Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks Johnny is it this week I want to give you what I think is probably the most important golf lesson you could ever have and I know it seems like a really really really big promise but I don't want you to fall into some of the mistakes I personally have done in the past and I see so many golfers doing I don't you found this but have you watched some of the great youtubers giving you some fantastic drills and fantastic tips but sometimes you just really struggle to implement them you know they're pretty good you understand them they should work but for whatever reason they don't and if they do they just last for a short amount of time and then they kind of disappear and they stopped working any move on to the next thing well in this week's training we're going to show you why that's the case and also we're going to give you some I'm gonna give you some real help on maximizing your base of your time if you're putting a lot of time into watching people like myself or some of the other wonderful youtubers out there I want you to basically benefit from every drill that you actually see and that's what we're going to cover so before we do if you're new to Channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing I released content like this every single week to help you improve your game so how can you benefit from a video like this one or view to like me or any of the other great youtubers out there what I'm finding is and I made this mistake myself the other day I'm working on my short game and I'm working on a specific image or feeling that I'm supposed to be after you know one of the things I was finding with my short game here is how I need to get the club releasing a lot earlier I tend to kind of drive the handle a fraction like a lot of players and here's me working really really hard on this Martian problem is I had no camera setup I've got no mirrors and nobody to tell me what I'm doing now the problem with that is is how do I know whether I'm doing it right now and has it happened a good colleague of mine was around me at the time and I'm there kind of making these swings thinking I'm doing exactly what I'm working on I wasn't so there I was for 45 minutes to an hour I probably hit 45 maybe 100 balls maybe maybe just a bit less than hundred balls and those hundred balls were completely and utterly wasted because what I thought I was working on what I actually was with two different things and my colleague my lab AC system II he says basically when you're tipping down you're turning your shoulders way too much through the impact area and I'm like really I said yes so what you want to do is you want to kind of get this sensation you're coming through like this I'm kind of staying much much squarer anywhere the feeling of that that feeling of staying much still er just felt completely not ly wrong and I Molly don't want your shoulders completely not turning through impact so anyway I'm hitting these shots up and these shots are like incredible arms started to strike my chip shots amazing I'm almost holding him for like 20 hours yet the feeling I was getting was this horrible kind of oh god that feels so blocky and horrible so the image in my mind was this horrible blocky feeling really you know as far as I'm concerned into the mechanics completely wrong I don't want a completely square shoulder impact I want to be rotating through et cetera et cetera so then puts me on camera what am i doing I'm turning for you beaut beautifully that feeling of this kind of horrible blocky kind of sensation didn't exist at all that was all in my imagination because I was getting this horrible feeling I create his image that was blocky but I got the reality on the camera and do you know what if that camera hadn't been set up I would have seen all of this for myself so if you're working on something the problem is if you don't have a camera set up and that what I'll do is and for those of you who want a very cheap setup that could be done so so cheaply I'll put a link in the description box below maybe two or three different tripod to budget tripod and all the tripods can kind of come with like a phone phone adapter so you know you can literally just plug your phone on the on the tripod of a film yourself this is really really easy it set up but if you don't have something set up to measure what you're doing you cannot be just wasting potentially time because you need to be able to look at what you're doing and see if we're actually a working on it is actually what you got working on because you know what unfortunately our feelings completely and utterly lied to us you know that they're me I'm feeling this feels great put my shots are rubbish until Marla comes along and I'm like this feels disgusting feels completely wrong wrong image in my mind no way does I can do like that yeah the shots are good I'm like oh my god and then you look on camera and hair out I have what I classes my perfect technique so feeling real massive in gulf coaching so really really simply all i want you to do is is when you see a drill on a youtube channel or an exercise you now know what it's supposed to look like yeah what i want you to do now is you need to when you're practicing you need to have either somebody who understands the drill behind you give me some thoughts you need to have a mirror or better still just set up a camera yeah yeah and I think you know make sure you got some kind of smartphone sticky on a tripod like that put all the links in the description below and make sure whatever you're working on you're actually working on most changes when people make a change they don't feel good they feel pretty awkward feel a bit uncomfortable they're supposed to feel like that I didn't feel and I felt really uncomfortable that uncomfortable feeling then your brain triggers off an image it feels like this it then looks like that but do you know what it doesn't look like that put on camera have a look and you go ah now the great thing about it is is when I'm chipping now do you know what I'm doing on a golf course I'm now searching for this horrible feeling because I know that horrible feeling is the technique that I want to have when I go and perform okay so I really hope this video is really helpful that for me it's possibly the most important thing any golfer can do there's some wonderful advice up there and I really want you to benefit from it all so just in summary what do you do if you want to benefit from all this great advice the question is is you need a way of measuring your practice get yourself set up get a camera set up get a mirror make sure that what you're working on is what you're working on and also remember this it's not gonna feel great your the feelings that you get when you make a change don't match the image that you're getting sounds pretty confusing just a summary I felt as I was all blocky that give me an image of being blocky the actual image was actually the image I was after okay so I hope you enjoyed the training please share this with as many people as you can I would love to help you know stack of people with this because it's something that I know a lot of people just do not do but it's so so important so please share it and of course look if you am you are a subscriber yet to the channel consider subscribing and I look forward to see you next week so have a great golfing week