the trattman numbers there he was swinging his club path was a big minus number that means he was swinging far too much to the left huge the other number which we were focused on is his angle of attack he was coming down on the golf ball way way too much two main things that we need to change we need to make the reduce those numbers move them much much closer to the positive if we could do that we never thought we'd that 29 yards but we would seriously make improvement is consistency that by the way those differences apply to a driver no wonder he couldn't drive at all he was hitting it all over the massive slice is really inconsistent reducing the angle of attack commit Andrew and getting his club swinging more out to the right I feel like he's three more outs right would make a big difference so let me show you what we did stage number one Rich's been struggling for a while so he had a lot of tension in his body so we needed get that tension out now with the intention of he needed to do now he needed to do two things we needed to get him swinging what he felt was more to the right cause he's swinging more to the left bear in mind he's a right hander he was swinging too far down so we needed to still get him swinging down but we need to reduce that a lot more for more efficiency so the first thing we did was I said right you look like you've got your feet in cement so let's move those feet yeah set up to the golf ball not by going and rooting yourself to the dirt and trapping perfect but actually just get some movement going so he did now if you were moving now if we were just walking in and you're gonna move and you were gonna hit something to the right what would you do well yet you'd walk to the right wouldn't you you wouldn't plunk yourself down rigid and then try and swing you'd walk to the right so I said let's just imagine now just doing this just imagine just walking to the right so he's now getting some foot movement going okay great now there's clearly tension in your tosser so now what I want you to do is just with one hand you're gonna do both in a second one hand I want you to now swing the club as you walk in to the right just swing it to the right nothing more than that get a fit now that initially he's still gripping on for dear life but he gradually starts to feel the club head starting to swing now this doesn't brilliant thing this starts to reduce the amount is coming down because suddenly watch when you let the club head swing it starts to bottom now it's that's to come down as it becomes softer here okay the angle attack reduces hang on to the club well if you don't let it go what do you have to do well you have to put it on the golf ball which is what creates the steepness so he's now swinging it's time to move the feet a little bit okay with one hand and he feels like there's a lot of movement but there really isn't then we do the reversal just with the lead hand now just swinging backwards and forwards and again feel like you're swinging out to that right hand side then as I'm starting to see more and more relaxation I thought right we need a way for him to easily that's the first stage by the way now I'm moving on to stage two we need it to win you an easy way for him to direct that swing so we simply did this I put a little goal for him to go through something visual right in front of me now this is so much easy by the way if you want to change where you're swinging it's far easier to imagine something in front of you just a few feet to swing through then it is try to swing out there visualize something out there so this was so much easier and again without a ball initially I just get right okay now you've got it some more so you don't have to move the feet and step into this what you just keep those feet moving and start to swing the club through that goal there and the first thing you did you hit this ball why because he's so used to coming this way it just gets in the way but it was great feedback for him so we said that don't worry just keep going so it's just swing backwards and forward just try out a letter through that he Y said well it really feels like I'm going this way we're just feel like I'm getting forward and it feels like I'm going way out to the right we put him on camera he wasn't going way out to the right but the sensation was he was because he had gone so far to left he was gradually eking over we're moving that needle that number that number that and that - big negative number on track man we're reducing it slightly now so he's now swinging more this way okay so I'm hearing a few shots just literally heading through that goal there nothing more than that just literally playing through that goal just take a look now and his swing as he's going through this March it started to flow through that gate really really nicely so that for most of you if you're if you're feeling you're coming you're slicing the golf ball you're pulling it you're really swing with distance that and itself could be curative but it wasn't quite for Richard there's some kind of scout issue going on so what we needed to do is he still needed to loosen up just a little bit which moved it onto the stage number three say number three was this we got the goal he's moving his feet now but on the way back there was just something about what was going on it was a little bit too tense here on the way back so what we needed to do what we realize is I'm gonna ask him a few questions he said he was trying to make sure the back scene was controlled and and careful and that was creating too much tension what we then she did was look I said look we want to go we want to get your club path moving more out to the right hand side yeah so in order to do that which motorway should we take you're taking the left turn here you're going this way we need to get you going this way so if you want to try and go this way where would the backswing go that's right up into this top right hand corner here so what I want you to do now is this I want you to swing the club into this top right hand corner here and then allow it to swing through that gate there to swing it back and swing it through very different to putting it back and putting it through now notice we also added another couple of hours on our club at speed we don't know in exactly where this potentially came from but what we do know is this when you swing back you get much more of a stretch do this now at home why don't you take your whatever em you want and just move it back slowly and see how far you can go okay now do it quickly and watch what happens when you move it quickly your muscles that when to get to the end of their range they stretch and then fire back they recoil back that is one little secret to getting an extra bit of a turn and the next a bit of a zip going through so we take away the careful backswing and we started to swing the clubbing to this top right corner and then continue that line on a motorway down out to the right if you're in America is the highway okay so if we went so we swung it back now and swung it through
so much different as we're coming back and through this was the secret to getting those extra yards absolutely amazing so do you think Richard then took that to the Gulf Coast Road where an amazing Transformers game of course he didn't it finally got any email just a couple of days ago saying look he was so so much better than E but it took him a bit of time it's taken some time to kind of embed him because the old habits were difficult to to completely get rid of and they'll be the same for you too I'm sure so be patient with it so in summary what did we do the three major steps well the trattman number showed us that he had major - numbers they were made it to the left here with his club path I majorly down with his angle of attack we needed to reduce those numbers move them closer to the positive we didn't quite get to the complete positive but it was enough wasn't it what did we do we first of all took him out of his cement we got him moving those feet and then we got to moving them in a direction feel like he's moving in a direction that was more to the right feeling that that so either they weren't static we then started to swing the club with one hand to get in the field of swinging the head a bit more okay this naturally reduced his angle of attack who's now kind it's coming into the ball a lot better we did with one hand and then two hands that stage one that's you're loosening up getting ready we then needed to direct this motion when we did it in two ways didn't we we put a goal out in front for him to swing through just directing this motion here it is as simple as that and when he didn't get it he has to try even harder as he tried harder he starts to swing him more and more to the right did it work does that work on its own it was certainly improvement but the third and final thing we got him down swinging more on the backswing into the top corner here because that was the way needed to swing to get out over there those are three things that made the biggest difference to Richard's game and they could do to you if you want in a few extra yards does it work with driver absolutely fact this number one thing getting your angle-of-attack reduced or hit trying hit up on the ball with driver will make a huge difference to your distance getting out to the right again can make a big big difference to your distance so hope you enjoy they train remember there's a full practice plan in the description below because if you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up and look if you're new to Channel and this is one of your first videos of mine please consider subscribing thanks for joining us have a great golfing week see you next week