Nobody Has Ever Seen This Golf Tip Before & It's EPIC!
Nov 24, 2023Full Transcript- so a few months ago I was lucky enough to spend time with my mentor and world's number one coach Pete Cowan and he gave me something off camera that is helping so so many of my students and it's a wonderful tip it doesn't just work for the short game it works for their mid irons and the long game and ultimately it's this if you are struggling most of the time it's because through impact here you have a very weak position you don't have control over this club face it starts to get flicky here your arms start to bend you to lose lots of power and so in this video I'm to show you exactly what this is because it is unbelievable at training you into the correct feeling now what we're going to do is I'm going to show you how it works for your wedges first just basic chip shots then what we're going to do is we're going to move up the Fairway I'm going to show you how it can really help you as you get longer into the swing into your mid irons and then we'll finish off with your Woods it's absolutely brilliant now before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel it's one of your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing our leas videos just like this one every single week to trying to help you improve you game plus you'll never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download and practice guide in the description box below so let's start with pitching first and we'll move to your mid eyes and then your wood because what I'm going to show you is works for everything and it's wonderful really controlling the quality of your contact your direction and your distance now the great players what do you see them doing through impact you'll notice this common movement as they're swinging through what do you notice about my B and my arms here they're beautifully straight AR they my trail side has gone beautifully through the shot this movement is controlling what I like to call the swing Circle most of the time if you are struggling with distance Direction and contact you are having some form of breakdown through the impact area here you're getting risty your elbows are bending the body suddenly stop moving there's a multitude of things that's potentially happening so how do you go about creating this beautiful finish this is where this little device from Peete comes in okay it's absolutely brilliant all he's done is he's taken a putter grip a flat putter grip here like this okay now I normally put like this with a flat edge here and what do you notice about the club it's closed is put the putter grip at a 45 Dee Angle now why would he do this now you don't need this putter grip I'm going to show you how you can do all this without it in a second but it provides a great Visual and a really really good feel you see the flat bit is designed for your palm to be pushed into the shot now why is the push important well most times people aren't pushing with their Palm through impact what they're doing is they are flicking with their fingers they're trying to flick the club they're trying to release the club and they're getting this kind of flick watch here I'm pushing through as I push my palm through here my trail side entire Trail side works all the way through the impact area okay this is get giving me control but also but why is it at a 45° angle the golf swing is a circle it's a 45° Circle and the club swings on a circle but uh your hands also swing on a circle they're swinging on an ark okay and what you want to be doing you want to feel that this hand path is working as it's working towards the golf ball it starts here my palm is facing down around here and from here my palm is working left of Target that brings the club around so a swinging look on an arc can you see how this comes in now where the reason why it's angled at 45 is because it's giving the Sensation that we're putting pressure down on that golf ball and through so my hands are working left to release the club beautifully through the impact area golfers aren't doing that either you're not pushing through here you're flicking or what I see with a lot of play particular your hook instead of actually getting the PA hand path going left you are driving the hand path forward now right this way now we're in real trouble now you start getting those flicky motions okay so from this camera angle here all I'm going to get to do is this swing pitching right swing to out here where your palms just on top of the club flat bits to the top now and all you're going to do is you're going to rotate back to impact so you're back to 45 and you continue rotating through your he I'm pushing look through notice this when I say pushing I'm not pushing forward I'm pushing on the ark I'm releasing the whole right side on this AR and this is going to give me this beautiful controlled pitch
up okay it's a simple as that now what we're doing here all you're doing here is and you don't have to do the club initially just look at my tram start so very important by the way I missed this one face you now all you're doing the Palm is there it's on top and all we're doing look is rotating this Trail side down look at this rotation there through the impact area that's all you're doing the pan path is working left that brings the club from behind here works the club back out in front the hands are going left to do this and I'm able to control this beautiful as the right side continues moving through I'm able to keep those arms beautifully straight there's if if you struggle with this either your body's stopping and therefore if your body stops the cup will naturally be thrown or alternatively what you're doing is is you just don't have the Palm here pushing you don't have the whole right side pushing through the impact area here remember don't misinterpret push as in we're not pushing this way that will leave the face wide open you're pushing on the Ark of that Golf Club okay let's now move up to the mid irons where we start to work on how this is unbelievably helpful to get you into a great position at the top of the Swing so let's now extend this up to your mid irons here right now all we've done here is I've just put again same thing put a grip on a midon and all I'm doing is the same principle but now we're going to extend it back a little bit now before we do though just a one thing this is cheating you can actually do this in competitions but it is amazing at developing the swing yeah so you don't need in competitions but you know what if you don't play competitions put putter grips on all of your clubs at 45 degree angle and you guaranteed to start improve your golf swing okay now the other thing before we get into this some people when they see me kind of pushing through like this they often say are you hanging on Dany no this club is always swinging through beautifully freely the thing is this when you swing freely but your body stops of course it's going to get flicky but I want this club to swing as freely as possible but I want the inside are your body to keep working so that you've got some control over it through the impact area okay does that make sense so let's move up now so what we're doing we've now got the sensation you got the 45 degree angle here you feel the pressure on the arc going left we've got pressure here with flat bit there now where did we go we're going to go to what I call the 9 9:00 position I'm pushing back here where's the Flat bit now I'm pushing away from you my palm now is the way here it's pushing this way it's pushing down down and then around this is super important what do most people do they might roll their wrists you're not pushing down now are you halfway back they might from here they might actually go this way where's that going is that pushing down here no it's coming over the top so it's a great way to get a sense of creating and keep keeping this beautiful Circle so we've got the first part of circle here we're pushing away keeping the pal away this way this way notice when my elbow's naturally sitting down to do that that's all you do we're going to 9 9:00 we're going to go back down to here and then we're going to rotate push push push through on the ark again just like You' just done with a pitching so you're starting from here to here and then all we're doing is extending it up to there and then working it around does that make sense okay so let's hit a shot now and and all I'm going to focus on initially I'm going to feel that motion here I'm going to push through and really sense me turning onto that shot then I'm going to gradually extend it to 9:00 here and from here it's down straight down and around here I'm not from here going this way I'm going down back on back staying on the circle here to flat and then around okay let's have a look at this in
action so as you look at the slowmo now take a look at my arm look at how they're extending beautifully through the impact area there's no flicking there's no bending this is giving me complete control over that club face it's giving me complete control of strike and Direction now you can do this too now let's extend this to driver so with driver like all the clubs you don't want to be thinking about too many things so how can we apply this kind of pressure now look I've taken the P grip off and ultimately I've got standard one here how do we apply this pressure with the driver well let's start with what you've just learned the feelings and the images that you we're creating here there's a pressure look at start with setup there's a pressure this way okay this way down and left that's what it feels like okay we're working it here the Palm's on top now this is key here where's the Palm working it's working up and it's pointing away that forces the the elbow to sit down then where does it go it starts to point to the sky from here we it back down into here and then it's working look on the ark around here this is how you control it so you're controlling your right side my trail side here all the way through the shot so just at home take this Trail side and really practice and visualize this whole motion notice this it's not this where this is staying static I'm firing it down down through the shot and then through like this really feel at right side flowing through impact this is how you keep control but from feedback from my students what they love because they really got an idea of the feeling they need through impact they've now uh they simply do a little rehearsal before they hit driver they kind of get the sense here they feel the pressure at the start so they've set this Trail elbow not here or here they set it facing directly forward and what they're doing is is they're kind of almost doing this they're pushing through they just get a sense of pushing this Trail side through and under underneath because particularly if you slice most of the time you're on top here you're throwing it here the elbow's popping out if you just practice look pushing on the ark this way this now you can start small you can just get a sensation here of this working this Trail side working underneath and through and it's going to give you that beautiful solid motion once you know your destination it makes it so much easier once you know what you got to do here to for this bit St to happen naturally it makes no sense to do all this kind of weird stuff on the way back when you know that that is what you've got to do on the way through so let's rehearse it we feel it through impact here down and through let's have a look at this in
action so get the sensation of what this Trail side is supposed to be doing through the impact area it is so so important okay get it working the poter grip although legal in competitions if you fitted all your clubs with that and you didn't play in competitions wanted to to to beat your mates and develop an amazing gol swing it is amazing at doing that you just feel all the right places you need to be every single time it's fantastic and again if you don't have that and you don't want to do that just put that trail hand on top of the golf club here feel it there look feel it away from you here feel it above and all you're doing you're feeling the pressure on the circle all the time if I pull pull this away here I've lost all connection I've all it starts to get really loose keep it there and you've got this beautifully controlled motion all the way back and all the way through I absolutely love it so massive thanks to to Pete for sharing that with with me look if you want to see me have a short game session where we actually work on this kind of similar thing not with a grip actually but pressure coming through impact check this video out right here and I actually gave this works truly unbelievably well in bunkers check this video out right here where I gave Leo a lesson live lesson um using this exact technique in bunkers 2 so it works all over the place hope you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with a friend of course look the download practice guide in the description box below Come And subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so have a great golfing week.
Transcript Summary-