Most Golfers Ruin Their Golf Swing Because They Ignore This Advice
Sep 06, 2024Transcript Summary-
Hey golfers, today I want to share with you three incredibly simple adjustments that, if done right, will immediately help you hit your driver straighter and strike your irons more solidly. These basics are often ignored, but I recently realized that even I was guilty of overlooking them, and it was costing me accuracy.
First up, your grip! It’s easy to overlook, but if your grip is off, it can ruin your swing. A strong grip causes hooks, while a weak grip leads to slices. Make sure your lead hand shows about 2.5 knuckles, and your trail hand is placed correctly along the fingers—not the palm. Keep it neutral!
Second, your hands and arms. Practice hinging the club properly by folding your trail arm on the backswing and allowing the lead arm to guide the club naturally. This movement helps your accuracy and power.
Finally, the setup. The ball position must stay consistent across your irons, but widen your stance slightly as clubs get longer. For drivers, adjust your ball position a little more forward and lean slightly into your trail foot for the right path.
Make these adjustments, and you'll feel the difference instantly. Give it a try, and if you found this helpful, don't forget to subscribe for more tips. Also, check out my website for deeper insights. Have a great golfing week!
Full Transcript- did you know there are three incredibly tiny things that if you change in your gol swing you will instantly start to hit driver straighter and strike your irons much more solid but every single golfer seems to ignore them they've made the game far more complicated these three things instantly make a difference they instantly make a difference to every single one of my students ability to hit driver and strike their irons and you know what embarrassingly so I too recently were ignoring them and it was costing me I'm going to go into that in a second but before do look if you're new to the channel it's one of your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing all these videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so when you want to improve your driver or your irons where do you start that is a question that I get asked time and time again from all of my students well look whether you're a beginner golfer intermediate golfer Advanced or even a professional like myself you start right here the on the simple simple stuff now personally I was ignoring it recently I had a recent session with a good friend of mine gr Walker coach to Tommy Fleetwood and we I spent a bit of time with him hit a few shots and he said Danny take a look at this and I've been hitting some hooks I've been struggling my ball striking not as accurate as a lightwe driver and I looked at it and he looked at me and I looked at him and I went oh my God i' got so lazy with these Basics now the first basic is this my grip and I see this is every single golfer my grip your grip is like if you're struggling with your CL uh your your ball striking and your a direction my bet is just like me is cor that your grip is corrupting your golf swing so the first thing we're going to do today is make sure 110% that your grip is spot on now most people ignore it they'll switch past this I've heard grip a thousand times me too right but mine mine had got very very strong without me even realizing now what what do I mean by that well look when you look down at your lead hand for instance I should be able to see maybe just a couple of two and a half Knuckles on my lead hand with a thumb just sitting to the side I'll show you how to set up to this in a second but unfortunately my grip my left hand grip had turned so much over here without me realizing it had become incredibly what we call strong in reality it meant that my club face through impact wanted to close down rapidly right what does that do in my golf swing well my golf swing as a byproduct was corrupted it now was swinging my body was moving in such a way to counter that and try to keep that face from closing down so I start to slide I start to push my hands forward that would get me leaning back a little bit sometimes catching the ground a fraction behind the golf ball blocking almost like a cricet cover drive it was really ruining my go swing all because of the grip yeah now with a lot of my am students who often maybe are slicers not hookers their grip will be too much turned this way to two week where I can barely see any Knuckles the club gets high in the Palm again I'll show you how to grip in a second but what that does is it leaves the face wide open as a byproduct what they do is is they do their best the body does its best to try to get the club back to square but watch this as it's trying to get back to square now suddenly like we get into Scoopy chicken wing fashion why because that's the only way because if I got my hands ahead of the golf ball with a very weak grip chances are the fist is going to be wide open you'll be hitting out to the right so you then start to kind of do this to try and square it a change in the grip sometimes is all that you need to instantly change your swing so let's start with that premise first so all gra did with me really simply initially was look he just gave me a grip trainer I'll put a link to that grip trainer in the description box below but I'm going to show you how to grip it really effectively hold the club out at 45° like this okay now take take your lead hand and all you're going to do here look is make sure that the the the grip end here runs through the middle of your finger to the base of your little finger can you see this yeah then look we're going to grip simple as that you're going to Simply hold the grip now if I bring a bit closer you should be able to see now look one two and a half Knuckles and this thumb is just sitting just to the right of Center if you are too weak the chances are see I've got this kind of little thing here you're too much on this side I was too strong strong over here this just sets it absolutely perfectly now with the with the with the uh the trail hand here all we're going to do look is we're going to run the grip along the fingers here of that trail hand and look here look right hand's coming on pinching that grip here and notice this I'm not grabbing it this is together here and it's absolutely spot on this is why the grip trend is very very useful it just makes life a lot easier to start with but this is vital Al Al important so just one more thing on the grip take a look at here what do you notice can you see how my hands are joined together I join my hands by just putting my little finger look over my index finger like this keep it very simple some players like to have what we call an interlocking grip where they interlock these two fingers and other players like a baseball 10 finger grip where all fingers are on the club I don't really have a preference as long as your hands are on the club what we call fairy neutrally I don't want too much like I was which is turn this way too strong that's in a in basically a hook position and I don't like them too weak in a slice position I like them somewhere fairly neutral like that okay now before I get on to the other two tips that gra reminded me of let me just give you a quick bonus tip now you've got a really healthy grip so I want to show you how your hands and arms work effectively in the golfing because it really helps your accuracy and your power so take a golf club put it out in front of you like this now all I want you to do is keeping the book fairly consistent here just down level like this just hinge the club upwards so it pitches inside just on your Trail shoulder here and you'll notice it's almost like level with the left arm almost parallel with the left arm this by the way is now how the hands and arms work in your back swing this is it the trail B's folding beautifully this is setting you up right absolutely perfect now on the way down I'll come to that in a second but look at how this kind of is going to hugely help you now in the back swing as you swing back we're going to Imagine This motion blend it in with a turn look the trail elbow sitting down and I'm that's it that's your back swing it's just everything's beautifully look folding into the back swing so what do you need to do now on the way down well look at this this is your back swing here on the way down here watch we're now going to pitch the club over our lead shoulder and what happens to Le lead down now that sits down it doesn't pop out it just sits down this is the down swing so now it looks like this full hold it back it's coming down and now look releases and folds through beautifully I couldn't do that why because if IID have done this watch this if my face is really closed because of my grip if I start to kind of do this what's going to happen it's going to shut even more so I start to do this to try and hit it straight ruining my swing all because of the grip now if you have the opposite and it's got an open face do you think here you're going to be letting this open even more on the bo it back no the chances are you going to be basically trying to square it it will ruin the swing all right so let me hit a shot for you now and just get in the feel of and this is kind of want uh what I want you to do you get yourself set here you might even want i' I've been doing a little bit recently little kind of reminder of this kind of motion here get yourself
set so that just feels completely and effortless it feels like I just beautifully flow through the sh and I can flow through it because of the R now I want to bring you in on this kind of private lesson between me and Graeme I usually keep this in a vault that I only share with my members on Danny moore.com but I thought it was so valuable Graham's going to go through the setup small tweaks in the setup that really improve your driver swing and your iron swing it's incredibly valuable check it out right now you're going to absolutely love it if I stood there like that yeah I would be a CL B in from that there yeah my armpits there would be there and they would be through my knees there that would be 6 that's my what I would often call my gate yes right y if you give me a six hand now yeah you'll see and I turn my right foot out a little bit my left foot out a little bit you got it yep and I just wrap that around my toe there like that yeah you see how that's into the Project X into the ex Project X and you see so if I just touch it now like like that just just on the edge of my left foot yeah as my right foot's turned now now it's just there on the X you get it yep right you got an A IR pass me your a time and get me your four iron as well there's your four iron there's your eighton there's your six iron there's your eight iron okay see you left deal yeah Club it away from there y right foot yeah right that gives you the gate so let me just quickly clarify what grae's saying there ball position remains constant a club inside your lead foot the only thing that changes is as the club gets longer look from pitching wedge here to eight to 6ine to 4 your stance get slightly wider this gives the impression the ball position has actually changed but it hasn't look that's my pitching wedge it looks quite Central in my stance and this is my forine now looks like it's forward the ball position hasn't changed which means that the swing can remain the same each and every single time your angle of attack your low Point everything remains constant and all you're doing is changing that stance width what about things like the would you about things like a three wood would that change show you yeah so if I stand there with three wood yeah I look at it I can have the little that way but I'd like to almost like feel that it's a ball there so
often I'd have it
as ball away there right y so my three would be be there okay so if you look at your your three-wood there now like that yeah see where your three-wood is just inside that yeah got it so so with all the irons the ball position is staying constant yeah but with a three three wood Move It Up by Ball by a b ball and then and then you'll see that that'll be two or three on the way down you'll be that's that's what that will maybe passing it a little bit further left because yeah and then driver yeah right so so I like to get the bottom of the club to touch it yeah happy yeah I like to get my left heel at the end of it y put my right foot there y okay y symmetrical and then just when you say symmetrical what do you mean as in I feel evenly balanced evenly shoulders Etc and then I feel that all I'm going to do now is I'm just going to lean to my right fraction till that touches my antle yeah heel and that will give me my correct path numbers for the driver got it yeah super simple and so what you're really saying with this is how you're showing how important setup is yeah maintaining consistency with every Club in the bag
yeah so you want to be able to do that which is just clip the ball online yeah you're not trying to you know that's not does and and to me that doesn't look hard work for you no no it's not at all if I that doesn't look like you're having to overthink it so hope hope you've realized that the smallest things that most of the time you're ignoring will make the biggest differences to your game personally when he talks about ball position my ball position was getting too far back my stance was getting too far wide that brings on more hooks if your ball position gets too far forward it will bring on more slices so getting a system that gets it correct every single time is vital vital for every Club in your bag now look if you enjoy this video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and if you'd like to know more about how this Trail arm works in your gowing check this video right here and of course look if you want to get access to the vault as it were heading over to Danny mod.com and become a member over there but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.