Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I if you're a senior golfer this is gonna be quite useful for you I'd run a senior clean this week and I had a number of senior golfers with a number one request was how do i how do I hit the ball much further Danny I'm struggling I feel like I'm losing distance now they cited a poor backswing and a lack of flexibility as to why they were losing distance personally however we managed to by the end of the session with every single one of them to improve the amount they turned despite their flexibility and therefore added a minimum of 20 yards on every single one of their dries in this week's turn I'm gonna show you why the backswing is so important and why it's very very important that you make as big a turn as you can and if you're a senior golfer you're going to have to make a few different compensations to to make that turn but if you can you will hit the ball much much further that's what we're going to cover in this week's training before we do that if you're new to Channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing I release videos just like this one every week to help improve your game you press that little Bell button next to the subscribe button you get notified every time I release a new video now so this senior clinic here's what's going on what do we need to do well it's very very important to make a full backswing as our as full of boxing as you possibly can now everyone as you get a bit old we're gonna lose that flexibility a little bit and that is definitely gonna restrict us but it doesn't have to restrict the length of swing as much as you might think so what I found was this a lot of senior golfers I start with what we're supposed to be after in an ideal world what does a great backswing look like well when we're swinging back you'll notice here I've got an the angle of my back is forward okay like this it's angled forward and what we're trying to do at this stage is when we make a swing we want to be able to keep that angle so the left shoulder is down here in the right shows us we've got always got this angle forward with that there excuse me without there we're able to make a nice D turn that's the gothy em so from here we want to be a turn back and make us full a turn as we possibly can what do I see happening what was I've seen happening in this clinic well with a number of seniors they had misinterpreted a shoulder turn kind of shoulder as opposed to a torso turn what they were doing was this and this is so so commonly a real big big power leak they were moving their hands their arms and their shoulders but what do you see now this left shoulder here is coming upwards and they're making or what they feel is a big turn but what they've really done is made of shoulder turn and not at all certain you don't make a torso turn you have nothing to drive into the shot not much in this me and you know our gonna have a bit of a tug-of-war you grab hold of that and I'll grab hold of this end now I'm gonna use my legs and my torso to drive you through if I just move my shoulders over to you I'm become a lot weaker so it's very very important that the reality is a real power comes from learning how to make a proper toss or turn so that is what we're gonna cover in this week's train we're going to show you now how to make a really big turn using this and maybe making a few compensations if you do have some flexibility issues so let's have a look at this the first thing to do nearly every one of them could not make a proper turn because they started of balance so when the starting here is is they're getting himself set and they're walking to the golf ball and they're on their heels now you cannot make a toss or turn if you're on your heels now a lot of people don't even realize they're doing this they sat on their heels here you check your next time you're out and if you were to make a turn you would lose your balance so your body is designed to stay inbounds it will not allow you to lose your bounce so from here you've got to get the sensation that you're much more forward now the simplest way to do this is it although I got the guys to do was watch the golf ball and keep moving their feet like this so when you're walking you don't want like this on your heels so the reality it's buccal to the golf-ball imagine you're walking you will immediately find your best balance position so straight away am i much more balanced position here fantastic I'm done that is the first goal once you've put that in place now you need a balanced position we're now ready to make the turn then what I want you to do and this is something like we're approaching except I'm really how we're approaching art and stroke winter now it's getting a bit chilly so some of these exercise you can do at home take your club put it along you've started a line like this and what I want you to do is this we want to maintain this angle here we saw with the seniors what they were doing was moving their shoulders now you might do this too so what one do you want to try and keep this angle the question is is a lot of people if you start with struggling flexibility the reason why they move their shoulders because this is too tight so what you want to get to sensations here is once you get to about here you want to feel at your torsos moving so you need two things to do maybe raise now your left heel to give a little bit so that's going to increase the amount of mobility you've got in your hip and your torso here so I'm raising my left heel the other thing which is from dates back to the 90s really people used to say oh I've got to keep my right leg bent and do you know what for most people that just crazy how can you make a turn if this is rock solid doesn't work so watch this I don't mind people doing two things straightening the right leg a little bit but also feel like you're almost standing up so you look at my left or my left shoulders down and I'm actually feel like I'm standing into the position this really opens up that rib cage improve your flexibility and helps you make a bigger shoulder turn so let's go through those two things again we're getting ourselves set up here we're moving back we're going to go to the hands and the carpet and many but want to focus on torso I spent moving back here you're going to try to move your ribcage here and we're gonna do that by raising the left heel to help us and watch this I don't mind the right leg standing and I'm literally going to feel like I'm standing up a little bit here but I've kept the angle as I'm doing it so I'm literally standing up standing up I'm making a nice big Martian that will hugely help your ability to complete the swing let's have a look at from this side so watch this I'm moving back here I'm allowing that left heel to come that litt releases this hip therefore it releases your torso my tarsals move I'm making a tosser turn not a shoulder turn and watch this I don't mind this starting to straighten because this create space helps me to come up and I don't mind standing up here very very important because nook now I can generate I've loaded and stored energy I can generate it back to the golf balls let's start with that first so one you're going to repeat this a few times get a feel of this it's like straight up and down raise the heel up stand up and down nice and slow we're not going pretty big shots here we're just going to go feel feel the Martian stand up down okay where the balls going initially all we're doing is trying to make a bigger movement you make a bigger movement you store more energy you'll hit it further we're worried about direction in state next stage so we're pivoting back winding it up setting up and back down again ready
fantastic now I would do a lot of this nice and slowly at the range but do you know what do it now in the comfort of your own home grab a mirror very very important grab a mirror look into a mirror now look I'm gonna imagine you're my mirror what I'm gonna do is we want to somehow keep this angle when you do this and you don't move your feet you might fall got it feels a bit tight on my back no problem start to release the lower section just a little bit to make sure this toss or this bit here moves with you then what I like to when you get to around about here just feel you're going to complete the swing by the right leg just standing up a little bit and you're gonna there we go we're going to make a bigger turn to the right niched leg straightens it opens up this hip and allows you to make a much much bigger turn on the backswing it's a great exercise there feel that Martian there we go that's what you want to be going that's now a much bigger motion here big turn once you've done that a few times then obviously go and hit some golf balls now the accuracy bit so that's going to generate power the final piece of the jigsaw is this you've got to swing this thing the actually bit is this they've been so used to using their hands and the arms because again this hasn't really moved in it's been forced to do that now what you're going to have to do is you're gonna have to control this bit it's the final piece of the jigsaw what I did was nice and simple as opposed to pushing it because if you're flicking it back here what we're going to do is we're going to get the sensation here that the leader on the left arm in my situation here is dragging back there so this left arm here and what I've often done on you I'll put a video actually up in this top right corner with to actually the exercise which go into more detail on the takeaway but you know there will be very very helpful but now I'll just give you like a brief summary which is probably all you're gonna need is put a tee peg in the top of the grip here I knew what you try and do with this lead am as you're making this motion here is you're going to try and keep the lead have this tea pick as close to this leg as you possibly can watch this if you flick away where's the tea peg gone straight away over there so you keep the tea peg all together here and there we go now when you start to add that you're looking after their clubface as well so let's start to join the dots a little bit so tee pegs nice and close from here and all we're gonna do is wind up to the top and back down again wine the tosser not the shoulders not the shoulders look at the angle I've still got here yeah now sort of look at this in action I'm looking after the club now nice and slowly no big ones wind it up I'm through okay and it is as simple as that not really we did this in stages so let's summarize you first thing it you cannot make a turn if you're off balance so you've got to get yourself in a balanced position you would not walk like this on your heels yeah but people do they do when you get to a golf ball people go I've got to be perfect so they get very static and without realising when you get static you allows you to fall back without realising you keep moving and your body will naturally find a much more balanced position on the ball so keep moving those feet in fact you can just hit golf balls initially get this bit right hit golf balls trying to keep those feet moving before you move onto the second stage which is actually the toss or movement once you've done that you've got the sense of the dynamism then you've got to get the feel of this what are we to what we have to in a wonderful term we want a full turn we're working about you some mirror work here keep the leech all the down left all in my case right shoulder up some of you won't be able to do that because you'll feel some tightness in your back no problem do two things I'll Lao that lead heel here to come off the ground to release your hip releases your hip releases your torso then from here to finish the job off so you can now go even bigger don't be scared of straighten the right leg here look and working upwards standing up a little bit not a problem with that that really helps you to make a bigger turn that's the second stage and third and finally look after this golf club no flicking it here get yourself dragging back keep out the tea peg as close to your leg as you possibly can as you make this motion you can see here that will help stabilize the clubface and then away we go so I'm gonna come really big Marsh in here big turn back up and then through we go hope you enjoy this video and this is so so important look at our dick for senior golfers but this is just a great way to make a big big turn no matter what your age but I know it really it would really really help if you struggle with a little bit of flexibility and you're looking for some extra power if you know some senior golfers that could benefit from this please share it of course you can join the video come I see is next week by subscribing and pressing that little bell but until next week have a great golfing week