Nov 04, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here the head professional at Canterbury golf club in Kent in this week training I'm going to deal with a very popular question from many my youtubers wanting to know how to hinge their wrists correctly in the downswing it cannot often be a very confusing subject but it really doesn't have to be so let's get cracking why don't we actually hinge our wrists in the first place well the best way I can show you this if we were going to throw a ball and we didn't hinge our wrists we wouldn't throw it very far we need a hinge to add a lever in order to add some control and some whip through the show adds a bit of leverage but the other aspect of a wrist hinge is not just to in a sense add leverage but it's also to add the type of pressure that's required on the golf ball to generate that power and that control so what we're going to discuss today is exactly how we go about creating the correct wrist in and what a lot of golfers do which unfortunately is the opposite to what's required they tend to get the wrist working in the wrong direction so let me explain so the correct wrist hinge is a hinge whereby the the wrist folds here so the pressure of the right hand is still on top of the golf club so what we're trying to do is that the hinging up here as opposed to what a lot of golfers do they tend to work the club around here which try to do is get the club much much more on line here so that the right hand is almost having a pressure going down on the ground here not turning around now traditionally a lot of people have talked about hinging the wrists here and almost rolling the face of the toe points to the sky but that is not what we want we want to have is a hinge where the club here is almost at a 45 degree angle okay is in between the ball line and the feet here and the right hand is still on top of the golf club ready to put a pressure back down on the ball here I'm going to show you from another angle so let's have a look at it from here so this is what a lot of people do when they hinge there is if you look at my right hand here they tend to found the club open here and that's earning the club to the right what we want to do in terms of the hinging the rest since we want to hinge it this way so you look at here my right hand is still on top and if you move the camera over here the clubs that what you see here a 45 degree angle now a lot of people are for when do you hinge your wrists well some people hinge it earlier than others so there's no exact science with this but the key thing is is all about what we're trying to do at the golf ball which is put pressure on the golf ball so here what we wanna do is want to hinge the wrists here you can see my right hand is on top this would be underneath this is not what we want it's a hinge in here and then from this position we're gonna work up up here and I'll show you exactly from the other camera angle how that works so how do we go about creating this wrist hinge in the backswing so it's not just an artificial flick of the wrists here because although this looks pretty good and it's online in in exactly we've been talking about the canna wouldn't work as effectively then if we were to engage the body what a lot of people do when they take a tip maybe from a youtuber like myself what they tend to do is they'll kind of look at that thing okay go get right hand on top and they kind of move the club here but there's nothing here the arms are engaged and it just becomes an artificial movement we need to integrate this into a golf swing in a very athletic way so what we're doing is here is when I'm over this golf ball here we've got to remember is is we've got to put a pressure down into the ground here and watch this if I put a pressure with the handle going down the club wants to move upwards this is very different to just a flick up so from here what we're going to do is as we move back and I'm pushing down here I've got that club look at that 45 degree on what we were talking about my right hand is still on top and I'm pushing I'm pushing upwards here now I've got the correct hinge and I've got energy in that golf swing to deliver look pressure back down to that golf ball I'll show from this angle so I'm pushing down here pushing the handle down that gets the head start to come up here I've got pressure my right hand is still on top I can work that Club up in a position look to put a pressure back down on that golf ball very different to a swing that just literally picks the club up here looks pretty up here but nothing's really engaged here so that is how we work on the correct wrist hinge in the backswing
so in summary why don't we need a wrist hinge in the first place wrist hinge adds leverage to add power just like throwing a ball and we all we need to add a pressure going down onto the ground and we need that correct wrist hinge to do that without it we can't apply the pressure we can't get control make a good distance how do we do this get yourself set up in position the right hand falls here the right hand stalls on top of the other and rotate it is still on top here and from this position here we're going to hinge and we allow the club just to simply work upwards as that upward motions gone we can now put a pressure down on the ground but remember we're not trying here just to kind of flick the wrists up in the air with no engagement and no pressure we need to make sure that when we're doing this there's a pushing that's an extension here okay that needs to engage because without it it just becomes a weak swing from here as we push here push the handle the club starts to move backwards up into position to allow that club to come back down on that golf ball I hope this video was really really helpful guys if you've got any questions that's normal please put them in the comments box below and if you want to receive this content every single week subscribe to the channel and don't forget to press the bell so go straight into your inbox until next week have a great golfing week.