If You Don't Know This Your Pitching Will Never Improve

pitching short game Sep 23, 2024

Transcript Summary- Hey, Danny Maude here! This week, we’re tackling that tricky shot from 25 to 50 yards where many amateurs struggle with distance control and consistent strike. I’ve developed a simple system I call the “Tabletop Technique” to help you nail your strike every time.

Imagine a table just above your belly button. Rest your club on it and focus on keeping your arms close—tightening the screws—and moving the club back and forth using your torso, not your wrists. As you tilt forward, maintain that tabletop motion while swinging. This reduces excess movement and helps you control your strike and distance.

For chipping, raise the tabletop higher and use a straighter wrist setup. This same concept applies, making your shots more consistent and controlled.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes! If you found this helpful, subscribe, share with a friend, and check out my free practice guide below. Happy golfing!

Full Transcript- so this week I thought I'd bring you to this really awkward shot certainly according to data from Shots SC they say that whenever amateur golfers are within B 25 to 50 yards from the green they are struggling to get it anywhere near the flag they're struggling with distance control they're struggling with strike in this video what I thought I'd do is to show you how to get consistent strike each and every single time show you how to control your distance mean what club should you use what type of Swing should you use you're going I'm going to cover all of that and more in this week's video before I do though look if you're new to the channel your first videos of mine please consider subscribing at least lessons like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download press guide in the description box below so the best players make this shot look really really easy certainly with my amate golfers what you'll see is is they'll hit the ground behind the golf ball they'll top it they'll thin it most of the time it's because they have too many moving Parts their arms are moving in and out too much which is affecting the consistency of their AR their body's moving side to side there's just too much going on so what I've been developing over the last kind of I suppose 12 months really is kind of a a system to help you make consistent contact time and time again and I call it my tabletop technique and all it does is it's just a great simple visual if you take take a golf club and just put it out in front of you here so that a table is almost roughly just above your belly button here and just imagine resting the club the whole shaft of that club on the tabletop now you'll notice here that my armpits here are fairly close to my body here they're actually in this is what I like to call we're tighten in the screws we don't want these arms to be all loose right the screws loose we want to bring them in in fact with my daughter earlier um a couple weeks ago I said to I said to AA when she was all over the place I'll tickle your armpits can and daddy tickle your armpits and if I can they're not close enough so that was just a simple visual for her so bring those in rest it on the tabletop then what we want to be able to do here is this I don't want you using your wrists and your arms too much to start with what we're going to do is I want to imagine moving this just with your torso back along the tabletop just like this you can almost add some auditory to that like you're scraping the tabletop back and through with the whole shaft you're not lifting it you're not moving you're just simply keeping those shoulders all level on that tabletop now all I want you to do from there is then just tilt forward to imagine the tabletops leaned a little bit this way and we're going to do the same again look backwards and forwards backwards and forwards and then gradually you work your way down look to the golf ball where we're doing the same thing look we're simply working the tabletop backwards here and forwards and you're just simply swinging along the tabletop and what do you you think this is going to create in your swing it's going to make you more consistent isn't it so what we want to do now is just show you how you can take this to the golf course so all you do you get yourself set and we've done the Motions I get my feet roughly about maybe a couple of cits apart okay that's all you need ready for for pitching move the club down you might even want to do a few rehearsals yeah so you could start here if you wanted scrape the table lower it down scrape the table and then this is crucial when you're here all I'm really after doing is is paying attention to where that club is grounding relative to the ball so I move to the side of the ball like this imagine the table swinging back through one two and I'm noticing where I'm striking it if I start striking it way behind I'll know that something's probably off I'm moving off the ball so I keep swinging until I keep making a nice grounding roughly near the ball once you've done that put the golf club to the ball move that club out the way this wind's a little bit off the right hand side here so I'm gonna have slightly right of the flag I've actually here just to let you know as well I've got 50 yards into the green I'm actually using a 52 degree uh wedge I could have used my 56 which I would normally do but in this situation I'm not going to do that because I want to create a lovely smooth swing I don't want to feel like I have to force it that's when the screws come loose and we start to hit with our wrist too much yeah so we get ourselves set want a nice smooth swing tighten the screws move it in and we'll start with that as step number

one nice and simple just skip up there beautiful that'll do for now so when you're playing this shot things to look out for right cuz obviously there looks pretty straightforward right but there are things that people kind of do and fall into trap of so I want you to watch out for this so let's say um you know loosening the screws when people are here might start to use those wrists too much when I see a player doing that in the back swing so they try to do the tabletop here but when they get here and they go and they roll the wrist from here the club's coming from a wrong angle you're going to have to flick it so I'll just get them to say look there's your tabletop just keep it scraping look keep it scraping on the AR all the way back and now of course the wrist are going to come in eventually here they do that naturally but the key for now is just to keep those shoulders and that club just working on that tabletop all the way back all the way back to here and then all the way through to here you know one of my own personal problems sometimes is is I sometimes drive my handle so I love this and a lot of my students love this actually is is when they're setting up here I think right you know what just focus on this side of the tabletop so when you're coming through you visualize the club and the shoulder look everything's turning around here versus trying to maybe lift the ball up in the air here look I'm just continuing to turn it around you can do whatever you want the great thing is is the tabletop is such a simple image that anybody can use so you might be asking in terms of how do you control distance when you know what do you do different for chipping and and maybe full swings we'll cover that just briefly in a second just hit one more where I'm going to really visualize that tabletop back tabletop through and away we

go skip up beautiful okay that's two pretty pretty decent shots and and again that last one I hit there I didn't strike that perfect but that's the whole point with this it's because there's so little moving Parts I don't have to strike it perfect to get that ball near the flag now all I would say is this there's a limit to this once you get to a point you're going to get to a point when you're going to feel like oh I need to hit this much much harder at that stage you're moving away from the tabletop and you're going to now let those kind of rist go a little bit to generate some speed you might even start to generate some movement in your body you're moving to more full swing mechanics but with chipping you could also apply the same thing look at this here there's my tabletop where's the club pointing here for pitching just above my Naval with chipping all you do is this look you just raise the tabletop so the tabletop now is much higher there's less hinge in those wrists now now look you tip forward you'll notice you're going to be much closer to the golf ball I'm going to have to come down the shaft my wrists are much straighter and now look now the tabletops just that right there in front of us yeah and all we're doing now is we're going to make a simple Chip Shot not obviously not going to go to the green on this one and you're keeping this whole thing beautifully under control and you can get a perfect strike time and time again so there is nothing more complicated than that use the tabletop to control the Arc of your swing and you're going to start to control the strike and the distance control and you're going to start to find this beautiful awkward shot much much more fun so I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with a friend who you know struggling with this um distance around the greens and of course look I put a free download practice guide in the description box below if you'd love to learn more about the short game I've put a bunk of video right here and a tripping video right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.