My Short Game Never Improved until I discovered this…
Oct 31, 2023Full Transcript - 9 out of 10 students I was coaching this week were really struggling with their chip shots around the green particularly if the ball was nestled in deep rough and they had to play a delicate shot what they would actually do is either fat it or thin it they just didn't know how to play it so they all had different problems so in this video what I'm going to share with you is five simple things that you can do to improve your chipping strike your tripping consistency and your distance control from any lie in fact what I'm going to do is I'm going to play all these shots from a real shocking life just to prove to you that this technique works from everywhere so let's get started with tip number one so before we go into the actual technique you know nobody sets up correctly the amount of times people are struggling with their chipping and they've actually got a reasonable action the problem is is they're striking it poorly simply because they don't put their body in the right place now the first thing I want you to do is get fairly narrow but get also a little bit closer almost crowd the ball a little bit here this is not a proper swing right we want the club to be falling down on the ball we don't want to have this great big Arc which is going to be created a few clubs out here so get a bit closer and turn your lead foot out here so that you can you've got some space look to come through but then the most important bit we want this club to be dropping beautifully down underneath the golf ball here now a lot of people realize they've got to get their weight forward but they do it incorrectly they push forward now are you doing this are you pushing forward because when you push forward and lean back suddenly the shoulders get too much of a tilt now we're in a position here to hit up on the ball too much we can't fat it we might thin it okay so when you get your lead when you put your weight forward literally stack the middle of your shoulders over your hips here okay so you're directly on top and this levels out the shoulders now what happens look when I let the club fall now the I can almost guarantee that the club's gonna fall exactly where that ball is and that's what you need for a great strike so tip number one make sure you're in a great setup position so you can start striking those chip shots tip number two use the golf club as more of a counterbalance through impact don't drive the handle towards the golf ball now this is a problem I personally had when the ball was buried okay I would find myself trying to I want to strike it so I would actually go at the golf ball like this but I would drive my handles instinctively towards the ball this D lost the club now if I did strike the ball it would go way too far so then naturally I'd see it going too far I'd start to get nervy and a bit yippy with these I see this so many times with many many my students so we need to get a sense of using rather than driving the handle allowing the club to slip under the golf ball now what I want to do is imagine this butt end here working almost like the letter L so here look I'm the club is slipping under the bottom keeping the club Loft on it all of the time how does this apply to this way well I had to get rid of the instinct to hit at and trust that I'd get the club literally sliding onto the golf ball and the button here look working in a letter L up and back and that allows the club look to slip underneath what it's actually doing on the feeling I had and this is this club's going to show you is the the club shaft unloads through impact as opposed to loads like this then snaps back so unloading is this way that is what's going to get the Loft on the golf club so as soon as they've got that sensation and trusted it I start to get the balls popping up so let's have a look at this in action so same thing get myself set here I'm in that same setup position and all I'm going to get a sense of here and tip three is going to really enhance this I'll go into that a second is get the sense of the club look going slipping under by this book working up in the letter L shift here that gives me space look to slip The Loft under as opposed to drive and get it going too far let's have a look at this in action
now you'll see here I've slipped the ball beautifully under the golf ball but it's gone to the right which brings in tip number three so it's great you've now got the idea of this counterbalance weight of the club working underneath the golf ball but this could be just waving all over the place you need to be able to control it somehow and secondly you need to recognize that the club works on an arc and if I just did this like I did there yes I might get some half decent strikes but the ball is going to be off direction we need to get the club working on an arc bring in tip number three using the trail arm to help you generate a beautiful pivot in the body this is super super important so what I always do is you've got your setup now take your trailer and use the bicep and just turn it inwards towards your body hold it now in your Trail arm and all I'm going to do here is this I'm going to keep that bicep turn this way swing back and a little pivot and I'm going to Pivot through here and feel notice I'm standing up a little bit whilst I'm pivoting through what this is doing is it's helping the club naturally swing on a knack by having the bicep turned in once it's keeping the Loft on the club often I see where the golfers here is they might get this kind of pendulum but they're doing it in a really uncontrolled wear like this you'll never Strike It consistently you'll never get distance control so once you've got that kind of sensation you've got your destination notice how much taller I am here okay now you've got an idea of okay that's what I am trying to do so I'm getting the feeling of the club working it in this L-shaped here bottoming out underneath the golf ball while simultaneously controlling it now within beautiful pivot okay clean the face so I can get some backspin or a little bit of spin even out of this thick rough okay and let's have a look at this in action
there we go okay so much much more controlled I've now got a destination that I'm going to I've now got a pivot I'm letting the club just fall underneath let's now move on to tip number four which is really really crucial if you want to get that distance control so tip number four is all about distance control and and feel and you've put those first three phases in place you're starting to build a little bit of confidence up but this is what you'll see with any great player you'll see a lovely Rhythm and speed and confidence to their action and the what makes it look that way okay compared to the yippee knee motion that you see with a lot of other people is is they really allow the club head to flow through underneath the ball and they do that by actually stopping their hands after impact fairly briskly okay now you see here if I start to still get the pivot but stop my hands briskly the club will accelerate through underneath the Gopher which is great when you're coming out of the rough now all you've got to do this just comes with a bit of practice and a bit of feel so what I'm going to do here is I'm just going to get myself set up I've got the pivot and I'm going to imagine the club stopping also the hand stopping a little bit quicker here close to my lead pocket if I've driven at the golf ball they'll end up too far away if I just imagine keeping them nice and close that will automatically get a bit more acceleration in that club head
okay just like that now let me put the final ingredient to this so you can take it out to the golf course with tip number five so if you're finding these tips useful consider subscribing I release videos just like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus I'll pin in the top comments a free practice plan that you can access showing you step by step how to do this just watch it take it home do whatever you want with it but now let's move on to tip number five so tip number five is the glue that holds this all together you need a rhythm to your chipping action and that Rhythm comes from your routine I want you to look at the rhythm of this I get to the golf ball I have practice swings working on that sensation but then notice this gonna put the club Behind the ball I'm looking at my landing spot just two or three feet onto the green get myself set one two and follow through pretty good okay now I've noticed the Rhythm in this motion okay I want you to start to add that to your action it's not kind of standing over here thinking of a million things I want the Rhythm Club behind one two and follow through simple as that yes got to work a little bit of accuracy but get that Rhythm into your action so if you love this video and you'd like to see some of these things in action with the real student a proper student even a beginner a player making tough lies look easy check this lesson out right here and of course look if you're new to the channel come and join the commute by pressing this button right here but until next week have a great golfing week
Summary Transcript -
"Hey there, folks! In this video, I'm going to share five essential tips to help you excel in your chip shots, especially from tricky situations like deep rough. You won't believe how these simple adjustments can improve your chipping game from any lie. Let's get started with tip number one.
First things first, it's all about the setup. So many golfers struggle with chipping, not because of their swing, but because their setup is off. Get a bit closer to the ball, narrow your stance, and turn your lead foot out slightly to give yourself room to come through. The key is to make sure your weight is directly over your hips, leveling out those shoulders for a precise strike.
Moving on to tip number two. Use your club as a counterbalance. Stop trying to drive the handle toward the ball; that's a common mistake. Instead, think of the club's butt end working in an 'L' shape, allowing it to slide under the ball. This unloading motion maintains loft and helps you strike the ball consistently.
Now, onto tip number three, where we'll talk about the importance of control. The club naturally works on an arc, but you need to manage that arc. Use your trail arm's bicep to turn inwards towards your body, and as you swing, allow for a little pivot. This ensures a controlled, precise swing.
Tip number four is all about distance control. Once you've mastered the previous steps, work on your feel for how far the ball should go. After your swing, stop your hands close to your lead pocket, and the club will accelerate through beneath the ball. This is the key to controlling the distance of your chip shots.
Last but not least, tip number five, the glue that ties it all together: rhythm. Rhythm is crucial for a smooth and confident chipping action. Create a consistent routine that involves practice swings, focusing on your landing spot just a couple of feet onto the green, and a simple one, two, and follow-through rhythm.
If you found these tips useful, don't forget to subscribe to my channel. I release videos like this every week to help you improve your game. And I've even pinned a free practice plan in the top comments for you to access, which breaks down these tips step by step. It's your roadmap to better chipping.
So, there you have it, five simple but powerful tips to take your chipping game to the next level. With practice and dedication, you'll be making those tough lies look easy out on the golf course. Until next week, have a fantastic week of golf!"