My Students Hit Driver Straight & Long Forever Because of This (Using Science)

best driver tip driver Sep 16, 2024

 Transcript Summary-

Hey everyone! If you’re a regular on my channel, you've seen countless golfers in my live lessons gain 30, 40, or even 50+ yards with their driver—without losing any accuracy. It might seem unbelievable, especially with what looks like an effortless swing, but in this video, I’m going to take you through the exact process I use to help golfers achieve this consistently. No matter your age or ability, everyone can add distance while maintaining accuracy, and I’m excited to show you how.

Before we dive in, if you're new here, please consider subscribing! I release videos like this every week to help improve your game. Plus, I always include a free downloadable practice guide in the description, so you don’t have to remember everything.

Now, if you’re joining me for a lesson today, there are three key areas we’ll focus on: your hands, your arms, and how your body blends into the motion. Let's get started!

Step 1: Check Your Grip The way you hold the club massively influences the clubface. I see it all the time when giving lessons—the first thing I often fix is someone’s grip. If the world’s #1 golfer, Scottie Scheffler, uses a grip trainer every time he practices, then so should we! I'll give you a quick overview of how to hold the club properly, but if you don’t have a grip trainer, don’t worry—just focus on positioning your hands correctly on the club. A great grip gives you control over the clubface and sets the foundation for adding effortless speed.

Step 2: Adding Effortless Speed with Hands and Arms Many modern teaching methods focus on taking the hands and arms out of the swing, but that’s a huge mistake. The hands and arms are a massive power source, especially for golfers with limited body movement, like some of my senior clients. Here’s how to get your hands and arms working efficiently: Hold the club in front of you, hinge it over your trail shoulder, and let your elbow fold naturally inward. On the downswing, pitch the club over your lead shoulder. This motion adds a natural release to your swing, helping you generate speed without much effort. It’s simple but incredibly effective.

Step 3: Blend the Body Once you’ve got your hands and arms working, it's time to blend in some body rotation. Start by keeping your feet close together—this helps prevent over-rotating or lunging during the swing. As your hands and arms swing freely, you’ll notice your body naturally wants to turn with them. Now, begin flaring your feet slightly, allowing your trail shoulder to rotate on the backswing and your lead shoulder to follow on the downswing. This smooth blend adds power while keeping everything under control.

Finally, as you get more comfortable, widen your stance and gradually add more turn. For extra power, let your lead heel come off the ground, helping you make a bigger turn and generate even more speed.

Remember, this process is all about building your swing in stages. Get your grip right, use your hands and arms effectively, blend in your body, and only then start ramping up the power. When things go off-track, just dial it back, focus on the basics, and build it up again. This way, you’ll gain yardage without sacrificing accuracy.

I hope this lesson helps! If you know someone struggling with their driver, please share this video. And as always, you’ll find a free practice guide in the description below. See you next week!

Full Transcript- So if you're regular to my channel you will seeing countless number of golfers in my live lessons here getting 30 40 50 plus yards with a driver without losing any accuracy a lot of people find it unbelievable when they see these numbers they're going no way are they hitting it that far we what looks like an effortless swing well in this video I'm going to show you this process that I take them through to help them achieve it time and time again I just know it's going to help because no matter your age or ability everybody can gain yardage without losing any accuracy at all and before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel one your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing or these videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download a practice guide in the description box below so if you are joining me on the lesson T today the three things I'm going to look for in your swing I'm going to look for what are your hands doing then I'm going to look for what your arms are doing and then I'm going to look how are you blending that body motion into that so that's what we're going to do right now so the first thing I want to do is this I want you to have double check your grip your hand the way you hold the golf club has a massive influence over the club face so many times and when I'm on the lesson to the first thing I'm doing is checking somebody's grip an example would be this so a great grip I mean I use look grip trainers so I've got a grip trainer here and I a grip trainer here I'll put links to these in the in the description box below if the world's number one gol for Scotty Sheffer is every time he practices this is the exact one he uses actually um is using a grip trainer to make sure grips right I think we should all be checking our grips before we start hitting golf shots so I'll give you a rough real quick uh overview of how you hold it if you don't have one of these so hold the club out at 45° let the club look sit run through the middle part of your index finger to the base of your little finger here this looks like this now what this does is it will leave I want to like an inch above this is really really important because when your hands hands on the club like this I don't know if you can see this but the had this section of my lead hand here sits on top now this is really important because this bit enables you to push down this adds a lever to this golf club and adds power too many golfers this PW here is turned on this side of the club you don't have a lever you don't have power so make sure this hand's in a great spot each and every single time with your Trail hand very very simple just keep the club look at 45 de bring the club in look from the index finger run it down the fingers here and hold it in the club in the hand like this what you'll find or you should find is that the thumb and forefinger that the line here should Point towards my trail shoulder here with my lead hand and if I put my trail hand on here look it should also point the thumb and th finger line should Point towards my trail hand you can see when I talk through this it can seem a lot initially which is why I personally completely ignore a lot of that I just I use a grip trainer because it's simple easy and I can just think oh wow that feels a little bit different different today which means my grip would have slept slept slipped I tend to get a little bit more this way so get the hands on the club this is stage number one so now I know that you've got you will have some control over this club face because the grip's in a great place I want to help you add some effortless speed this is kind of what I want to do with a lot of my players initially add effortless speed and I do this by getting or teaching them how to use the hands and arms correctly in the go swing now a lot of people in certainly modern teaching they often try to take their hands hands and arms out of it it's absolutely crazy they are a huge power source massive power source particularly for some of my senior clients who don't can't move their body correctly understanding how to move their hands and arms is oh it's Priceless for them absolutely Priceless so let me show you um how how we do this so hold the club out in front of you here and I'm holding it just on my left PEC here and all I'm going to do leaving the butt alone here I want you to hinge that club just over your Trail shoulder not around here just over your Trail shoulder and you'll notice as I'm doing this as I I continue to do this can you see how my elbow here is almost pointing inwards towards my body this is the great motion of exactly how your hands and arms are going to work in the back swing right now on the down swing what we're going to do is is we're going to pitch the club now over the lead shoulder this sits the elbow down here and already creates a release now this is massive right so so simple this and I gave this to my dad um a few weeks back and funny if I was up with him just a few days ago and it's the best I've ever seen him swing he was hting so much further with half the effort by doing this and the reason being is a lot of people particularly this motion here this is a wonderful release CU most people are like this or this or this yeah so understanding this and how this works is super super valuable so how do you take that and start hitting golf balls with it well the first thing is is just to kind of hold the club out in front of you here get that first sense here understand that this elbow here is going to fold down it's going to sit down this is your back swing as it's going of come through here you're going to fold it this way this pitches over my lead should and look and where's my le elbow pointing downwards so here's the trick start with your feet really close together ball position just off the the front uh toe and all all I want you to focus on remember we're run in step two right now is getting the hands and arms working efficiently you're going to be amazed at how far this ball goes with very little body action right now why I want you to have your feet together is it's just a brilliant way of helping your body to naturally rotate without you thinking it stops golf as lunging around all over the place yeah and ultimately it just really really helps to simplify the whole goal thing and allow you to basically put all your attention just on your hands and your arms now one addition before we hit the shot is I'm going to grab a head cover and I want this head cover to be around about just maybe just past the grip length in front of my golf ball that's all right and because the reason why we just put that there is because when you're hitting a driver for the average ameter if you can U average am are hitting down too much on drivers so you don't hit it really far you w to get up in the air enough so getting that uh head cover just a grip ahead it does a couple things it just helps you hit a little bit up on the ball hitting up on the ball naturally helps you hit it a bit further we know some of the best players in the world Hit slightly down on it but they are hting 300 yards they can do that but the majority of am at golf if you can just hit a little bit up it just gets maybe an extra five six seven eight yards which is really really useful so we get we've got our griping place our feet are close together look balls off our front almost my front toe for this particular shot right and all I'm going to do is focus look on getting those hands and arms working listen to this noise can you hear the noise already and all I'm doing is swing my hands and arms most people are rigid and they're using that body where's the noise there isn't one so we're getting the sense now of using just those back and through let's have a look at

this so really simple just pure hands and arms working I look how far that's gone 242 yards but this is the thing I'm more impressed with when you start using your hands and arms affected good grip good motion face to path club path everything here absolutely perfectly Square this is kind of what I want for you so what you start and a lot of people look at and go no way I mean I get comments all on the channel there's no way that's gone with that swing has gone that far well look this is a 20,000 track M machine I hope it's accurate so what we're doing with this is the reason why it's working is because you know no matter your flexibility there speed and the speed is got a lot of speed is going to come from using your hands and your arms they've got a lot of speed of course what we want to do is we want to increase the control of that and even increase that speed even more by blending in the body but stage number one is once you've got a good hold really educate yourself as to what those hands and arms are doing do it with your feet together cuz even in last swing you'll see that I'm still using my body because having the feet together almost guarantees that you're going to have some form of rotation so with my players I will just get them to maybe go on a golf course like this with their feet together just swinging with their hands and their arms now moving on to step three you want to start to blend in that body right now the reality is look when you start doing this and letting this elbow fold you'll see how naturally the body wants to kind of go around with it you see the difference there my elbow's folding downwards a lot of people when they're swinging they're doing this and then the arm goes all over the place but as soon as you kind of fall get this wrist working correctly here pitching over that trail shoulder and the elbow folds your body's already wanting to marry up and blend with this motion now look on the way down as I'm coming down now on the way down here and I start to imagine myself doing this can you see here how as I'm doing this this lead elbow's going downwards my body's naturally wanting to go with it because look look at this watch this if I do this what's this body want to it's wanting to turn through the shots it's already educating and starting to blend your body in so this is the next stage I want you now just to flare both feet out a little bit here gives you a bit of mobility and I want you just to feel like you're going to let the trail should as you're doing this naturally turn behind you on the way back so you're blending the motion with your arms and as you come through look all I'm going to do is Imagine This motion on the way through and blend that in on the way through so you see here my body is just kind of matching and kind of marrying up with that motion so again I'm not going to go for any particularly big shots but I'm going to add the body into this I'm going to leave the head cover there to help my attack angle so I'm not hitting down too much on it let's have a look at this in

action again small stance felt really smooth let look how that one's gone 248 beautifully down the middle of the thway I would take that absolutely every single time that felt more effortless that one really really did why because I was now blending the body a little bit more into this super super simple now you could go on a golf course immediately and start uh just with that motion alone now as we've done that so You' you you've got your grip you've got the hands and the arms work and you're starting to blend now a little bit of body into this on the way back look and on the way through the elbow sitting down on the way back body's turning elbow sitting down on the way through body's turning what we're going to do now is gradually move the stance a little bit further apart and start to take some of those feelings now if you start lunging around a little bit that's not going to help right so what we want to do now is to widen the platform so that we can add a little bit more turn onto this so I need a bigger platform in order for me to make a bigger turn on the way back and then I can also the more the bigger the platform the more balance I've got the more I can really rip through it on the way through but we build it up gradually so move it a little bit further apart ball St now is just opposite my lead heel I do a little rehearsal one two one two get that sensation here and let's blend this whole Motion

in just cem a little bit off the top of the club that one just a little bit yeah it didn't go quite as far but let's do that one again okay now all we do with this is you can see here I I practiced this not going miles off FL that one's not hugely offline so I'm still hitting it straight wasn't the best strike in the world and might even just hit that head cover a little bit on that one as well so I've come slightly down on it so get myself set up again hinge it up get that turn on the way back back on the way through let it release that's what I'm really focusing I want to you to get your hands and your arms working in a beautifully free motion and we'll start to ramp it up bit by bit that felt a little bit better again it just feels like I'm still not doing very much 232 this time but look look at these numbers dead straight now if I said to you now okay what would I need to do to start to push that to let's say 260 270 and 280 well now what we're going to do you need to get braver so we've got control we're going to widen our stance a bit now so we can be a bit braver and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to start to ramp up I've got the basic motion I've got the blending but what I'm going to do now is is I'm even going to start to let my lead heel now come off the ground why because that really helps me make a bigger turn so finally as I get into my 40s I'm a little bit stiffer in my back helping me get that extra bit of turn helping that lead feel heel comes off the ground really helps me to make a bigger turn so I'm going to start ramping it up a little bit now same principles right we've got the coordination I can always go back to this if I start losing my accuracy yeah yeah but I'm now going to start ramping it up bit by bit lead heel comes up look bigger turn but same principle fire through still feels under control let's have a look at this in action so bit off the neck that time didn't quite strike it as I'd like but it will go further than that last one there you go now we're up to 270 and for me to get to like 300 all I'm going to do is really start to kind of got this is my Foundation this could always be my Fairway finder 250 down the middle but if I want to start to really add the power in I need to be a bit braver get the lead heel coming up maybe even allow those arms to go a little bit higher on the way back this is very very important and this is going to give me that extra bit of speed so I can push further and further towards that 300 ma without by the way losing control this is super super important so this is how we gradually start adding power to your game you build it up in stages but you do not start to push to that y there's no need to start with what we do is we simply basically get you to a stage where first of all you're striking it consistently every time I improve somebody's strike oops do he every time I try and improve somebody's strike what generally happens they hit it further anyway and they hit it straighter Build It Up from stage one get a good grip get your hands and arms working please don't take them out they're so important in your go swing you just then blend them with a body motion get that motion now the body's blending beautifully you can play golf like that most people can gradually widen your stance start adding in a bigger turn where you physically can and if you can keep pushing it let that lead heel come up blend it even more and start adding more and more power whenever you lose it like I do at times I just go right back to where I start and then build it back up again such a great way to get yardage whilst maintaining your accuracy hope you enjoyed this video if you know somebody who's struggling with a driver please do share it and look as I said I gave this to my dad and he absolutely loved it best I've ever seen swing it short gim out on the other hand was horrendous so I did give him a short gim lesson I'll leave that lesson right here if you want to go and see that it was really really cool um so I hope you enjoy the video I'll leave a practice free practice plan in the description box below but until next week have a wonderful ging week.