I Started Hitting Perfect Golf Shots After Discovering This
Sep 06, 2024Transcript Summary-
Hey, it's Danny Maude here! Today, I’m sharing the single most important thing that separates the best players from everyone else: controlling your low point. If you can master this, you’ll see major improvements in your ball striking, distance, and accuracy.
What is the low point? Well, think of your golf swing as a circle. The lowest point of this circle should be just under your lead arm—about 4 inches past the ball. To hit consistently, you want to make contact with the ball before reaching that low point, especially with irons. The best players control this within half an inch, whereas higher handicappers might be off by 6 inches or more.
I’ve got a couple of simple drills to help you master your low point, including one you can try in the bunker for instant feedback—no need for fancy Trackman equipment. Set up two lines: one for ball position and one for your low point. Your goal is to consistently hit the back edge of the second line. This drill teaches you to control where you strike the ground and fine-tune your feel.
Remember, let the drill teach you—it’s not about overthinking. Keep swinging freely, and with practice, your low point will become more consistent, giving you better ball striking every time.
If you found this helpful, give it a thumbs up and share it with a golfing buddy. Have a great week, and for tips on hitting your driver straighter, check out my next video. See you next time!
Full Transcript- so if you're looking to hit driver straight or strike your irons much more solid where do you start with all the things you can work on in your goal swing well there's one thing just one that separates the best players from everybody else it's the one thing if you change in your goal swing it improves your ball striking the distance that you hit the shot and your accuracy in this video I'm going to share with you what it is and show you exactly how to work on it before I do though look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing at least videos like this one every single week to try and help you improve your gain plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box
below so I've just hit 15 shots there and there's one thing that I'm doing that's giving me consistent ball striking consistent distance consistent Direction time and time again and that's my ability to control my low low point is the one thing that if you improve it you will not only improve your contact but it will improve your distance and really really you really will it'll improve your direction so what is low Point well in this video I'm going to explain what it is why it is so important and then what I'll do is I'm going to te you out in the golf course and show you how you can set to perfect it for yourself so what is low Point well the golf swing if you've seen any of my videos before very simply the golf twing is a circle we creating this beautiful Arc all the time and at some stage you get to the lowest point of your circle that lowest point is directly look underneath your lead amp and that is where the club is at a maximum radius we want this that's to the point at which it hits the ground right now when you're hitting balls off the ground you want to make sure that you strike the ball before the club gets to its maximum radius you're generally striking down on the golf ball and kind of the Baseline figure is is most of the best players in the world are striking the ground 4 in after they've struck the golf ball now let me show you why this is so important for you to learn come and have a look at this so tell me what you notice here notice where the ball position is but where's the center of the circle the center of your circle look is there 4 in roughly after the golf ball this is where my ball my club storry was striking the ground consistently within half an inch that is what makes my direction of my strike a lot more consistent than must the average 10 handicapper is 6 in out that's 12 times worse what does this mean for your ball striking and your Direction look at this so again if you're low point which is the center of your circle is consistently changing now if a 10 handicap's changing by 6 in if you're higher than that it could be 8 9 10 if you start shifting this low Point around Watch What Happens now I've shifted the center look behind the golf ball what's happening now well look this is the center what's happening not only you going to strike the ground behind the golf ball but where's the club heading now to the left it's swinging left so you're not only striking the ground but you're swinging left add an open face to that and you've got a slice nice yeah again if you're somebody who pushes the ball out to the right or even hooks the golf ball if your low point now moves over here suddenly now what do you notice we're now in yes you might strike the ball first but now the club's heading look out to the Right add a close face to that and now we're starting to hit hooks so this low point if it's always changing you could basically be hitting multiple shots right and left and you're thinking why am I so inconsistent you're inconsistent because you're unable to control this low Point time and time again the best players control it within half an inch that's my goal for you in this session so now you know what low point is and why it is so important for your golf let's take you out on the golf course now and show you how you can start to control it hopefully within that half an inch so let's start helping you now get consistent strike and Direction by controlling your low point now you might be wondering why I'm in a bunker I'm going to come to that in a second stage one in achieving a consistent low point is set up notice here look I've got two lines here this line here is my ball position and it is one Club width inside my lead heel here this is where I want your ball position for all of your iron shots with your hybrids and your Fairy Woods I want you to push it a ball inside your lead heel but the thing here look this line the lowo line look is remaining constant why is ball position so important for your golf well look if your ball position if you don't have a system to control ball position and your ball position moves too far back your low Point can move tooo far back and then suddenly low Point's too far back over here you start fatting thinning it hit it left If It Moves too far forward now the low Point's too far forward you might start to hit the ball out to the right so having a consistent system every single time will really really help which brings me to why I'm in a bunker now at home I've got a 20,000 trackman machine which measures all of this but here's the thing I'm sure you don't so look at this this is your trap man this is going to give you all the information you need to start really really improving your golf and look it's completely free right and what I want you to do now is this once you've got this station set up right so this kind of line low Point here is at the center of this Arc and this line here is just just to the right of that Center what I want you to do is I want you to make some swings attempting to strike consistently the back edge of this line now if I strike the back edge of this line the club's going to go into the sand and the lowest point of my diver is going to be around here now why I love this is is it's going to give me immediate feedback as to how I'm swinging and what I'm actually doing so let's have a look at this in action so I'm going to start back here I'm going to put this on my line here I'm going to gradually work forward and all I'm going to do is going to focus on striking at the end of this
line and let's have a look at that first thing I thought it's very clean I've just struck look just a fraction behind but low point is almost perfect yeah so we go again my aim is can I
create a consistent perfect that time beautiful and
again much better look at that just a fraction just a fraction ahead of the the line but I said look I'm within half an inch right now when I give this to my students to start with and you might find the same is is you might start striking back here then you might striking here that because of the 6 in tolerance you have now why I love this is on a golf course you can't see this so you need feedback well this is your feedback what you do when you've got that feedback you allow your body to figure out and win this task so if I kept hitting the ground behind I'm just going to keep going until I consistently start to strike the line you and my students of to ask me say well what do I need to do differently trust yourself just keep going allow the task at hand to develop the skill what then happens when people do this they say things like Danny I really feel like I'm more on top of the golf ball or Danny if they've been hanging back like this I really feel like I've got forward on this shot right fantastic you keep going it's just the best way of developing the skill of low Point control time and time again listen to that sound sound and the other thing here is this you can hear that thumping sound I'm not going really really deep in the divot and I'm not skimming it so it's not just controlling your low point but also look the radius you're not going up and down too much it giv you incredible feedback that you can't really see sometimes on the grass so I'll hit a shot now and then I'll show you one final drill that you can take onto the actual grass there so get myself set up make sure that ball position is in the correct place and again here we go
so I caught that a little clean but look at this I caught that a little clean there just on the edge of that line maybe just a fraction behind but it's got great feedback the low point that divot look is fairly close to here but what that said I probably was there a little bit actually a little bit scared of going too deep in the sand yeah I just pulled out of it a little bit but this is great feedback for me yeah which I can then take and I can practice this time and time again now one drill that I often use while I'm in here that the people can take out onto the onto the grass as well is it's one of my favorites actually and it will provide you with a wonderful feel and we still get the setup as we do here but then what I want you to do is I want you to make a swing and as you're swinging I want you to get the Leading Edge in fact the toe of the Leading Edge stuck into the sand behind you here now why am I getting you to do this well look at this here notice as I'm throwing this Club into the sand I've got flexion in the wrist I've got a lot of what we call shaing here throwing it down I'm getting the feeling of basically hitting naturally down on the golf ball here most people when they're playing or struggling with shots off the ground they're in this kind of flick territory they're not used to getting this wrist naturally kind of flexed here and they're not used to compressing any shots so going through an exercise where we swing back here and we throw the toe in into the sand behind the ball it gives you that a wonderful wonderful feeling and I said why am I asking you to throw the toe again it cures two things we're creating shling which creates compression but I say most people are trying to keep their handle ahead and as they do look all they do is leave it wide open and it flies out to the right I don't want that so getting you to throw the toe down behind you here is just a brilliant brilliant feeling once you've got that and you've got that feeling of where your body is relative to that Club you simply go right I've got this feeling I need to take that feeling and now move it look over here and see if I can get exactly the same thing so let's have a look at this in action now this is not the best drill in the world for me because one of the problems is is for me if anything I get often too much over here so it's not the best drill but for majority of I'm at Golf 2 really struggle to compress it's absolutely brilliant so I've got the feeling of firing down I'd often get golfers to do this one two here and then get that sensation and move that into the
shot just like that and you can see here beautiful strike flowing out the bunker so there are two free drills like get yourself set up measure that low Point allow the task here to train your mechanics it doesn't require any thought a lot of people ask me well what should I do you don't need to know let the drill teach you it will teach you everything you need to know and how to get that low Point consistent yeah and it'll be individual the final drill just take that to the golf cart it's just a brilliant feeling throw that into the ground behind you when people do it for the first time they get the base of the club striking that sound we don't want that it's a leading to Edge and the toe throw it down get that feeling and then gradually move that to the golf CL and notice I said throw it down why I said throw because the golf club should always be swinging freely and if you're throwing it down you're always swinging it freely all right so I hope you enjoy this uh Key video on low point if you did give it a thumbs up share it with a friend and look if you're looking at trying to improve maybe your driver and looking at how to hit that much much straighter check this video out right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.