IRON SWING VS DRIVER SWING - Whats the difference?
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining is this week is there a difference between your iron swing and your driver swing you probably think so I wouldn't you you're out the Gulf Coast you can hit you driver well sometimes but for some reason you can't need your irons or vice versa you're hitting your wines really well but you can't hit your driver why is that the case well there's certainly a difference in the way you should set up to both of them and there's also a slight difference in the way you should approach the golf swing in this week's training I'm gonna give you exactly how to sell to both I'm gonna give you some swing things that you can do for both your iron and your driver swing and a couple of drills and a special bonus that will really really help before we get into the video look if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing I released videos just like this every week to try and help you improve your game so what are we trying to do with an iron and a driver well both are very similar in what we'll try to do with a ball flight to get maximum distance and and flight we want a lovely high launching trajectory through the sky now with a driver in theory it should be easier the ball speed ups a lot easier to hit it higher with it iron it's like different because the balls on the ground so the question is how do you do both well let's start with in the initial setup the first thing look I've got a ten and a half degree driver here most people use in ten and a half to twelves some even know how to you do not need to worry about the ball going too high we want to get that ball launched up in the air so that's the number one objective so the key is is how do we go about doing it the first thing is in the setup if you want to get the ball launching up into the sky here what's going to help here is we're going to get the ball position off the heel of the lead foot here we don't want it back here we want in a sense our bodies in a position in a sense to get watch this good exercise for you here she's just a tip forward here this gets the body in an angle position to get that ball launched up in the air we push the ball forward that helps so suddenly now what we have is this we have the club head we have the hand they'll behind the club head and we have the head behind the handle now the other thing I've done with a driver setup here is you'll notice that my feet are there not narrow they're slightly wide by moving this right foot back here it helps me to drop the right shoulder and get behind the golf ball all factors that are going to help me look get that ball or hit that ball up here a lot of fun at times that my weight is possibly favoring the back foot slightly but what I'm not doing here some people mistake this by trying to sit back here that's not what we're after noticed I've done this I've simply tipped forward and now I'm ready to strike the driver here let's have a look now at the difference between this and a nine so we then iron a drive you definitely need to hit the center of the face and nothing is more important than that with an iron look well look at the face this is a 7-iron and this is where the loft is that is what gets the ball up in the air the loft of the golf club not us trying to get underneath the ball try and lift it or help it up in the air it's the angle of this so we have to make sure that the angle hits the golf ball how do you do that what's the best way of doing that well if we were to set up to an iron like we're driver and try to get underneath it watch this we ended up being behind here and we're moving the angle away from the ball increasing like that we'll hit the bottom part the club and get that ball flying along the ground so what we do is we put the angle towards the bar increase the likelihood that it's going to get up in the air this is how you do that in your setup so your board becomes much more central as opposed to forward your handle now is on inside left thigh you've got a lot more takács forward shaft lean here this stance is a little bit narrow this kind of brings in a sense the weight more even it brings up this right shoulder so chef's see the stance is a bit narrower here and you'll notice that my shoulders are much much more level at this stage my sternum is much more over the golf ball as opposed to behind it where it was with the driver and all this is in a sense getting me now to have a very different of impact a different type of strike let me explain so with a driver we were trying to launch the ball up off the tee because we can cut it's on a tee with an iron we can a up so we have to hit slightly more down I want to imagine this a driver is like a plane the impact through impact I say a driver is like a plane taking off an iron sure is like a plane coming in and just landing so let's show you the difference so watch that a driver is like a plane take it off ie the clubface the plane taking off and an iron is like the plane coming down and then landing now it's not coming down and just crashing it's coming down and learning so that becomes this gliding if I've got a couple of great drills will really help with it's in a second but that's the image I want you to look for all right let's now look at the drills to help you hit both of these really really well so you've got yourself set out with Drive here you can realize now that what we try to do is we want the driver to be like the club head to be like a plane taking off we want it to go up through the ball so that we want to kind of have some exercise that make that simple or great visuals well just stack it stick a tee peg in front of the golf ball here I've put about six to eight inches and then all I'm going to do is make some swings hit that ball and miss the tee peg on the way through simple as that
lovely towering launching trajectory that's going to go a real decent distance what do you do with the iron well get the iron take a ball this time leave the tea pig in the ground push it down maybe a little bit further now so we're going to push it a bit lower and I'm going to move the ball now probably I say an inch couple inches behind the tea peg and then what we're going to do nice and simple is we now need to use that same tea peg to hit this ball we're going to take the tea peg out of the ground
as you can see I've taken a tea pick out the ground I hit the ball I made it a turf and I've got this lovely pure strike simple as that now let's have a look at a bonus video which will really really help particularly out the Gulf across a great cost it such a simple one for you this one this exercise so every tea on a golf course generally is a rating there's always a slope leading up to it well before you get on the next tee you want to learn how to fuel that plane taking off with a driver look at this I'm on an upslope here and my right foot is a lot lower than my left I'm hitting up the slope I can now feel what it's going to be like to get that Club taking off up into the sky I'm swinging up the slope back swing down here I'm going to hit straight down into the ground a lovely feeling of innocence get that feel of swinging up the Swope nice and nice and easy and all you do with an iron is reverse it so so with an iron look have a look at this the reverse is true I'm now gonna get sensation I'm the club the plane is coming into land here and my weight is favoring my lead foot here my left foot and I'm swinging down and through a great way to get the sensation of innocence swinging and hitting those are heads it's a super simple one up slope to feel the driver downslope to feel the ions works really really well so before I get into the summary I put a free driver cost down in the description below which you can access completely for free it goes into a slightly more depth into into the setup how you can be more accurate we driver and how you can generate stacks more club head speed as well that driver course is free for you down below so go check it out but in summary what have we done today well with a driver you want to imagine the plane is taking off launch it up into the sky with an iron you want to imagine the plane is coming down and landing through impact how do you do that honey make sure that I increase our likely that that's going to happen with your driver well you push the ball forward so it's opposite the inside heel of your lead foot you put the handle behind the ball your head behind the handle and you have a slightly wider stands here so you can drop that trail shoulder here in a position to launch that ball up in the air that's how you start off with the driver with an iron you've got to remember that it's the loft that gets the ball up in the air not you so you've got an increase a licker that that's gonna happen you're gonna do that by moving the ball slightly back in your stance Critz much more shuffling hands opposite inside left thigh here you narrow it up you're down to your leveling off your shoulders a little bit here and then the image in your mind is to be coming up and down here like the planes landing and don't forget to use the special simple exercise you can do it on the side of a tee where basically you get the feeling just of you if you're ticking it's a great way to actually kind of before you actually go and play hit the tee shot it to get on that tee get a feel of hearing up and if you'd be swinging with your eye in play just before a little bit of practice go on the down slope of the tee and just get the sensation of that plane coming down this way it will really really help God if you enjoy the training maybe we give it a thumbs up and share with some people who may struggle with either driver or their eye in play will really really help and of course look if you're new to channel this is one of your first videos press that subscribe button I'd love to help you out next week but until next week have a great golfing week