I Started Hitting Perfect Chip Shots After Discovering This - LIVE GOLF LESSON
Sep 06, 2024Transcript Summary- Hey guys, Danny Maude here! If you’re struggling with your short game, you’re in for a treat because I’ve brought a special guest—my dad! We spent some time working on his chipping, and it’s made a huge difference. His short game was a bit of a disaster—he was shanking it, thinning it, and getting really nervous around the greens. But after a few simple adjustments, his game has completely turned around.
The key issue we addressed was that Dad was swinging the club like a roundabout, rather than like a ferris wheel. This roundabout motion causes the club to move away from the body, leading to shanks and inconsistent contact. So, I had him adjust his posture to help create a downward force on the handle, which makes the club work upwards, leading to cleaner strikes.
We also focused on keeping his wrists intact to maintain loft on the club, avoiding any excessive wrist rolling. After a few tweaks, his chipping improved dramatically—he’s no longer shanking, and his confidence has skyrocketed.
If you’re struggling with chipping, focus on getting that ferris wheel-like swing, maintain soft wrists, and keep your grip pressure light. Simple changes, but they make all the difference! If you enjoyed this, give it a thumbs up, subscribe, and check out the free practice guide below. See you next week!
Full Transcript- so I thought I'd bring a special guest on the channel this week if you're struggling with your short game you're in for a real treat I spent um a week with my dad actually we were camping w't me a couple weeks ago yes and dad said in your own words how how is your short game bring you're chipping around the green well basically it was horrendous in what way uh well whenever I got near the green and to get my uh lob wed out to Chip and try and get up and down for a PA more often than not I'd end up shanking it shanking it And for those of you shanking it is like it's going off in all different went everywhere fatted it thinning it everything yeah basically I just got so nervous when I had to take a shot like that uh it just I just couldn't uh improve at all and then when I'll put a few little images of what we did actually when we were camping because when Dad Dad told me this I I always bring I bring a wedge everywhere with me when I when I go on holiday so in this video what I thought I'd do is I show you what we did because you played apparently last week didn't you and it's going and it's going well it's going very well okay going very well so so we thought we'd done a follow up on that because what he was doing is one of the biggest problems if you find that you're struggling around the grein you're struggling to get consistent contact you're getting a bit anxious and nervous dad's been there and I'll show you what we did cuz it's obviously helping and this really I've I've just traveled up again this week just to kind of give him a bit of a followup so I thought you'd enjoy it now before I get into the video if you're new to the channel it's your first lesson of mine please consider subscribing at Le videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free down practice guide in the description box below so to help Dad I'll run you through what we did with dad's short game okay to stop him from shanking it and really getting more consistent contact and it was really one thing we needed to change so when dad's chipping one of the biggest mistakes he was making really simply was this the golf swing when you're chipping almost when you it you see almost like a ferris wheel so if you look at the Circle I'm taking here and the circle back to the golf ball it's almost like a ferris wheel if this was like 9 ° we want the club around about 75 to 80 coming back down onto that golf ball if it does that you're almost going to guarantee the uh strike that you want it's like a ferris wheel look but my dad had much much more of a roundabout look where the club swinging too much like this now the problem is is two things are happening as the club is swinging this way the club is actually moving away from his body so his hands everything are moving away if you move the club away you're more likely to bring in the h and that's where your Shanks were coming from that's right exactly right yes but the other problem is is when you're chipping you're in rough most of the time so if you're coming around here you generally catch a lot of the rofs you start hitting fat shots the other thing you can start to thin it as well so all I wanted dad to do and I want you to do if you're struggle with chipping is to help you create an action where the club basically comes down more like a ferris wheel on the golf ball than a roundabout like this all right yeah so go get yourself set go back into your original posture first this is really important so go back to your original posture I was sort of this way so I see this a lot so the first thing is is dad looks like he's sat on the toilet right and the problem is is when you're sat back like this and the shoulders are back like this you're basic in a sense you look at this here you can't put any pressure on this handle so what happens now is the head basically wins the battle and you end up coming around here yeah now all I did with Dad was I said look you need to get to a place where we want this club to go upwards like a fery wheel in order the clubs go upwards what force do we need on the handle downwards so if you then push your body more this way you can push your Force now down on this handle and by pushing a force on the handle what happens to the Head it naturally is going to work upwards if you're like this the head's winning where's the head going to go now inwards so that's why you're going in so the first stage is to make sure you've got a posture where you could just get your fists almost like this push down now I'm in a place where I can push a force on the handle there that setup start there first so if you get yourself set yep so feet a bit closer together okay that's it and you can see here even with Dad there he's still got his bum look a little bit too far back here yeah yeah so from here just imagine Dad yeah get yourself set just pushing down here get those arms hanging down nice and
vertically right okay make a swing from
there okay good let again so posture is in
place now you could probably start a pretty good shot that Dad isn't it oh that's yeah that's right pretty good shot but do you want more time for me now what can you see on camera now dad's aing quite a long way right here okay we don't we don't change that moment it's not end of the world because aiming right you could still you can I can actually help you come down at the top right but hit another couple of shots of me
okay but can you see what Dad's doing to get that club back to the Target I can't believe how how much easier is hit the ball by in this position it's it's better isn't it it's 100% but in this session we're going to make it even easier right because what I'm still seeing when you're playing this shot here really and you'll see on camera yeah I'm still seeing this I'm still seeing you hooking it around just turn your Club off yeah well because you have to do because what's happening the club's still taking look a little bit of a path in here and there's a byct the club going out you're having to wrap the hands around here yeah right yeah so what we need to do now is when you to get yourself set up we're going to help you now to try and get that club working more in front more in front here right right so yourself set okay and the drill I gave dad to do I want you to play around with get yourself set okay so if I said to you now dad if I stood here you can use alignment stick here so I'm going to stand here right the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to put an alignment stick roughly where you want to go okay now make a little back swing now avoiding me wow that really now the first thing I'm noticing with Dad here can you see how he's rolling his wrists so what you're doing here watch this the killer mistake here I see a lot see this left wrist yes when you take the club away you're rolling it and where's that what you what going on the inside straight away right so what I want you to do here right is pause there just take that left grip and I'm going to weaken the left grip so your thumb straight down the shaft like this all right okay right and then what we're going to do get offset I want you to pay attention to keeping that club that wrist intact here we're not letting that uh wrist roll and flatten like this right I see D it make sense so you could almost if You' got a little Kink there yes we're keeping that in all the way there I see cuz now look it's there if that left wrist flattens you're coming in here what you going to have to do now yeah we're going to have to roll it yeah and when you're chipping what do we want we want Loft so we need to keep the Loft on the golf club this is this is Loft this is no Loft right makes sense it does yes
there we
go get yourself set get that posture in place so there's a lot of knee Flex here now when you when you that's your poost so when you get the lot of knee Flex here right feel I'm sitting on you're s you're sitting down right and then what's and that's that it's import look at this that's that's shot game there look do just do it with me look at this you're here yeah there we go there yeah
much better oh that's yes Daniel can you hear the strike there I did that was a nice clean strike yeah absolutely yeah so that's what we're trying to get to is basically feel that feels very strange yeah in what way well it feel as though I'm sort of coming too far out but yeah yeah because you're used to swinging like a I've I've been doing everything about your everything about your um your movement it's roundabout yes roundabout look at this yeah very wheel yeah yeah the key the key is this it is is is is this motion the wrist the wrists yeah exactly so the so what we're doing here is we're keeping these wrists in play so the club feels like it's going out and he going in versus going in out out see the difference massive difference downi just there is it yeah that's
it listen to that strike oh that's yeah see a difference yeah it's a massive difference yeah so this is the first stage getting some Shack as well yeah well you because before you were playing it almost like a Top Spin shot in tennis where yes these lies AR too bad you get away with the Top Spin right here but when you're in like when the ball's nestled in you need that club coming almost like not top spinning tennis but more the back spinning tenis where where the club's working downwards on the golf ball here you're hitting the ball first and you producing backspin yeah but when you're doing this all you've got really is Top Spin yes top that's right yeah you can't stop it
okay there you go oh that's that's wonderful and you see now can you see the difference in the strike completely oh completely yeah oh yeah perfect yes I mean I've been practicing in the garden when you when when you came back and uh I had uh a chair at the side of me oh did you yes and uh it definitely helped so you put you put a chair here just yeah yeah so but I was still doing that yes I was I wasn't doing that well just watch out for this but when I did that it seemed to come and I I concentrated on sort of the toe going this way as I went through the shot right but but I wasn't getting to height like I just told me there there if I keep this yes that's that's a drill and then turn that way yes it's coming down and the ball is the ball's popping up yeah and then get it's getting a little bit of check as well that's it it's fantastic yeah yeah and you not the key you you actually you have no idea how pleased they am I mean uh when I've been playing golf say and I get to the green I've been so nervous yeah and I played this week this around here at fer Bridge yeah and I didn't I didn't miss one I chipped everyone on the green not perfect but it didn't shank yeah and that's what I've been searching for and isn't it ridiculous um how simple it can be it is it's simple you know and and I one of the reasons why we create these videos as well for for you is is that you know I I I think you know my dad was you were in a bad place weren't you so I certainly was you terrible when you're when you you're never far away you're never far away from some really really good shots and this one thing that Dad's doing here in terms of you know it's called the VSP Bas it's kind of like you know swinging like a ferris wheel the more you can get into that the better but I just want to I just want to give one caveat with this so and we did this um in when we went camping get yourself set did now dad when he first did this and we put the chair in place or we actually used a wheelar we wheelar didn't we right is um he did what he did is he tried to create a Ferris Wheel by moving his arms away away from his body did the problem is if you're armed over away you're actually bringing more chance of Miss strikes and Shanks which I did which you did right so what we doing is we're creating a Ferris Wheel by posture Yeah by wrists yes and getting keep looking after those wrists not letting those wrists break down break down there yes and their hands look are still staying in yes as they as we're swinging back yeah what else did we do though with this the left shoulder when I went back you got me sort of really exaggerating this left shoulder coming down down down now why would we get the left shoulder going down well that's so the club could get the necessary height to get the ball in the air absolutely so also look at this here get yourself set again Dad yeah so this is the third thing left shoulder goes down but does not excessively go of course he's going to turn a little bit but doesn't go excessively around no what would do around is a roundabout when we get the left shoulder working or feel like their head's working this way what happens to the club it's working naturally much more up on the line we want it to do so they're the three things at the moment the final thing grip pressure yep so once he's in posture he's got the wrist working the left shoulders working down the final thing in getting a really good strike grip it now at 10 uh 10 dad give it a maximum GP maximum grip pressure 10 10 how you Cam yeah move to five move to two two is where I want between two and four is where I want four maybe at three or four is where I want your grip pressure all the way through this so we don't increase it throughout the entire shot a lot of people when they get a bit anxious they grab it right so pay attention out to grip pressure get make sure your post is in
place yep that's it okay you can soften those knees a little bit relax a little bit there you
go makes sense it does down there you hear that crisp stri a bit long that one yeah and again so a bit stiff on that one just when we get into posture just soften those arms so when you're he look when you're here you'll know that you're in a good posture cuz when you're he look this right arm remember can feel soft remember you used to do this oh yes stiff wasn't it very stiff just there now you know when that right arm's a good guide there it's a bit soft and that's well he did tell them to keep these much tighter much tighter yes yeah as you go into exactly yeah but that's all coming from your post you see you couldn't keep them tight before cuz you like this that's right so when we got your here look everything's just softer it was lovely oh that's so much better now it's that it's just confident isn't it it's it it's my confidence is building all the time yeah and let's have a bit of fun just to kind of like you know finish you off so I don't want to make it any more complicated than that cuz it really isn't isn't it it's not complicated at all you know I could we could we just got to get to use used to a different position it does feel strange cuz I've been so used to sort of doing this yeah and when you change to something new it doesn't feel right but but it is right but you and you got to be patient haven't you you oh definitely so so just you can't just fix this in a couple of swings no you've got to practice but just to just to finish you off a little bit so let's play a few different heights so different you know so we're gonna keep this right but we're not going to change Dad we're just gonna do some tweaks to in a sense his setup to to create different flights of shot right so more difficult shots and maybe some of easy shots so get yourself set okay and what we're going to do now is I'm going to get you to play a um a slightly higher shot okay right and but all we're going to do to play the higher shot right I don't want to change anything apart from Brother for a second y I want you to move the ball for the forwarding your stance right right we're going to open the club face and we're going to grip it right right and you're going to focus on just hitting maybe the back of the club the back of yeah the back of the club the back there that so right now you've been hitting the base yes now we're going to hit more of the back okay but that happens naturally but you move the ball forward do not change anything with the swing about what you're doing right okay you've just changed the ball position you've opened the club face just a little bit and you push the ball forward right but nothing else changes setup can remain the same for now yeah so just a little bit uh so balls where further forward in your stance further forward there you go that's it that's it and then do just just a little then then grip it yeah AIT a bit more onto your left you're a a bit right at the moment okay that's it okay good and then from here now you can see here dad's already see he's like yeah as soon as I did that I realized real it's like that is and there Tiff yes soften there you go soften yes that's it soften those there you go now don't change your thing don't let the bulb position creep back again so a bit further forward in your stance soften those arms there you go just relax open the first just a little bit right and then basically just do a normal swing yeah just do just do the swing you've just been doing you're going to hit the ground a little bit behind where you
go and there's your higher shot oh wow just like that oh that's fantastic it nice is it it's tell you how please D no I mean it's just you see simp how how simple you know once you've got the strike and you've got this kind of Ferris wheel style look you can just alter your ball position that's right and and and and a little bit and you've got a lovely High shot yeah with no difference whatsoever right so I can't get pleas fantastic so do me a favor please keep chipping really really simple really work hard on creating like this feris wheel style look sort out your setup to start with you know get that done right you know maybe get a video camera just to check cuz it'll as you Dad said doesn't feel right often to start with put some obstacles in the way like we did yes you know and and really work on it and I promise you you'll start to chip the ball so much better so I hope you enjoyed this video you want you want to say yeah I just going to say stick with it because it really does it works I can't believe it but you need to you can't just do it in five minutes You' got to practice it yeah and it does work I can't believe that please sorry D it's really S I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button the Bell I'll put a free download practice guide so to cover all this so you don't have to remember uh a thing and if you kind of want to kind of continue to develop that short game I'll you maybe even to the bunker I'll put like a bunker video right here that be awesome too but until next week have a wonderful golfing week perfect is that that's brilliant how e is that that's fantastic though yeah oh dear I can't tell you what what I've gone through this last two years or more really it's been bloody that's funny isn't it been renders I know well it's just it's um it's just so it's so simple isn't it it is yeah it is yeah.