Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this way I want to deal with the most popular question I get asked on the channel which is Danny how do I hit my driver on my iron straight how do I stop coming over the top and how do I stop this horrible slice I keep getting it is being the vein of my life for a long time very popular question well in this week's training we're going to cover how to get rid of that horrible slice for good or at least give you something that you can go and work on right now to get rid of it before I do that if you're new to channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing press a little Bell button next to the subscribe button and you get notified every time I release a video just like this one so what is happening why do you come over the top and how do you go about stopping it well let's let's explain what a slice is first and what's actually happening well a ball that kind of curves like this and loses a lot of power the club as opposed to coming down and through the target line here it's coming out here and across the tag line so it's serene in the wrong direction combine that with a blade that is also open this way to that path and we produce a glancing blow and s left to right sites being a slicing out to the right-hand side so what are we going to do is we want to get to the root cause of the problem and the root cause the problem what I found is simply this your clubface as its approaching impact if you're slicing it and losing a lot of distance is likely to be massively open and your body's very very clever once the clubface the clubface when it approaches once there be much more this way but it's wide open the body goes ah I don't want to hit it over there I'm gonna help him to kind of move and square the face up but in trying to help you what it does the body swings out across the line because it feels it's the right thing to do come this way and enhances the great big curve that you get so we want to first of all work out how are we going to square this clubface up on a regular basis and how to sort the path out they're the two major factors so you've got clubface which is open and a path that's coming from out to win the two things we need to saw so which one do we do first very simple and this is a step by step process don't rush out to the golf course for this this is something for the range you want to get rid of this for good a little bit time now working this will really really help so first thing you do not fix the path first if you've got a wide open face and your track swing over it into out which you may have heard to stop a slice you're just going to smash it further to the right so we want to start to get the clubface closing much more now double check number one what's your grip like your grip here particular with the lead hand here should be turned inwards imagine it you're looking at me now and I want to get yourself set and I might be I'm going to throw your ball you're going to catch it on the sides sides of the ball here like this your hand will be slightly rotated in bring those hands to the golf club so this so they're rotated this way around now we've got a pretty good strong grip what you're should find is that the pad of your lead hand here my kiss my left hand should be on top of the club if your pad is to the side of the grip here that is what we call a weak grip and that will lead to an open face so make sure the the pad is on top I can do that by if I literally let go of my last three fingers here I can still hold the club comfortably because my pad is on top if I move it to side I'm gonna I'm gonna drop it okay so my pads on top that gives me a great starting point that stage number one double-check your grip the second thing once you've done that is this we know that look you've got a wide open fit we don't want the body to help us out to close the face so the next thing is to make some swings where you get the sensation that the clubface is closing completely forget about path at this stage how do we do that we'll look at the toe just practice getting the toe of the club turning through the shot from this position look at this I'm even feeling like I'm actually almost rolling the wrists initially okay very important getting the clubface closing now you won't get you're over the top in this situation won't just appear straight away we're going to do that in a second show you how to get rid of that but we want to get the ball not curving left to right anymore so we swing we swing over the top naturally because that's what we've been doing and the ball starts to go left now he doesn't just go left hopefully if you do this correctly starts to curve right to left now as you're doing this what I would say is don't move on to the path stage until you start to consistently see your ball turning right to left in the air so if you in a sense hit it left and it still curves this way do no do not move on to stage two right so the all we're doing right now is we're going to start to get the sensation in the toe of the club turning to the sky this way even rolling so the club is almost feels like it's facing the ground on the way through closing that face as much as we can with the new grip and hey presto I'm over the top my boss started the curving which allows me now hopefully you if you've got to state to move on to stage or step number two step number two is sorting out the path path is simple once you've got the face sorted all it is is sequencing so people that come over the top if you're an over topper you'll be starting with the toss off first simply because you had to do your body's clever it's down there toss off first is trying to close the face we don't want to do that so now some of you are going to play golf right-handed but our left-handed and vice versa I'm gonna give you two drills to help you the first drill is this you need to get the right sequence or what you do you get the sensation of this if you threw a ball and I worked to imagine in front of us here is like a hurdle and what we're gonna do is we're gonna throw a ball down to the ground and we're going to skip the ball as if he's going to bounce over that hurdle now this is grass it's probably gonna bounce but I'm gonna make some throws
and it bounced over the hurdle now what this is doing is giving you the feeling of actually throwing yeah throwing the club you never come over the top would you just not going to happen yeah so we're getting this insertion now how to sequence the swing throw it down now some of you out there are going to be left-handed playing golf right-handed so what you do instead is this you tip the ball hold it in the your left hand turn your left at the back of my left hand to the camera here what I'm going to do is I'm going to practice now throwing the ball to the ground in the same way but I'm throwing it at the back of my hand now and throw it forward this way watch am I going to come over it's not going to happen is it but you get the sensation now a throw this does two things that will hugely improve your shape of swing but also your power just the mere fact of throwing letting go how many times you control in the club this letting go is a wonderful feeling so how do you then transfer that to a golf club well you can imagine you're holding this here for a second and throw throw throw remember all this happens after you sort the club out same thing here back of the left hand throw throw I'm throwing the club I'm not hitting from this position and it's as simple as that now you've got one who wanted two feelings you might just do throw throw some you could on a golf course get yourself set and then watch this throw and suddenly you're starting to throw it down the line remember very difficult to do if your faces open your body is going to be clever enough to kind of work it out and do something different but once you've got the face fixed then you can start to work on the sequencing and really start to let it go down that line okay let's have a look at this one more times let's just summarize what have we done if you're over the top or you're slicing the ball we know we're coming out here the line and the face is open step 1 fix the face how do you do that sort the group out first imagine you're holding a ball like this at hands it's like turned in hold the club in that position that's stage number 1 just hit some balls getting that feeling while you're doing this we know I need to fix the face we need to get that face closing down first because we don't want to see going out to the right so hit some shots even if they go miles left don't worry get the ball turning right to left even if it goes what it turned into a pull hook great stage number 1 tick complete how do you then keep that Marcia and get then the path and work on that pass oh we're not going left we're going down the line well you do those two drills one hold the club back in front of you here throw the ball into the ground so it tosses over the hurdle like this that gets you the feeling of throwing this way not over apply that to the swing if you're a left-hander playing golf right-handed just simply do out the back of your hand instead and you'll get a similar experience and then apply that to the swing give you some really really good experiences but it's a step-by-step process that must first of all take place on the ranch hope it really helps you hit those irons onwards much much straighter if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and maybe share it with a friend who could do a bit of help with slicing and pulling and you name it and of course look if you're new to channel and this was one of your first videos maybe give it a subscribing and press that belt so I can see you next week now I've got some driver a free driver series video out if you want to get pick it up it's completely free it's in the description below some extra stuff there which can really really help but until next week everybody have a great golfing week