If You Fat or Thin Chip Shots You Need To Watch This - Live Golf Lesson
Mar 12, 2024Full Transcript- so if you struggle with your chip shots around the green maybe you're struggle with contact distance control just nerves because you get a bit jittery and you and you and you're really struggle don't worry you're not alone in this video I'm going to bring you in on a live lesson with Tom Tom in his own words is saying look Danny I I just get nervous of my chip shots I Duff them I I generally bring out P most of the time because I'm scared stiff by the end of the session we transformed his short game and it could help you too now before I get into the lesson if you're new to the channel First videos of mine please consider subscribing or Le videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a download or practice guide in the description box below so come and join me now and let's see how Tom gets on with this shortgun so Tom tell me a little bit about your short game inconsistent honestly I really struggle with distance control um the strike could be thin could be fat it's again not consistent y uh honestly on the course from here this is poter all day long really all day long okay there's no way the wedg is coming out the bag for this and why is that my worst part is going to be far better than my worst chip got it so is that because you really kind of do you struggle just with the contact consistency of contact consistency of contact consistency of uh is this going to reach the green is this going to be too far from the green yeah um it's my objective from from here to this near pin would be next shot is with a Potter right okay that's it okay it's not to get it close it's and if we could get it close we could probably save a few shots one or two okay come on then let's have a look at you let's see what we see what we're working with where are you eming here by the way dead at it dead at it okay um so do do you see that there's a break like left to right here maybe or do that come into your mind whatsoever I I wouldn't tend to read a break on a chip okay which is probably a course management issue okay cool cuz you know you you do know when it lands it's going to roll so it's going to roll somewhere yeah let's find
out that's a pretty good strike I'm happy with that yeah that's a pretty good on the dance floor so that would that be that's objective achieved next shots with a patter okay so that would be quite you'd be quite comfortable with that kind of strike very happy with that cool very happy with
that but that's kind of like so there's a inconsistency of distance yeah very very much so very much
so okay and then when you try and hit it a bit softer we get a bit of that there's no contact yeah just okay so the first thing we got to do is we've got to secure contact every single time right so if we get consistent contact we can then start working on distance control okay so a great contact with a shot like this okay is when you strike the uh B the ball then the ground just afterwards okay so we need a slightly descending blur right now what we do at setup is going to make a big difference on this okay okay so if you get yourself set I want to show you something so what do you notice about where your left shoulder is and where your right shoulder is in terms of their angle Which is higher right shoulder way higher right shoulder is way higher than the left shoulder isn't it right now what's that in terms of angle of attack on that golf ball how are you going to hit that do you think from that shoulder angle upwards exactly right so you're already hitting up so you're going to have to now in order to put any down force on that ball to strike it you're going to have to do some weird stuff right you're going to have to manipulate it exactly right so the what we're going to do here the first thing I want to do to help secure contact is this get yourself set ball position is fine it's very Central in your St maybe almost back in your stance right pause there what I want you to do now is this stand up for a second okay stand up toward face me okay simple exercise put the club out in front of you here just put it straight out in front of you okay now this stage relax put your arms a bit close to your chest there okay there you go just get a little bit of a cup in that wrist there okay and then from here just hold the club with your left hand okay we're going to have slightly slightly ahead of the ball mhm here at this stage your shoulders are where pretty straight now level yeah yeah now what I want you to do now is just from with the shoulders level I want you to Simply drop down to the golf does that feel a very different place that's a very weird place okay right now what this is going to do when you start to level off those shoulders you're going to start to help you create more of a what downward downward angle of attack right so we're going to strike slightly down that golf ball so the club's going to finally ground out just after the golf ball and you're going to secure contact when you're back here you're going to be basically already starting to hit upwards on that shot and then what you do to try and stop that you pull your hands forward like this and drive it like a cricket shot you follow yeah yeah okay so straight wear relax level off the shoulders right shoulders slightly lower okay don't push those hands too far forward just there just there
okay what' you notice about the height on that now much nicer contact look at the controller on it lands now that's always give me range yeah so can you see when you Struck it before you had no backspin it went off like a bullet yeah as soon as you've done this that Ball's popped up beautifully softly because you've come down on it with a beautiful amount of Loft and it's popped up and it create spin that's a weird feeling and if you want there's different routines you can do okay with this okay Some people prefer different things you got this one here okay another routine would be to go cack-handed so swap your hands around okay so go cack-handed what that does is is lower the right shoulder yeah for you as a lefty right don't put those hands too far ahead just there right now keeping that shoulder where it is put the hands back to where they were that's another way of doing it tuck the elbow in now as you do yeah now as you're doing this okay I want you to keep visualizing an angle of attack that's going where slightly downwards okay all right there you go now watch
this feel more comfortable very nice
okay did you hear a little bit of ground before there that that one wasn't as nice wasn't Roos it right that the last one wasn't as nice okay so what I want you to watch out for is this okay so here's the thing now you're starting to get set up you've got an idea of what we want to try and do okay this is the next important thing just to think about in your swing okay you don't want your body okay to go backwards if your body goes backwards what's that going to do to the to the grounding shallow it out again exactly right so that you you know one of the things when you start to strike the ground a lot of people get fearful of the ground so they start to kind of move okay away from it I want you to let the club fall into the ground so we're going to do a few exercises we actually here you're swinging back and as you're coming through here what we're going to do is we're going to make sure that you stay forward we're not going to let our heads go backward at allall so just imagine almost like something's just on your left ear here you going make a swing you're going to come down and you're going to stay forwards okay you're not going to go backwards okay again all this to improve angle of attack and contact right how's that strike you feel like there can you see you see how it's starting to you hear that noise ball first a little bit of check yeah brilliant we're going to make it tougher in a second we're going to go slight uh slight slightly longer ones in a minute and get you going up in the
air right that was an awesome sound wasn't it awesome connection put bit too much just hit you just hit it too hard yeah so we're going to go into distance control in a second okay and again is it making sense though tomm yeah yeah really it's I think it's the the key bit for me is having the routine yeah of starting to address the board at so okay first address the shoulders right address that right now think about the hip y not having too many swing thoughts y weight forward to stop myself leaning backwards y now pause there now when you push your weight forward this is crucial right what you do sometimes is you push your hands a long way forward and what you do is is you start to do this okay see that there and and this is important can you see how your wrist has actually kind of gone almost flat yeah yeah so a really great thing to test whether your right shoulder's nice and low look at this so if I was to hold your Club this this is a really good guide now you're a lefty right but it will do um so if your right shoulder's low mhm you'll have a little kink in this right wrist okay see so it's almost like a bit CED there like this but if I watch this if my right shoulder is high watch what happens to my right wrist it's just it's bird isn't it and now what you've got is you've got a shot which is powerful too too powerful which is I'm back to my yeah yeah my crook it exactly right so exactly so if you lower your right shoulder just a little bit here like this you'll see that there's a little bit of a kink in my in my right wrist here and that's a great thing just for you to kind of have reference before you play yeah yeah before you H the shop okay beautiful listen to that sound there now watch this feel good all right okay let's make it a little bit tougher you can see here a trickier shot we need a slightly higher floated shot maybe with a bit more backspin to stop it's all downhill it's very close difficult to get it close so what's the routine you're going through now to try to improve your strike what is that routine first off making sure my shoulders are leveled y uh kink in the wrist little cup that Kink there adds The Loft gets the bounce working in the club if that you take that kink out you've Del lofted it and what you do you now got too much ball speed and it's going to go low and fast yeah yeah so that Kink here does two things it increases the Loft but it also by lowering that right shoulder now is going to help you in with your angle of attack too okay so just keep even though we want height we still want the angle of attack going down a lot of times when we people go for height they try to lean back and lift it right trust that the angle of the attack and the LOF of the club will get that ball up in the air
okay just like that listen to that sound yeah Direction needs a bit of work but Direction but I'm happy with the result definitely from look well look out there it's pin High B out play and and so we want to be down the left hand side it's going to kick in from that right hand side but in terms of strike over the me brilliant right yeah yeah yeah over the me and know and this is probably as tough as it's going to get in terms of pitching it up onto the green
right now that time there that's come off fast now what do you think you've done what I let my shoulders back up yes yeah if it it noticeably came out lower a little bit hotter it didn't quite just pop up no and it didn't pop up because you'll see here you've gone backwards so you've caught it a little bit thin yeah on another day that could have been fat as well you didn't leave that this shoulder down here so that you could let the club look drop on that b now watch this keep the shoulder don't drive the handles forward if you drive the handles forward again you're putting you're adding too much ball speed the ball's going to come off look at this here look I'm allowing the club here he it gravity that club to drop down on that
ball watch this I think we'll take that closest one as good as yet got one more shot F we could move to 60 for this last one to give you a bit more elevation a bit more stopping power but don't but don't change the thing okay same shot just same shot and then what we'll do is I'll show you very quickly how we can then start to play maybe a slightly lower running one with a slightly different Club
okay shoulders off TOS level wrist kinked
yeah watch this and do that stop a bit quicker little bit higher a little bit high and that's what a 60° is going to help you do okay let's just play one more let's play a slightly more running shot and I'll see what the difference is between the techniques so if I was to put you change you here just for a second give you a 99 okay and all we do for this uh shot to the middle is play it's just the same type of princi you don't change the setup we still want to have a downward angle attack but what you're going to do is you're going to pick roughly a landing spot which is going to be maybe two or three pces onto the green it's going to curve can you see the green nice B left to right left to right so we want to be aing left of the flag right and it's going to curve from left to right so get yourself set to this one okay and just play the same thing but just with a 99 right it's going to be clear it's going to come off faster so you want to be looking at something your focal point where most people get wrong focal Point needs to be landing Point not flag most people struggle with distance control because what they're doing is is the last thing they look at is the flag and really what you told your brain is is that's where my target is so you then end up swinging the length to the flag to the flag and then you either desel because you know it's too hard Etc right so yes read the whole thing but the last thing you look at is the point at which you want the ball to land okay there you go watch this you see Chase right up there you follow right
Beauty watch this go in going in going in ohes make sense so close yeah all right there you go how simple is that it's a lot easier than putting yeah it is exactly right so just visual make sure you always visualize when these tabos shots are very very very low trajectory tap
shot beautiful just just L back see see little bit to the r you you fell back a fraction which has means you closed the fish and dragged it but it's still look in Pall wrench still great little pitch all right so massive thanks to sadet golf club for putting us up uh for the day but look if you enjoyed this video and you want to see more lessons light this live lessons with students struggling with a driver I am play you name it check this playlist out right here if you want to learn how to get out of bunkers check this one out right here and of course look if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button down below so you don't miss out on any future videos but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.
Transcript Summary-