Possibly The Best Golf Tip I've Ever Seen - It's So Simple!

best driver tip best iron tip ever course management golf clubs explained Oct 21, 2024

Transcript Summary- “When I take my players out on the golf course, I give them three simple rules to follow before they hit their driver, fairway shots, and short game shots. These rules help improve contact, accuracy, and ultimately lower scores. Today, I want to share these rules with you while we play a hole together, so you can see how they apply in real time. We’ll cover tee shots, fairway shots, and short game around the greens.

Before we dive in, if you’re new to my channel, please consider subscribing. I post weekly lessons to help you improve, and there’s always a free downloadable practice guide in the description below so you don’t have to remember everything.

Rule #1: Visualize your shot in detail. When you stand behind the ball, picture exactly where you want it to land. Great players create vivid images – they see a shot tracer flying through the air to a specific spot. Most golfers just aim ‘somewhere’ down the middle, or worse, focus on avoiding embarrassment. Be clear and precise with your visualization.

Rule #2: Set up for the shot you’ve pictured. For example, if I want a high draw with my driver, I set the ball off my lead heel, tip my sternum forward, and align my body with that shot tracer. This setup helps ensure I’m ready to hit the shot I visualized.

Rule #3: Keep your focus close. As you prepare to hit, trace the ball back from your target to the ball with your eyes. This narrows your focus, making it feel like you’re hitting through a window just in front of you, instead of aiming at a distant, overwhelming target. Then, commit to hitting the ball hard through that window.

I’ll walk you through how these rules apply to fairway shots, approaches, chipping, and putting, as we play this hole together. By applying these simple but effective rules, you’ll feel more confident and in control of every shot.


Full Transcript- when I take my players out on the golf course I give them three rules to follow before they hit their driver shots Fairwood shots and the short game shots and it really helps improve the contact the direction that they hit the shots and ultimately helps them lower their scores now what I thought i' do is I share those rules with you but in a way that would be more beneficial by bringing you along to play a hole with me so we're going to start on the t-shots we're going to move to the Fairway shots here and then we're going to get around the greens I promise you this is going to be super super valuable it's going to help you shoot lower scores now before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel so your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing all these videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus as you know you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so rule number one and this is existing all great players I want you when you stood behind this golf ball here to picture the shot you want to hit right where is it going to land on the Fairway now here's a little trick great players make this picture detailed they almost visualize a shot Tracer flying through the air and Landing where the ball's going to land now from my experience when people stood on that first tea they don't have really many images they might say I'm aing up there somewhere so somewhere up the middle then they might be concerned of not embarrassing themselves or making a full of themselves or or just please make contact these images that you're creating are not detailed enough they're not clear enough so when you're playing all I want you to do F rule number one pick the spot in the Fairway you want to hit visualize a shot Tracer going towards that Target simple as that bring that shot Tracer all the way back to the golf ball and that's going to come become really important very shortly once you've done that then what you do rule number two you set yourself up to play that shot so I'm visualizing here beautiful shot that's going nice and high with a little draw what does that look like here well ball position if I want to go high off my lead heel my sternum with driver right different with the eyes we're going to go that into a second on I'm going to do here look tip forward so this sternum here is pointing towards my lead heel that's my setup with driver now what I'm doing is is my knees my hips my shoulders are all lined up to hit on that shot Tracer right there this is the value of having the shot Tracer in place now it's the moment of truth you're about to hit the golf ball so rule number three now comes in and watch what I do here I get myself set I'm now going to base it with my eyes from the ball all all the way I'm going to follow that shot Tracer all the way back to my target all the way back to my golf ball here and maybe Trace that with my eyes backwards and forwards now why is this important well it feels now that the target isn't way out there in the distance and unachievable I'm thinking to myself all I've got to do look is set that ball off here if that ball sets off in this little Zone here almost through this window I'm thinking well it's going to be on target but but if I start looking out there hoping I'm going to hit the Fairway out there that feels overwhelming so I'm looking here I'm using my eyes tracing that spot backwards and forward back to the golf ball here and now all I'm thinking I'm going to smack that ball really hard through a little window here I personally think that so much easier and achievable so get myself set don't waste too much time on this see that window Trace that ball backwards from the ball back to the Target and away we

go so this 18th at Canterbury is a 498 yard par five now I'm probably still going to have maybe even a fairy wood in and I'm going to show you now how I approach Fairy Woods slightly differently to the driver it's going to be super helpful so I didn't hit the laser straight drive that I was hoping for and that's absolutely fine doesn't happen all the time does it but I still want to follow the same rules but with a few little tweaks for the fairy shot so here for instance I've got 164 yards to that bunker now it's a power five this now I can't clearly get to the green because of these trees I put myself out of position so I'm chosing a 99 to make sure I'm short of that bunker on the left hand side which is you know about say 164 yards to get in it now all I'm going to do now is going to again take that shot Tracer pick the spot draw the line back right now what I'm going to do unlike the driver I'm going to have a narrow stand the club ball position now is going to be one Club width inside of my lead heel now from here here now I've got myself set up notice how my shoulders are more level than they were with the driver why because I want a more downward strike on this ball so I've got ball position in place I've got my shoulders in place and now what am I going to do rule number three I'm going to picture that spot I'm going to got I've got the shot Trace I'm going to move the eyes all the way back and all the way back again and then as I make this swing I'm going to picture that ball just simply traveling a few feet this way on that shot Tracer that this area becomes my target not really out there if I hit this hard enough the ball will simply just take and land where exactly where I want it to land so let's have a look at this so get myself set got my shot Tracer move it back to the golf ball here and away we

go that's beautiful okay back in play and gives me a great chance to knock it on in three and hopefully still make the buddy so I was hoping to show you a fairy wood shot but we'll do that at the end of the video just let's keep with this whole at the moment and following the same three rules so I've got 115 yards to the back of the p uh back of the green and I don't want to that's what I'm theage I'm looking at because the flag's right at the back I don't want to go too big so I'm going to focus on picturing the shot that lands shorter the flag very very important now I've chosen a 52 here because I want to do this really really smoothly my 56 could get there but I don't want to be hitting incredibly hard and losing control So Gone 52 now the setup I visualized obviously the trck shot Tracer from the ball back to the hole back again right there's the shot Tracer and Now setting myself up accordingly this time unlike a full iron shot I've got two Club width between um my my heels here that's and the ball position look is set right now in the middle of my stance from here again shoulders nice and level all I'm doing now is is i' I'm I'm looking at the ball I'm tracing that shot Tracer back to the Target back to the ball and once I've done that once or twice I don't waste any time I just think nice and smooth and away we

go simple as that that looks like a pretty decent shot to me put the divot back and then what we'll do let's get onto the green now and show you how the three rules can apply to potting and if you've got a bit of time I'll show you how you can apply it to the chip shots around the green too so before I go and hold my put for birdie I thought it'd be great just to kind of take you around the greens and show you how you can apply the three rules to your chipping and this is super important so a lot of people ask me what club should I use around the greens well it really depends on what you see the ball doing now when people are chipping here sometimes they don't again they don't get a great picture of the shot now what I see here is I see if I was throwing a ball I could imagine that ball kind of Landing somewhere around here rolling up the slope and rolling to the to the flag So based on that what I'm going to do is I'm going to pitch a lowlighted shot brilliant so now what that does is now I've got a very clear image of what I'm doing I can now select to the golf club I've actually got a um a pitching wedge here I haven't gone for my sand wedge or my lob wedge cuz I don't want height I've gone for my pitching wedge that then looking forms my setup where's the ball position going to be well it's going to be at the back of my stance why because I want a lower flighted shot so ball now look is at the back of my stance I'm also stood look very close to it all these things here are helping me look create a motion that is going to produce the shot Tracer which is a lowlighted shot to what I want now once so I've got my setup I've got the shot tress in my mind what am I doing again well I'm pitching a window now somewhere here I'm going to try to get this ball flighting basically over this area here what happens after that doesn't really matter I've already kind of got a feel for the distance here with my rhythm of my string my swing just like I would do with throwing a ball and when I'm ready I get myself set up pitchure the shot and where we

go and just relee it look almost into the hole so really simple apply those free rules to every part of your game let's finish off with some

pots so once I've read the green what I'm doing now is I'm going to I've got an idea of the line that I want to play so I'm now going to picture again what I'm doing I'm picturing this ball just curving a little bit right to left and I draw that majy white line all the way back to the the ball right and what I love about this is once I've done that and i' I set myself up Al lining the club I'm not lining the club up to the Target that's too far away I'm lining the club up to this imaginary line that I've just set here so I visualize almost like a a line right there going straight through the ball a line myself up to that right once I've done that then what I'm doing is I'm following the line as we did before with my eyes all the way back visual is going in the hole back to the ball and back again I then get a feel of the pace with the rhythm of my swing okay now once I've done most people on these shots will have a look they'll move their head why cuz your Target is out there my target isn't I've created this picture in my mind and it sits right here so I'm pitching the ball going in the hole I'm setting the ball off just here I've got the rhythm of that I don't need to look at my target anymore and that keeps me nice and still over this ball

not quite but I'll take it all right so three rules visualize the shot in detail not the shot that you don't want to hit by the way then set up to create that shot just as we've done there and third and finally take the image bring it right close to you here and put to the image right in front of you don't put the image out there it's almost like tiger talked about the windows put those windows to hit through right in front of you you'll make it so much easier be um it be just so much I'll get it spit out in a minute it'll be so much easier for you and more relaxing for the brain to actually achieve now I promise you that I'd show you how to hit Fairy Woods check this video out right here on that one people have uh ratings on it have been absolutely incredible subscribe to the channel if you haven't already but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.